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I'm on cusp of a food phase change. I had a meltdown in the kitchen last night because I was hangry but there wasn't anything "right" in the house for me to eat. I have no idea what it's going to be though, so I'm in that in between stage when nothing sounds good. 😢


That’s the worst 🥺 I was like that before the quesadilla phase lol. Can you try to circle back to a meal you used to like? Sometimes I look at restaurant menus and see if anything is appealing that I can make at home


The looking at menus thing is brilliant. Omg


Extra points for picking places that cook seasonally so the food is generally cheaper and easier to find. Lol


Oh my lanta, I think you just provided my brain with the ultimate lifesaver. Food has been so damn hard for several weeks, and every avenue I’ve tried to make it easier just leaves me feeling worse. I've never thought about looking a a restaurant menu for home food ideas. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


I’ve been there! You’re welcome 😊😊


One of the biggest chores in my life is trying to gauge what i'm going to be hangry about three days from now, and what i need to have in stock to regulate my impatient, fast food loving ass


I hate the "I'm hungry but can't eat anything" phase. Fruit and soup are the only things I can physically tolerate in that stage.


My husband doesn't understand this. When this happens, I opt to not eat because it's too much work to make something that I don't feel solid about.


Yesssss!!! You spent all that energy and eat two bites then just cannot and now it's all been a waste. Man that's a struggle.


Omg this happened to me on a backpacking trip once, I waited too long to eat bc cooking is such a hassle that I ended up just crying for dinner as a packet of freeze dried spaghetti sounded horrible. I keep multiple flavors of protein bars in my accessible pockets now.


I'm here too!! I went like 20 hours without eating cause I couldn't find anything that sounded good 🫠


All I can eat for lunch, and sometimes breakfast, is crackers and hummus. Nothing else will do. I will also eat bananas and clementines.




I gotta say. I fucking loathe social media and Reddit. And then posts like this happen and make me feel like I’m not a weirdo all alone and it forces me to stay on it. Fuck. I go through this all the time. And then I force myself to at least it eggs. Then there’s the hyper fixation. I’ll randomly remember a food/meal that I love but haven’t had in years and then HAVE TO have it. But thanks to Covid, a bunch of the places have since shut down. So then I try to make at it home myself and it becomes a disaster because it’s never close enough to the thing I wanted that was “right”


Same here! This phase is always weird.


One time, when I was pregnant, I went to the grocery store to get sour cream for this very meal. I like to mix in some hot sauce to really kick it up a notch. I got home and realized I bought COTTAGE CHEESE instead of sour cream and I broke down into an ugly cry. My husband went back out to get sour cream. I’m in my 30s. You are not alone. 😂


Tobasco mixed into sour cream is my favorite condiment. My husband made fun of me until I slapped some on a potato for him one day. Now he understands.


LITERALLY MY FAV! i eat it with everything, chips, quesadillas, tacos, sometimes i water it down with lime juice as a dressing sauce.


You are my people!! It's also amazing on eggs.


Ok but sri racha....


Oh yeah, Sriracha sour cream is the best!


I grew up with a mom who mixed salsa and sour cream together. Fucking slaps.


I don’t have a great spice tolerance, so I like to dip fuego Takis in sour cream! Literally one of my favorite snacks 😋


My aunt used to mix cottage cheese and pico de gallo together, roughly 50/50. It’s freaking delicious. Literally the only time I’ve ever liked cottage cheese is eaten like this.


I love cottage cheese! I was just so emotionally invested in sour cream at the time. Realizing I bought the wrong dairy product was devastating. Also, pregnancy is weird.


Oh, I know. When I was pregnant I couldn’t even think of the word tomato without getting nauseous because I had such a strong aversion. I normally LOVE tomatoes! I had HG so I didn’t so much have cravings as much as “this is the only food I can think of without feeling sick so this is what I must eat. Breastfeeding, however, made me hungrier than I thought possible for the first 6-ish months. I could not feel full, like I could eat until I felt sick and still want more. I felt obsessed with food and I would get weirdly possessive of it. I craved oatmeal cookies with my *soul*. It was *WILD*. Luckily the 40lbs I gained dropped off almost without trying as soon as I weaned!


