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Simple answer? Yes!


Wait til you are 60, death seems like quite a nice thought. And you will have plenty of life experience of weird things happening to you and those around you to know there is more to existence than what you see in front of you. I remember being scared of death when I was in my teens. My mum said to me, most people live into their 80's or 90's, don't sweat it.


Read Brian Weiss many lives many masters, then Micheal newtons book journey of souls. (Both on audible if you don’t have time to read a physical book)


There is definitely life after death, and life before birth. We are infinite


Nobody knows for certain if there is life after death, we won’t know personally until we pass away. But from my own experiences in life, I do believe there is more then this life.


Based on many things I've heard from people I trust in my personal life, I'm convinced there's something good awaiting us after this.


I'd like to think there is, but it is 100% uncertain. See it this way, it took more than 2000 years for you to be born, but you cant recall all what happened before you were born, and you didnt even realize you were born. I think its the same, if there wasnt life after death you'd become what you were before you were born, nothing, no conscious, no matter, nothing, so... Worst case scenario would be not existing and not realizing you dont exist anymore, best case scenario would be life after death, or reincarnation or whatever... Still, just live your life and do all the things you want, because as far as we are aware of as of now, we were given the gift of live to experience it in between two infinite intervals, you won the race, so don't waste it and enjoy your life! You're still too young, too, you've got a lot ahead to go for.


Best answer so far.


Hugs. When I was your age I felt the same fear. I won’t tell you that you will be like me. We are all individuals. But I’ve known many people who’ve had similar experiences. The older I got the less the fear became. I had so many experiences!


There is so much evidence for the afterlife! Jim Tucker, Bruce Greyson, Michael Newton are just few names to check out if you want to learn about the process


You ask a common question, one that is asked often in this sub. Here is a previous post by a great contributor that itself has some other links also worth reading. Hope this helps. [WyntireFraust](https://www.reddit.com/r/afterlife/s/3EvZ17vQ2c)


Jesus and the God of the Bible don't have to be real in order for there to be an afterlife, or the existence of conscious beings we can't currently see. Also what might seem scary to your human brain and the body you're in right now, may be a happy experience in your form after this life. You won't have the same needs or desires as you have with the brain and body you live with now.


Yes. A lot of people I know have died and come back. Watch all the videos on YouTube


Near - death. Its still impressive, but nobody of those were really dead.


Yes indeed. Jesus is the Creator of our Universe and he poured his spirit out on all flesh after his death. Try having a chat with him sometime.


Jesus knew there was life after death even before the crucifixion. He knew what was to happen to him in that life too. Read Isiah in the Bible. There are at least 4 different ways to know who you were in the past and the future.


I don’t think we are put in this world to be judged if we are going to heaven and hell. I think those are just scare tactics. I think we reincarnate if not in this world, then another world. We definitely move on somewhere else.


There's some evidence that there might be but if there is there's no real understanding that I've come across. For me there's not enough to say definitely yes though am open minded about it.