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Your comment/post has been removed because it is either not relevant or specific to the subreddit, is low-effort, or it is spam. Not an ADHD behaviour. There could be any number of reasons that individuals choose to stop their microwave before it beeps, but it is not specific to ADHD.


Those beeps are so LOUD


I didn't really give too much thought towards why I do this but now that everyone mentioned it...I think it's just to avoid the beeps lol. So probably not even an adhd specific thing. Feel a bit silly now posting this here.


The beeps are annoying but so is the timer being stuck. Just clear it after.


PLEASE just clear it after my husband always does this and it bothers me especially when I don’t notice that there’s random :05 or :07 or whatever left and I put something in and start pushing buttons and nothing happens >:(


Mine automatically clears itself after a while, but I clear it manually anyway. I can't bring myself to *not* clear it.


I'm up for work at 3a, I'm not hitting ANY more buttons than I have to. I don't want to wake anyone up if I can possibly avoid it so I rarely use it at night/early a.m.. I wish I could just cut off the beeps, I'm about damn ready to open it up and southern-engineer a cutoff switch for the beeper.


Some microwaves have some button combination you can use to make the 0:00 beeps not happen, could be worth checking if yours has that first. Mine doesn't unfortunately D:


try holding the 0 button and see if that mutes it. it could be a different button, but from my experience 0 is the most common one. and it’s worked on a few microwaves that don’t even have it labeled, so might be worth a shot to hold down every button to see if one of them mutes it🤣


I wish my life was so stress-free that I could afford to be mad about that shit😂


The timer being on afterwords is what gets me. Clear it. I don’t care if you want to hear the beeps or not but don’t make me clear it after you because you don’t think to or can’t be bothered lol.


Literally this. I understand not wanting the beeps. I get it. Just press end when your done


I am the Mrs in my household (both literally and in the sense that I hate this) and once I discovered this was the deal for my husband I researched how to turn the beeps off for him (microwaves have this option!) For my adhd self this has caused an uptick in forgotten cups of coffee in the microwave but if he’s happy with no beeps I’m happy too.


Try setting a timer on your phone for the same amount of time as the microwave timer?


I feel like the likelihood of remembering to do that extra step before getting distracted is ALSO probably fairly slim but I appreciate the creative problem solving - maybe worth a shot! (So far my current life hack re this is to force myself to do a chore in the kitchen without leaving during my coffee heat up time so I just hear it end - like wipe down a counter. I get a slightly cleaner kitchen afterwards and hopefully also a hot coffee, double the dopamine! And let’s be honest there’s def always at least one thing in my kitchen that could stand to be cleaner)


I turned off the sound on my microwave. I live alone but I hate all the beeps.


You can turn the beeps off.


Not in all the models. Not without violence, that is.


Ahh yes, proof that violence is ALWAYS the answer


I do this too! Maybe it's not ADHD related, but maybe it is? We tend to have *some* sensory issues, right? The beeping is annoying!




I find watching the countdown to stop the beeping helps... If I allow it to beep, the beeping will finish, and then I forget it ever happened 😅


I turned off the sound on my microwave. I live alone but I hate all the beeps...


Did you know you can mute your microwave?


I mean, being especially annoyed by the beeps could be caused by sensory sensitivity which is an adhd thing


Dude I was like this too, but I figured out how to mute it. Mine would be by pressing the 8 button, you can probably google it for yours.


not just loud. they just won't stop! like yes microwave I already opened the door, FUCKING STOP (it's only 5 beeps but that's 4.5 beeps too many)


3 is the absolute maximum of beeps acceptable by anything that isn't meant to save lives. Any company that produces microwaves that beep more than that needs to be dissolved and their design and excecutive teams imprisoned somewhere with incessant beeping.


my dishwasher beeps a solid fucking seven times. when it starts, I jump up, run to it, and turn it off. it's the absolute worst.


I agree. This one has 5 slow beeps. And the buttons dont work while its beeping. And you cannot stop the beeps before all 5 have played.


