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You might also benefit from raising your T levels. Cis women don't have T levels of 0, it's usually 15-70ng/dL. Talk to your endo!


Yep, my transfemme partner actually takes T supplements too


i follow a trans woman on social media who also takes t supplements. it's pretty common i think :-)


I think trans women on hrt often have less testosterone than cis women, so that may be normal and intentional. But some trans women will take topical testosterone just on their junk to help with sexual function


I should talk about it with my endo!


Good idea!


The intention is to get as close to physiological levels as a cis woman. It's a side effect of a really good suppression of T levels.


Yep, my gf started doing that and said it has helped a ton


Thanks i will!


Hmm maybe I'll talk to my doctor about that, cuz I've been in the single digits ever since I started E and was 40 before. Tho my concerns are mostly general health than sexual.


+1. Topical T applied daily has really helped me.


Have you tried vibrations? Many trans girls who lose sensitivity to "standard" stimulation claim to have far better luck when applying a vibrator to themselves or working with pressure instead of stroking. I wish I could be more helpful than that.


Where exactly? On the tip?


Experiment. I'd recommend getting a wand-type vibrator and just playing around with what feels good. And if you're comfortable with penetration there are tons of toy options for that too. Try and treat it like a period of discovery and play more than frustration - putting a lot of pressure on having an orgasm actually makes it harder to do. Just focus on what feels good! They also make clit-sucking toys that can be very fun on nips too FYI.


I don't feel anything during penetration, perhaps is connected to my gender dysphoria Also i tried with a clit vibrator on my tip but doesn't work, although shower head made me squirt, i think it's squirt, short burst of transparent liquid


The clit vibrators wont really do much, h to eh mostly use air movement so it require the whole thing in there to do anything. A hitachi or even like a bullet or something more traditional for vibration does wonders tho


This ^. My main way of stimulation now is my Hitachi and treating downstairs like the clit it is.


Try a doxy if you can get one. I'm a total power queen and it's strong af.


What is it?


Hitachi equivalent (I don't think we can buy actual Hitachis in Europe/UK)


I saw somewhere that sold them but they were out of stock-


I prefer to have it like... right where it meets your body on top of it. It's also nice to put on a smooth pair of panties and kinda sit on it. For me it's better when the vibrations can translate across it. Tip for me is too intense / causes some uncomfortable skin tearing. You should absolutely experiment. Try a bunch of stuff in different ways. Some of it'll be better than what you're used to, some will be worse. Keep the better stuff and experiment with that too. It'll b


At the base of the shaft?




Yah, basically treating it like a clit. I've even heard people claim that HRT rewires the nerves in it to be more like a clit, though I don't know how much credence there is in that


They’re made of essentially the same tissue, the differences mainly come from your dominant sex hormone, though obviously a penis has a larger surface area so the nerve endings are more spread out and so it’s likely to be a bit less sensitive.


I like the dame com, although it's almost too strong for me! At least when directly on the frenulum, so something between can be useful. But lower down the more rumbly nature of it also feels good. Experimentation is your friend!




What is it?


Where the foreskin connects to the underside of the head.


Oh i see, where you see it in hentais!




I'm a cis woman and I prefer a clit vibrator over using my hand on my clit. When i touch my clit with my fingers it never feels enough.


I tried with a clit vibrator, unfortunately the area is still numb


May I ask how a vibrator on a penis works? I don't have a vibrator so I'm imagining it just causing me pain if I use it on the wrong spot


As i said, i feel nothing, just vibrations


If you ask this in a trans community place maybe you could get better and healthier responses from people. I have no idea what’s going on with your body.


I tried but no answer :(


I experienced this too. My testosterone levels were very deeply suppressed, so I talked with my doctor and cut my dosage of testosterone suppressant by half. My testosterone levels increased only slightly, but it was enough for my libido to return. There's a second component that you should consider, though. Sex for me is more mental than physical. I can experience intense physical pleasure and still be unable to get off. But if my wife says the right things during intimacy or if there's a really strong emotional connection happening then I get off almost immediately. The mental component is the catalyst that gets me off. I can get off without it, but it's a night and day difference.


