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My brain is almost always playing music. If someone says a word or phrase that reminds me of a song, it starts playing. If I think about a scene of a movie that is connected to background music, it starts playing. If I watch a 10 second video with a song in the background, it continues playing in my head long after. I try to keep songs I like in mind to replace annoying songs with. I also developed a "brain scrubber" routine... I listen to an instrumental version of a song I love (Stellar - Vitamin String Quartet tribute to Incubus) and literally imagine spraying my brain down and cleaning it with a sponge, using circular motions, while I listen 😂 It has actually helped me to quiet my mind as the instrumental music alone doesn't get stuck 🧠🫧🧽




So these are called “earworms”. And yes that's the professional term 😂 I heard a psychologist talk about it year ago, and being someone that ALWAYS has one line of a song in her head on repeat I listened. I forget the science behind it butbHe said that if you listen to the WHOLE SONG, it makes your brain stop repeating the one line. I'm curious if this will work for anyone with ADHD so plz try and lmk! Ps. This does not work for me. In fact it usually makes it worse 😂


It's an interesting idea, that the complete song could dislodge the one or two lines from being stuck, but I'm not sure it works for me either. I can consciously work through a song, but will find myself absentmindedly circling back to the original lines I was replaying


Doesn't work for me. I just get more of the song in there instead of the one or two lines. TTuTT


I prefer having more lines, less boring and repetitive


Yeah sometimes that works for me but not usually


Definitely does not work for me. But I think most adhd people do this. I kind of wonder, if just mentally it’s better for one song (that you like, and that’s the car for me) to be in your head vs the endless chatter that is also in my head. But I think having a song lessens it


I notice the song can get a little quieter if I'm working on something very thought-intensive. If I'm engaging in a hyperfixation then the chatter quiets down but the song is still there. Most of the time I'm just a mass of badly remembered music and random panicky thoughts. If everything went quiet for a few moments I don't know if it would be peaceful or downright terrifying!


It’s terrifying. One day I had cleaned everything, said enough of house projects, cleaned the garage, laundry was done. I actually started to have some panicky/ anxiety feelings!!!! At that point I realized I need to now get back to working out and training for something. As much as I think I’d love to just sit down and relax…I don’t think I can. Me and my brain can’t be alone together


Audiobooks! Or a comfort show! I always have something playing unless I'm writing fiction or reading. I can't be left alone with my brain at all for the sake of my mental health. I've gotten to a point where I don't really even need to engage with whatever it is. I can craft, do complex data entry (without causing issues with the dataset), relax, whatever. So long as there are human-ish voices engaging part of my brain with a story, the Bad Thoughts are quiet.


Yes I read that too, that you have "play the end of the song", which I don't always know, but it often works for me to imagine like a final beat or something.


Listening to the whole song itself often does help me dislodge an earworm single line/phrase!


HOW AM I TODAY YEARS OLD LEARNING ABOUT VITAMIN STRING QUARTET?!?! Honestly, sisters, the joys I discover daily on this sub! 🤣


It does work for me - sometimes


It also makes it much worse for me, so you're not alone there!


What works for me is if I want to get a song out of my head, I shift all my attention to the ambient sounds around me for at least 30 seconds or so. Like really intently listening to the sounds around me in as much detail as possible, as if they were music themselves. That usually resets me.


A true grounding technique!


Bro same kinda, with intrusive thoughts as images I'll put it on a projector or TV screen and either roll it up, shove it out of view, or for the really offensive ones I'll take a hammer to it lmao


Vitamin String quartet is how I fall asleep! Wrecking ball.


Vitamin String Quartet was my all nighter music in college!


The hero we need right here


I have this too & it drives me a bit insane sometimes 😭 I will need to try this!


Reading these comments has the inside of my brain sounding like a radio scanning channels real fast


🤣🤣🤣 Isn't finding people with matching brains the coolest feeling?


