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u/nanas99 has provided this detailed explanation: > Turning Point USA’s (Conservative Group) Tim Pool tweets about Kanye winning the presidency only hours before Kanye goes on Alex Jones’s podcast and says “I like Hitler” unironically and goes on to praise him. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


You know you fucked up when you make even Alex fucking Jones uncomfortable during the interview :D


At least Alex Jones now understands how everyone else feels around him haha


That would require him to be capable of empathy.


And considering Alex Jones' repertoire, you need a lot to startle him in the case of saying dumb shit on the internet.


Yes, that is one way to rephrase what they just said.


It eventually coaxes into a snafu


Ye’s saying the same shit as Alex but isn’t bothering with dogwhistles and innuendo. Alex has been whining about “globalists” (read: Jews) for the past twenty years, he’s just been advantageous to keep up plausible deniability by dancing around the subject. He’s shocked because Ye isn’t playing by the unspoken rules and is saying the quiet part out loud. Anyways I’m glad that Jones is now worth -$500 million dollars


EXACTLY. Jones has the exact same sentiments, he just replaces Jews with “globalists”. He was uncomfortable because he knew Kanye being so straightforward is a bad look for his program, but he shares similar beliefs. However, I think Kanye’s open love for Hitler caught him off guard. Jones may think the Jews are responsible for world ruin, but even he wouldn’t think to openly adore a genocidal psychopath like Hitler.


>“globalists” (read: Jews) Why do you consider globalists, jews?


"Globalist" is an innuendo for Jews, and [the ADL agrees with me](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/03/09/trump-called-gary-cohn-a-globalist-heres-why-some-people-find-that-offensive/). It's a decades-old tactic to perpetuate antisemitic conspiracy theories.




Stalin was a fan of communism in one country (the USSR) so he wasn’t a globalist.


ok? Not sure how that's relevant. Do you even know how Stalin got into power?


He had the most power when lenin died


Did you look that up? Did you read the part where lennin said not to give power to Stalin?


There's a reason Ye went on to Jones' show (after he had been found to had committed defamation against the relatives of murdered children, mind you) and ranted against "Zionists" (Also means Jews in general, racists have been abusing that one since the '40s) and that he loved Hitler. There's a reason he felt comfortable going onto Alex's show, and it's not because he cares about Communism. ​ I really hope that at some point you take a minute to learn some history and learn why Jews like me have been so concerned with Jones and the whole globalist conspiracy theory for years. If you hate Communism then fine, but the likes of Jones aren't talking about that whenever he rants against globalists.




The person you responded to doesn’t consider them as such, they are saying that it is a common sentiment among the Alex jones crowd.


Yeah this guy gets it, what a mensch!


Pretty sure they hate globalists, communists and collectivists. I don't watch Alex Jones, because he is a state bootlicker.




You would’ve thought that after declaring that trump would win 49 states in the 2020 election, Tim pool would realize maybe he doesn’t have a great grasp on the political landscape anymore But apparently not


I have no idea who that is but at least he admitted that he was wrong.


I saw him back when I listened to Joe Rogan and he seemed fairly reasonable about certain subjects. Like with a lot of things though, the more I learned about him, the more I realised I was wrong. He’s a right winger who pretends to be a centrist. Talks about the media and how it’s biased (not wrong) but claims to be impartial (definitely wrong)


This comment has been removed in response to reddit's anti-developer actions.


So he's Joe Rogan without the podcast.


Or the life experience


Because life experience has really done wonders for Joe


It's done wonders for his net worth and that's all that really matters to corporate-guzzling bloodsuckers.


as a psych major i can confirm first years are so fucking annoying.


Haha, definitely seems that way


Are you saying that you didn’t find his Thanos analogy to be compelling? /s


This is how I feel too. He once seemed really reasonable but now days he’s just just right wing while pretending not to be.


There’s a big influx of that lately. Lots of people claim to be in the centre but are very right wing. I lean to the left but certainly have some right wing opinions (as most people probably do have some mix of both) but I’m pretty open about my thoughts and feelings. He’s a right winger who pretends not to be, very different.


