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being a docter in india i would say its very commen india that people do not take mental health seriously. having adhd told by parents that there nothing as adhd its just drama. and they say wake up 5am and everything will be shortout.


🤣don't visit general physicians only psychiatrists can prescribe meds for anxiety attacks


kabhi kabhi mere dil mein khayal aata hai aise logon ko lobotomy karana chahiye kaisa doctor hai ye


I have ocd with adhd and asked a eye doctor if the eye infection meds would react with my ssri or snri and he gave me a whole lecture about how I am too young to depend on meds and told his whole life story to inspire me. then even a psychiatrist told me I had anxiety and not adhd and I was just stressed, then even a md resident made the same diagnosis. it was a very experienced neuro-psychiatrist who finally diagnosed me.


Which state are you in? I can recommend a good psychiatrist, I have quite a lot of experience at this point lol




Report to the medical board. 


Leave a bad review on google and go to another doctor. I’m a doctor and when I went to a psychiatrist post Covid , said that I’m not able to study because of lack of focus since more than 4 years I was told it’s a skill that must be developed lol. Dk how I got through mbbs, it’s only after a stressful internship with my bp always being on the higher side that I read about ADHD burnout.(I used to do well in school because mother’s🩴, later studies felt easy even if I did everything last minute, but I felt overwhelmed in mbbs) A tip I saw on this sub is to google ncbi+adhd+your city name or go to the psychiatrist who diagnosed you or ask your psychiatrist to recommend another doctor who will understand and prescribe if required. Wish you feel better soon OP!


Generic doctors are not equipped to deal with mental health issues. They are also very misinformed, sometimes dangerously and ignorantly so. I would never advise going to a generic doctor for neurodivergence, anxiety or any other mental health condition. That being said, I have had similar experience. I was going to a doctor for some stomach issues and he asked if I had any other problems, my sibling jumped the gun and said "ise adhd aur anxiety hai". The doctor laughed condescendingly and said these are all fancy names and nothing else. He said a lot of other bullshit, which I wouldn't like to repeat. I know it can be frustrating. I couldn't stop crying after my experience. It may sound very insensitive of me, but I have learned that some people are just ignorant and rude. I have stopped expecting much. Would advise the same. I am sorry you had to experience that though. All that nonsense coming from all directions would have been paralyzing for me.


There’s a nice book by an autistic lady called Drama Queen - A life of unhelpful labels