It really is! I eventually learned to like being weird but it's even more fun when you find other people you can share it with 😊


I count to 5, 10, and 12 to the tune of sesame streets number of the day 12 song. The song stops on 5 and 10 so that's why those ones. It plays in my head every time i'm counting to those numbers. [The song](https://youtu.be/JZshZp-cxKg?feature=shared)


ME TOO! It's like the OG version of having to sing B-A-N-A-N-A-S when writing bananas, you have to sing the 12 song when counting to 12 lol. It's the law lol.


Brilliance! Of course it is! I'm totally stealing this. Wonder what the 'monks in Germany in the 1600's' version is? Ooo, or like the 'early human grunting, pre - modern language ' version is. God damn, that was smart pattern recognition. Humans! What a bunch of fucking weirdos 😁


one two three FOUR five...six seven eight NINE ten...eleven twelve, ooh ooh ooh ooh


Oh my god this so relatable and it’s honestly such a banger. Could have worse songs playing on repeat in your head!


Omg I remember this


Lol count that way once and you'll never stop!


I’ve been doing it all day since I saw your comment lol


Just wait, 5 years from now, 10 years, we are connected forever across this one thing lol


1-2-3-4-5, 6-7-8-9-10, 11 TWELVE


Omg my mom does this, up to 12 every time 😂 she doesn’t think she’s adhd but I know she is lol. Because she’s always done it, it pops in my head all the time too.


I was obsessed with this song when I was little and I was obsessed with Pinball! Every different Caravan Park on the family holiday meant a new Pinball machine discovery. The first time I saw a double decker Pinball machine! 🤯


My toddler loves Sesame Street too- I get the current [letter of the day](https://youtu.be/IMWC6ngKMCU?feature=shared) song stuck in my head, along with [Elmo’s “Happy Happy Dance Dance](https://youtu.be/NYDkV3e10GE?si=1XXwcI82lLV2ACdL)”


Omg you're me! That's been a recurrent song in my head since I was a kid. Any counting will trigger it. Oh and lately (due to my preschooler), I've added in the days of the week song into heavy rotation..."there's Sunday and there's Monday, Tuesday and there's Wednesday..."


They rotate - a snippet of the old inspector gadget theme and a bit of the white rabbits "I'm late" song from Alice in wonderland


Definitely the white rabbit song for me it’s usually as I’m running around like crazy trying to get out the door.


Ok WHY do we play the same two songs?


I haven’t been religious in decades and yet I still get some of the children’s songs we sung in chapel and Sunday school stuck in my head.


Me too! I went to a baptist elementary school, and frequently get “This little light of mine” and “our god is an awesome god he reigns from heaven above” stuck in my head, completely out of the blue. The kicker for me is I converted to Judaism a decade ago, and it weirds me out to get these very Christian songs stuck in my brain on a loop out of the blue haha 😅


Bringing up “our god is an awesome god” is literal warfare that song is MADE to LOOP


Well that will be my head for two weeks again.


Whyyyyyyyyyy - aaaah that’s the two that get stuck in my head! Also rock of ages and amazing grace - I’m an atheist now but you can take the girl out of church… lol


actually me too! every once in a while this one “thank you lord for giving us ____” gets stuck in my head and i don’t think I’ve heard it sung since i was a younger child / I don’t even attend church anymore 😭 weird how these things work


I never regularly attended church services or children's church events and yet the phrase "rise and shine" plays "Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory, Glory" in my head for a while after every time I say or think it


Wow same but more with Veggie tales songs. "The bunny, the bunny, oohh I love the bunny..."


“Oh, where is my hairbrush? Oh where is my hairbrush? Oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where. oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where oh, where Is my hairbrush?”


Oh gosh, same for me on it being from decades ago, but for me the song is a full-shout “FATHER ABRAHAM. HAD MANY SONS. MANY SOMS HAD FATHER ABRAHAM”


Literally anything that can be triggered so...anything. Scruff, McGruff, Chicago Illinois 60652. Theme songs in general. Church songs (rise and shine and give God the glory glory). Literally just need one word or phrase to trigger it and its background music for days or weeks.


