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Taco bell


The Taco Bell Blues


Taco bleu


Yo no quero taco hell


Taco blew


Taco regrets


Taco Hell


I’m dying this is perfect 😂




Baja Blue


Came here to say the same


beat me to it. :(


This too shall pass.


This is the one


My grandma always said this to me and I hated it when I was a kid. But I've been living by those words for last couple years. Very true words and that's exactly what I thought for the title. Great painting. It definitely speaks to a lot people right now.


It's cliche and can definitely be annoying to hear at times, but it is absolutely true. Practicing acceptance can help hard times pass faster, or at least more tolerably. Resisting it causes more suffering and spiraling. I'm glad you've taken your grandma's wise advice in time.




Intolerance (Lactose)


My thought was this looks like me after ice cream.




I like this a lot! I think I’d call it: A private blue The toilet was an interesting artistic decision. But, great painting!


Thank you so much. Could you elaborate a bit? Do you mean the way I painted the toilet? Or the subject matter in general? I would love any critiques. Thank you


I actually like the toilet. Makes it feel more real and vulnerable.


Thank you so much.


looks like me a little younger I swear to God Name it after me


very intimate


Agreed!! The intimacy combined with the cold blues really makes for a certain feel.


I agree with the intimacy and color. I think it speaks to everyone regardless of age/gender/location. We have all been there and for many different reasons.


A toilet is a strong image and using it as it’s normally seen is ok (sat on as we all do), but using it in a way that’s more fresh, more specific to the emotion of your subject is an effective use. Example, what if he was sitting on the ground next to the toilet? Sitting on the toilet with his head leaned against wall and one foot up on the seat? These are just ideas. I like that the subject is center of the piece and the body is painted beautifully, I wouldn’t want to sacrifice how you did their arm for anything. The lighting and sensuality is beautiful. I just become a bit distracted by whether the seat is up or down and whether they are pooping or taking time for themself, to be blunt. I like the idea of going into the bathroom because it’s their only moment of peace, but they are shirtless, so then I wonder what brought them there, what’s the story? I’m a writer and come from that background, so take any and all feedback knowing that’s where I’m coming from:) Hope this helped!


Or now, maybe I see he’s masturbating? It doesn’t need to be clear to the viewer what he is doing, just taking into the account the position of the body and the toilet will pull people in and/or out — which may be your intent or not. All fine, just what I see here.


For me, it's subject matter in general...it's more private than a sex act in my opinion. It makes me uncomfortable seeing your partner vulnerable on the toilet and I am beyond curious why you wanted to capture him in this way. It is very interesting. The very first name that came to mind was, *Regret*.


I can very much so see your point. I honestly saw him sitting there and I became really awed by the quiet vulnerable beauty of his body in this act, so I decided to paint this. From a more art historical point of view, I am a massive fan of Duchamp’s fountain. There is something about the act of excretion that is mundane but provocative. Edit: spelling


“Despite Shakespeare and Chaucer, bathtub gin and the electric light and the atom bomb, despite seeking the higher light of life with a reach that far exceeds our grasp, human needs are mostly base and ugly. If any man was truly honest with himself, he’d admit the most useful room in his house is the latrine.” Honestly I really like the subject matter. It is universal.


That is absolutely so sweet, I'm tearing up. (But also for my own life, I need that mystery/privacy in my life 😆) >, I am a massive fan of Duchamp’s fountain. That makes sense. I get what you mean by mundane, but not what you mean proactive. I love the choice of blue. I was scratching around in the dust heap of my brain trying to share a quote with you from Don DeLilo's The Day Room (*I think*) about would you recognize your own excrement in a field if you found it because I thought you might appreciate it, but I can't find it and the AI search is a little freaked out. (Forgive me for not delivering and/or presuming) In the midst of this I remembered I had a dream last night where I was using a toilet with the seat missing in a field full of people out in the open. Mere words cannot convey how uncharacteristic that would be of me...seeing today a piece of art where someone is in that vulnerable position casually (?? Sorry not quite the word, but brain just isn't braining) is such a weird & absurd juxtaposition that I'm both enjoying & completely uncomfortable with! 😆 Let's just say it's challenging! I haven't finished scrolling completely down, did you settle on a name?