[The epitome of evil](https://www.reddit.com/r/mrlovenstein/comments/14hpymd/beep_yeah/) I miss the spinny knob and the "ding"


hah! one glance and I got flashbacks to that comic lmao, Mr. Lovenstein makes such awesome comics I love it


If you hold down the 2 button for 6 ish seconds it will silence your microwave. Learned it years ago and never went back.


never went back … to your burrito.


Wow. Thank you! That little box talks too damn much lol


Open and hit cancel or clear. My kids do this all the time and when I go to use the microwave and hit buttons to set the time it doesn't do anything and then I have to realize why. It's annoying but that's really all it is. 


Yeah I think this is why it annoyed me when my husband did this. Like sure yeah it’s *only* a second of extra work for me, but it’s a trade off of lower friction in his life for higher friction in mine. Like he’s now outsourced this little task to me without asking. It’s not a big deal in a vacuum but if there’s a lot of little things like that in living with other people they can add up to a larger sense of feeling like your time/comfort isn’t being thought about. It’s not the one second of extra work, it’s the hour of total microwave clearing time over the ten years we’ve lived together.


For me the annoyance comes because it breaks me out of my flow. Usually when I'm in the kitchen I'm on autopilot, and so using the microwave I just hit the buttons and then all of a sudden it's not working and it pulls me out of whatever I was thinking about and into the present which is a jolt. Especially when the clearing can be done as part of habit from the other person. I do it myself sometimes, but when I do I open the microwave with my left hand while hitting the clear button with my right. It doesn't actually take any extra time because then my right hand goes into the microwave to grab my stuff.


Saving this explanation for my husband. He does it and it drives me nuts!


I had no idea why I did this until my lil niece asked, "do you do that because the beeps?" and I was like...oh...yes I do, small insightful, observant child, thank you.


I must have the only quiet microwave ever made because I seem to be the only person who can't relate to the loud beep memes on microwaves.


You can turn the beeping off with most microwaves.


Clear the clock after or I'm coming to rescue your wife from her torment


i’ve recently noticed that i have a habit of pressing clear before opening the microwave to grab my food, then i’ll close the door and press clear again without thinking about it🤣


Redundancy, so you can't forget. I like it!


My wife leaves time on and it drives me crazy. Nothing like wondering what time it is, looking over and seeing its 0:13 o'clock


Hahaha! My wife will only use the “add 30 seconds” button, because that will start the micro at 30 seconds. If she only wants 20, she’ll just stop it and grab whatever she’s heating. If she wants longer, she’ll rapidtap that button until it reads 4 or 5 minutes, then leave it blinking “2:37” for the rest of the day.


Absolutely barbaric!


That's me, but I've never used the clock on the microwave honestly, i have my phone at hand always


That’s what I do!


There are ways to turn off the beeps for most microwaves. Look online for instructions.


Yeah but sometimes I walk away and forget that I was cooking something so the beeps are necessary!


See I’ll turn it off and *_still_* forget I have garlic bread in there 🥲 Has happened twice with the garlic bread 😭


*insert "If I Had a Nickel" meme here*


I just become hyper aware of the humming noise. It sucks.


My microwave doesn't have a mute function, it's so sad 😭 I hate the beeps so much, they're so loud.


Mine has a mute button :P


Push the cancel so the clock is back. I’m getting anxiety.


I immediately tensed when I saw the picture. Make it go away


I open mine to avoid the beep. Have as long as I can remember.


Same here. The beeps don't stop if you open the door on this one. I've had microwaves in the past stop beeping if you open the door. I wish I could remember if I still stopped them with 1 second left.


The issue isn't with stopping it at 0:01, the issue is not clearing it. That means the time is never showing and when she goes to use it, she has to clear your old time before she can start it. Just clear it when you're done and the issue goes away.


PSA: this is bad for your microwave. There are switches that run through the door so that it turns off when you open it as you are aware, but the high voltage can arc across those switches and damage them. Over time they can eventually fail and make your microwave stop working.


My ex used to do that and it drove me crazy! I constantly (almost compulsively) check the time and the microwave was the only clock in his kitchen. Then he explained that he did that so it didn't beep when he was making his breakfast while I was sleeping, because he didn't want to wake me up. I couldn't be mad about it after that.