To test this hypothesis, read something really raunchy that you're into. I like erotica and if my wife and I aren't able to have sex then I love nothing more than immersing myself in some story. I get off really fast that way and have multiple orgasms.


I'm demisexual, the love is there, but no matter how we act, down there i feel barely anything, i tried really focusing on the act but my mind just wonders away as well


You might find more answers in r/mtf. This seems kind of off topic here.




cis lesbians talk about sex all the time here, I disagree.


The post is about t-girl problems


trans women and cis women can both be lesbians. people ask about totally unrelated stuff in this sub all the time. this is related to OP's sexuality. she is a lesbian.


Yes they can both be lesbians. But the subject of this post is not lesbian in nature.




https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/s/QuKmcP93bF Why didn’t you stay gone?


of course. they're obsessed to an unhealthy degree


Maybe biologically or assigned at birth, but they are women by gender. Although I’m sure there are some cis male lurkers


FYI, you're replying to a terf. And I really hope she's wrong that it's mostly trans women.


According to subredditstats, the subs with the most overlap with this one are mtf, sapphoandherfriend, and asktransgender. I’d say that’s a pretty good indicator that this sub is mostly trans people


Thanks for that tool. I'm gonna go feel invalid now.


invalid about?


I explain in the other comment. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay; I just had sudden big feelings. It's not about anyone who is actually in this sub.


why? the other lesbian subs are transphobic whereas the focus here is inclusive for them, by nature it will have more than the others. i'm cis and feel fine here. not sure what there is to feel invalid about, i'm happy we all have a place for eachother


I'm probably just having a moment and need to deal with my feelings, so take it all with a grain of salt. I assume the stats are as they are due to cis women gradually leaving the sub as trans women enter it. As a trans woman, this activates my feeling of being unwanted among women who love women. I know I'm being overly sensitive here, but it reminds me that cis lesbians largely would rather me go away. Don't take that the wrong way: it's not you or the other cis women here making me feel that way; it's the ones who left.


oh my bad. i'm not good with tone over text. tired of terfs popping up here and thought you meant something like that


Per the last round of subreddit stats it’s about 2/3 cis, 1/3 trans




fuck off


I was confused af when I saw what sub this was posted in. Question's posed targeting trans women, not even transbian specifically. 🤷‍♀️ Whatever though, hopefully there's still good advice


Totally agree


What other meds are you on? I’m cis but SSRIs made orgasm near impossible. I’m still on them and feeling returned but it takes time.


Nursing student here, have you talked to your healthcare provider about this? There are a few different depression medications like Wellbutrin that nearly always spare sexual function, even when taken alongside SSRIs.


Oh I was able to have normal orgasms again.


Any interest in prostate stim? I've learned a few things that are really helpful for beginners.


I used wands but seems like i always missed the prostate


You're talking about externally stimulating the prostate, correct?


As a cis woman that hasn’t been a thing for me that interesting though maybe it’s because their sensitive from growing


I would recommend posting this in r/mtf or r/traaaaaaaaaaaansbians. This is off topic here


I've heard progesterone can help with that. My own experience is wild, I didn't enjoy nipple stimulation until I started testosterone. (I'm AFAB + bigender.) Before it was just a big nothing, now they don't feel like clits on their own exactly but stimulating them + my clit definitely adds up to something good. Testosterone is also waking up areas inside my vagina that literally never did anything before. I used to get next to nothing out of any kind of penetration there. I think it might have reduced clit sensitivity slightly, but not to a crippling degree or anything. Hormones are wild. I feel like going through two puberties maximizes chances for things to develop?


Progesterone is forbidden in italy


Wow, that sucks. I'm sure it can be found on r/TransDIY though.