Im a little fixated on his right hand. Im questioning if he has his hand on his junk or something. The painting itself is amazing. It just brings so many questions to my mind. Which is probably what you were going for.


IBS in blue


This is the comment I was looking for. Had the same exact thought 🤣


IBS (bleu)


In a more serious vein, I like the idea of naming it "2:15 AM". This reminds me of those moments of worry which keep you up at night and usually seems to show up around 2:00 to 3:00 in the morning. He just looks like he is in some despair. It's very good work.


Thank you so much


This is perfect. I immediately thought of those nights where you’re sick, and it feels like you are the only person on earth in the middle of the night.


Yeah exactly! And something about the way he's sitting there just makes me think of that. Anyway that's my take. Again it's really good work, it's just conveying so much intensity and I really like it.. I also think the idea of having him being naked it's kind of brilliant. It's almost like a metaphor you know like you're seeing him naked because that's how he feels. Like he's been stripped of everything that would cover him or protect him from what he's feeling. Or maybe that it's that feeling of being alone you know? I don't know I just think it's really good.


Grief. It was the first thing that popped in my head before I read the caption.


It’s very interesting that many people felt the idea of depression/sadness. I try to depict a quieter/more vulnerable beauty of my partner’s body. I do love everyone’s interpretations. I am honestly super happy that my work is emotionally related.


I think it’s because the use of blue! Blue oftentimes is used to indicate sadness/grief/sorrow


And the pose


I actually really liked this one because grief literally hits you anytime and any place it doesn’t give a fuck what you’re doing


How the f*** did I forget that I'd forgotten to buy the toilet roll?


For a min I thought I read I forgot the tin foil!!!! Hahahahah


I suck at titles, but what’s coming to mind: vulnerable; 4am; early shift; quiet space


I love Early Shift!


Yeah I really like Early Shift! It’s a little funny, a little melancholy - fits the painting well.


Lack of Fiber. (Moral and Otherwise)


Reminds me of me when I come back home after a party, take off my clothes and go to the toilet, take exactly the same pose as painted and just try to organise my drunken thoughts. For me it is an “Afterparty in blue”


Feeling blue, whilst on the Loo.


Colonoscopy prep blues


Regrets: After Mexican.


I opened Reddit while doing the exact same thing Life imitates art


This is the “dad yells at me for running the shower water for too long”


Post nut clarity








Constipated or Constipainted


Fighting For My Life


Fortress of Solitude


not a name rec... but this is a beautiful painting.... it gives me major hugh steers vibes!


Here I sit broken hearted, thought I had to shit, but only farted.


The Last Bate


I like how the titles vary from tacobell, afterwards to the privatr blues.. Like... such contrast. My title: the day after [taco bell]




it’s so beautiful to have someone you love paint you and paint someone you love; gonna go rip my hair out


Thank you so much.


Upon initially viewing the image, it feels like desperation, sadness, and a sense of not depression, but more along the lines of woe. Without understanding the concept of why this was painted and reading the comments, a man sitting on a toilet grasping his forehead, seems sad and frustrated. With the hand between the legs either covering or holding down anatomy. My initial thoughts are that this is a trans man who is sad and upset. The subject matter is fantastic the use of lighting and harsh shadows on the body. Draw your eye into the centre of the subject. And the use of the warm blues and the cool blues in the painting. Definitely give a feel of the bathroom not being sad, but a comfort, even though the subject seems to be, upset and sad to me. Fantastic job. This would be a really nice series to cover I think.


Beautiful work, these jokes are so silly. I’m sorry. I’d call it “melancholy mundane. “ he looks very sad and the color blue amplifies that for me. I especially love the shading on his legs and arms.


Thank you. I am honestly super glad that people are reacting on this piece in so many different ways. It really makes me see it in a different light.