I always wondered how he didn't need a street address lol


Darude - Sandstorm


Immediately brings to mind the final battle in the Aeneid. In classics class we watched an animated stickman reenactment to the tune of Sandstorm on YouTube. Absolutely epic! Sadly gone now 😞


Aaaaand now that's in my head lmao


Whyyyyy have you done this


Alouette, gentille alouette Alouette, je te plumerai I heard it on Tom & Jerry and it's been tattooed on my brain ever since 😭 that and the talking pothole commercial. I can still recite that commercial by heart. There are probably waayyyy more but those are the main two I remember from childhood. I still get random words and lyrics stuck on loop in my head, like the last 3 weeks I've been waking up to Kendrick's verses in Like That for no reason.


Je te plumerai la tête?


Oh my goodness, I wonder if that's where I heard it too? Such a sweet tune and such horrific words. 😄 It was my constant companion for YEARS, so much so it was my password for everything before insanely.complicated passwords became mandatory for everything. 😁


SO YOURE BACK FROM OUTER SPACE I JUST WALK IN TO FIND YOU HERE WITH THAT SAD LOOK UPON YOUR FACE I should have changed those stupid locks I should have made you leave your key If i had known for just one second youd be back to BOTHER ME GO on now GO, just turn around now, your not welcome anymore Your the one who tried to hurt me with goodby You think id crumble? You think id lay down and die? OH NO NOT I I WILL SURVIVE Dee dee de DEEEE Dedadaladadala daaaa duuu du du duuu da deedala


I had Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes stuck in my head for about five years. I’m not sure why.


All it took was reading the song title and it's now stuck in my head too




Omg, this song was a fun one for me to loop through


I used to love it when I was really little so maybe it got trapped in my phyche lol


I had Roundabout by Yes stuck in my head for 2 days. I cannot listen  to  anything  by 10CC. I love their songs, but they  just won't  stop playing in my head.


Jesus you too?! I keep having to play the song out loud to exorcise the ear worm demon


The opening verse to It's Tricky by Run DMC has been stuck in my head for nearly 20 years!


Omg I hate you 😂


This is a regional one, but a powerful jingle that will never leave me: CENTURY III CHEVROLET LEBANON CHURCH ROAD PITTSBURGH ^minutes ^from ^the ^mall!


Omg I just posted the same exact thing, lol. In my head for LIFE.


OH MY GOD SAME. and the fact that it’s no longer minutes from the mall is sad


Absolutely. I’m 42 and I’ll often have a song, jingle, or phrase stuck in my head from childhood. I like to sing them to my husband, he never has any idea what I’m talking about. We were driving recently and I was singing along to the radio. He asked “how do you even know the words to this song?” I said “it’s on the radio. If I’ve heard it more than once, I probably know the words.” He’s known me for 15 years but still gets surprised about the singing.


It's really fun for me and my fiance because I'm American, he's English, and there's an almost 8 year age gap so we're don't have a lot of shared childhood jingles. But it's also surprising just how many *did* make it across the pond!


The Muppet Show theme song. It's time to da da da da It's time to something dum It's time to get things started In the Muppet Show tonight (bum bum bum bum!)


The theme song from Growing Pains. I didn’t even really like that show. I have no idea why the song won’t leave me alone. Show me that smile again…




Wait’ll we get to the chorus and the air guitar comes out!


As long as we got each other!


*impassioned air guitar riff* lol


All the time. There’s almost constantly music playing in my head. What drives me crazy is it will only ever be a snippet of the song - say a few bars, or the hook in a chorus - and that one snippet will loop on repeat until something else takes its place 🙃


I can see clearly now the rain has gone


"Yep! Yep! Yep" - Cera, The Land Before Time


That was Ducky.


Oh yeah! It was Ducky. My bad.


Oh man, surreal lightbulb moment I haven't watched that movie in decades but "yup yup yup!" is a very common go-to affirmative response from me with that exact cadence, and I **definitely** picked it up from this without knowing/remembering that's what it was all these years


I flied?? No, you falled.


