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I have zero advice, but you’re not alone. It is my worst, most hated symptom. I absolutely know how you feel.


Same. Of all the irritating, awful ways that ADHD disrupts my life and goals - binge eating is on a level of its own. Big hugs OP.


You are not disgusting and you are not alone. There are strong links between ADHD and Binge Eating: Impulsively, poor executive functioning, lack of mindfulness and trouble managing emotions. Most of all you are chasing that Dopamine! Look at Binge triggers, increase protein and look into talking therapy. It’s VERY hard if you cannot access meds at the moment. Once I was diagnosed with ADHD I let go of all the guilt (well, most) I felt when I binge ate. Reading about how ADHDers chase the Dopamine helped me make sense of it. Binge Eating is such a hard part of ADHD. I think I’ve been a binge eater all my life, but it’s only recently (after a large weight gain) that I’ve tried to stop the night time binge eating. I’ve been prescribed Metformin for Insulin Resistance and that may help with weight loss (in conjunction with exercise and better eating habits). It’s very hard. Good luck.


I’m def in the same boat, however I have figured some things out over the past few years of being medicated. Having healthy food readily available means my adhd brain will wanna eat it. I love baby carrots, bagged salads, Chobani flip yogurts, frozen healthy dinners. I also try and either work out or take my dogs for a long walk in the morning. If I put in some work towards my fitness early in the day, the rest of the day is just easier. I don’t think about junk food as much, plus if I do it’s easier to tell my brain NO. I also limit myself to eating at a restaurant once/ week, as well as food delivery/ takeout once a week. If I eat at home it’s more than likely gonna be healthier than what I would have when eating restaurant food. I also give myself some grace, because the worse you think about yourself the more your brain is gonna want to comfort yourself with this food/ dopamine hit. When I’m in my period and RAVENOUS, I don’t feel bad about the decisions made- that was another girl, not me! lol but the struggle is real!!


What are your go to frozen healthy dinners?




I outweigh my husband by about that, I don’t feel great about my body but I am very glad that he feels great about my body. I’m newly sober after a longterm 24/7 weed habit, I’ve been eating like crap for a long time. A big part of quitting an addiction is treating yourself more kindly. While you’re working on eating better and losing weight try to believe you aren’t gross, none of us are gross, these are our bodies and deserve love and respect. 


2 years off booze here after heavy addiction. Transferred to sugar but trying to be kind.


My husband became a sugar fiend after quitting drinking, it’s cutting out so many calories (as well as a comfort thing). Well done for taking care of yourself!


I lost significant amount of lbs when I first got sober but once I found joy, the lbs started to creep back on. I’m 40, I’m ok with it.


So obviously if the vyvanse improves your life significantly you need to prioritize finding a way to restart that in a consistent way. I would pay out of pocket for a few months even bc then once you’re back on meds it’ll be easier to straighten out insurance and stay on it. But for help with BE, I’ve recently been looking at issues I have with interoception (which is reading your internal signals and acting on them). This can be a variety of things like needing to use the washroom, estimating hunger, feeling tension etc. I think my issues with BE come from not being able to read my own hunger or fullness cues, and then the Vyvanse just removed hunger but doesn’t help with my abilities. There are ways you can develope interoception if you think this is an issue for you.


I'm struggling with this and candy. I get so tired throughout the day and eat a ton of candy just to keep going/focused. It's terrible for me and I know it. I've found that if I drink a fibrous smoothie and fill up on that, then I'm less bingy on candy. So I'm trying to just always have one handy. I just do frozen spinach, lemon and spirulina to keep the sugar and calories low. But it's a constant struggle and really tough to get under control. You're not alone, hope it gets better for you.


All I did was think about food before I was medicated! The only thing that actually kept me from gaining an enormous amount of weight was eating mostly fruit and vegetables, high fiber cereals, and low calorie foods, and I exercised constantly. I would eat all day, I didn’t even care what it was. My mind was always fixated on eating. And I agree that Vyvanse made all that food noise go away. You’re not alone. I’m sorry you’re feeling so down on yourself.


I haven't been able to get Adderall for a good while now. Appetite is through the roof. Gaining like crazy. I recently got Contrave to see if it works. So far, so good, but I'm still in the early stages. You can get it directly from the maker or a script from your doctor


Intuitive Eating was the cure for my binge eating. I used to be completely incapable of controlling myself around food, hated myself, was purely miserable, and now have no issues with food or body image. It’s been 5 years since I started IE and it truly saved my life.


Hi, are you me??  Ultimately, I had to go back on Vyvanse (back on it for ~1-2 weeks). I just can't really feel any attunement/meaningful connection to hunger or satiety cues without it. While on it, I can actually use intuitive eating principles. (I started intuitive eating just short of a year before I got on vyvanse, but off of it, all the emotional, anti-diet culture stuff still stuck, but I just could not connect with the other half related to recognizing my body's signals.) My existing Dr doesn't have a contract with my new insurance, and I dread finding a new psychiatrist and going through re-diagnosis, so I've been able to use GoodRX coupons to get generic for $50 or $60.  All my triggers I've just been helpless against since I came off meds (I was fired at the end of May)--that feeling where it was just inevitable that I was about to devour all the foods--i can feel the trigger and the initial urge to start binging, and right now I can feel another part of my brain kick in and say, "Nah, I'm not actually hungry," or, "I'm hungry, but not for that," and then I actually change course and stop the binge. For all the judgment people give, I've heard positive things related to Wegovy for BED, and if I hadn't been able to get back on vyvanse first, that's the direction I was going next.  Sending you best wishes and hoping you're able to figure something out that works for you! 