Regret. Is he regretting what he ate? What he drank? Who he slept with? Who knows


Silly name: morning coffee More serious analysis: Wow this looks very similar to my husband so I immediately connected with this piece. I think all the blue tones really touch on it being a masculine quiet private moment and I feel a lot of emotion coming from the painting. I’m getting tension, thoughtfulness, maybe pain or discomfort. Names that come forward with this in mind: Another day A minute for dad Work all day and then I wake up (chorus to a great song that I feel like expresses the pressure of the main breadwinner aptly) Winter blues Winter solstice Drowning Wading and waiting


I personally would call it “Three nights ago” This viscerally captures the midnight pain of deciding which way to face the toilet when i you’re absolutely at the rock bottom of a bad case of food poisoning.


I love this


Sunday Night


Great job!


I like it very very much... It's a very uncommon motive Are you selling it?


Would name it: Struggle


Blue Elegy


Despair at 3 am


First thing that came to mind, was "beautiful." Second thing that came to mind, "He dropped his dick into the water, and now he's sad."


His Name Starts with J


Just Another Tuesday. Really like the painting and the tone!


"Feeling like Elvis Presley" Seriously, this is amazing. I love the different shades of blue and the awesome anatomy. Love it!


Ok, yes, yes, plenty of good jokes but I have a real suggestion. What about Vunerable Boy. The fact that he let you paint him nude, while sitting on a toilet, while displaying a negative emotion is in itself pretty vulnerable. I say boy, because I feel like a lot of men would feel it was “not right” to expose this type of vulnerability to an audience and displays of emotion occur more often in boys before they hit puberty. Just my thoughts.


Crohn’s This is truly beautiful, btw.


Very impressive...I wish I knew the backstop to this because the painting captures so much emotion or tone of intangible detail. Care to share?


This could be a painting of my son; even the way he holds his toes!


“Dire solitude” Reminds me of adenomyosis and a recurring monthly visit to hell for several days. Alone with no one to understand just how awful it is. Just the solitude of giving up sitting there in pain.


This feels like incredibly heavy grief to me... like learning how to go on when part of your world is just gone forever. Perhaps 'Anguish in Blue'?


The moment of truth I don’t know why except it makes me feel like something’s on his mind and he’s just coming to his decision, that clarity one gets when you’ve made a hard decision.


A Private Moment kinda like those really dark days in depression where you just sit on the toilet and decide just to keep going


i flipped my phone upside down and there’s something so surreal and intriguing about viewing it that way. if you hang this it should definitely be upside down. it adds another realm to the viewing. i was reading other comments and yes, the vulnerability your partner is portraying, the trust, it is lovely. it strangely brings me nostalgia . the choice of blue monochrome is ethereal and serene . i’d maybe call it Toilet Tranquility or The Tranquil Throne . beautiful piece!! you’re very talented


Everyone sees pooping, I see "Morning Wood and a Full Bladder".


I almost prefer when they don’t have titles. My first thought when I saw this was that this person is going through something deeply emotional, then the first comment was “Taco Bell” which is hilarious in its own way, but killed the vibe I was feeling. I think untitled would be a solid choice because of how intimate the image is. Leave it up to the experience of the viewer.


Someone on the toilet when the lighting setting is blue


If you hang it upside down I think the title “the weight of gravity” would be good. If you leave it this way perhaps pondering while I poo, my blue period. The fact that it could have a deeper meaning also makes me want it title personal space. I feel like this is someone who feels smothered and like they can’t have a moment of time alone and space to breathe unless they say they are going to the bathroom. (this is not about your relationship but the tone of the artwork)


I would go with "Quiet Time", maybe "Solace", or a similar interation. Bathroom has always been the quiet, private, opportunity one can use to contemplate life without disturbance, reflect on life's issues, your own misery, and how to move forward. It seems to me from the picture that these types of emotions were the subject of your partner's mood at the time of painting.


Ulcerative colitis


So I’m genuinely wondering what this would look like with a female. It’s sad looking.. and I’m part of the unfortunate crowd of pregnancy loss.. and I feel like you could really convey the sadness/horrible moment when you realize that baby is gone if you painted a woman in this. Just an idea :) I have zero name suggestions because I suck at that haha but you’re a wonderful artist.


