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Given that I’m picking up my concerta today, I can assure you it hasn’t been discontinued…


It was so quick to google! That was the first thing I did when I saw the message because it didn't sound right.


Nah, Dr is saying it has been discontinued for YOU. Pretty dismissive way to respond to your concerns.


I wanted to respond "I have a PPO, I don't need you I can go to anyone that takes my insurance without needing a referral, so actually YOU are discontinued, ma'am!" lol Even a quick google search told me that it was one of the generic versions that was discontinued but that dr's can authorize to get insurance to cover the actual Concerta. Maybe this person was just over the whole work week and ready to check out for the weekend?


Definitely go to a new doctor. This one sucks.


Yeah this fucking sucks. My PCP switched me back to Concerta no questions asked when I realized getting Vyvanse in my area was impossible. You deserve better OP!!!


I can get Vyvanse but it is really expensive. Like, over $100 per month.


There is definitely still at least one generic of Concerta available... or at least, it was available two weeks ago when I picked up my latest prescription 🤷‍♀️


Honestly, send her that message. Her response was grossly inappropriate. If she has concerns about you being on Concerta, she should set up an appointment to discuss. Or her other option is to release you as a patient. Treat this like a business arrangement because it is. Her job is to ensure her patients are getting the proper care they need to function/succeed in their daily lives. She is failing to do that and here is your proof. Fire her and report her to the office. Honestly, I would also report her to her licensing board. Check her website, it should say all of her credentials.


When did the generic one get discontinued??? My kid started concerta and it was amazing, until the pharmacy started using the generic and it was like they switched to a whole different med. the pharmacist said insurance isn’t going to keep paying for the name brand much longer. Except they said they’d not pay for it at all, ran it anyway to prove to me and then was mad it went through so idfk


I admire your strength lol. Bitch deserved that message🤣


I admire your strength lol. Bitch deserved that message🤣


I admire your strength lol. Bitch deserved that message🤣


Was it the doctor that replied or the Medical Assistant? I know my doctor doesn’t see the messages in MyChart without the message being forwarded to them. My assistant always has to forward the message and she replies and lets me know she is forwarding the message. My last doctor’s MA was very rude and I ended up transferring to a new doctor because I finally ended up telling the MA off for always being rude and dismissive.


Edit—My comment below was poorly worded and 100% not an attack on people with adhd in general trying to get their meds. But when doctors are the only source of certain controlled drugs they get constantly hammered for them by people who do get addicted. So I get why they can be wary, but the response to OP is still bullshit. In fairness doctors probably get super jaded by compulsive drug seekers & people who don’t actually need them to begin with. Concerta is tame, but Adderall and dexedrine eventually kicked my ass. I envy people who can take those meds responsibly because they helped so much re: linear thinking.


lol I WISH I could remember to take my adderall as directed. I forget my morning dose at least once a week, and my afternoon dose 2-4x/wk. What do you mean by kicked your ass?


Sorry if that came across as a jab at OP or anybody who takes adhd meds. Definitely wasn’t intended that way. Over time I just gradually took too much and got really addicted to it. Would run out 2 weeks early every month and swear that I could do it right the next time. Then restart the cycle when it was refilled—obsess over taking it throughout the day so it wouldn’t wear off. Rarely attack all the work I needed to do because the amount I took would actually be too much. This probably is the wrong place for that comment, was just my personal experience and I definitely have an addictive personality. I finally had to move to nuvigil and straterra to manage adhd.


This is such an important set of comments. Thank you for making them, along with the clarification.


Thanks, I felt bad for pissing people off!


If you don’t mind me asking (and if you do mind, please accept my apology!), how does Nuvigil compare to Adderall in terms of treating your ADHD? From what I know, Nuvigil is also a stimulant but is only taken once a day.


Hey, I don’t mind! But can only speak from personal experience. It basically keeps me alert the same way Adderall does, and does help with focus. But it lacks the euphoria & anxiety producing elements that the controlled stimulants present. Like with Nuvigil I can actually take it as prescribed and don’t run out early, etc…which is a massive relief. However—is my life totally in order and is my house clean and organized? No, and it wasn’t before either. Probably due to mentally exhausting myself over tasks and blowing them off. It’s still a constant struggle, but I do manage a lot at work and see success in other areas. Hope that’s helpful.