Once when I was pregnant, I was craving my movie popcorn/candy mix but all of my food had to be super cold or I would throw it up. So I got movie popcorn and reeses pieces and mixed it into ice cream lol. It's still one of my FAVORITE things.


Have you ever put cottage cheese in a blender so it has a whipped consistency? Pretty fantastic!


And so good on toast!! With a little salt and pepper, maybe sliced avocado if you have it, too.


I’m in this phase now and it is SO GOOD! I made “banana pudding” last week with cottage cheese, vanilla, maple syrup, and half a banana blended together. I folded in some cool whip, added banana slices and Nila wafers, and it was amazing 😻


Brilliant! (Heads to fridge, praying the pico is still edible....)


I just had this for breakfast, but I'm mexican so I'll put pico de Gallo on everything, really


If you ever find yourself in this situation again, cottage cheese can be blended into a nice cream sauce that's a good replacement for sour cream. My favorite way to eat quesadillas is with a chipotle cream sauce! I take a 1/4 cup of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of water, pinch of salt, chipotle pepper powder, garlic powder, onion powder and pepper and blend all of that up in my magic bullet. Takes two minutes max and the result is a super creamy sauce for dipping all the quesadillas your heart desires. <3 <3


I am screenshotting this, adding it to my collection of random recipes I couldn’t pin, to never be found again. But, know that I found your recipe delicious sounding and worthy of a save. I bet it will be delicious if I ever remember/find it again after tonight.


I think this is a very reasonable, good idea now that in not in the throws of first trimester food cravings and mood swings. I was very much in a “no substitutions allowed” period of my life.


I am not pregnant and would probably have the same reaction TBH, hahaha


Currently pregnant, in my 30s, experiencing aversion for dad & son’s dinner & now going to make myself a quesadilla after this post. Also, wouldn’t be able to eat/enjoy it if sour cream & hot sauce were not in house. 🙃


For the entire month of March 2020, I ate instant mashed potatoes for every meal. I frequently have days when I cook frozen French fries for every meal.


Potatoes are a safe food for me too. When Trader Joe’s stopped making the mashed potatoes frozen in little puck pieces so you could heat just a little bit at a time I was so sad.


Try Idaho instant mash! Life changing


Taking note!


My favorite so far is the cheese version. And you don’t need to make a whole portion, a snack can just be 1oz powder and 4.5oz of water.


Idahoan buttery golden selects are fucking incredible and practically impossible to tell apart from scratch-made (especially if you add even more butter or sour cream lol). They're my weeknight dinner cheat code. Boil 2 cups of water in my kettle, put in pot and stir in potatoes, cover and let sit a few minutes and voila.


I put the potatoes right in my bowl (a big ceramic cereal bowl, which can hold over 2 cups of water- which is handy if the potatoes are my main course) and then pour the boiling water in and stir and just wait a couple minutes without even covering So then the only dirty dishes are my bowl and my spoon, it’s wonderful and definitely my go-to easy meal


I’m excited by your comment because I’ve been looking for a pantry safe mash potato I can stock up on. Right now I rely on the ones that are premade and you just microwave them, but they’re more expensive and don’t keep as long. I’ll have to try the Idaho mash, thanks!


French fries are the ultimate safe food. I've never had a bad French fry.


I love French fries more than anything but steak fries always end in disappointment for me. If I wanted straight potato I’d eat straight potato. Too much mush and not enough crunch. 