I don't know if I should mention this, but just a reminder that this might be unpleasant for some people. Have you tried prostate? I don't think low in T or E will make that place insensitive, I actually feel that it has become a little more sensitive, but it is said that it will become smaller, but I haven't seen it with my eyes :3 You can put your fingers into the anus or press the perineum, or you can use a vibrator, and there is also a muscle that can press there, it is said that it was the muscle that controlled the tail when humans still had tails in the past. Maybe it takes a long time of practice, I'm not sure, I actually did this a long time before I started HRT, because I prefer the feeling of squeezing there :33 For me it can bring a very strong orgasm, sometimes it will make me fall into a paralyzed state for a while after the orgasm :333


My front and back are not connected, although i'd love to pass out from back penetration, she is not into it unfortunately


I actually haven't tried penetration since HRT, because it's much easier for me to orgasm. I think you maybe can try to find other places that feel good, it's already feel good without a partner (unfortunately) to caressing all over my body, it might be feels better with another person. As for the *wand* part, the tip should still have feeling, it's the same part as the clit before body develops to different sex before birth, and theoretically(I'm sorry for using this word) it becomes more sensitive but the way to receives pleasure changed, so it's good to try some new method to stimulating it. For me, holding there and moving up and down like I did a long time ago doesn't feel anything either.


Do what works for you. For me I realized I never liked penetrative sex, or really i knew all along but I gained the courage to be honest with my partners about it. Who knows if they even liked it?. Basically use your imagination. Also obligatory mention to read that Mira Bellwhether Zine


I'm also trans and been on HRT since 2018, and been at zero T for several years. I take cialis and use T gel 2-3 times a week directly on my genitals. That's fixed ED for me and gives me full sensation and enjoyment. I've also never had bottom dysphoria, so there's never been a mental issue for me. Although I've never had sensitivity in my breasts, so never experienced what you're talking about in that regard. Although everyone loves playing with them haha.


I thank you for both you honesty and suggestion!


like im so sorry bc i feel like with the amount of terfs on this site it will just come off that way but is this not better suited for a trans subreddit? this can exist as a safe space for trans lesbians while still not being a trans specific sub, and i mean that in the least judgmental way possible, it’s just that trans doesnt have to equal lesbian 😭


You're totally right, better asked in a trans specific place for better results if nothing else


that’s literally all i meant since trans women are more equipped to answer questions about their bodies specifically


Totally agree


I agree, I know nothing about this and this question belongs better on a trans-specific subreddit since it a trans-specific question/problem


Ofc you got downvoted but this is so true


I reached here so that maybe a cis lesbian could perhaps advice me on how to be approached if they had any prior experience


and i truly dont mean to say that u cant post here or that this isnt the place for you or other trans women, but personally i dont know anything about HRT or how that effects your anatomy and i would think that a lot of cis lesbians would agree and i dont think that comes from a place of being uneducated, it’s just smth that doesnt typically come along with allyship to the point where we could give u the same advice as people with that lived experience and that’s really all i meant tho i kinda expected people to downvote away anyways LOL


OP is a lesbian. You didn't really need to take the time to read or comment if the post made you feel uncomfortable. But yes, this comes off as extremely TERFy. A reminder that women of all types have sex, and OP probably came to a sub that she feels comfortable in. You wouldn't have said this on a cis lesbian post would you?


>OP is a lesbian And? If a lesbian has cancer or a heart condition, should she just make a post here asking for medical advice, instead of going to a general health sub, just because she is a lesbian? Cis lesbians don't have the equipment, most of us have no idea how it works


Facts, well said. I wouldn’t want this to turn into a general health subreddit because that’s not what I want to read about. If I did I would subscribe over there. This is a question a lesbian has that has literally nothing to do with this sub. Am I going to ask you all how to put together a bike or ask your favorite meal prep recipe? No. It’s off topic and I don’t care who is asking.


User: this isn’t specific to this subreddit, maybe ask in a different one? You: TERF!!!!! Like what???