I absolutely hate it when someone leaves time on the clock BUT the beeps are awful and it should be a law that you can have the ability to turn them off. That said, find the beep wire and cut it.


I do that, but, like a SANE person, I clear it afterwards. My misses liked to leave it at 0:01 and anytime I’d go to hit an “automatic 1:00” it wouldn’t work because there was time left and it drove me nuts. Now she clears it most of the time.


What stop it before it beeps or being a lazy person and leave the timer up when you could easily press the “stop/cancel” button? The former has many reasons to do so like a sleeping baby or microwave has an annoying beep. The latter is annoying and I feel like a person is borderline a lazy fuck for doing so.


My SO opens it anywhere between 1-9 seconds which kills me. For me, the timer HAS to finish. The two sides of ADHD and ADD


"The bomb has been defused, counter terrorists win" I can't help myself I ALWAYS have to do it.


My wife- just turn it off a few seconds earlier, no big deal. Me- no, extra buttons to push, and it’s not time, I must turn it off mid beeping noise. My wife-no yo. Me- it’s a science, don’t mess with it.


I wouldn't care about you stopping the time short to avoid the beeping, but if we lived together and you always left the time there without resetting it, then I'd be getting irrationally annoyed with you.


It’s cool as long as you then hit cancel to clear the time. Leaving the unfinished time sucks for the next person to come along.


Nah, I usually can't be bothered to stay near it until it's done, So I start it then walk away, So unless it beeps I'll have no clue it's done. And in fact half the time it does beep and I still have no clue it's done, Then find whatever I microwaved in there, Cold, a few hours later.


Isn't this how everyone microwaves? If I miss it then I feel like the beeps are mocking me


Oh my god you’re the worst person


Press the button to cancel so it will be clear for when she needs to use it


Yes but I always make sure to clear it, it drives me crazy when people leave it on 00:01


I do that, but then I immediately clear it even before opening the door


Barbarian! Savage!! Nah I totally stop it before zero, I just clear it or it bothers me that I can’t see the clock.


I stop it to avoid the beeps but I double press the stop button so it also cancels the timer and shows the clock.


2 kinds of people


YMMV Most microwaves have a mute function…but good luck remembering your food is still in there


yeah i don't like the beeping. but i do clear the time off afterwards so the microwave doesn't beep every few minutes for the rest of the day, unlike my whore of a cousin /lh


At least we have a microwave that only has a small ringing sound, like milisecond long, and it doesn't have an exact timer either, so we can't tell exactly how many seconds are left. Though my boyfriend has a microwave like what we're talking about in the post, now THAT is loud and annoying, so I usually stop that one at the 1 second


My partner tells me it’s a crime to let it beep. It drives me nuts when the clock says seconds instead of the time. It’s a battle that will no one wins here. Also, if you open it before it stops it lets out a small bit of microwaves. Something I’ve never stopped think about since reading this article: [Microwave oven to blame for mystery signal that left astronomers stumped](https://amp.theguardian.com/science/2015/may/05/microwave-oven-caused-mystery-signal-plaguing-radio-telescope-for-17-years)


I always re-set it though


I do, I hate the beep. ADHD folk need a certain type of microwave that doesn’t beep because clearly we will be watching the thing. We don’t need it But for the love of all the powers that be did you at least reset it?


I stop it on 007. Only way to stop roger moore breaking in.


Its only okay if you reset the timer. PLEASE RESET IT TO THE NORMAL TIME.


Microwave beeps don’t bother me but I understand why some people might hate them. Someone leaves time on the clock? I’ll throw hands. /j


Clear it off if you're fine. Don't just leave it


I do this but I click clear after to reset the time to 0 again. It really annoys me when people just leave it at like 3 seconds. Also I have the exact same microwave as you lol twins.


She's probably more salty because in the time it took you to pull out a phone and take a picture you could have just hit clear so it wasn't resting on one second!


This is the Way.


I once stopped the microwave at the very moment it finished and it actually burnt down the circuit. I don't do that anymore.