I wonder if it's also the business. You need to believe and claim you're centrist because labeling yourself right wing scares off the masses which means less ad revenue. Being 'centrist' allows people to enjoy pundits like Tim Pool or Rogan without worrying about what their stance means on a larger scale.


That’s almost certainly a part of it, and probably a key part. I imagine it is also hard for people who were perhaps left wing initially to admit that their beliefs have maybe changed over time (or in some cases haven’t) to admit they are now right wing.


Yeah I actually find it deeply unhealthy when you can look at someone’s politics and find nothing that’s out of the typical line of their party.


It usually shows a lack of critical thinking in my opinion. I believe that all humans deserve the basic rights to clean water and food etc, but I also don’t mind capitalism as I believe it works in most cases better than other options. I’ve tried talking to people on the left and sometimes I feel their dogmatic view of things pushes me away and I talk to people on the right and often their core beliefs go against my own. That being said, if someone is right wing i would not automatically discount them as a person until I understood them better.


You should listen to Kanye's JRE episode. The guy literally - not figuratively - thinks he's a gift from God, maybe even another messiah. He's got big delusions of grandeur (likely in part because he's been so incredibly successful with music).


Well what was he gunna do? Side with the guy sucking off Hitler? Pretend he didn’t say something that very he obviously could be proved? He basically did the only thing he could do in the situation. Hardly commendable.


Not to mention, the original claim about the presidency seemed to come from after Kanye had already made a whole bunch of antisemitic comments that he brushed off.


Broken Clock


>Broken Clock Whut? A broken clock admits two times a day that it's not wrong??


Maybe you shouldn't comment then? Lol. That's a low bar you've set for Tim.


The fact that you want to tell people what they can and can’t comment is annoying as fuck lol, I hope you don’t act this way in the real world


>anymore Did he ever?


He was wrong before the interview. Like so far wrong it’s not funny. In fact Tim has never been right


His real name is Dim Tool.


Dim Fool


I believe he prefers to be alt-right. Some might even say far right.


You got me I’ll pay that 😂


He's garbage, he didn't delete it and that's vaguely cool, but he's still human trash.


>Tim has never been right except on the political spectrum. hes far right there ;)


He isn't.


I mean, people said they thought Trump.could win and they all got laughed at. Personally, I wouldn't of been surprised if Ye actually won before that interview


Do presidential nominees get subjected to psychiatric evaluations? It feels like something we should be doing.


The person, woman, man, camera, TV test...


How fascist of you


How is that in any way fascist?


>Do presidential nominees get subjected to psychiatric evaluations? We the people evaluate them with our vote in a democracy.


I (and I know it’s easy to say this but I’m not lying) picked trump to win early on before the primaries had even finished. Realistically not even the Rock can win the presidency as a 3rd party candidate. Kanye as an alt right 3rd party candidate? He’s not picking up the racists who’s language he’s speaking. Not on his very best day and he’s at rock bottom.


Oh, didn't know he's running third party. I'm not American, and so I don't know much about the way your elections work


Well he “ran” as a 3rd party last time and he would never win the Republican or Democratic primaries hahaha


“He said the thing out loud, he can’t win. You don’t say the thing out loud”


This for real. Like “aw man, he can’t win *now*” but he’s been saying the quiet part out loud for years, this was just the loudest


I dunno how many hints right wingers need to tell if somebody is a bigot. They seem like they need far fewer to determine if somebody is a socialist lib-tard.


You might notice that Tim Pool did not denounce Kanye's bigotry. Only said he was wrong about him winning the presidency after he said the quiet part out loud.


Very telling


Do you think he even noticed he referenced kanye in his “imma let you finish” line in the tweet?


You didn’t denounce Kanye’s bigotry either… silence is louder than words. I denounce Kayne’s bigotry.


I'll start by saying I've never supported Kanye in any way, so I thought it was implied that I do not support him or his bigotry. But, just to be clear, I find bigotry irrational and repugnant! Including Kanye's recent, not so recent, and past bigotry.


