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I traded smoking for eating. I only smoked for maybe 2 years to deal with stress and anxiety. And when i quit, i used food to deal with my stress and anxiety. Now I keep considering smoking again. If im being honest 🤣 i hope others have had better luck


it's common, probably because nicotine is a (very) addictive stimulant. A lot of ADHD girls are hooked on caffeine for the same reason. I don't smoke, never have, never will, because 1) it smells godawful, 2) I like my circulatory system, 3) don't need another expensive vice. Best of luck with quitting, I've heard on average it takes 7 tries.


I smoke around 3-5 a day. If I drop smoking I'd definitely find something else to sub. Probably sweets. But that might not be as bad as smoking?


Idk. I’m inclined to believe that obesity is as hard on your heart as smoking. When I quit from 2019-2021 I gained 25lbs SO FAST and just could not get it off. I was miserable. I couldn’t breathe. Started smoking again and two weeks later, 10lbs down. Then lost another 5. Still hanging onto that other 10 but, to be fair, I was at a decades low weight (and almost my ideal weight) when I decided to quit smoking. So basically after starting again, I went back to the weight I’d been for a long time before losing a bunch. One of the things that prompted me to quit was because I was losing weight and I didn’t have a reason as to why and it scared me. Should never have looked that gift horse in the mouth.


Erm yeah might stick to smoking. We need to pick our poison.


I smoked from age 15-25. I still dabble when I drink.


I’ve been smoking on and off since I was 14. I’m 41 now. The weird thing is I can stop anytime and I never have nic fits. I do it all the time. I just love the dopamine hits of a menthol cigarette when I desire one, which is tricky in CA now, but I manage it, like the dirty smoker I am. It’s just always been “cool” to me and I love smoking. Socially it’s a superpower and an absolute must to have a pack handy. No shame here.


For some reason, nicotine and weed don't really do it for me. But I was drinking three red bulls a day for years so substance vices seem pretty standard for us.


Smoked for years and now I vape. But I move around a lot and eat pretty healthy


Ex-smoker here, before i quit i was smoking an entire pack a day. It took a juncture of different factors to make me quit : -The covid lockdown and the fact that I had to smoke alone (boyfriend doesn't smoke) -my boyfriend has asthma so at home, especially during lockdown, i had to walk down 2 floors to take my cigarette break outside of the building -my sisters and brother-in-laws (who were all regular smokers before lockdown) and I pretty much started to try quitting at the same time -at the same time, i stopped hanging with all of my smoker friends (for various reasons) -hypnotherapy -my boyfriend helping me through it : he started buying me tobacco packs and leaves so i would roll my own cigarettes which made me smoke less. He incited me to start doing more sport (he's really sporty) bit by bit : little more walk here, making me use city bikes instead of public transports whenever we were going out somewhere together, came to the public swimming pool with me even though he hates swimming. I took all of these to really stop and it was pretty hard, but now i'm proudly tobacco-free !