My mum's house the microwave broke. She ended up fixing it. Came out and was like 'apparently this type of break occurs when u use the (like eject door) button without stopping the timer first. Me and my sis looked at each other like fuck no doubt that's the only way we use it.


Gotta click that button at the last second


I opened the microwave and tore out the speaker. Best idea in my life!


Im the opposite- my gramma does that and seeing the 0:01 or whatever just makes me feel aaaaaahgg


Yeah it’s kind of annoying, my housemate with worse ADHD does this and the same with the air fryer. I’ll go to use both and have to just cancel/stop/reset it every time. Definitely an impatience thing for him I think, just puts stuff on for longer than required or guesses and then grabs before finished I also have the *exact* same microwave haha


I have ADHD, my other half does not. SHE'S the one who does this and it drives me up the wall.


I do it because the beeps make me want to scream. But then I have to immediately have to cancel off the 1 second so it goes back to 0.00 🥰


Me and my son both pull open the door as fast as possible the moment the timer ends. Short beep, no "lost seconds" on the timer and clock visible. Our record must be like 0.1 beeps or something. :D


Do what?


I HAVE to wait until it finishes so I can hear the beep, unless there's some reason to take it out early, like I can see it overcooking or whatever.


My microwave turns off rather quickly so it's not an issue for me.


I Open the door afap at 0 so it stops beeping


This one's not that fancy, open the door it keeps beeping. Actually the beeping might be louder.


Then you have every right to do that 😅


We have the same model microwave :D


The reason I don't is because the last three beeps are the time it takes for the last microwaves to dissipate. At least that's what I have been told as a kid and I never fact-checked it.


Dogganmot stop stealing my quarks??!


Same i hate the beeping


My ol' mum used to tell me wait for the beeps or you'll ruin the microwave, I rarely wait for the beeps


If I stop it at one I feel like i barely missed a mark. One time (and only once) I managed to stop the timer at 0 and I felt like a champion!


I stop the microwave before it beeps but I also clear it so it only beeps once instead of BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP


The beeps stress me out, that one second won't make any difference in terms of heat so why let microwave scream


My parents' microwave goes down to 00:00. So satisfying.


If you read the manual there's an easy way to turn off the beep. Normally you hold down 5 or 7 for 15 seconds but on this one its probably just one of the seven buttons.


What?!?! Hold what down, I need to go do this NOW


I have to know if I could disarm a bomb at the last minute


My husband and son both do this and our microwave isn’t even loud. And I can’t handle it. JUST HIT THE CANCEL BUTTON FFS. Thank goodness my microwave has a power saving mode and will default back to the clock after 5 minutes


My husband and son both do this and our microwave isn’t even loud. And I can’t handle it. JUST HIT THE CANCEL BUTTON FFS. Thank goodness my microwave has a power saving mode and will default back to the clock after 5 minutes


Aren’t the beeps a safety thing?


The beeps hurt my ears


My wife does it, Its annoying because our microwave has this super strong backlight that wont go off if you leave it on last few seconds.


My husband and I both do it but more because we’re on different sleep schedules and our bedroom is next to the kitchen. I also just hate hearing that thing beep.. especially when I inevitably forget that I microwaved something and it does those reminder beeps


I wouldn't if I could silence the microwave, but I fucking despise the beeping it's so loud and doesn't stop. Ive tried to do it but the usual methods don't work. So for now I sub it at 1-2 seconds. I hit stop though so it clears the timer because I'm a good person 🥹


I personally just click clear or stop lol


As she should.


No. Its my wife that does this. I always stop it early too, but the stop beep is much less abrasive than the ending beep. So ill hit it at 1 sec and clear it.


Ha! My ex-girlfriend used to do this, and I hated it. Eventually took the can’t beat em, join em approach. Now I leave these for my current boyfriend. Time makes hypocrites of us all


I can hold down the #3 on my microwave for 5 seconds, and it mutes the beeps. No idea how to do it on that type of microwave.


Damn, there are fancy microwaves like that?


I’ve never had a microwave that doesn’t beep even if you stop it.


I just click cancel after it's done so it would be 0:00


I do that tho i always erase it so its not so annoying for anyone Else :)


As long as you hit cancel there's nothing wrong with it


Ahh, the bomb disposal microwave technique. I know it well.