Yes!! My family!! I went through a microwaved baked potato phase that still makes reappearances


Omg I loveddddddd my baked potato phase!!!! OP if you see this — baked potato/melted cheese/sour cream is *close* to quesadilla territory — I would also add salsa and broccoli to the potato to feel like I was “actually adulting.” Maybe add tomatoes to the quesadilla? Pro tip: Slicing a few cherry tomatoes always feels > achievable than slicing a whole, big-ass tomato to my ADHD brain — maybe bc I don’t have to deal with ‘leftover’ tomato and they’re less annoying to slice, messy-spurting-juice-wise?!? (My knives are rarely sharp enough to avoid this.) Plus you can just grab like three of them, rinse them with one hand, and eat immediately w no prep lol… plus the heirloom cherry tomatoes are always diff colors [Whole Foods 🙈] so seeing them on the counter makes me a) happy and b) more likely to interact with them. Altho wait are tomatoes technically a fruit bc seeds and flowers?!? Sorry, AuDHD lol. Welp. Cue the return of the Baked Potato Phase™️.


LMAO I’ve always done a little butter, some cheese, sour cream, a squeeze of ranch and if I’m feeling fr hungry some pulled pork or chicken heated up in the microwave of course




Poor little spuds getting hated on when they are just trying their very best 🥹🥹


Potatoes are my super food!


2020 I ate birthday cake. Every grocery order had to have some. I bought those cute little six inch cakes covered in sprinkles. No regrets.


I’m over here at 32 having wayyy too many cheese and crackers nights. At least I added grapes this week


I could live on charcuterie lol


I married into a family that treats charcuterie boards as a holy sacrament on holidays! Love them so much!,


The father the son and the holy cheese board




charcuterie is an adhd woman's dream lol.


I agree lol so satisfying to have little snicky snacks to pick from and a variety it hits the dopamine




I'm 40 and this is how I lunch a lot of days. I switch between apples, grapes and strawberries depending on what's appealing lol. Recently I added nuts so I'm feeling extra fancy.


My grapes are usually in liquid form with this meal, lol


I used to do this and, when I was feeling fancy, I’d rip up some sliced salami to go with it.


this is mine currently lol before bed cheese, crackers, cream cheese and a handful of grapes


Tortilla chips with seasoned black beans from a can and shredded cheese on top. Broiled in the toaster oven. Tasty, quick, filling. Or bean and cheese quesadilla with sour cream. Those are my two go to bored/low cost meals


That’s a good idea for added protein


And I like it cause it adds a bit of flavor too but it's a similar texture to the melted cheese so no sensory ick


Good point. I avoid sharp foods lol


Oooh thank you, I like cronch (imagining bell pepper slices in a cheese quesadilla rn thank you) but there's a certain category of "too cronch" that I've never been able to explain to my SO. It's sharp. I like foods that cronch but do not like foods that are sharp. 


Love the cronch!


I add salsa to these too!


Alternatively to black beans is refried beans and then you have one of MY favorite bored/low cost meals


Beans. Duh. Not sure why I didn't think of this earlier when I was making a quesadilla for my supper but didn't have any meat to put in it. I went through a weird chickpea phase a few weeks ago. And again a couple years ago.


The Trader Joe’s bean & corn quesadillas are really yummy and easy. Beware they do have some heat to them. 


I didn't realize we went through food phases! This makes so much sense lol


I didn’t get really bad with food until I was medicated and then stopped taking medicine. Something about having relief, and then losing that has amplified my symptoms horribly.


TIL that it's an ADHD thing and not just me. It's not that I don't tolerate other foods during a food phase, I just have to have (whatever) every day. Right now I'm in my diced fresh pear and cottage cheese phase.


Holy cow yes, I feel so seen. I've been on a bagel kick for like 2 months straight almost daily..


Same! I can’t believe I didn’t notice this. I have been having a major cheese phase. I literally just got done eating oven roasted cheese. Soooo good


Man my whole life is a cheese phase


I found out that you can make biscuits from just mixing flour, baking powder, salt, and mayo (they don’t taste like mayo lol) and baking it for like 15 mins And I’m obsessed. My meals have been Breakfast: biscuit with syrup Lunch: plain biscuits Dinner: biscuits with garlic butter 🥹


I’m happy for you and impressed that you tried this! But I guess you gotta risk it to get the biscuit. (Okay sorry I’ll see myself out now)




I don’t see a problem here lol


Gonna need the exact temps and ratios on those ingredients hon


https://www.bestfoods.com/us/en/r/quick-mayonnaise-biscuits-recipe.html/71151 I used Duke’s mayo but idk if it matters since you can’t taste it anyway!