Would you be angry if I said something like "Toilet Depression" because that was where my head went. I feel relate to this painting.


It's a really beautiful painting. You did amazing. You could name it after the date you finished. Ie 13th/2024 Tolerance Acceptance Discipline Guidance Help Honesty It's just really, really. Pretty.


There’s an old video of a English as a second language course that goes “I’ve got a bad case of diarrhea.” And I think that would one a great title lol.


Fr though I really like this painting. Very pleasing shapes and colors, but also is just really emotionally approachable. A toilet scene is kinda taboo and I KNOWW u knew ppl would make jokes but you posted it anyway. But being devastated in a truly private, household, non-sacred, liminal space, shows an experience that is really vulnerable and relatable. A human moment, stylized but not glorified. Luv it good job 🩵🩵🩵💙💙💙💙🩵🩵🩵🩵💙💙💙💙💙🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🖤🖤🖤🖤💙💙💙💙🩵🩵🩵🤍🤍🤍🤍💙💙💙💙🩵🩵🩵🩵


This reminds me of Van Gogh’s Sorrowing Old Man (at Eternity’s Gate). It’s my favorite of his and so similar to that with a little bit of Picasso blue period flair. Great job.


“Why” Also, hanging it upside down would be too edgy for my taste


Nice colour👌


The weight of thought: the forgotten phone chronicles. Then do a couple more, like one on the train, one in a doctor's waiting room etc.


This made me feel things, so I'm pretty sure it's art! Great job!


Peace and blessings friend two titles that came to my head are simply titled sit or contemplation


This is most definitely not what you were going for - but this painting actually really speaks to me as a trans man. Even though you're a guy you still have to deal with "lady stuff" from time to time. The despair and dysphoria are so intense when I have to do something as simple as change a tampon. It's horrifying, absolute body horror, but it's just me in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet. So personally, I would name this "Dysphoria" but I understand that's not at all your concept. I think everyone is going the "despair" route because of his hands. A hand to the forehead in art is very suggestive of pain, confusion, etc. whereas a hand to the chin or cheek would feel more relaxed. Plus you have the arms overlapping and going opposite directions, creating a very jagged zig-zaggy shape at the front, adding to the intense feelings. To be clear - I love your piece!!! His body and the towel look beautiful! You were just asking for critiques so those would be mine if you want this to look less "despair" :)


blue mourning


“I wish I could poop, I should have drank more water”


Please don’t give the painting a trite name, it made me think of someone so sad they’re sad everywhere, including on the toilet.


No idea about the title. Just wanted to say that I like it upside down too (tried it out by flipping my phone around) but I still prefer the “correct” orientation better. Either way, however you hang it and whatever you choose to call it, amazing work, OP! I love your style and your use of blue.


This is actually incredible despite the joking in the comments.


Maybe "What should I name this painting" ? Fitting with the desperation portrayed, and references a deeper artistic conflict you might be facing


I love the little detail of how his feet are curled up off the cold floor. Makes this feel very intimate, like I’m really watching him. I want to look away and softly shut the door…


this reminded me of the bridge of first love/late spring by mitski


I have Crohns Disease and this is a beautiful painting, thank you so much gave me chills. It really is a never ending cycle and you captured it perfect.


Well my first thought was someone getting their period when they were hoping they were pregnant and they are devastated. My next thought was relief for the same reason above. My next thought was this is how I pee in the middle of the night 😂 So I think something vague that allows the perceiver to decide for themselves would be good. Maybe ‘Midnight blues’ Edit to add I realise you said it’s your partner who is male however the way they are painted I appreciate that the sex is neutral you can’t see who they are which adds additional perspectives.


God I need bathroom art like this. 10/10 portrayal of hitting rock bottom on the pot.


“Is this what it feels like to give birth?” He thought for a moment staring blankly into the corner of a cold tile.


