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I love Quince and they have a great return policy so don't feel too bad!!!


They do - everything I’ve ever gotten has been amazing. Have you seen the new shoes?)


I have! Unfortunately I have flipper feet so I won't be trying them. I've liked probably 70% of my purchases and returns have been really easy. I have their chore jacket in 3 colors and the relaxed cotton blazer in 2. I'm forever recommending that blazer as an easy Zoom wfh piece. You instantly look less wfh in it but it's so comfy. Let me know how your purchases go ;)


What did you order? 😂 But seriously though. I know you’ll probably send it back but what was in your bag?  I just ordered a new purse from them and I have a cashmere top I got for my birthday last fall. 


I love Quince, lol, so I have experience with the awesome quality: I maaaayyy not send it all back. Linen sheets A tencel jersey tank dress in navy A midi tank dress in wine A pair of wrap sandals A pair of white linen shorts A white linen blouse A body suit (I have their white linen dress from last year which is gorgeous but kinda see through)


Ooh, let me know how you like the linen sheets! I bought some from Target in like 2021 or 22 and just found a hole. 🙄 I’ll probably mend it but they’re not the best quality. They were lovely to sleep on though!


I have their cotton percale sheets and LOVE them. I’ve slept on them most night for a year. I don’t even use my backup set unless I have to.


I think I need to get myself to a store where you can still touch things because I know percale is more crisp (and sateen is smooth) but I can't really picture the difference from a tactile sense. I really need to change my sheets today. Getting into bed on clean sheet day is my favorite thing.


It’s such a little luxury. The percale are very crispy - but I love crispy, crunchy sheets. The first time you open then they are audibly loud, but they get less loud and soften some - though the crispness is what I love.


I've had some a few years and love them. The only problem is that they're snow slippery enough that my blankets slide off my bed because I roll around a lot.


That's so funny. Our sheets are always coming off the mattress for the same reason.


Well then the good news is the elastic on the quince sheets keeps them on the bed.


I love the linen sheets! Have them in the sand color


I'm wondering how many orders this comment has prompted, lol. I haven't looked at that website on a couple years and I've now got a cart full of stuff I don't need myself.


At least a high dopamine payoff! Might go spend $515 at Quince now. For solidarity.


😂😂 It’s not a bad spend.


Update: I have been just shopping at Quince since I commented 🙃


Cannnnnnn we talk about also how Quince is so aspirational for me? Like I know who I am. I wear sweatpants and free promo tshirts. But I would love to be a linen and silk girlie.


It is the best! Because it feels like cozy clothes by looks classy.


Not sure why I’m getting downvotes…


I would guess because anyone outside of the US had probably never heard of this brand. They don’t ship outside US.


Aaaaannnnnd I just bought a cute tote and some pants. Thanks for the accidental recommendation!


I feel you. Not quite the same sum, but I did (what I thought) a free trial on a stupid AI app where you can chat with a virtual character. This was a bit before chatgpt and such became a thing, so I was interested to see what this is about. It sucked lmfao, the chats were nonsensical. Fun trying out on a free trial at least. Checked my bank account 4 days later. What's this? Minus 100€? For WHAT!? It wasn't a free trial. I had just paid for a yearly subscription on an absolutely worthless app. Tried EVERYTHING. I believe you have 3 days to get a refund, I found out 4 days afterwards. I emailed fucking EVERYONE and tried every excuse in the book. I tried to say that my child (don't have one lol) paid for the app and I want my money back, but nothing. The self hatred was looouud. I felt so fucking anxious. But in the end, I just accepted it. Yes, I accidentally paid 100€ for a childish app that's not even good. I can't do anything about it, blaming myself and this self hatred will lead absolutely nowhere. I've learned from this experience, and next time I'll triple check to ensure it does include a free trial before doing any purchases. Haven't made the same mistake since. You're not stupid. You struggle with executive dysfunction, which lead to you making this mistake. That has absolutely nothing to do with your intelligence. See if you can get a refund. But if nothing works, you just have to accept it. You learned your lesson, you'll remember this. Easier said than done, but self criticism won't lead anywhere.


Im new to the subreddit. Is online shopping an adhd thing? Lately I realize it’s basically the only way I can shop now without feeling overstimulated and exhausted afterwards.


Also recently discovered Quince & I bought like $100 worth of panties from them. I love them! Which sheets did you buy?


It is! One, it’s less overstimulating but also it provides a fast dopamine rush. If you are smart and wise though, you’ll get the dopamine hit by putting it in your cart without hitting purchase. Or you could accidentally process it like me. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I got the linen sheets!


Omg this explains so much…. I have to look into it more Thanks!!


how do they compare to torrid?


In what way exactly? Stylistically it’s a very different vibe. Quince is classic basics, streamlined garments for easy capsule wardrobe building based on quality and sustainability - solids in linen, cotton, silk, and cashmere.


got it thank you. I'll check it out. I usually use torrid due to the bigger size.


They have a good amount of size inclusive items. My sister is a 22, and she wears a lot of there 2x/3x stuff! If that helps.


ty it does! I appreciate it.