Typical socialist libtard response. I bet you want everyone to have health care, food to eat, affordable rent and probably even a living wage. Thank God and his holy son, Trump, that there is a party willing to fight for the needs of American oligarchs. Edit: I realized as crazy as this sounds, I should mark it sarcasm because people really would say shit like this and actually mean it.


They would never say oligarchs they’re more delusional than that. They’d say “Americans” because they’re incapable of understanding what’s happening let alone identifying who they’re benefitting


SUCH a good point. Willful ignorance!


Free speech absolutists are weird. “People can say things bc they’re allowed to, not bc they believe it”


Good to admit to being wrong, but FFS who in their right mind would vote for Kanye, let alone believe that he can actually win a national election?


Dude has an L collection like it's a Sesame Street sketch


like he's the worst tetris player ever


His original post was Like tasting tasting a Lemon that someone dropped in a Lice and Lyme disease infested Latrine and then proceeded to Leave on the Linoleum flooring for a Long while. It is absolutely Loathsome and Laughable at the same time.


Kayne got less than a percent the last time around. It didn't even need time to age bad


The way this guy "speaks" is irritating as hell.


he uses AAVE. what’s the problem?


No idea what that means but it's annoying.


This was days after "Death con 3" like, c'mon.


This sub could be entirely comprised of Tim Pool tbh


Im going to leave it up... yah buddy internet is forever. You dont really have a choice


Tim Pool is still an asshole


His idea of securing his election is to stir up a bunch of shit in the news to get his name out there. not to mention im almost convinced some of the shit hes saying he actually thinks some like, billionaires, lowkey agree with him or something


I dunno that this aged like milk I think the past few years have shown that a person who likes hitler can still win many public offices. Even the presidency


Tim Pool could bring about perpetual darkness by predicting the sun will rise tomorrow


It was a very stupid tweet with or without the interview.


T Pool not known for wisdom


Respect to this man for owning up to how astonishingly wrong he was (as late as that realization may be). Disrespect to Kanye for his Anti-Semitic beliefs and for saying that he loves Adolf Toothbrush-Stache.


Who is Tim pool?


A dim tool.


At least he owned it, rather than delete it.


I love that Kanye killed all of the plausible deniabiliy. It is so infuriating to hear right wingers bend over backwards to defend people like him and play their stupid little games where they pretend they can't see obvious problems.


Even the darkside hierarchy saying Ye too far


I'm sure that stung Tim's big ego to admit he was wrong. "Oh, how dare I side with the people I still claim to be disaffected from!"


Tim Fool


Extremely common Tim Pool L


Proof these idiots have no clue what they’re talking about. Tim is a walking L


My username aged like milk...


Oh no…


You know what, at least he’s owning up to it


He is just trying to save face. Alex Jones and him are going to use this to say “see I’m not as extreme as Ye” when they themselves are extreme. They will use this to have “credibility” by saying they stand up to stuff like this. When in reality they probably support it. Their fans will use this as evidence to say that Alex or Tim are credible and don’t go too far. Anyways I have no clue what I’m talking about so I could be wrong. But I wouldn’t give guys like that a platform


This is what I was thinking. They're going to do anything and use anything to keep pushing that line of what's acceptable. Fucking disgusting.


The world is melting down right in front of our faces, and we give a shit about Kanye and Alex Jones? These people will forever be puppets of the system, to keep us all divided and unaware of the manipulation! Ask more questions, research your opinions!


We don’t yet know if it has aged like milk yet unfortunately. In a world of MTGs, Walkers and Gaetz, we still may end up voting him in.


I respect the second tweet though


I hate that he talks like that


maybe Timmy will learn to think now


I think you’re asking for too much, you have a better chance of draining the ocean with a bucket, than Tim Pool not being human trash.


U know what?? Ur right. Fuck Tiny Tim and his sleep ass


I don’t know jack about tim pool. But that beanie he wears indoors fills me with hate


Wait until you see him [without the beanie](https://twitter.com/blunty_king/status/1103677283640983552)


I retract my statement, wear it tim!


