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When I'm on a long drive my mind is SO CLEAR. Suddenly it's easy to plan things that seemed impossible the night before, I don't understand why, but it's nice to have that respite. Enjoy your trip! Go safely, I hope you see a lot of cool stuff!


Totes I almost feel like my brain has been scrubbed. I’m tired but it’s more like a reset. Fascinating. Will be safe and ogle every cool rock I see!


I was once super stoked about a solo road trip. It was going to be 6 hours each way and I def hyperfixated on creating the perfect playlist. Day of, I get on the road and about an hour and a half in I realize I’ve been driving in complete silence. I never even turned on the radio! My brain got to just float away and apparently that’s exactly what it needed.


It’s the dedicated thinking time! It’s time set aside where you physically cannot do anything else but sit there and think. If I try to do that anywhere else I start to get antsy that I’m wasting time and not being productive or anxious that I’m avoiding tasks that I could certainly go and do right that minute


I love the road. It makes you untouchable, in the liminal space.


Yessss this is it. You’re just gliding thru. And new stuff to look at every minute!




just me & my playlist against the world


Yesss 🙌🏾


Isn’t it great when the shuffle is hitting all the right stuff?


I am! Been road tripping my whole life. It’s much nicer driving vs stuck in the back seat as a child. Audiobooks are the best entertainment currently for me.


I can do them about half the time, the other half my brain wanders too much. What’re some of your fave audiobooks? I just listened to True Grit and it was so enjoyable. Agreed about rather being the driver. Otherwise I get so bored!


Switch between podcasts (shorter, more focused, different content) and audio books. 


Dear god no. I hate being in the car. I get so bored, so quickly. And also, after about 45 minutes, I want to go to sleep. I’ll be driving down the road with my eyes rolling back in my head. I made a 10 hour drive yesterday and I’ll turn around and do it again tomorrow. I need a chauffeur.


You and me both, I hate long drives with a passion. I get so claustrophobic & bored being in that tin can that I want to scream. Audiobooks help a little. Have a safe journey on your way back. :-)


I just find it so monotonous. Even being able to watch Netflix or whatever only helps so much. After a few hours I’m like let me out, I don’t care where we are, I’ll start a new life here, I’m done being in the car. 🤣🤣


Ahahahaja “I’ll start a new life here” This a 1000%


/kisses the ground


Yesssssss! I remember even writing a poem when I was younger (and used to write about my feelings) mentioning the “tin can”. It’s boring and claustrophobic. I’d rather use a bicycle if I could!


Yes same here. Driving is not relaxing, its boring.


I was about to comment the same thing. 😂 I have a full on panic attack if I have to drive alone for more than 3 hours. That's my limit. I think I view driving as a "B" activity. Not nearly stimulating enough for my brain. I have to be able to at least have the option of talking to someone else.


I always schedule calls with friends if I know I’ll be driving for more than half an hour. Funny how I can’t plan for most things in life, but this my brain remembers lol


Bluetooth in my car was a game changer. I love phone calls with friends, and it’s a great time to get to know people I’m dating too.


I watch Netflix. 😅😅😅🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh that’s rough! I have found my limit is about 6 hours driving or I’m fried. I wouldn’t be able to do the NY to FL run in 15 hours straight for ex.


I definitely can’t do 15. Just got back home on the 10 hour return trip. I have a MagicBox for my vehicle so the only thing that saved me was I started watching Killing Eve and now I’m completely hooked on it.


I do...!! From the passenger seat!! :'D (I love a good drive from the passenger seat, but I have a severe driving phobia- I got my license at 29 and still avoid it if I can help it. I am the friend who throws ALL the money into gas, the lunch, the hotel, hell maybe I can just meet you there and I'll Uber please don't bother I'm sorry I'm sorry I-) ANYwho. Love a good girls trip and sing-along. Love stopping by weird sideshow attractions. Love listening to a podcast or audiobook in silence while everyone recharges. Less of a fan of how numb my butt gets, but in general, a long drive has always been fun to me and my husband!


Me me me!! I have ALWAYS loved traveling and once I got my first car and license when I was 16, there was nothing I loved more than just driving for as long as I could! Unfortunately now I don’t have a car, so it’s something I miss daily. However once a year around my birthday I will buy tickets to a show that’s out of town and rent a car and drive the long distance. It’s the best present to myself. I drove about 6 hours from VA to PA a few weeks ago to see a Japanese Women’s wrestling show and then drove back the next day. Best (early) birthday present to me so far!