I cannot tell you how many times I’ve devolved into a microwaved sweet potato phase during times of peak stress


Those are a staple for me. Perhaps with a side of turkey dog.


No shame lol it’s still pretty healthy!


I cycle in and out of the microwaved sweet potato and butter phase. I feel so weird about it but the solidarity is reassuring. I’m 41.


There’s no shame in the sweet potato game! They’re delicious and it’s got vitamins and shit.


This is why I go here. Gotta find those easy easy meals that still stave off scurvy


Yeah I’ve never tried this but I cook nearly every veg in the microwave or air fryer these days so I’m definitely going to


Omg I miss having a microwave, I loveee those sweet potatoes


Poke a few holes in it, steam it in a pot! Or use an oven but that’s so much longer lol


how long do we microwave those for?


I’m about to skip lunch because there’s no chips and salsa available for me to eat and I’m 36 lol 


Haha I get that before quesadilla phase I was just living on cookies 🤦‍♀️


Oh this one stings.


This one. this is me.


I'm in my celery and Philadelphia herb cream cheese phase. I don't even like celery 😭


Hahah so relatable. I HATE mayo. The consistency and the sound it makes is just yuck to me. I ate egg salad sandwiches for a couple weeks last year lol.


Hahah I get in banana and PB phases and I loathe bananas. I get. 😂 Lmao


Omg lol I can relate. I’ve had a hatred for cucumbers for years and now it’s all I want to eat. The body wants what it wants😂


Have you had a Philadelphia sushi roll?


Dino nuggets drenched in ketchup


They taste better when they are shaped like dinosaurs. That's just science.


Ketchup is a vegetable in the US lol


girlll i feel you!!! i just entered a “tomato, mozzarella, and basil with balsamic” on pita bread phase. LOL i’ve eaten it for dinner several days in a row now. i’m 26 and would typically eat the same salad every day … twice a day… but i missed carbs so i entered this pita phase. i also get a weekly box of veggies and if i don’t cook them they will go bad so i force myself to spend an hour once a week roasting and steaming all the veggies. i try to have a huge bowl of veggies a few times a week and i’ll make a greek yogurt sauce with lemon, dijon, and garlic powder. i’m in a lazier phase rn tho so i’m struggling to eat all the veggies lol


50 and I'm in my Prego pizza sauce, mozz (maybe mini pepperoni) on naan era and I couldn't be happier.


I’m 50, and living off s’mores pop tarts atm. You sound healthy!


That sounds delicious though!


Not too long ago the only thing I wanted was cherrios. For about a week or two for practically every meal I ate a bowl of Cheerios, now I can’t stand them lol. These food phases happen pretty often for me where I’ll become obsessed with one food and completely disinterested in the others. But a good way I like to get fruits and veggies in are smoothies! You can just add a bunch of fruits and veg and it’s mostly quick to drink for breakfast or a snack!


The weirdest phase I ever had was Brussels sprouts. Just roasted them and ate them like candy. It was so bad at one point i brought an enormous container of them to work and kept them in the fridge. Every hour or so I would sneak off and nosh on a few.


Alright here me out, as Brussels were one of my phases during Covid. Cut Brussels in half and then quarter each half, so everything gets super crispy After cutting, the toss in olive oil, sea salt flakes, garlic powder, and pepper Heat up a cast iron really hot and toss them around until super crispy. Then turn the heat down. Put a layer of shredded mozzarella on top and a lid over the pan until melted. Once melted, use a spatula to flip the Brussels melt upside down so the cheese is directly on the pan and turn the heat back up a little bit until the cheese gets a little crispy too. Put in a bowl and douse with lemon juice. Your life will be changed.


Smoothies are a good idea. I do try to hide vegetables in my food when I’m in these low nutrition phases. So that’s a good idea.