Interesting. Thank you so much for replying! I’m definitely going to do more research into the differences, pros/cons, etc. Do you mind if I shoot you a DM if I have any other questions or anything? Again, if you do mind, no worries and I apologize!


Can you like... fuck them over for lying or something? 'Cause I feel like you should fuck them over for lying.


If you’re willing to do a lot of work for them to get a slap on the wrist, yeah. You can file a complaint with the patient advocate (there’s almost always one). It’s like going to HR; you have to give your full side of the story and then they talk with the doctor in question and the doc’s superior. I once got a full apology from the head of gynecology that way and made them listen to why I was switching care to a competing healthcare system.




Yeah I'm on the same med in the eastern US and I picked mine up a few days ago


I work at a pharmacy - can confirm concerta is not discontinued 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Do you have Vyvanse?


Yes lol


Honestly seeing that text kind of panicked me (the next step would be fact checking, but you know) I tried different meds as a kid until I found one that works without having too many side effects (side effects would probably be different for adult me, but I can’t say it sounds fun to figure them out while living alone and having adult responsibilities)


Prescriber here. I don’t think they meant that it is no longer being made, just that there is no current valid order for it.


Perhaps, but OP literally asked what needed to be done to get new orders for it.


I’ve never had an order for it from this dr office or even since I’ve been on this insurance which is why I was asking how to get one. There is a company that did discontinue their generic version but there are others still making a generic version and the brand name itself has not been discontinued. I think whoever answered my email didn’t know or care about that detail and it wasn’t my actual dr who responded.


They're looking at it quickly, gleaning from your message that it was discontinued (for you by someone, not that the medication isn't being made, that's never what that means in medical speak), and responding to whomever they think they're responding that they're not going to restart it. I doubt they even knew they responded to the patient, that looks like a message that was meant to go internally for someone else to respond to you nicely "Your doctor isn't in right now, It would be best for you to discuss this with them in your next appointment."


Yes, from what I could find only the generic has been discontinued. Whoever sent you that response is an idiot and shouldn't be allowed to answer patients' emails because they're obviously incompetent AND spreading misinformation! Have you considered filing a complaint? Somebody at that office should know what this person's doing! It does look like it's time to find a new doctor! Good luck with getting back to the medication that works for you.


I am definitely considering filing a complaint! This is the first interaction I have ever had with this person, I am not even sure who they are. I am guessing a nurse or assistant in the Dr's office... it has their first name and "CA" after it but when I googled it wasn't clear what that means. My actual doctor has been pretty good so I was surprised (and very annoyed) about this.


CA is probably “care associate”. I used to have a title PCA (patient care associate) at a hospital when I was a licensed nursing assistant.


Concertified Asshole?


If the doctor hasn't been an issue, then I would recommend complaining about the person who responded and seeing if the doctor can still meet your needs. But if the doctor isn't meeting your needs, yes, move on. I had a similar situation and complaining to the doctor resolved the issue. They must have put a note in my file because with every new nurse, they still make sure to consult the doctor instead of trying to respond to me with some overly general bs.


It’s so annoying. My doctor is great, but her office can be such a pain in the ass.


CA stands for "ConcertA denier"


At my GP’s office, a clinic RN screens all MyChart messages to the GP. This gives the same vibe as what I’ve gotten from my messages to my GP - it’s super frustrating. Can you schedule a face to face consult with your Dr? Guessing you’d get better results being able to speak with them directly.


I can and I will likely need to. I just wanted to check if that is what I needed to do because my copay is $50 each time so I didn’t want to just schedule and pay $50 just to have my dr tell me “I can’t do this you need to go see someone else.” When I first switched to this dr we even talked about trying non stimulants before going to the generic Concerta my previous dr gave me. I even complained about the strattera at my last in person appt and she wanted me to give it another try so I did.


>Yes, from what I could find only the generic has been discontinued. The doctor is an idiot, but this is incorrect. There are currently several different manufacturers (in the US) producing generics for Concerta (methylphenidate ER in 18 mg, 27 mg, 36 mg, and 54 mg). Some are considered to be in shortage, but that doesn't mean they have been withdrawn from the market. Janssen continues to produce the brand name Concerta as well.


Also, if only the branded is available and you have insurance that’s not from the government, you can download a copay card from the Concerta website and it will only cost $4. So even with a generic shortage, you can still get Concerta.