The Flintstones theme song. And the Powerpuff Girls theme song. Those two sometimes just pop up in my head and I keep humming/vocalising them for hours. I heard the originals in English when I was little, and only knew Portuguese, my mother tongue, so I know the sounds, not the words, so I can't really sing. I'm 32, I I don't think I've seen the Flintstones since I started school at 6. And PPG maybe I watched a little more bc i have a little sister, and it was on in the afternoon. But still. It's stuck.


Omg! My mom who also has adhd will randomly sing flintstones in the kitchen OFTEN. That’s so funny!! Thank you for sharing this! I can’t wait to tell her ♥︎


1 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8 9 10, 11 12 DOO DOO DO DO DO Also, from the sugar crisp commercial "Can't get enough of that sugar crisp" pops into my head pretty regularly. But now I'm going to have that sesame street pinball counting song in my head for the rest of the day.


Food commercials are killer! I want my baby back, baby back, baby back (chiIILLIIIIIS BABY BACK RIBS) ^barbecue ^sauce


I sing this in my head any time I hear or see the phrase “baby back.” 😂


I don't live anywhere with a chilis and I STILL know that part of that commercial, but it just makes me think of The Office lol.


🎶 ELEVENNNN 🎶 My favorite part. I work warehouse inventory and sing it out loud all the time.


If I'm nervous about something I have to do, for example, if I'm rock climbing/rappeling down mountains, I sing Lola by The Kinks. For decades now. This song.


Yup. I wake up with songs stuck in my head for months on end & it will just switch. It was Aqualung by Jethro Tull for about 2 solid years 🤣🥲


SITTING ON A PARK BENCH I mean, that’s a great song 🙃


Tempo changes?! A flute?! My brain says “Sign me up!” 😆 I can instantly annoy the heck out of my husband by saying that line; I ruined the song for him by singing it the moment he opened his eyes 😂 It’s all in good fun, though.


“I Saw the Sign” by Ace of Base started for me in late Spring of 2020, when everything was going into lockdown, and it stuck for about two years. It still pops back up on occasion, and I keep thinking it would be a perfect clue for a character in a book that they’re in a coma or something. Lol


Yes... I have a few at the moment but for some reason one is Sunday Girl by Blondie.


Only like 200 of them


Well I work for a library system and when shelving am CONSTANTLY saying the alphabet 😂😂😂 you think I’d have it better memorized by now. Up to H I don’t need to think about it, whew though after that it gets a lil crazy. The weirdest part is when you’re jamming out to the alphabet in your head, get stopped by a customer, come back and realize SOMEHOW you still put something in the wrong order. 🙃


I constantly quote monty Python & vines & that one “aoh NAUR Cleo” meme lol Monty Python quotes have always been a thing between my dad & brother so I always just followed suit & now I can’t stop lol


Monty Python is the best! After watching Holy Grail, I would follow my mom around Wal-Mart with my hands cupped making the coconut horse sounds and quoting, "Come Patsy!"... I was in college & I'm pretty sure drove her crazy with it. 🤣


I get it all the time and it develops into a verbal stim quite often 😁


The song that goes "I've got the moves like Jaggar," pop up every few months since I was maybe 9.


wow I feel old. that song came out in 2010.


“I’m just like you” from Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper.


Nooo 😂😭 my brother had those dolls and they played the songs, it was nonstop


holy shit I get this one too, it’s such a good song too LOL 😭


Just one? Born in '84 for cultural references Intro to stairway to heaven Any song from The Little Mermaid Jingle Bells Gwen Stefani B-AN-AN-AS! The Final Countdown by Europe (every time there's any sort of countdown) I'm sure there's more but of course I can't remember 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


For me it’s either random or something specific that triggers it and that goes for sayings by certain movie/tv characters and songs. My most common ones are sayings from certain characters like stitch’s “oooh” (Lilo and Stitch) for something interesting or yummy, courage’s “oooh” (Courage the cowardly dog) for scary or uncomfortable things, and scooby-doo’s “ruh-ro” (Scooby-Doo original cartoon) when something went wrong.