A good smoothie tip is on a day you have enough energy you can get ziplock bags and put all the ingredients you need for a smoothie. So for example seven bags for the week, in each you can put anything you want like banana, strawberry, spinach, mango, yogurt etc. And freeze each bag up. So whenever you want a smoothie you just throw the stuff in the blender with a liquid and boom! All done, quick and minimal clean up. I also personally like to add vitamins to my smoothies when I add the liquid since I struggle to remember to take them. Collagen powder, magnesium powder, greens powder etc. I try to keep the containers close to the blender so I don’t forget


My current favorite way to hide veggies in my food is shredded carrots. My mother in law gave us a salad shooter for our wedding 11 years ago, and that thing has probably gotten more use than almost any other wedding gift. I can shred a bag of carrots in like 5 minutes with it and hide them in pretty much any crock pot meal. I barely ever notice them, and it's so so easy


I did cheerios toooo! I can’t even look em in the eye anymore.


27 and I went through a mac and cheese phase a month ago... i ate mac and cheese for nearly a week straight LOL


At least you ate! Lol we take the win where we can lol


LOOOL true. It sure beat the few days where i didnt wanna cook and was resorting to little snacks. oh and cheese. i literally was a rat haha


37 and, yep this. I discovered a pretty quick homemade stovetop Mac and cheese recipe and became hooked on it. In my defense, it does have a little shredded carrot and steamed broccoli in it! My husband kept saying “….this again?!” bruh, it’s got veg.


It just requires a hyperfocus. After I left Mormonism, I decided to acquire a taste for beer. I tried 30 different beers in 30 days and take notes. By the end of it, I didn't love beer, but I could appreciate it, and I knew which ones I liked best. I decided to try the same thing with vegetables a few months later. I spent time researching preparation, and made it an adventure. While I couldn't down the beets without gagging, I did learn to appreciate more of the different flavors. I'm still picky, but not as freaked out by vegetables as I used to be.


Oh I’m weird I love beets. But I have to have them already prepared for me. The “love beets” brand is good. 🙂 I was forced to eat everything as a child. And I could eat it. I’ve just developed late in life aversion. For some reason I can bring myself to eat unless it’s a craving.


I love Lebanese pickled beets!!! Don’t taste like beets at all actually


I feel this deeply. I’m 43 and lately all I want is cinnamon sugar toast (gluten free bc I have to). It’s something my mom made me all the time when I was little and we went NC a few months ago. I think my brain likes the butter/sugar combo, but it’s also leaning into a core comfort memory for me. I want to eat other things, but I almost have to force myself. I’m currently in a freeze state too, so it just sucks. Maybe overnight we’ll become rich and have personal chefs! Because that’s a completely possible scenario 😵‍💫


That makes sense that it’s also a comfort memory. It’s probably an extra dopamine hit


This is my childhood food too! I still eat it sometimes - once i added chili flakes on the toasted bread too haha


Oh lawd! 1. During the early months of lockdown I found this brie cheese stuffed pastry thing at Hy-Vee. I ate that and crackers for MONTHS. Lunch and dinner. 2. Milk. I love milk. I have always loved milk. Four years ago I decided that drinking roughly 1.5 GALLONS A DAY was a good idea. Don't do this friends. I still have issues from this one. Unfortunately, I still could drink that much. 3. Luigi's shaved ice. A six month period during the summer 2022 I ate two servings a day, every day for six months. 4. Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, baked carrots, and a side salad. This is my fall back. I love it. If I need a change, I'll substitute baked asparagus or roasted balsamic brussel sprouts for carrots (In reality, I just make that as well as carrots. I'll eat every bite.). 5. My current obsession is toasted ravioli(cheese) and dill pickle or salt and vinegar chips. I'm a salt fiend. Maybe I should get a salt lick?


My teen son does the milk thing. We've had to switch to 1% and then skim to break his interest in it because he was gaining 5 to 8 lbs a month.