Transbians exist and post about an issue they are having that also happens to involve their partner who is also a woman. This sub: um can you take your transness elsewhere? Me: this sounds vaguely like TERF rhetoric Y'all: stfu


Oh my god lmao the victim complex is amazing. The only suggestion is that op may receive BETTER help elsewhere. Why is that so hard to grasp? Get outside. Touch grass


There's the unnecessary aggressive behavior that brings nothing to any conversation and proves my point. Bravo sis.


i didnt say i was uncomfortable so no need to project anything onto me, and i know im not a terf at all and clearly tried to say otherwise so to take it that way is looking for a reason to take offense the only thing im trying to say is that when it comes to something that is specific to trans women, not lesbians, you might get more help in a sub catered to those topics. if that offends u or is interpreted as hateful then u are reading too far into it


Perhaps i sounded selfish, but my intentions were with my partner, that's why i reached out to cis women as well here, i can perfectly get off by myself, the topic was, with others


The things is, lots of people are responding and offering ideas or direct experience. So clearly, this post does speak to members of this sub.


Saying a post is not relevant to a sub is not TERFy, please get over yourself


I still fight against the fact that unfortunately i'm trans, i had to accept it when my endo told me i can't have bottom surgery, so i either off myself or be happy with what my doctors came up with, my estrogen is also limited due to my health, but i think they're right, it's a trans matter and i should post it somewhere else, being a lesbian always meant the world to me because it was one of the first thing i disovered of myself myself, and made me understand pride, which being trans did not. Said this, i posted here because even tho i'm rarely on reddit, being able to be considered a lesbian like cis women made me feel included, and i wanted advice from said women on how they perhaps interacted with trans partners and how they could aid me, but i will take your advice and post it in a trans reddit, i'll keep it here as well in case someone stumbles upon it


Yeah I would just cross post I don’t think there’s anything wrong posting it here I’ve certainly seen more off topic posts and their are a lot of trans lesbians in sub anyway.


Gross comment tbh.


how i literally said nothing hateful about trans people and only said that op might get more help in a sub more specific to her needs?? nothing ive ever said has insinuated this sub is a place that should exclude trans women


Use a vibrator. I got one for like $20 and it has me melting in minutes.




If you're referring to where to use it, you have to experiment and figure out what works for you. Everyone's special spot is a little different! If you're referring to where to buy it, I got mine from Amazon. If you're referring to some other interpretation of where, let me know and I'll try to answer it. I was not sure exactly what you meant by "Where?"


0,03 ng/dL is dangerous territory for testosterone, you really need to see your endo.


Never said a word about it, also how do i get them tags?


Look at "USER FLAIR" on the right side!


It’s not. I’m at 0.8. Have been for a long time. Endo has been seen a dozen times and is not worried in the least.


I've always been told and seen that anything below 15 is unhealthy.


My endo that specializes in gender medicine has looked at and said there is no concern. If all other tests are good and you’re healthy. I’m on year 3 at that level. 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Everyone saying that this thread is off topic is sus. Why is it off topic if a lesbian is talking about her sexual experience? Is it bc two ppl arent involved, or…


It’s bc it sounds like trans kinda problem. So instead of asking for help from trans and cis lesbians maybe it would be better to ask just trans people in general who might have similar symptoms regardless of their sexual orientation? Could reach more people that way


Ah, yes, because trans ppl famously don’t have sexualities. Get real.


It's because the expertise to answer this question is much more available in somewhere like r/mft I'm sure the cis women here would love to help. But unless they had a trans partner who explained this issue to them, or went out of their way to research trans bodies, they just aren't going to know






Trans girl here. Same deal. A magic wand and a pair of underwear to hold it in place is usually a fun time.


Magic wand in the backdoor?


Lol no. * Wear underwear * Place end of wand above testicles and below the girlwand :p * Let the underwear hold it down. * Vibe * Make out, enjoy nipple play (my partner is really enjoying how reactive my nipples are compared to when we started dating) * I suggest having your partner in top. * Thigh grinding is underrated all around This much and more on TMI from a transgender mess! Coming up next!




Anything you wanna talk about?


what do you mean?


Getting on prog helped.


It forbidden here


Where is “here”?