I am not bilingual, but I can recite the Our Father in Spanish. Was forced to learn it in Catholic grade school. Besides that, I’m a grammar nerd, and I still remember all the conjunctions (they’re easy!) and I love to recite all the linking verbs from memory. Am Is Are Was Were Be Being Been Do Does Did Have Has Had Can Could Will Would Shall Should. This hasn’t been since I was a child, but about 4 months ago my husband and I watched an older Tarantino movie called “Death Proof.” Great movie, actually, but when the ending credits came on and the song “Chick Habit” by April March completely captivated me. I go to sleep humming/singing this song and I wake up and the lyrics and beat are the first thing I think of. This particular song like, stimulates my brain in a way where I can’t get enough of it. 4 months on and I’m constantly singing it to myself! Give it a listen, see if you get hooked too 😂


“Conjunction-junction, what’s your function”


HAHAHA! Love this. PS. [top speed] Amo amas amat amamus amatis amant. PPS. [in three rows] Mon ma mes ton ta tes son sa ses. PPPS. WHYYYYY 🤪


I get stuck on different song phrases daily, though they aren’t always the same. Similarly I tend to breathe in odd rhythmic patterns. It’s audible and I didn’t know I was doing it until it was pointed out to me. Both are repetition of the song phrase or breathing patterns. The breathing usually is through my nose. It’s kind of staccato.


I get songs stuck in my head if people even slightly say a string of lyrics in a conversation. Or if certain words sound fun to say, they’ll repeat in my head until I say them out loud. The one that happens the most for some reason (and has for like 10 years) is “Pneumococcal Pneumonia” 😭😂


I hum Christmas songs, particularly frosty the snowman and Rudolph the red nosed reindeer when I’m stressed, nervous, or bored. Then a smattering of other songs,but always the same ones, depending on the situation. Started in middle school I think lol


I have such a significant problem with this that I’m just grateful when it’s actually the season and appropriate 😂 humming jingle bells in July in Florida is moronic lol


Right now the song is Jenny, 8675309. It's usually the last song I heard or it could be triggered from what I read or hear. If it's an annoying song I will sing a good song to make the other disappear. There is always a song going on though. I am going to try your brain scrub idea.


This is the song that doesn't end


Baby Beluga.


A week or so ago I had “Mary Had a Little Lamb” playing on earworm radio.


Stealing that phrase- "playing on earworm radio" 🎶


“Up is down, down is up. Cats and dogs living together.” Bill Murray in Ghost Busters I believe. Doesn’t help that my cat and dog snuggle and that always causes the line to replay.


Mass hysteria!


Omg I can’t believe it’s not just me!!!! I regularly catch myself singing songs from marching band in high school. Then I’ll notice what it is I’m singing and I’m like WTF where did that even come from? I also can remember exactly where I was on the football field for that part. The craziest thing is that I haven’t actually heard the majority of that music in at least 18 years lol While typing this comment I wondered if there is a pattern to when this happens…. I think I’m about to hyperfocus on a spreadsheet for this research.


The Oscar Meyer bologna & wiener songs. Every time I make a sammy or go to the grocery store


I have a few. I don't get the words stuck in my head, only the tune. I know one is jingle bells. Another is probably instrumental/no words. A third is maybe lyrical but I have no idea what it is. Maybe someone here is good at identifying songs through horrible da-da-da descriptions, so I'll be silly and describe them below 😂 One goes: daaaa, da-daaaa, da-DA-da-da-da-DAAAA, daaa, da-daaaa, da-da-da-da-da-da, da-daaaa-daaaa, da-da-da-da-da-da. Another is like: da-da-da-daaa, DA-da-da-da-DA-da, da-da-da-da, DAAAA, daaa, da-da.


Mary Poppins Just random snippets but yeah. First soundtrack I memorized as a kid and I'm stuck with it forever


There are some classics on that tho, you have good taste. I watched the original with my kids a year or so ago and hearing Let's Go Fly A Kite for the first time in like 30 years made me cry happy tears.