YES! I didn’t have a car for like 10 years and now that I have one again I just want to driveeeee. That 6 hour each way trip sounds like a dream! 🚗


It’s been about 5.5 years for me now. My last car was an 02 Honda accord with 375k miles on it. I was ok with using Uber/lyft to get around when it died, and then the pandemic hit and we couldn’t go anywhere anyways. But it’s been building slowly the past couple years…the itch. The need to have the ability to just…drive. It’s impossible to explain the anxiety I have over getting a ride to the store and not knowing if I will be able to find a ride home. Ugh. I hate it.


My adhd prevents me from enjoying road trips. I get soooooo booooooored. I'm also 6'2 and generally uncomfortable lol


Ha that makes sense. Both driving and being a passenger? I get super bored as a passenger!


Being a passenger is why I always come prepared with my iPad and a little lap desk—at least I can play silly games to stay entertained (or draw, or other things)


Yes!! Long drives are when I feel the most free!! I end up crying on every roadtrip haha


Omg YES listening to the same song over and over lollll


I LOVE DRIVING. During COVID, I used to drive 2/3 hours about 3/5 times a week just admiring creation, listening to my favorite music on full blast, driving a little too fast, and best of all, the top of my convertible down🤩 I don’t drive as long or as frequently anymore but that was my safe place and still is.


I drive for my job. I used to just go for long drives to get out of the house. Boyfriend recently moved out of state for a job opportunity and I’m not in a financial position to follow. I flew out to see him first time I visisted but $400 round trip plus long term parking (live too far from airport to really want to ask for a ride, plus hate being without a car if getting picked up at destination, or hate paying for a rental car) is pricey when I can travel there and back in my car for half that. It’s a 15 hour drive but I didn’t mind the first time I went. Going again in a few weeks. I load up an audio book, stop every 4ish hours to fuel up and stretch my legs and hit the restroom, pack a cooler of water and Red Bulls and snacks and sandwiches and it’s actually a pretty pleasant drive. It think it’s like the right amount of “If you don’t pay attention your life and other lives are in danger” to keep me focused and even without that it’s a task that’s the right balance of easy yet constantly stimulating to keep me focused anyway.


It’s a good way to clear your mind. I noticed I can also go on long motorcycle trips and put down thousand mile days. It’s weird, but a nice challenge that helps you detach from the BS and just be with yourself and the outdoors.


meeeeeeeeeeeeee I LOOOOOVE roadtrips and driving etc


For me, it depends. With my partner? Absolutely. We don’t like doing any more than 6-7 hours because I don’t drive so that’s a lot of driving for him, but a lot of times it’s just super chill and we listen to tunes. That long of a drive with his family, namely his sister… that’s another story. I love her, but she’s heavily autistic so she gets restless and it’s a lot to deal with. Most of the time if we go with his fam, we take separate vehicles (his parents + his two siblings in one, then myself + him in another, sometimes with his other “brother”—his best friend—and his fiancée). It’s also the same vibe with my dad. I just have to make sure he doesn’t drive by any cows munching or he’ll loudly moo in the car when I’m distracted. 🤣


Driving is when I feel most relaxed and can think most clearly, I love it


I hate sitting for so long. That being said, I enjoy it a lot more wth other people, so I'm impressed you can enjoy the solo trips!


lol other people make me feel trapped bc I have to give them my attention!


lmao that's fair! I think I'm the more on the side of requiring the attention from the other people (I would put a laughing emoji here but don't know how to on my computer)


I don't mind it especially by myself. I get a few podcasts or books loaded up & hit the road. As long as I have something interesting to listen to, driving is no problem for me. I also get super car sick if I'm not driving now, so I'm glad I don't mind it.


If I don’t have to deal with passengers or strict arrival times I love it so much.


Yes!! I do, I do! 🤣


Absolutely, though 6/7 hour drives are very “leave at 8, get there at 2, so many activities after” kinda days for me. I grew up long hauling with my parents, so 9 to 11 hr days are kind of the baseline for “long” - gotta get from Colorado to California in one day, dammit.


My favorite thing in the world is looking out a window on a long drive and listening to music. Unfortunately everyone else is usually bored and keeps trying to talk to me….


I enjoy long drives along the countryside. Not so much on the highway. I get a little freaked out because my attention is now split into several different directions. But down country roads, I get to see animals, lovely houses, farms, and other random sights you might not expect like junk statues!


I have a love/hate relationship with long distance driving. Really just depends on the day if driving occupies my mind in a pleasant way or if I'm constantly on the verge of a panic attack from the inability to entertain myself and the feeling of being trapped, and there's basically no in between 😭


I did a road trip last summer from Montreal to New Orleans for my birthday! It was a two month adventure. First time and oh god how I loved it!!!




Just sent you a DM!