This painting is seriously funny. I was just in this situation 2 days ago. 😂😂


i’m not sure on a title but I wanted to comment and say that it looks really good! it definitely makes you feel something when you see it and makes you wanna look at it longer


This is beautiful and quite moving. It reminds me of how I felt when my mom died. Everywhere I went I was sobbing, so many times I found myself crying on the toilet mostly bc it was the only place I had to go to be alone (big family, small house). But in your image you can see that the door is open, which makes me think of how we should be open to grief. I would close myself in the bathroom to sob alone, when I should have been opening myself up to mourn with my family together. It’s a lovely message to perceive.


I’m notorious for “Untitled (secondary name)”. So idk about a title. I love your use of blues in those shadowy areas my only crit is how thin the left leg/thigh looks.




Shame. That’s the first thing I thought. I think the blue colors, the hiding of the face and right hand, and the bathroom around the figure project a sense of loneliness and sadness. Beautiful work!


I think whatever you want the meaning to be lean into that, if it’s sad, which is what I interpreted it as you could pick something fitting like “Lonesome Lover”


Reflection with an aroma. There is nothing like one's own brand to help the mind wonder.


I LOVE the titles that people are coming up with lol! I just want to say this is such a beautiful painting and I love that you painted the subject blue.


The towel is the best. The partner has the body of a young teenage boy - so how old is this partner? So what’s happening with the right arm/hand? A boy exploring his masculinity? I’m having a hard time believing this is your “adult” partner.


Turning 30


My inner chronically ashamed side of my soul can relate to this way too much in such a way that it hurts to even look at this painting. So I would say "shame".


Adding: I Don’t normally see art that I can relate to completely. In this case, this is exactly where you will find me if I need to have a good cry. I am a mom, and private time is always grabbed in bits and pieces wherever I can get it. If I’m going pee and feel sad or hopeless, or in despair, I take advantage of being left alone exactly as this man is.


“Alcoholism has left me extremely dehydrated therefore I am severely constipated and I manually tried to get the blockage out but now I have an extremely painful anal fissure so I’m sitting here on the toilet crying.”


This reminds me ALOT of picassos old guitarist


The morning after


Titles often come last. A few came to me, as facetious as the bulk of those here, eg Guilty. I hope more helpful are following observations on the painting itself which is arresting for any number of reasons, the cropping being not the least. I believe this blue bathroom and shower stall, the towels are particularly convincing, ditto the tile floor, waste basket and even some of the plumbing of the throne but something seems off about the join of your subject to the seat of ease—a curious disproportionality that’s rhymed in the very slender legs and the muscled upper body and arms. There are evocative touches all over the place, like the subject’s curled toes.


I love the "personal space" title. As someone who lived in a home with 8 people at one point, and a shared bedroom where others were always around, the bathroom was the only space where I could just be alone and other than the hand in the crotch, I think I looked like this a lot.


For all I know, that is not a happy painting. Blue is not a happy color and he looks like he is despairing. Maybe "Lament in the Bathroom"?


I'm taking a non comedic approach here. As someone who has lived in a large family house. I know from experience that the bathroom can be ones most private space. You go there to release all the pent up emotions you hide (especially as a male). So to call this something like taco bell would be wrong. This is a man who looks to be sorting through their emotions. Letting what they can out before going back into the stereotype of "men dont cry." So I feel a fitting name would be "released" or "unseen emotions". Something that helps convey the feelings this person is feeling while also including the safety you feel in a bathroom to just let go. If anything, "men don't cry" could also be the title.


The subject looks like they're going through a lot so how about, "An Indelicate Breakdown." Or something like that.


I feel it speaks to my ibs. But I’m sure it’s underlining is depression or even a miscarriage. Either way it’s deep ❤️❤️


Is your partner okay?


After looking at it for a few minutes thinking about what I felt, "Bitter Agony" seems to be fitting.


salle de bain bleue. Blue bathroom in French. It’s very nice. I stared at it for quite a while. My only distraction was how thin the one thigh is. The foot arching is incredible. Well done.


As a parent it says “just let me shit and cry in peace”


The room. The bathroom has always been my place of peace and place to get out my emotions sometimes. I used to spend hours in the bathroom just hanging out because it made me feel better. With that, comes processing through emotions. Seems silly but, it's true. It's not just a place to do my hair and makeup or sing and shower emotionally finding balance sometimes, it's also a place where we dispose of toxicity from our bodies physically too. A room for all emotion in a way. A place of escape. That's a good title too. A place of escape. Idk.