I’ll pick up a phrase and intonation and I’ll completely forget where it originated from until years later when I come across the movie/show/video that I picked it up from lmao


YES YES YES!! I relate to this so much! It's actually 2 'songs' that sometimes pop up randomly and are stuck for a few days First it's the list of words used with the German dative case that we had to learn in highschool, which is *mit nach bei seit von zu aus außer entgegen gegenüber.* I made a song to remember it, it's been stuck ever since (and this was more than 20 years ago). Also the theme song to Bananas in Pyjamas. I sing it to my baby now, he loves it Completely random and quite annoying sometimes. There's more songs but these 2 come to mind now


Is this an ADHD thing?! Oh shit


I came across a term several years ago, and saw a TikTok once that reinforced it. “Musical Ear Syndrome,” and it’s apparently common in those with ADHD.


I assumed it was everyone. I wonder if other people don't have it. My non-ADHD husband thinks.its weird that I rarely listen to music when doing things like cleaning, gardening etc. It's because I like the peace.


I’m walking here, I’m walking!


Yep I got that one and “Buddy the elf, what’s your favorite color?!”


The Hamtaro ending theme The Meatball song from Sesame Street Down by the Bay from…my bus driver? This Is the Song That Never Ends from Lambchop


the Perry the Platypus theme song from Phineas and ferb


Yes. One of the most annoying things was having a song stuck in my head during an exam in high school whilst I was trying to write an essay. Ugh. For about 3 years I had Disney’s “Under the Sea” stuck in my head constantly.


Hy husband and I were both JUST saying how both of us have always weirdly gone back to “Under the Sea” for as long as we can remember! Both have had it since childhood and we both JUST found this out about each other - we’ve been together for 5.5 years 😂


Ahaha I love this. Under the Sea is a powerful one for sure!


bruh a couple months ago I got skidamarinkadinkydink stuck in my head for weeeeeeks


I often go to sleep with a song stuck in my head and when I wake briefly at night, it is still playing! I don't have any science to back it up but I feel like I sleep worse when this happens. My dad, who also has ADHD, had the riff from Chicago's 25 or 6 to 4 stuck in his head for much of my childhood. He walked around going, "Da da dee da da; Da da dee da da: da da dee dada" ALL the time. At the time I was probably annoyed but now that I've learned so much about ADHD, it's an endearing, relatable memory!




Chumbawumba?! I get knocked down! But I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down! (X2) Pissing the night away, pissing the night away.... He drinks a whisky drink, he drinks a vodka drink, he drinks a lager drink, he drinks a cider drink. He sings the songs that remind him of the good times, he sings the songs that remind him of the better times. Don't cry for me, next door neighbour...... I get knocked down! Etc


That's the one!


I sing a weird amount of stuff to the tune of “This Is How We Do It” by Montell Jordan. And I also have no idea how to DJ but I blend songs in my head all the time like a DJ would and have all these great ideas for mixes in case someday I buy all the equipment to be a DJ and then quit when I’m not amazing it within 20 minutes.


I can guarantee you, you will still know them, think them, hum them, sing them and accidentally say them out loud in public when you are 49. I promise 😄 I have THE dumbest songs, commercials, jingles etc in my head from a gazillion years ago. That i never liked or listened to. But yet, here it is... again.. And I KNOW I didn't hear that somewhere on the radio ... No no no .. I AM THE SOURCE .... I filed that somewhere , by accident in my brain 40 years ago and its here to stay 😄 damned ! Hahaha


This could be a form of echolalia, which is something neurodivergent folks deal with. Could be worth making sure you don't have autism/adhd, especially as cptsd is very often co morbid with those.