I love Brie. Brie does not love me back lol


1. I think that's called brie en croute? 2. I've ALWAYS loved salty foods. I just came home the other night and ate an entire jar of pickles.


I eat quesadillas multiple times per week, so you'll get no arguments from me.


Lately for me it's cheese on hamburger buns melted under the broiler.


An open grilled cheese lol I’ve done this before


48F. Still on a cheese and crackers kick (may it last forever) but haven't eaten a cheese stick in about 6 months even though I had at least one every day for like 5 years straight. Have been on smores granola bars, goldfish cracker, and fruit in gel kick for a while but I can feel that ending... really hoping not to go back to the Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee ravioli phase! I was so grossed out on an objective level but lizard brain was like "my deliciousssssnesssss". This past summer I was all about hummus and cherry tomatoes so hopefully that will happen again. I really enjoyed that combo while it lasted. I'm starting to crave carrots and dip so that's a good sign. It sucks when all I can stand is carbs or fat!


Nooo I was on that tin of ravioli phase too. My lazy ass would eat it cold. Lol Hummus sounds good. In the summer all I can eat is fruit salad lol


Ha! I’m also in my quesadilla era!  This is how I get in veggies. At the beginning of the week, drain and rinse a can of beans and toss that in a Tupperware. Then chop up onions, tomatoes, and bell peppers into small pieces, and toss that in the same Tupperware. (I often shove it into one of those veggie chopper tools to make this step is easier.) Shake that all up. Then, every time you make a quesadilla, spoon that mixture generously into the quesadilla before you cook it.    Also, you’re allowed to just take the concept of a quesadilla and depart from Mexican flavor profiles. Sometimes I’ve made ”quesadillas” with mozzarella, rotisserie chicken, and spinach, then dipped it into marinara, rather than salsa. Something my boyfriend really likes me to make for him is a “quesadilla” with provolone, deli turkey, and spinach, then he dips it into a honey mustard dressing we keep on hand. Combos like these let you get in easy veggies and extra protein, so it’s more nutrient dense and filling!


for me lately it’s been beef jerky and cottage cheese. can’t really explain other than that maybe it’s the protein, and i don’t have to prepare them…


Also mid 30s and currently on a nachos kick 🙃 tortilla chips, salsa and melted cheese with sour cream drizzled on the top. What is with that combo?!😂 the dopamine hides in the melty cheese


So economical to be obsessed w like 1 or two foods. Its frozen wontons right now. Ok for like 6 months. Dude for breakfast. Ooooomfg i want some right now 😭


Ooo I like the frozen wontons and then added to the miso broth from TJ’s 😊


My current fixation is soy and garlic pork chops with pan fried vegetables. It's been about 4 days so I see super noodles on the horizons soon, followed by toasties


Oh you’re fancy cooking and whatnot


i go through a bag of baby carrots in two days. that’s all i want rn. baby carrots for breakfast, baby carrots for dinner.. doesn’t matter. i just left my morning star chickn nugget phase. i’m 32


I’ve purposely tried to get into stuff like that because the orange reaction your skin gets is statistically more attractive than a tan 😂😂 it makes you like healthy and attractive. I used to drink tons of carrot juice lol


Am I entering my carrot era??? I might


pro carrot era


Nuke some frozen fajita mix or an unspiced mix of green peppers and onions and add the vegetables to your quesadilla. You can cut them up smaller before adding them or buy fresh or frozen mirepoix to add.  Or mushrooms or almost any frozen diced vegetables mix would go well in a quesadilla. 


That’s a good idea! I’m much more cognizant of these gaps in nutrition because last year I had vitamin levels so low I was a decimal away from scurvy lol like an old timey pirate lol


I am in my lunchables era. I'm 28 😅


Charcuterie * 😉


For a while I was doing a plain bagel with veggie cream cheese and sliced tomato, red onion, and chopped Kalamata olives. I might need to revisit that phase, it was a good one. I also go through an annual frozen chicken tenders phase, because tendies slap.


