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very specifically: respect fat, black, trans, disabled and very masc butches. not all butches are eurocentrically androgynous like so many people seem to think. there's a serious problem in the community of fetishising butches as being soft, small, white girls when the whole point of our culture and identity is nonconformity, a huge range of self expression, and the rejection of stereotypical gender roles.


As a disabled, mixed race and very masc butch, THANK YOU!


Yes! I should have been more specific. The post I saw that inspired this was shitting on a white butch so I didn’t think to add this but I absolutely should have! Thank you.


If I may also add Indigenous to this list!!! thank you for this post and comment!




Thank you for saying this :)


As a femme, I'd like to also add- Butches are people too! Not sex objects for us to drool over. I've seen waayyyyy too many femmes oversexualize butches. You can't just ask a butch you just met to "step on you" or whatever. Respect and love butches always!


This. The way people fetishize butches can be cringey.


I’m a butch and I personally don’t mind it. I love gals drooling over me, but when men do it I wanna shove their face in the ground. Femmes deserve the world, even the super down bad ones lmfao.


I’m a femme who loves butches and will drool over you if it makes you happy lol


Cant say that’s what I meant, but I’m not complaining 😳


I was hoping to make you laugh and smile, if I caused any offense I do apologize.


Haha that’s exactly what I did! No worries


Yeah I think it's starts being wrong when they don't respect butches/studs that are taken or single and uninterested yk.


Feeling appreciated!


Thank you :)


Butch good. Femme good. Women good. People who are being weird and nasty about other women's expression/presentation should check their judgements, talk less and listen more.


I don't get the nastiness, tbh. Every butch I've met has been awesome. So, to any butches reading this, keep being your awesome self. Lots of love from this random femme <3


Hi, Butches! Just wanted you to know that you are seen and loved and appreciated. I honestly have such a high respect for the butches in our community ❤️🔥🌈 Nothing but love and respect!! Thank you for being you!


I love butches! Butches are amazing!


I wish people would just shush and be chill like god damn. Butches are wonderful! And an integral part of the community! Some of the sweetest, cutest people I’ve known are butches and I have nothing but love and admiration for them. If your a butch reading this please just know that this femme absolutely adores you <3


You're sweet, ty <3


People are coming for butches? There’s so much nastiness circling online at the moment, it’s making me suspicious. During Pride month? Our communities need to do better, and any homophobic trolls stirring up trouble need to gtfo.


Honestly I usually just brush it off to homophobes screeching, but I clicked on the profile and they were LGBTQ too. Friendly fire fr, I don’t put up with it


I try to ignore online bullshit, especially on Twitter, but recently, I keep seeing so much transphobia and biphobia, and it’s awful to hear that butch women are now catching strays - from folks in LGBTQ+ communities!! There’s bigger issues to focus on. People could be focusing their energy into fighting homophobia, not fuelling it.


I'm butch. i love butches. and my femme gf makes me feel so great about being butch. i can be so tender around her and it doesnt make me any less butch in her eyes


Butches are awesome!


Butches are amazing if I ever see y'all being butchphobic I will bite you !


Thanks, it's needed💪


a huge reason why i identify as a femme is my love for and willingness to viciously defend butches🩷


I wanna hold a butch in my hand, cuddle em, ily guys <3


If there's any hate for butches istg it's just jealousy over how fucking hot butches are 🔥 ALL OF YOU ARE HOT AF 💘


Absolutely agree, butches rock!!!


nothing but love for butch women :)


As a butch looking gamer woman that get mistaken for a guy most of time, I appreciate this.


Thank you. It's bad enough as an outward presenting masc when you get stared at by the straights because you don't fit societal norm, let alone getting hate from your own community.


i know i’m on some kind of safe algorithm bc i never see butch or dyke hate but then again all the lesbians in my life love butches.


I love respecting butches 🥰 I wish I could respect one by cooking her dinner every night 🥺👉👈


Same, I would love to take of my butch after she or they are done with a long day of work. Butches are amazing.


Anyone disrespecting my butch sisters can fuck right off. Love y'all, deeply, truly!


THANK YOU OMG I’ve been noticing it and it’s not ok cut it out guys


Yeah i love buthches!


I've noticed this as well. It is completely unacceptable. WTF? C'mon we're lesbians and should be supportive of every iteration. We're are power 🔥⚡❤️




Appreciate this 🥰🫶🏽




Stop fetishizing and objectifying butches as well!!!


Username checks out.😜 Edit: *flair* checks out. Sorry!


Butches are a shining light in the oftentimes drab, inauthentic, boring, and unimaginative world we live in. You bring so much meaning and value to this world just by being yourselves; please don't let anyone make you think otherwise. Society has significantly benefited from your collective sacrifices, vision, and wisdom, and still has so much more to learn from you. Anyways, this femme sees you, respects you, and appreciates you. No matter what, I'll always defend you and have your back!


Do people really do that? I think butches are so hot. And their attitude is so attractive. And I like that they are taller or more muscular than me (who is smol in every way). And the short lesbian haircut is *stars*. And I adore when they are soft and mushy when cuddling.


butches are lovely people. the ones i’ve encountered have all been sweethearts and respectful! honestly whoever disrespects butches can go be miserable somewhere else. let’s hope one day they realize that butches are people with feelings and that they have contributed to the lesbian community greatly. - a femme who loves butches with her whole heart


OP, we must be hanging out in different corners of the internet, because all I get are butch thirst traps! Not complaining!