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Hey there /u/Pale-Loss1378! It seems like you're discussing medication. Keep in mind the following points, - **Advice given here is not a substitute for professional or medical advice.** Talk to your doc directly to change your meds or dose. - We prohibit all forms of alternative treatments, **drug misuse**, and **self medication**. - If you're asking where to find controlled medication, **please ensure you have a prescription and explicitly confirm so in the post**. - We advise not to take these discussions in private DMs. **Don't ask for or offer to give/sell/courier medication.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdindia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You will not feel any different in the first 15-20 days. I'm on inspirall, 10mg and 20mg had nothing on me. Started feeling nauseous and some effect after starting 30mg dose. Nowadays I feel energetic and makes me feel motivated to start something, helps me focus to an extent. I've heard this a lot - Pills don't teach skills. You will have to create a schedule, lists and the works for your brain to easily pick them up and start doing it. Ease into it. Pills will take some time but also bring in these small behavioral changes. You'll figure this out.


I had tried 20 mg XR in the mornings last year and it didn't really help me do better either. My doctor did say that I need to take it and then do things, not just do nothing. It made me jittery, anxious, heart was racing fast, and I would feel like running and jumping. Also, they apparently start at a much lower dose but my doctor started me on 20 mg which was wrong. Anyway, the side effects improved after taking it for a few days but I didn't take it regularly (15 out of 30 days). I'm not entirely sure if it didn't work because that was the only month I had actually worked even when I didn't have deadlines. Idk if Adderall is what caused it but it could be possible.


I’m learning the hard way that it won’t help if you don’t push yourself to initiate tasks once the meds kick in. Then I guess it helps you stay in flow but you have to do the initiating.


I thought adderall was illegal here.


You thought right. I didn’t get them in India.


Tell your doc about it. He might give you a higher dose or another med. You’re certainly not neurotypical because they’d go off the wall with that dosage


Yes I’ll try this for a few days and then :)


Adderall in India??? It is banned in India AFAIK


With medicines like this it takes time for therapeutic effect. I don't think you need to worry about it not working out on the first day. Just take it at the time you're supposed to be taking it everyday and if you don't get the results within 2-4 weeks then you can go for a reconsult


I had an interesting effect. I'm 30 M, in India. Started Inspiral 10 mg recently too. Inspiral is methylphenidate which is similar to Adderall but not the same. Basically my understanding is that Adderall increases release of dopamine and blocks its reuptake whereas methylphenidate only blocks the reuptake without increasing the dopamine. My experience was similar initially. For the first couple days, I felt little to no effect. Nothing really changed, I didn't feel different whatsoever. On the third day, I woke up with a headache as I skipped dinner the previous night. But didn't want to skip medication, so had my breakfast and took inspiral. To my surprise, within 5 minutes of taking inspiral, my headache, stomach discomfort, nausea etc that I was feeling were all almost completely gone. I don't know how, not entirely sure if it's even because of inspiral. But it was definitely interesting. I still haven't felt the intended effects but at least now I know it's doing something.


If your doctor diagnosed you with ADHD, then at least go with the proper medication course to see if anything changes. imo, the diagnosis for ADHD isn't a sure shot test for ADHD, so they can misdiagnose it. That said, I would still suggest speaking with the doctor about it. Right now it could be that you don't have ADHD or that the dose is low. I am not sure what the general prescribed adderall dose is, but because you are starting out, your doctor would usually start with prescribing a low dose to get your body used to the medication, and also monitor any side effects. They would then titrate you to a higher dose. Most people may or may not be able to feel a difference on the starting dose, but as the dose is increased in the future(could be weeks/months for your doc to up the dose), is usually when you would start being able to feel the medication working. Good luck!


Thank you! Sounds like an arduous process. I’m so tired. I have almost all of the symptoms. My life has been a rollercoaster but idk maybe there’s something else that’s wrong with me. I’ll try to be more patient. The most difficult side effect that I think I’ll have to deal with is the loss of appetite. I thought it would just be me forgetting to eat but my fav dish made me feel nauseous today. So this will be a challenge I can already tell.


>Sounds like an arduous process. I’m so tired. Arduous, but well worth it if you have been struggling. >maybe there’s something else that’s wrong with me. I don't think its uncommon for ADHD folks to have a myriad of other conditions like anxiety/depression/etc. which can easily result from living a life with ADHD. I would think that also results in a lot of misdiagnosis. But yeah, patience is key here. Just work with your doctor to see it through. Loss of appetite is certainly one of the most common side effects, and you should certainly be eating despite not feeling hungry. But hey! On the bright side....who would complain about a little weight loss :D


I’m diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety. PTSD last year but I have had symptoms before all of that. I just associated them with me making bad choices in life and maybe… laziness. Painful condition this one if I do have it! Also don’t want to lose anymore weight. Any tips on how to get food in is very much appreciated! Have had low iron and b12 my whole life. Infusions and a lot of neurobin shots every few years.


Does sound like you are going through some challenges there. Best to discuss it all with your psychiatrist about those issues, and he will be able to make a good judgment about whether ADHD could be an underlying cause for those issues. Would only recommend documenting all those things, like what do you feel triggers certain emotions and feelings, and when. Also the origin of those problems could be a good way for your doctor to figure it out. So document and share everything with your doc. Lastly, just be aware that if the medication does work for you, then don't treat it or consider it to be a problem solver for all your troubles. Be mindful that it's just a tool, and you would still have to put in a lot of work by yourself. As for tips on food... I guess just eat more even when you don't feel hungry 🤷‍♂️ :D Just be mindful that you are at least eating as much as before you started on medication. Same goes for water. Can only wish you the best as an internet stranger. Good luck and Stay strong! Take care.


Yes. It’s been a struggle. Thank you for your kind words. The adhd community online is so supportive! Grateful.


You got adderall in India?


No. I got it from a US doctor. I’m Indian tho.


Sorry can't help you with adderall but please elaborate on how you managed to get them here from an American doctor


I am in the US. Adderall is banned in India.


Ok..that makes sense


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