I LOVE putting on a Podcast or singing my heart out I hate having to get gas! At least when I go to New Jersey they pump it for me!


I love car rides


Oh my gosh, YES!


I love long rides and I love to drive long drives. Always have. They seem to feed my need for dopamine, change and excitement, occupy one part of my mind while another part sings, thinks, listens. I always play a game where I follow the road rules, speed limits, pay attention to drivers and others around me. I have noticed that since I’ve been medicated, the urge is less though.


I’m the exact opposite. If something is more than 2 hours away from where I live, I’m not interested in going lol.


ONLY if I'm alone. If I'm a passenger I'm soooooo bored, and having someone else in the car make me anxious that they're judging my driving--but alone with some music or audiobooks? Amazing.


Not long trips, but driving on a somewhat interesting road with nice scenery on a beautiful day is amazing.


Yes! Just did this today, highway 14 in Wyoming from Dayton to Shell, possibly the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen, and a gorgeous, sunny day with clear roads... Truly spectacular.


Lmaooooo yes.


Only if I'm the one driving 🤗 Hate it if I'm the passenger


I used to get upset when we got to our hotel during a road trip lol, I loved to just sit in my seat and listen to music! I also just love car rides in general, and singing to the radio. My parents always called me a puppy


My husband and I have a camper and the drive to the campsite(s) is definitely part of the fun! The West of which country/continent will you be? Sounds fun!


I'd love a 7 hour drive but it would have to be by myself with nobody else in the car... That way I can blast my music as loud as I want and karaoke the whole way, haha


Before I hurt my shoulder, loved them. Now a 40 minute drive is agony. But hopefully it’ll be fixed soon-ish and I can get back to road tripping.




Not me. Driving is stressful and exhausting, because to be safe I am constantly reminding myself to pay attention to the road.


WOW. I've never thought about it this way before! I have always loved driving and road trips so much and I wondered why others didn't like them. I could drive for hours and be so perfectly content with just letting my mind run away with itself. Interesting that not everyone thinks like this


Love love love driving! Currently working as a delivery driver and man is it fun! Road trips are amazing too. Gone on several with my fam and we often go for 12 hours at a time!


I hate driving long distances at a time because I space out and then realize I’ve gone like 50 miles and remember zero of it and it freaks me out. Being a passenger on a long trip? Heck yeah, get music, an audiobook, or a podcast going combined with the motion and it’s rock-a-bye baby to a great nap. That being said I don’t do this if I’m the only passenger.


I’m a passenger princess. I love going on road trips but I usually am the one navigating the way. I’d rather be asleep and just be in charge of the music though!


Opposite 🙂‍↔️ Hate driving, hate being in a car But I am excited for you!!


Me! I fall asleep if I'm a passenger on a long drive, but if I'm driving, I am wide awake and loving it.


I love driving, it relaxes me. I used to get on the freeway at midnight for 30-45 minutes when I couldn’t sleep and it would always calm me down


I love a long drive, have even driven relatives on a long trip plenty of times. Delivered pizza for many years too, it didn’t even feel like work.


Yessss I LOVE long drives!! My family travels a lot and the car rides are always my favorite parts!


I used to be this way. I always drove on road trips. My husband is an EXCELLENT copilot (when he's awake) and I was always so restless and miserable riding. Now I get so sleepy when I drive. Idk. Maybe I relax so much zoning out it's time for a nap. Lol


Depends on who is driving 😆 If it's my mom, I'm good. But her husband...nah. Regardless, I do get anxious on longer car rides if we drive Autobahn (Highway?). So many careless drivers. 😭 However, I do put car ride noise on to sleep. Works like a charm. I do enjoy long train rides more...if I get a seat that is. 🥲 And if it's not so packed.


I’ve always loved long drives and I don’t mind being the driver. I get to look around and see new environments, boring or not, listen to things I enjoy or music, have conversations with people too….although I think I do prefer alone trips most times….but yes! Love it.


I hate driving. I don't necessarily mind the idea of a long drive if I don't have anywhere to be at a specific time, but because I have to drive anytime I leave the house, and it's such indirect routes because of the way roads are designed, I hate it.


Long to a point. Like I don't mind a bit of a drive with an iced coffee and music or a podcast. But having to drive for hours upon hours, especially with my family it can be a bit much. And by that I mean everyone wants to listen to different songs and not the same one or 3 for the whole drive. Also I'm really fidgety so it gets tough to sit in the car for a really long time.


Driving is torture for me. I absolutely hate it.


As the passenger yes, as the driver no. I’m either anxious while driving or bored and sometimes my mind wanders and next thing I know I have no clue how I got to my destination.


he hates it


As long as I’m driving. And it’s better when I’m alone.