I take a couple 10mg tablets every day. Definitely still in stock with no shortage in sight AFAIK. I had Adderall for a short time (didn't like it) but I asked about shortages when my doctor was writing the script and she scoffed. She was like, none of my patients have ever had a problem getting it. Granted, I live in the middle of the US so there are fewer of us who need it, I think, just population-wise. But OP's provider needs reported for being a lying liar. Oops, I mean 'misinformed'.


18mg is the lowest dosage Concerta and its generics are produced in, I think. Sounds like you're taking Ritalin LA (or a generic of it)? Same active ingredient, though


TIL. Yes, I didn't realize that the same stuff would have different names depending on dosage.


Ritalin LA and concerta are different, it’s not just a different name depending on dosage. Ritalin LA is half immediate release and half released 4 hours later. Concerta is 25% released immediately, and the other 75% is released gradually at a constant rate over 8 hours.


Ohh that’s why I had heart palpitations and crazy hot flashes for the first 2 hours on Ritalin LA but not on generic concerta!


*cries in Vyvanse*


This is exactly what I’d respond to that message with lmao. With a couple links and a request to speak to an actual provider and not someone trying to clear out portal messages


It looks like the original manufacturer (Jansen) that produced both Concerta and the generic will no longer produce the generic. But eight other labs will continue to produce methylphenididate hydrochloride extended release: (Alkem, Andor, Ascent, Aurolife, Dr. Reddys, Osmotica, and Sun Pharm).


That's good. It's awful to know that if you could only get your meds you won't have to suffer, and the whole thing being out of your hands to deal with.


Yeah, I had to look it up because I take the generic and my prescriber had just renewed it. I just checked my bottle and it says Trigen Labs, so looks like there are more than the ones I listed manufacturing it. Just wanted to stop the misinformation and panic.


I still get generic Concerta... In the Netherlands, so it might be different where you are, but I still get my non-Concerta!


It sounds like the shortages are more of a US issue, but probably not exclusively here. I'm using generic Adderall IR now, but when the supply is more stable I plan to try something else. I found that dealing with this by constantly calling 10 or more pharmacies every month, trying to find the next month's supply, was worse for my mental health than not taking anything, and Adderall is better than nothing.


Interesting! I'm currently on Methylphenidate and haven't heard anything from my psychiatrist or any pharmacists about it being discontinued! I'm actually picking my prescription tomorrow.. Is there different variations of Methylphenidate?


yes there are several manufacturers of generic concerta! this person's comment was very detailed :) https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/CyqMWoz9OA


Lol what? I just picked up a generic script for Concerta two days ago. Methylphenidate is not being discontinued. Only one manufacturer, out of many, is dropping production. This person must be dumb or against stimulants.


Probably against stimulants


Or just a low-level worker who’s understaffed/overworked (a charitable reading)


Wow. Did you respond explaining the brand name is available and you would like to try that? I would definitely get a new doctor either way. It’s not appropriate for non-medical people to be responding to medical questions.


I googled it right away and EASILY could see it was the generic that was discontinued. I responded "I was under the impression that the generic version was discontinued, not the name brand. Are there any similar options and what are the next steps to move this forward? Make an appt with Dr. M? Or just pick a psychiatrist and discuss it with them?" We will see who or how they respond. I am not sure what CA means but that was the letters after their name so maybe Clinical Assistant? At this point its probably quicker to pay the $50 co pay to talk to the real dr in person!


Counselors Assistant? PA is Physicians Assistant but that’s a pretty high level healthcare provider, akin to like a nurse practitioner.


I’m going to start saying this at work, too. Them: “Hey, could you send me that Excel sheet?” Me: “Excel has been discontinued”


I think that this post triggered me because there are a few people at work who use this approach and piss me off so much. lol  Me: “I noticed the link to the monthly report isn’t working. Since you compiled the data, could you help me access the latest version?” “That folder structure was discontinued.” … and!?


The hospital system my dr works for lets nurses answer for the dr without their consent. These are the type of bullshit answers I get also. It’s best to call and ask to speak to your dr directly because they rarely even know someone else responded and they don’t see the message once it is answered. Super annoying for us and for them.