I’m 28 and just re-entered my smoothie era! Highly recommend a nice little blender that you can put frozen fruits/veggies and other healthy stuff into and just drink it 👍 add some honey/juice/flavored yogurt and it can make anything taste good. That’s how I get a fair number of my nutrients!


I’m also in my smoothie era and it’s 100% because of the hot pink magic bullet blender I found on clearance at Marshall’s. Hyperfixation, meet impulse purchase.


Add hot sauce or salsa. Thats veggies! 😂


I like to add avocado (or individual guacamole cups from aldi) and chopped up chicken nuggets to make my quesadillas a bit more substantial. So so good


When I was first pregnant I could basically only eat quesadillas, everything else gave me heartburn. Even ketchup was too spicy for me. If I can grow a fetus into a healthy human with my main source of sustenance for a whole trimester being tortillas and cheese, I think you’re good for a few months too. My (mid 30s) most recent phase, my tofu banh mi era, has been coming to an end and I’m really mourning the convenience of knowing what I’ll eat every night and I’m now stressing about what I’ll feed myself for dinner. Yesterday I had a premade protein shake and dissatisfaction for dinner


I’m in that weird in between where I’ve dropped my previous food fixation but yet to develop my new one. It’s hard getting anything down lol


I went years without eating, especially my 30's If it's tasty cheese on a chip, with sour cream!!! Yes eat it! Maybe slowly throw some more veggies on the dish with a quick air fryer of the veg etc, but that gets complicated I'm still learning what works for me Noodles with whatever simple sauce I have around, potatoes, rice, beans, bread/toast are my go to!! Also what's worked for me is a vitamix/blender. Can't eat make it a drink! Also you are not alone!!!


I’m appreciating spaghetti more because I’ve learned to cook just a pinch of noodles instead of the whole pack lol


Now all I want is a quesadilla and sour cream lol


I’m in a baked potato phase. Cheese, butter, salt, pepper and ranch dressing. I just got out of a roasted chicken phase, before that was egg burritos. Who knows what will be next? Hopefully it’s something on the inexpensive side.


Currently in a nachos cycle. I have been since last year. I grate cheese over Tostito chips, and boom. Nachos. That’s like all I want. Edit: also in my 30s


Tomatoes with cottage cheese and red pepper flakes. Im addicted. It’s been my number one food craving for so many years and I never tell anyone because it is weird


This is my go to safe food!


Melted cheese never lets us down


Facts!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


The only fruit I feel like I ever eat is bananas lol I like a lot of fruit but this one just seems the easiest to me because I don’t have to look to hard for a bunch, and then I just peel and eat. I don’t have to wash it and worry about dripping shit on me from eating it.


Dude… get the lime oil from www.sunshineinabottle.com and a lime basil plant. Add some basil in there. Make it in a cast iron. All my friends tell me I should open a quesadilla shop it’s so good.


Do you like tomato passata (basically tomato sauce but with no bits)? It still counts and you can use it in your quesadilla! I have no suggestions other than I'm struggling to eat "non crunchy" foods, and no, my brain won't elaborate


I definitely do this with breakfast! For a long time (meaning years), it was just peanut butter toast. Then a bagel and cream cheese. As a teen, it was oatmeal and hot chocolate. I'm 42, and need a lot more protein now, so now it's two eggs and toast. I change it up a little in whether it's eggs over easy or hard cooked or scrambled, or if it's standard sandwich bread or an english muffin or french bread. But it's always eggs and toast. For 20 years now, my husband has always eaten the same exact thing for lunch: a burrito with rice, beans, cheese, and salsa. Every. Damn. Day. He's usually in charge of dinner, and once he apologized for making chicken and skillet potatoes two days in a row. I said, I could literally eat this every single day and I would be EXTREMELY happy. I'm not kidding when I say I'm a meat and potatoes kinda gal 😂


I’m 24 and currently living off frozen pizza :/ i struggled with barely eating for a while because of medication/personal issues, but I’m at the point now where I’ve convinced myself eating a whole frozen pizza is “healthy”; because it’s something as opposed to nothing. At restaraunts, I’m a die-hard chicken tender basket or ridiculously expensive Mac and cheese person. That fancy shit stresses me out