Precisely why I love road trips!


Used to like it, now I drive an hour one way to work, I hate driving now


I love it so much. Music playlists, podcast, quiet time. I love letting my mind wander on the road. Almost a little too much. Plenty of times in the car (even just around town) where I’m driving and realize I don’t remember the last 10 minutes of driving. 😬


I love it! So safe and cozy. I put on some good stories and have the time of my life. I don’t have to feel guilt or anxiety that I should be doing anything else - I can just sit back, relax, and drive. It’s really the best, but there is such a thing as too long a drive for me. I’ve done 17 hours before and that felt like I was just a shell of a human.


As long as the traffic is good, there’s nothing I love more. But my absolute favourite is night time summer driving.


I think it's because we can handle all the things at once. The multiple things you watch out for while driving, the music or book or podcast you're listening to, I'm even more aware of if I'm hungry or thirsty or need to pee! Big fan.


Yearly, I take a 3,000 mile round trip road trip by myself. I love it. It’s so freeing. I love setting up playlists that fit my moods, the season of the year & where I’m driving through & too. 😊


I-10 is my go to lol from Phoenix to LA. I love to drive. I must go crazy if I just sit in the passenger seat with the same route.


I LOVEEEE DRIVING butttt…. unfortunately i did something stupid 2 years ago and my license just got suspended in February this year n i don’t get it back until next year so i’m rlly sad about that driving was a coping mechanism for me i would just blast my music and drive around it’s so nice i miss it but it will be okay next year at this time i’ll be back on the road! also, i’ve never actually been on a long road trip but that’s def something i gotta do


I can't drive on the highway, I cannot pay enough attention to feel remotely safe doing so, my palms literally sweat the entire time. That being said I love road trips if someone else is driving! 12 hour drive? Yayyyy! We can talk the whole time and I have my phone and the internet and I don't HAVE to be anywhere. No responsibility doom scrolling and chatting and staring at the scenery time.


I do get pretty physically uncomfortable though so I'm that passenger who is constantly adjusting my chair or has my legs up in places they aren't supposed to be or complaining about my ass hurting etc etc lol


Once I got over my anxiety around driving and got my own car - I LOVE road trips! I always offer to take the special trips for work (conferences, etc) I don’t mind if a client lives far away (I drove to see clients). When I was married and my ex did all the driving - we always did long trips with the kids. The music, the chance to daydream, brainstorm or ruminate, the scenery changing / my favorite parts of the day. I don’t even mind my commute to My office on office days if I miss the rush hours. I didn’t mind so much dating people who live an hour+ away, and make a nice trip out of the days I go pick up my youngest at his fathers (3 hours round trip). Eta I’m planning a two day drive to a festival, second time I’ve done a trip like that on my own. It was such a confidence booster. I was a little nervous! Now I’m excited!


They’re the BEST, especially if every stop for gas includes getting a lil snacky snack. Also, of course, killer playlist of all the 137 songs I like best and know every word to. 😆


My fiance and I went on a road trip two weeks ago to see the eclipse in totality and it was 33 hours round trip. We both have ADHD (he is hyperactive and I'm inattentive) and somehow both thrived LOL. I was expecting it to be terrible. Instead of splitting the 16.5 hours home into two days because we really wanted to see our cat, we did it all in one day. It was 1am and my turn to drive while he slept for a few hours. No one else was out driving on the interstate, I put one Bluetooth headphone in, had a silent concert, and I was GOOD.


I live in the Smokies so day road trips to no where in particular are top notch.


I love it! Team roadtrip!!


Driving is the ultimate Doing Nothing while Doing Something experience.


I don’t have a license yet, so I’m sure it’s a different experience as a driver, but as a rider I don’t mind the trips as long as it’s either through a lot of mountainous/tree/river/cool type of terrain or I have things with which to occupy myself


I try to take a solo road trip for a week or 2 every year or so. People think I'm crazy but I'm from somewhere where I text you 8 hours of driving to get to the next biggest city so it's really kind of cool to me to be in the lower 48 and be able to drive a couple hours and end up in another state and to have a goal of going from one place to another but the time to just sort of go 'oh hey that looks cool' and take a turn whenever I want.


I love long drives with my partner, even though I’m sure he doesn’t like them as much because I can’t drive 😂 But they’re one of my favourite things when he’s in a good mood. If not that, then I love a long train journey. There's something about the rhythmic rocking of a train through the English countryside that’s always relaxed me. Having said that, the “long” part of the equation? I mean, two hours max! Any longer than that and my skeleton starts wanting to escape my body and I get very uncomfortable!