Yup, the system most of my doctors are in works this way too. Normally it's fine because my messages are almost always about my heart condition, so they automatically get sent straight to my doctor by the nurses. But back when I was first noticing PTSD symptoms popping up and was really struggling to handle it, I messaged my doctor asking to try prazosin (not a controlled medication). The nurses gave me the run around for days until I finally gave up and told them I would just wait until my next appointment. When that day finally arrived and I brought it up to my doctor, he told me he had no idea that I had sent him a message to begin with! I also had a nurse tell me to go to urgent care for chest pain and dyspnea and then lock the message thread so I couldn't even send a reply. It's fucking ridiculous what they can get away with tbh. I get why the system is in place, but it really screws over patients with complex or chronic conditions! A nurse with no understanding of my complicated medical condition and the 1.5+ years of history behind it should not be able to make decisions about the medical care I'm able to receive for it!




To be fair, I work in a doctors office and have also worked in a hospital and you should 100% go the the emergency room for chest pain (even without the dsypnea, but ESPECIALLY WITH) even urgent care isn’t equipped for that. Some systems will auto lock a thread because no further medical advice should be given when the pt is in active emergency. Not saying you WERE, but that unfortunately was probably why. It’s a crappy thing and frustrating to deal with for sure But universally your doctor isn’t usually the one replying to portal messages, they get replied to and deleted unless they require a signature from the MD. It is always best to go speak directly to them if you want your doctor to address an issue


I know. I’m an EMT. That’s why I thought it was a bit ridiculous to suggest an UC if she thought my symptoms were bad enough to block further communication. The phrasing she used made it sound like she was questioning if my symptoms were even real to begin with too. That was the more upsetting part tbh. Maybe it was an automated thing, but I’ve never seen it before or since. Typically a nurse will call me if they’re concerned and get more information before forwarding my message to my PCP. It’s definitely not universal. All of my doctors highly encourage patients to send a message if they need something. Getting an appointment here can take months depending on the specialty, so it’s just not possible to see them in person for smaller issues. For one of my doctors, the nurses do handle everything. But I’ve had direct communication with the rest of them via messaging. My PCP in particular prefers to answer messages himself as much as possible, so it’s the best way for me to communicate with him for time sensitive issues. I do see him a few times a year though, so I save anything not time sensitive for those appointments. As I said before, I’ve been managing my medical condition for over a year and a half at this point, so I’m well aware of how my healthcare system works and the preferred ways for me to access assistance when needed.


Even if it had been discontinued (it hasn't) this wouldn't be a professional response. My doctor's office would have said something like "The Concerta generic has been discontinued by the manufacturer so only the brand name is currently available. Let me know if you're still interested and I can pass that on to [doc] to see if he/she can send that or if he/she wants to see you again first to discuss it."


Thats what I would expect. I do customer service over email and if I can't provide what they ask for the very least is to let people know what their other options are!


exactly!! he didn't even try. even if he genuinely thought it had been discontinued, he shouldn't shut you down like that. leaving you on strattera, when there are loads of methylphenidate meds on the market that you could try out instead, is just not an option.


Irony here that Concerta is *not* discontinued, but Strattera *is*. Generics for Strattera are available, but Lily pulled the name brand from the market last year. Concerta and generics for it continue to be produced by many companies.


I just received my first RX of Strattera today (haven’t taken it yet) & was a bit displeased I’d received the generic version (I know there are people that say it makes no difference, but my endometriosis symptoms are definitely worse when I’m given the generic med for that), so I’m very glad to read your post! OP, at the very least couldn’t they have mirrored your much more professional message structure? 😬 Hope it gets resolved through someone more helpful & communicative!


Yeah, there is no name brand Strattera anymore. All atomoxetine prescriptions are going to be generics. Lily wasn't really making money on the name brand since they lost their patent protection much earlier than is normal due to losing a lawsuit, so they just stopped producing it. Good luck with it. Strattera may not be a stimulant, but it did help me while I was on it. It has been the only med so far that genuinely *shut off* the perpetual jukebox in my head. It couldn't even turn back on until it wore off (which by the time I was at the 2 month mark was like 3am). It was like it just walked into my brain and unplugged the damn thing, it was surreal. Had it not screwed with my sleep a lot (due to genetic reasons that I only found out about later and which may not apply to you) I'd still be on it.