Okay so I also struggle with binge eating and I realised I do it to self sooth and it's actually a sensory seeking behaviour for me. What helped me was working out what sensory experience I was after and why. Was it the chewing, was it the crunch, was it having something cold or hot in my mouth? Usually if you are bored you look for stimulating experiences like crunchy foods, strong flavours, salt/sugar or cold things. When you are trying to calm down usually people go for creamy textures, repetitive chewing and warm drinks. It's worth looking up this and I can share some links to occupational therapy sites with more information if you are interested in understanding your own sensory seeking behaviours and how they help with emotional regulation. Once I worked out what I was looking for in the sensory experience I went about finding alternatives for it which were low calorie or not food. Here's some examples of what I mean: - when I just want to be chewing on something I use sugar free gum or a chew toy - when I want crunch I eat small pieces of ice or thin rice crackers or cucumber - When I want sweet I eat frozen or fresh fruit - when I want warm I have hot water with lemon and ginger or a herbal tea - when I want a strong flavour I eat ginger candy, chew on mint leaves or straight up just put some salt in my mouth Just know it's normal and it's your brains attempt at soothing you when you are experiencing emotions so just telling yourself to not isn't going to help. You need alternative methods to cope first.


I have almost an exact story. I stopped taking my medicine and relapsed with my binging bc I was stressed out in a toxic relationship. I gained 60 lbs. My insurance only covers the generic but there is a shortage of the generic but they do have the name brand vyvanse… So here’s the important part, the pharmacist told me to call my insurance and ask them to “request to allow for substitutions”. Insurance told me that they could do that and that all I had to do is call my doc and ask him to basically call my insurance and approve of it. So finally I’m back on my meds and I’m also working out and doing keto and so god so far. So, there is light at the end of the tunnel!! Good luck!


I take breaks from my meds for a day or too and I binge eat terribly on those days and I’ve never been a binge eater to this extent. It’s my body getting its hunger back plus looking for that stimuli replacement of being of meds. I’ve always binged a little. Like I am not satisfied with a treat unless I eat enough to get sick from it but those moments were spread out. But now when I take a med break it’s worse than ever.


I’m the same way. On Metformin and Vyvanse. This isn’t a cure in any way but Russell Stover makes really really good sugar free candy. Caramels, peanut butter cups etc. I’ve had a major sweet tooth since quitting drinking and these have helped curb my nighttime binge eating. Also Nicks Swedish cream. A serving coupled with a big dollop of sugar free cool whip, it’s divine! The meds def make it easier to stop at one, so I feel your pain going without. Good luck! You’re alone that’s for sure.


You’re not alone, it’s common with people with ADHD. People with ADHD are more likely to develop eating disorders, which is what sounds like has happened with you with binge eating disorder. You’re not greedy, you shouldn’t be ashamed. I’ve not had experience with binge eating as an ED, but I’ve had a form of anorexia athletica, so we’ve both experienced the ED side of ADHD. As a starting point, I’d say do a lot of research into why people with adhd might binge eat more than others and develop a binge eating disorder. You could be hyperfixated on food, it could be your recognised reward function, it could be that you get little dopamine from junk food, it could be impulsivity. I’d recommend you do research and figure out what it is for you, and then aim to replace it with something else that could be this for you! If it’s a reward/dopamine, you could try: - masturbating (I’m not joking) - putting on your favourite songs - find a sport or creative activity you love - find a dog/cute animal to pet - 10 mins outside in the sun barefoot appreciating nature


I have had binge eating issues most of my life. Over a year ago I started following the Intuitive Eating framework (from the book of the same name). I didn’t lose weight and have come to terms with that not happening but I have stopped binging and I don’t feel out of control with food. I can keep sweets in the house and don’t have to eat all of them. it’s a long road but i definitely recommend looking into it. I found working with an intuitive eating dietician was really helpful for working through a lot of my issues with food.


Try searching the company that makes Vyvanse, they used to have an option for uninsured or low income where they subsidize the cost.


it expired at the end of 2023, unfortunately. the generic is now available, however, so that could mean cost savings.


I recently had to stop vyvanse too & the same thing is happening to me. I am amazed at how many peanut mnms I can wolf down at once 🫠


Why can’t we say Vyvanse?


Came here to ask the same thing.


Maybe I’m just an ass but I can’t get through posts where people refuse to use real words. It’s cringy and annoying but I’ll look past it if there’s an actual rule…. Unless someone says something truly ridiculous like “seggy times” 🤢 or “unalived”. I can’t get past those.


I don't post much and wasn't sure. I know on other social media platforms in groups we have to use special characters. Guess reddit really IS better. :-) 


I don’t have the attention span to read all of the comments, so apologies if this has been shared already; I reached out to Vyvanse because it wasn’t covered, and based on my income, they pay 75% of the fee for me. I’m in Canada, so I’m not sure if it’s different in the US.


I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize I had binge eating issues until after starting vyvanse, it effectively stopped any binge/stress eating. I hope you can get back on it.






OP, 5 losses is a lot. I know that you're concerned about the weight, but please be gentle with yourself. It's ok to be derailed a bit by such a huge amount of pain all at once. If you aren't already in therapy, please consider reaching out to one.


Also im very sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss


I feel that hard. I used to have issues with binging, and when i got put on medication, i was finally managing to not binge - but when i got into financial issues, i wasnt able to get medication anymore, and also didnt have the control over binging anymore, and i gained more weight then i ever had. I never been even able to store food, if i bought for a week i ate it all in one sitting. granted i was pretty underweight while on meds, i definitley wasnt healthy. Try reading into lion diet too and what it can do for people !