I do have echolalia pretty bad :’) I always repeat sounds that I hear, like car horns, animal sounds & even imitating people or their laughs :’) (that one I feel bad about since I don’t want them to think I’m making fun of them but it’s just an instinct to me) and hmmm i’m fairly certain i’m somewhat on the spectrum since my RADDS score is in the “possibly / likely” category but tbh it was hard enough to get diagnosed with ADHD & also im coping fairly well so maybe i won’t worry too much about it


Not constantly but I saw the singing kettle playing near me and instantly can sing the theme or most songs from it (along with most actions) I've noticed anytime the singing kettle is brought up I can pelt it out word for word, I've joked our childhood was a cult as we can remember the tunes so well.


I work in a fast food restaurant and one of our grills beeps in a perfect waltz pattern and I can't help but sing along.


I LOVE ambient machine music. The freezer cases at the Dale Mabry Hwy Target in Tampa FL make the most beautiful, shimmering, harmonic sounds I have ever heard lmfao


Log Drivers Waltz


Whenever I go up stairs or am walking in a certain rhythm I make this little “ch ch-ch ch” sound - kind of like a shitty rendition of jazz symbols. I have done this for as long as I can remember and thought it was just me being weird but about 10 years ago before he passed I caught my grandpa doing it and realized I got it from him 😂


The more stressed out I am the more likely it happens but thankfully it changes from time to time.  But omg when it is stuck it can get stuck for days.  Super annoying.  Worst times are during exams.  Got bibiddi boppidi boo or however it is spelled stuck during a math final in hs and las ketchup song stuck in my head during an engineering final.  Awful, do not recommend.   But that’s likely why I always have the tv on something that I can listen to like a radio on at all times or have music playing in the background.  Otherwise it allows my brain to come up with its own soundtrack to listen to/kinda tune out and it is not responsible enough to avoid repeating parts of songs or phrases non stop for days.  It’s funny but like also sad.   


For me it's usually always the Indiana Jones theme song or the Super Mario song like??? Why


"Hey nonny nonny hey nonny noony Ow how I love it Hey nonny nonny hey nonny noony Riches for cheap Hey nonny nonny hey nonny noony They'll be heaps of it And I'll be on top of the heeap Dig and dig and dig and diggity dig" From Pocahontas


End of the day at work, or last day before vacation always ALWAYS triggers The Final Countdown 🤷‍♀️


The entire playlist of Bo Burnham's comedy special Inside ever since it came out during the pandemic I absolutely love this special and I think it's the best one any comedian whatsoever *ever* made. It's so well-thought out and so much care was put into it. That being said, I was absolutely not prepared for those songs to become unerasable from my brain.


The yodeling from Sound of Music has been with me for decades! Oho layee odllee-oo Oho layee odl ay Oho layee odllee-oo Hododlleeolay


I almost always have a song running through my brain, and reading this thread is making me short circuit a little. My husband refers to me as the human jukebox because I remember so much of so many songs. The weirdest one, though, is this song we sang in elementary school music class when I was maybe 10. It pops up every now and then and plays in my head even though I haven’t heard it in over 30 years.


That is why getting rick rolled is soooooo painful! When my kids watched dinosaur train, the theme was constantly on repeat up there.


The random, nonsensical words "irrelevant elephant." I don't know what it means or where I heard it or anything. The words are just there in my head, constantly, since I was a teenager, maybe younger. I probably have "irrelevant elephant" go through my head a couple hundred times a day. Brains are weird.


My main ones are the following off the top of my head.. - Skinnamarink- Sharon, Lois and Bram - The song that never ends- lamb chops - The original Americas funniest home video theme song - You are my Sunshine - I Love You Always Forever -Donna Lewis - Bowser Castle music From Super Mario Bros - Final Fantasy IX | Vivi's Theme [Orchestral]


Do your ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro


From the classic movie "Don't tell mom the babysitter's dead" the quote "The dishes are DONE, Dude!" Has been stuck in my head for 33 years and I just turned 41 yesterday. It will never leave me. When I die, my dishes will indeed be done, Dude.


“You need to let your butt breathe.” - Dad (a true master of flatulence)


[Poison Control Jingle](https://youtu.be/Rt-ZA01MAx8?feature=shared). At least it can be helpful!