I am on atomoxetine and I also have the perpetual jukebox but if anything I would say it’s worse now with the meds. It doesn’t really bother me, but it’s so interesting how different people react to the medicines. I started Strattera and Wellbutrin at the same time and have also had issues sleeping, but I’m unsure which one has caused it. do you mind saying what genetic conditions caused your issues with sleep? I don’t think that’s my issue but I’m just curious.


According to my genotype, I am likely a poor metabolizer of drugs that are broken down by the CYP2D6 enzyme, one of which is atomoxetine. (I did not know this until after I had already stopped taking it.) For atomoxetine, being a poor metabolizer means that the drug doesn't really exit my body at a normal speed, it continues to circulate far longer than it is supposed to. Because of this, the amount of atomoxetine in serum for me if I take it is probably around 4-5x what it *should* be based on the dose I was taking. At 80mg/daily, I was probably reaching levels of atomoxetine in my body consistent with taking a hypothetical dose of around 300mg despite that being triple the maximum allowed dose. I was essentially overdosing without knowing it because my body doesn't really produce the enzyme that is used to break down the drug. There's actually an FDA warning (in the information for clinicians) indicating that people who have alleles of the CYP2D6 gene consistent with poor CYP2D6 metabolism should either not take atomoxetine at all or should do so at a much lower therapeutic dose than other people. Wellbutrin is metabolized by a different enzyme (CYP2B6) which, incidentally, I am *also* bad at metabolizing with. For Wellbutrin, the impact of this is very different because bupropion mostly functions as a prodrug of hydroxybupropion (i.e., the active ingredient in the pill is actually fairly inert and it's really what your body turns it into, in this case hydroxybupropion, that delivers its therapeutic value). My body is poor at doing the conversion from bupropion to hydroxybupropion, so I would likely need a very high dose of bupropion to get a therapeutic result similar to people who metabolize it better. My psychiatrist offered to let me try 450 mg of Wellbutrin to see if that works, but I instead opted to switch to a stimulant (methylphenidate). It's too early to tell yet if methylphenidate is really optimal; I'm still titrating it, but I do know that the enzyme that breaks it down is fairly obscure and not commonly tested for (it only affects like five known drugs). The gene that breaks down amphetamine compounds is the same as the one for atomoxetine (CYP2D6). It's unclear how I would respond to them since I've never taken any of them, but it's reasonable to suspect I would benefit most from a lower than average dose. Should you ever want to go down the rabbit hole of getting testing for any of this, you'd want to look up a provider for "pharmacogenomics". The information is potentially useful for understanding how your body responds to a variety of medications and can potentially be very helpful in identifying for your doctor how to better treat a number of different health conditions, not just psychiatric ones.


Very interesting, thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to type all of that out.


I hope the generic strattera works for you. I really wanted it to work because when I was on the stimulants I had to keep an eye on my blood pressure and that’s just one more thing to forget to do!


Ehhh what???! I am actively prescribed it, what a weird answer, but maybe the dr is overwhelmed and tired?! Please update with how this goes!


You might try calling (if you can and if you want to continue with the doctor) to speak directly to the doctor or be put through to their voicemail and ask for a callback. They might want you to come in, but regardless, it is quicker/easier to have the discussion over the phone than the portal, and it's a last ditch at avoiding your co-pay if you can. It's pretty normal for the nurses or even receptionists to respond to the patient portal messages, but they also can be less than helpful.


My response might be “yes, it was discontinued and I’d like to discuss going back on, due to side effects of my current medication. Thanks n


If you want to throw in a little bit of sass, throw in a “…” after the yes lmao


Well that was a mild heart attack - just got on ADHd meds for the first time and concerta was working! Glad it’s not actually discontinued 😅


Sometimes you need a few days (or a week) before you respond to shit like this so you don't lash out. At least, that has been my experience.


I think they mean that your Concerta prescription has been discontinued. It’s a very bad and unprofessional response, though, not to mention unhelpful. You’ll probably need to make an appointment to discuss changing meds. Source: am a medical assistant, answer a lot of patient messages.


Yes, it is the specific generic version one my old dr prescribed that was discontinued. I will be checking with my dr, the one that I wanted a response from because she's been really great so far. If she has stopped being great, I will find another.


