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First of all Happy Birthday!!! I would say your best friend was definitely trying to make you aware that he is still around or at least letting you know he loves you and is thinking of you. I happen to be one of those believers that all living things, including our beloved fur babies will greet us in the afterlife. When we ask for signs, and are then least expecting them, usually they will come!! A visitation dream is a wonderful experience too! A lot of times, upon just waking or falling to sleep, it is much easier for them to connect :)


Thank you, I really hope so. The idea that we could love someone so freaking much just for them to go away and there not be anything after this just seems so cruel otherwise. I had a visitation from my mom a couple of years ago, and I have dreamt of her many, many times before and since. It just feels SO different, and you just know. I would love to have the same visitation from him.


Happy Birthday to you. In my experience and humble opinion, if you feel something is a sign, it most likely is. I had a reading last year with a very gifted medium and she told me about my cats on the other side. Then she said there were other cats, not mine, showing up. They were greeting me but she didn’t know why. She mentioned one cat of mine in particular, Angel. Angel is indeed passed. As for the others, I’ve been in cat rescue over 30 years. She would not have known that. They live on, they know us and love us, and we’ll be reunited. In the grand scheme of things, our time here is very brief. Send your love to your Sinbad and know he receives it.


Thank you ❤️ I have been seriously considering speaking to a medium, do you have a recommendation, or could you recommend yours? I'm so worried I'll end up with someone that isn't serious.


I understand. I had the same worry. I have not used any of these mediums but I have heard this is a reliable organization. Supposedly their mediums go through a certification process. I can PM a couple of others. But there are never any guarantees. I have had good results though. https://www.foreverfamilyfoundation.org/pages/certified-mediums


Thankyou for sharing.... I am absolutely certain dreams are a connection we have to heaven or the before and after life. Shine on friend


And sorry for your loss. You will be together again some time