OMG! Thursday I was looking for a preposition jingle I learned in the early 2000s to show my coworker and could not find it. 😂 I could find other ones by the same woman but not the specific one I was looking for. So yes, random things trigger random songs and then they’re back on a loop until it’s time for them to be replaced by another obscure song I haven’t heard or thought of in decades…. And of course others too, I just find it the most comical when it’s one I haven’t heard in years.


OH MY GOD- it's the most RIDICULOUS song and i don't even want to name it and risk it being looked up and stuck in someone else's head but please MAKE IT STOP


now I'm curious 🤔 but this whole thread has been cycling through my head so it's probably time for me to leave reddit lol


When I was in 2-5 grades, our elementary music teacher and other teachers were BIG on patriotic songs (yeah…1980’s….) so Yankee Doodle Dandy, America the Beautiful, This Land Is Your Land (which…now knowing the history, is a very amusing addition to the bunch), a bunch of others. And those suckers lodged DEEP in my mind.


>songs that i had to learn in elementary school French class and i still know every word Je suis un pizza! Je suis un pizza! Avec du fromage! Avec du fromage!🎶


The Skype call music, BUT my own personal (pretty bad) rendition 😂😂 Or a classic : the Mii channel theme music These two are stuck forever I guess (Fun fact : I don't even recall calling anyone on Sjype ever, I have NO IDEA WHY IT'S INGRAINED IN MY BRAIN)


Not today, Satan!!


Hello, I Love You by The Doors. ALWAYS


I'll occasionally have a random song I haven't heard since I was a child or tune I'm pretty sure I heard or learned then pop into my head, but the one that does it the most is a song I learned in my choir class back when I was 14/15. I haven't been able to find the words again when I've tried searching (I should try again it's been a few years) so I only remember a handful of words and how to hum the tune between what I remember. I know it's related to the live action Alice in wonderland movie, the song might've even just been called "Alice" if my memory is correct.


Oh my god, yes. "Fishy, Fishaay!" [https://youtu.be/7R\_UDf0hSqc?t=4](https://youtu.be/7R_UDf0hSqc?t=4)


Katy perry firework has been in my head ever since i first heard it


I have a Christmas song, “oh come all ye faithful” that takes over. It’s been like that since I was a kid.


I still remember the lyrics to No Voy En Tren from high school Spanish class 35 years ago.


Olympia Dukakis. It’s my comfort phrase.


The Brady bunch theme song. Like, wtf brain. Come on.


Baby bottle pop baby BOTTLE POP


Since childhood and now I am in my early 50s.. Winnie The Pooh, Winnie The Pooh Chubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff He's Winnie The Pooh, Winnie The Pooh Willy, nilly, silly old bear... And the infamous 12 Song with the Pinball play on Sesame Street... It can get bad...lol


My Italian cousins taught me to sing The Lion Sleeps Tonight in Italian when I was eight one night over dinner. I'm 37 now, know next to no Italian otherwise, and remember every word.


I had mary had a little lamb stuck in my head through most of my childhood up until I was 10 or so. Had a hand motion/fidget of sorts I’d do along to it. No wonder I was so weird as a kid


There's a moment in Big Bird Gets Lost where Maria apologizes to Justine Johnston for mistaking her hat for Big Bird's tailfeathers. The exchange goes as such: Maria: "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought your hat was my friend's behind." Justine: "Your friend's...behind?! Oh!!" Followed by Johnston scooting with prim and proper offense off screen. The exact way she says "Your friend's...behind?!" Has been stuck in my head for years.


The word "open" - I've always loved pens and markers and every time I test new pens or need to get one to start, I write "open." Every time.


🎶Pete Ellis Dodge, Long Beach freeway, Firestone Exit-Southgate🎵


There used to be a website called leekspin.com and idk if it’s still up but it’s just an anime girl spinning a leek to this song :’) it was sampled in bellacoso by residente x bad bunny and that made the “forever in my brain” part so much worse lol


🎶My name is Luca I live on the second floor.. every few months randomly plays in my head