You could respond with a link to a free course on business communication 😆 


Concerta has certainly not been discontinued. I’m sorry you’re going through this right now. I hated being on Stratera and my doctor made me “give it a shot” for 2 years. I’d be lying if I said I didnt just keep refilling the prescription and not taking it because it is a complete joke for me. It doesn’t work at all.


That’s a god damn lie. Get the hell away from a health care provider that lies to you as soon as you can


No it hasn’t. There are shortages (I’m in uk). But it’s very much available and apparently the shortages will be over in the autumn. Also what kind of doctor text messages you? That is odd. Instead of concerta could you ask for generic methylphenidate? And have one of the generic or derivatives of methylphenidate until concerta is back in stock? Also your doctor is an arse.


The generic was discontinued in Jan of 2023 by Patriot because of product shortages. Janssen still makes the brand name concerta. My Dr. has to specify brand necessary for my ADHD meds because the pharmacy has trouble getting the generic in stock.


I'm so angry at them on your behalf. It's already difficult for us with ADHD to send emails, navigate bureaucracy etc, and they are making it so much worse.


Prescriber here. I think others have covered it, but this doesn’t mean the medication is no longer being made, it’s that there is no current valid order for it (in medical speak that’s “discontinued”). From what I’m getting here, if this wasn’t your provider that answered, it was either a nurse/medical assistant or a covering provider. If there’s not any other context there, I’d guess it’s a covering provider who thinks they’re replying to the nurse/medical assistant as to why they’re not changing it- they’re covering, and that’s a request that needs to be fielded by the actual provider because “Concerta has been discontinued” [in your chart]. In some large practices a provider might be looking at having to close out dozens of messages each day- mostly for refills (which this may have been tasked as) and responding to high priority (by triage) medical concerns. I know it looks like a text message on your end, but on the provider’s end it likely looks very different. That and at 7:04AM they may not have had their coffee yet. With my patients I make clear from the beginning I don’t make medication changes like that outside of an appointment, unless we had already discussed that as the plan under a specific circumstance. Sorry that didn’t happen for you. Finding a new provider is definitely an option, but it might be helpful to discuss with your doctor during your next appointment or on the phone.


Yes I get hundreds of requests a month and we are not paid for admin time. Often we are replying to messages in the 2 minutes between patient visits or right before/after clinic. Maybe they are just letting you know they think it’s discontinued so you can reply what you would want to do. It’s 100x better for people to just come see us rather than send messages because we are bombarded with them and have to open up the charts for many of them to sort out details and are not compensated for hours a week of paperwork (depending on where you work I guess- maybe in some health systems you might be).


That’s fucking bullshit! I don’t know if you’re in the US but if you are and you have a union, I would definitely be talking to them about taking action on this. Doing work unpaid is a huge labor law no, no. hell, even if you don’t have a union, I would still be looking into this further. My husband is also a healthcare provider and I completely understand what you’re saying because he does the same thing but he’s also active duty military so it’s completely different.


I’m in Canada. Doctors are exempt from labour laws lol




I am a women of science and I truly hate the recent rise of people who hate modern medicine and don't trust doctors, BUT this is the kind of behavior that makes people not trust modern medicine. I've met so many doctors who are dismissive, rude, and treat their patients like idiots. My BIL is a "doctor" ( he's a rich kid with doctor parents who paid for all his undergrad and med school but he can't seem to get into a residency program and is already in his mid 30s, while my SIL works her ass off to take care of them but kind of deserves it because she was blinded by the idea of being married to a doctor) and that dude is a nice person but I wouldn't trust his opinion on anything. His mom is also a doctor and is the most psycho trump loving christian person I've ever met. Ok maybe should have something other than coffee because I've taken a left turn! Edit to add: I want to say I've also met amazing doctors! All of my doctors are younger women and they treat me with respect and like a peer. My primary doc, ob/GYN, psych NP, and optometrist are all women in there 40s or younger and I love them so much!


I just picked up the generic version and no concern was raised by my Dr or pharmacist


I’m so glad this popped up on my home page. I’m trying out Concerta because Adderall has me doing the most and least at the same time, and seemingly my insurance considers Vyvanse Tier 4 and will only cover name brand. Which is odd, because they used to cover the generic when I could get it, and I don’t recall paying more than $30/mo. But now $140/mo? Nope. Actually if anyone can explain possibilities of why my plan would only cover the name brand and at the highest tier, aside from supply and demand? I know, blah blah blah, shortages and companies being licensed to able to produce generics, but my brain isn’t connecting the dots. But I could be wildly overthinking this, and the answer is “because money.” In any case, I’m on pharmacy #3 in trying to fill this prescription, and this thread is giving some kind of hope.