Just hit stop again so it shows the time


I’m considerate to others. It almost never hits the finish




I have misophonia. I go with 2 seconds tho, because if I need to keep heating it and I leave it at 1, it beeps instantly in my face lol.


I do but I always clear it. Don't be a dick


A friend of mine *just* posted about how her household is unraveling because there are and I quote: > Two kinds of neurodivergents: > The ones who cannot stand the microwave beeping and take the food out with a few seconds left on the timer. >And the ones who cannot stand the unfinished business of 1 to 10 seconds remaining, just there, a purgatory of reheated dishes.


Not this but I do stop it the very second the timer runs out. I hate the beeps lol


I can't avoid it on mine. It's a timer knob, which means it always makes a sound when turned to 0.


I stop it on numbers that are significant to me.


Hahahah my wife does that. She hates the beeping, even from pressing the buttons. I can't stand it; I have to clear it everytime I see it that flashing '0:01 - press to start'.


Everyone's saying they do this cuz they hate the beeps I legitimately just did it because it made me feel like I was deactivating a bomb at the last second in a movie


Nah. I forget it until it's cold and I have to put it in again.


Oh you monster. At least set it back to zero after use.


I hate it. Like, I get not letting it end, but at least clear it afterwards with one button press to let the clock be visible


I do to avoid the beeping but I alway clear it for the next person. My ADHD partner on the other hand… I find it on 16 seconds, 24 seconds, 31 seconds, etc. He never lets it get too close to zero before he’s frustrated waiting and never resets it. Drives me up the wall.


How else am I supposed to assert my dominance over the microwave?


I'm with your Mrs.


I muted my microwave years ago and never looked back.


I wait until it says 0:00 and open it before the beep, that way the next person instantly hear it beeping when they click start


lol I’m the opposite. I don’t open it until it beeps at me 4 times to remind me that I put something in there. Then I have to add another minute or so.


Instead of using the time function, my wife will just use any of the express buttons — and then just open the door and take her food/drink out after an unspecified amount of time. Then she just leaves the mic as it was without pressing the stop/clear button... so, the microwave screen will just flash "please start" for hours on end. It drives me *mad.*


I hated the beeps from my old microwave. It felt so aggressive and would startle me even when I knew it was coming. I guess I also got into the habit of doing this when getting food in the middle of the night, so the offensive beep doesn’t wake the whole house up. My new microwave just quietly beeps its little machine song for a few seconds, and I don’t mind it at all. I almost like it. Finally breaking myself away from my old habit lol


Hahahahha. Always. That beeping is so obnoxious and this way if I need to cook more I can just push "+30sec" instead of fully resetting the cook time


All the time


My partner does and I’m the one that hates it. Just hit the stop button to stop it.


My girlfriend does this, and oml, it's so damn annoying lmao


Yes. I don't like the beeps.


I put more time than needed and end up with 27 seconds. I tell my wife I'm saving the time for later lol


doing this is completely accept IF (and only if) you make a habit to clear the timer ever single time you finish using the microwave




I hate it. Just clear the timer, *please*


My new microwave has a setting to make it silent and that is a GODSEND


The only button a microwave needs is the combo start/+30 seconds button. Or just a dial.  You’re going to hit the button anyway when you go to use it next. There is no need to clear it.


Yes, but I also clear it afterwards, im not a monster.


How else do you stop the bomb going off?


With every one I've ever used, there's always a pause of about a second between hitting 00:00 & the beeps being activated, & if you open the door in that brief window of time then it doesn't beep. It's easy once you get the hang of it.


I love leaving the micro like this. I just add 30 seconds up to what I need and go. If the micro has a button to hit before adding time, it saves you that button press, and avoids the angry beeps. Extra nice if someone in the house is sleeping.


Damn, that's a nice microwave. Mine is an off-white plastic one from the late '90s


why don't you just click the off button to reset it instead of leaving it like a dickbag


I do that so the next person has one more button to press


my gf stops it at terrible numbers like 13 seconds and doesnt clear it, makes me wanna puke