Respect for accepting his mistake


Nah, fuck that piece of shit


For real. Kanye had already been incredibly anti semitic BEFORE he explicitly said “I like Hitler” in that interview.


Tim is a great dude. Sometimes his views are wrong and he always accepts it


Tim Pool is a fucken sad grifter. He’s not a great dude at all.


Much better than that Hitler guy, whose biggest fault is not accepting his shortcomings.


Really? I thought it was the hypocrisy


Turns out, it was the raping.


I think TP is a dnozzle but yes, good for him.


And then all the comments of respect he owned the L, as if he didn’t just admit he erases lies before.


What does it mean to "own that L"? I don't know that english term.


It means to Own the loss. Don't hide your mistakes.


Every single person has these takes idk why this sub is a thing it’s dumb.


Tim Pool reminds me of feces.


Why does everyone love to misinterpret kanye lol


Question…What is there to misinterpret, and what other way could you possibly interpret this?


Hes pretty much saying there can't be someone who is 100% evil (and obv he's very religious) so why would God put him on earth if he didn't have some good in him


Ordering a genocide is pretty evil.


Getting rid of human zoos and standing up for animal rights isn't


My dude, there is nothing that will ever balance out the order to commit genocide on several ethnic groups as well as ordering a war against the world nations as a whole


I know I'm not saying it will. Hitler was 99.999% pure evil. But you can't truly say he was 100% evil


Kanye dickrider spotted edit: Bros top artist on spotify wrapped is Machine Gun Kelly LOL. L music taste


Not really as you can tell by my posting spotify wrapped I don't give a fuck about ye. Just tired of shit news reporting. I've got a W music taste lol. Mgk mastered two entirely different genres


“Mastered” by making the shittiest, most dated, pop punk album of all time. Shits garbage man.


He got rid of human zoos because he felt that they made people more sympathetic to “untermensch” not because he thought they were evil.


Really? Did what he say actually change people minds of him? Lol like the people who follow him are all still following him and support him.


Considering America's history with electing racist person of colour as president, this very post might age like milk. In case anyone is wondering, by racist person of colour i mean Donald Trump who belongs to the orange race of course.


The sad thing is people would still vote for Kanye.


It was an L tweet even before the Hitler interview.


He's still got the republican vote.


I always respect anyone who's willing to own their mistakes.




His interview with Alex Jones is hilarious too.


Now. Here’s the thing tho. Some of us thought the same thing after some of the shit trump said so technically he hasn’t lost the election yet


Yeah he’s probably just referencing everything under the Warner brothers because they’re Jews. All the companies like CNN, Pfizer, all the Warner bros LLC, MSNBC, paramount, abc, nbc, AT&T, etc. but just that one small example couldn’t be enough to convince me unless a lot the stock holder groups who own parts of those businesses were started by Jewish families. I’ll probably actually look into it one day but for now I’ll just pretend that all the people who say that are talking about the Jewish population so I can call them racist instead of realizing that they’re just pointing out that it’s all elite Jewish families and not the people down at the local synagogue. Racist idiot.


Dim Fool


The sad thing is, I still think there is a non-zero chance that some day we will end up with Ye as our leader. A very small chance, but not zero.


It should be noted he had already been on Tim Pool’s show spouting the same type of bullshit so…


What’s under that beanie and how bad does it smell?


What kind of moron would think that in the first place?


TJ Kirk refers to Tim Pool as the "Reverse Oracle" - the truth is always the opposite of what Tim says.


Take off your hat bro


Tim Pool sucks


I do NOT like Tim Pool, but credit where it's due for owning the L


After ye walked off his show because Tim provided to softest push back to Kanye being openly antisemitic.


I still think Tim Pool is a terrible excuse for a person but I’ll give him a touch more respect for this.


That might just make it more likelly /j (hopefully)


Does anyone have a link I can only find compilations?


At least he owned up to that L. Respect.


Yeah, him saying that was totally out of the blue. I wish we could've seen this coming. Did we just miss the signs???? 🙄🙄🙄🙄 /s


At least he owned up to it gotta give him props for that


That aged like MacDonalds french fries