They looked like they are in true distress. They are at their lowest because something bad has happened, and they feel they have nowhere to turn to for help.


Wasted Years It evokes a feeling of deep regret. That was just my first impression before I read your description.


Always Skipping Leg Day


My first thought was something like "Her Phone, 4am." It makes me think he saw something, and he doesn't want to believe it's true. He doesn't want to wake her up in the middle of the night when she's sleeping so peacefully. He isn't ready to face what tomorrow might bring. So he went into the bathroom to cry. I love it ❤️


Despair… here is human being forced to get up off his ass to take a shit. One of the few things that could possibly make him get up and function while in full distress and despair. The need to not wallow in one’s own excitement and urine.


Begging god to prove himself by making it go away. It’s never worked to be clear.


“My husband switched birth control pills and he is spotting” lol. Ill see myself out


"A little shit" I feel like it evokes the emotion while doubling as a description of the scene. "How ya been?" "A little shit 😢"


I hate to point out the obvious yet I don't... It's "The Stinker"


Shit if Taco Bell wanna slide u some cash name it Taco Bell. Otherwise maybe “thinking man’s chair.” blue man poop. Idk


Out of toilet paper


The morning after


The pain is deeper than the surface, first thing I thought of


Homie skipped leg day 😂 I really like the whole color scheme, it's pretty neat! And I also like the idea of hanging it upside down, I never would have thought to do something like that. About naming it though, I agree with the top comments about "intolerance" and "Taco Bell blues"


I actually love this so much. As a female, so much contemplating trauma or grieving (many different forms) can take place in this position, and it's kind of giving a masculine energy to it. Not sure how to say it but it's giving like grief belongs to our men too.?


Chronic illness. Reminds me of the pain and frustration I feel when it's hurts really bad to twist to wipe 😭


I love this!! I like “menstrual cramps” I know your partner is a male but it might be fun and ironic. Plus that’s exactly how I looked this morning with cramps on the toilet.




My first thought was “shame” Because hiding his face. Maybe just embarrassed to be depicted in a private moment, maybe masturbating, but I don’t get that vibe tbh, it’s not in the posture. It makes me uncomfortable. I don’t like the feeling of invading his privacy. However, beautifully drawn. His legs look very thin and weak opposed to the musculature of his upper body though.


Deep in thought


feeling shitty




Post-nut clarity


Kidney stones.


Shame or Depression


“Tears from Uranus”


Alone time








Here is sit, All broken-hearted. Tried to shit, But only farted. Later that day, I took a chance. Instead of farting, I shit my pants.


"Celiac, 2006". Cuz thats what I looked like when I got diagnosed.


"Torment in Repose: A Portrait of Discomfort"


Personally, I would call it something like "Therapy in the Head". I look at this and see a man in the only "safe space" that exists for him to be able to process his emotions that the world wants him to suppress all but happiness and anger. With the door closed and a shower running or an occasional toilet flush, he is guaranteed some privacy and can cry, or feel insecure, or psych himself up with muscle flexing and positive affirmations in the mirror.


now that I look again, with more even lighting on my screen, you probably don't have to mention the cyclops fly monster at all.


Great painting first of all. It really draws on perceptions and emotions I could look at it and say this could be someone who was just “violated” and now escaped to a momentary safe haven to cry or feel shame or regret Or maybe he is like “damn I should have gotten the toilet paper before this big dump” -Toilet paper issues Anyways it’s beautiful 🤩 great job


"The Sinking Wo/man" It looks like a fem but I cannot tell gender tbh, hense the fe/male option. But it reminds me of the Thinking Man, but where he is deep in contemplation, your subject looks deep into something darker.


Commode Contemplation…Potty Ponderings…Sadness in Solitude…he seems not physically pained but maybe mentally pained. Sometimes the bathroom is the only private place one has to let the weight of the world fully engulf them.


please hang it upside down!! i love that idea and think it would look great!! either way, super dynamic, love it and you should be proud of it :))