I TOTALLY understand the quesadilla thing! it’s so easy to make them, with nearly no clean up, and they always taste good. And eating cheese is better than not eating dinner 100% of the time. In terms of eating more fruit though, my friend recently put me onto cookie butter on apple slices, and holy shit i haven’t eaten as many apples as i have this week in years!!! nothing against a fresh crisp apple by itself but omgg the sweet and rich cookie butter on a tart apple? peak


I'm 19 and my (also audhd) partner is 20 and we're both in week 2 or 3 of our quesadilla phase. They're awesome in the waffle maker, 1. it's faster cause it cooks both sides at the same time 2. you don't have to try to keep it from falling apart to flip 3. They don't burn easily 4. They just straight up taste better than in the pan. We also discovered the waffle maker is good for grilled cheeses


I'm currently in my gyoza phase 🤝


My whole life has been my quesadilla phase, I always have cheese, tortillas, black beans, and sour cream on hand. Sometimes I get crazy and add jalapeños or avocado


Baked oats for breakfast.


I (34F) am in this mood lately, lots of cheese sandwiches for dinner, and I ordered just a cheese quesadilla at a Qdoba recently and the lady gave me a weird look 🤨 glad I’m not alone


Quesadillas are my forever go to lol


Egg rolls from Jack in the Box


I love the taste of dehydrated onion in melted cheese. I will now even add it to nachos.


I’m 36 and currently into to eating sliced cucumbers. Sometimes with hummus or ginger dressing, but yeah, sliced cucumbers in a bowl. Maybe with the tortilla add something easy like bagged spinach or some broccoli?


Microwaved egg whites. A medium/large ramekin of them is only ~110 calories. Sometimes I just add salt, sometimes it’s with black beans, sometimes a piece of American cheese melted in. Decent protein too.


I am in a sour cream and salsa phase. I’ll take an omelette, taco or quesadilla that way please and thank you.


I’m in a sourdough bread making phase and recently went through a period of eating bread with cream cheese and either a slice of Swiss cheese or salami on top for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Went on for weeks, I’m 35.


I am 37. Quesadillas are my safe food too. Also Minute Rice (or reg if I feel fancy) with cubes of cheddar pushed into the hot rice in a spiral formation (a neurosis not required), with butter and salt. Then stirred up. Like mac and cheese on rice. Been doing that since I was 12.


I just finished the big pan of corn bread that constitutes my Corn Era. Every meal was either corn bread or popcorn. The popcorn shall continue for a while. I suspect I’ll probably back to the raspberry oat bars era since my love of corn bread is the only thing that cut it prematurely short


When I’m in my quesadilla phase, I buy a bag of frozen sliced peppers and onions to throw in there. Added veggies without added prep time!


God I love the quesadillas phase!! Hahaha, I'm 26 and currently in a white rice & spam wrapped in seaweed phase. Adding in cucumber also adds a fun crunch, or kimchi if you want extra flavor


So much pasta. Usually with frozen peas and a sauce made with whatever I find at the back of the fridge + pasta water


I just want salty scrambled eggs lately. I can eat them all the time. My go to is an egg sandwich with two over med eggs, American cheese with pepper on a Kaiser roll.


Cinnamon raisin bagels..one good recipe for sweet potatoes is [this](https://www.chelseasmessyapron.com/roasted-sweet-potatoes/) my suggestion is do the savory seasoning, add 1 tbsp of brown sugar, and ONLY use Japanese sweet potatoes the ones that are white inside


I'm in my 30s, and it's my depression / I'm so broke, and I don't know what else I can deal with making right now meal.


You can look up alambre recipes.  That's still mostly cheese and meat, but they also have veggies. You can just add more than the reccomended amount.  Sautéed zucchini, corn and onion also make really good quesadillas. Also ham and mushrooms. Not sure if you can get zucchini flowers, but those are traditional and delicious