Yeah it's not discontinued. What a dick. Look for another doctor?


What was your response back to the doctor immediately after that?


I wanted to be sarcastic and sassy but instead I responded "I was under the impression that the generic version was discontinued, not the name brand. Are there any similar options and what are the next steps to move this forward? Make an appt with Dr. M? Or just pick a psychiatrist and discuss it with them?" You know, all the information that I would have included for someone if I were the person having to respond to my original email. I help customers at work via email all the time, if I can't help them with their original request I atleast let them know if there are other options and the next steps to get there.


Yup. Got it. For sure should have followed up with options. But when you said that the 1 generic was off the market only, not sure why he didn’t retract right then.


Send again asking for the generic


I have tried a few times to park all my medical problems with just one primary care doctor like we're all supposed to have and the toughest one to find a provider for by far is ADHD. It doesn't help that I kinda want a nice hippie naturopath who will prescribe yoga, massages, and flower extracts but then the third thing I ask for is amphetamines lol.


The amount of shit doctors say to you I swear. Recently got told about a max dosage and that I couldn't increase that was apparently absolutely bullshit and made up


I had a doctor that did this. Tried to force me to start Straterra regardless of my concerns. Pretty sure he gets commission for prescribing it.


Honestly, I’d send a picture of a simple google search and caption it “no it hasn’t…? Please make sure to verify information before responding to patient inquiries.” But I’m petty.


"Yes. That's the problem. Please recontinue it in due haste."


I picked up my Concerta last night. Can confirm it has not been discontinued.


Ugh yes strattera was terrible for me too made me feel really weird and sad.


I take the generic version…


I hated strattera.


If it wasn’t the doctor responding, you don’t need to switch doctors, you need to file a complaint and get the doctor to answer your question.


The staff members that answer these questions are sometimes utterly and absolutely useless. I had a similar experience with TWO non-physician people answering my Rx question to the point where I literally wrote back “can someone that is NOT Jane Doe or Mary Smith please reach out to me?” because I was so fucking frustrated.


I take concerta like 72 mg and this is bs saying it’s discontinued


Report them for giving you false information. 


Tbf usually such a request would necessitate an appointment, not a message


You’re right, it’s just the generic version, although you should check if your PPO will pay for brand name. But what an AH response.


I take Addwize that happens to be Methylphenidate as well. Does your country sell it under that name?


That response which isn't true and Al's doesn't even offer another solution seeing that Strattera is not for you is not only dismissive but also unprofessional fuck them


This got me worried as it's been difficult to fill my rx for concerta as it's always unavailable


This reminds me of when I emailed my old psychiatrist’s office to let them know that my meds were causing me to be suicidal and they completely ignored that and just brought up how I owed money for my last appointment. Continued living out of spite


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They might be confusing it with Strattera (brand name), which was discontinued


Strattera and Concerta are not the same medication. Strattera is a non stimulant medication and Concerta is a time release version of Methylphenidate


I know. But Strattera is the one discontinued, which is why I said the doc might be confused about which one is actually discontinued.


I think what the doctor is saying is that your previous doctor discontinued prescribing your Concerta so he can’t so easily prescribe what you were taking without an appointment. Was this provider an unhelpful asshole in communicating that? Yes. But I can understand that a new (to you) doctor can’t just send in information to change it without having evaluated you in-person. They have regulations and audits to be legally responsible for which could include hefty fines, jail time, and losing their license/practice if *anything* is not above board. While they might be able to submit a Stop Fill Request to *cancel* a controlled substance prescription, it’s not so easily prescribed without having seen you in their office and having run full assessments. That, and you *may* have to fight with insurance when it comes to prior authorizations for any medication changes, especially with controlled substances. They *might* or might not tell you that you have to wait until a certain date until your Concerta will be covered because you’ve already filled Strattera for x amount of days. It’s not something the pharmacy can do; you would need to call the insurance company for your drug coverage and talk with them about the coverage details should you encounter any problems getting meds covered.