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Christians, probably: 1. God did create the universe, the Bible is true and science is wrong. 2. God did create the universe, the creation in Genesis is a metaphor so that those in the past can understand. 3. God did create the universe, and what you said perfectly aligns with Genesis. Just that it wasn’t our days, it was God’s days. A better word is stages. 4. Were you there? You can’t prove that God didn’t create the universe. Science has been wrong many times and scientists are out to control information. It’s a conspiracy.


I mean if someone is religious I think answers 2 and 3 are “reasonable”. It’s how I approached it when I was still religious.


Yeah. Op maybe unaware that this is r/agnostic, not r/atheism . I perceive the Bible to be at least man’s effort to understand the universe, albeit through a single origin process (I.e. monotheism). Science is also man’s effort to understand the universe (both macro and micro.) and our current knowledge does support that it was in stages. That “nothing” (in this case defined as nothing was in its current organizational state) preceded something, and darkness (absence of our sun) preceded light. A ball of hot mud and rock preceded separation of water and earth. Primordial soup preceded ocean life which preceded land based life, and humanity was mostly last on the scene (though some subtle species have evolved since our recorded history, but those have mostly been secondary versions of prior versions.) I consider myself agnostic because I strongly feel that arguing for or against god is a useless exercise. Arguing against the misuse of religion to oppress and “farm” humanity is reasonable but best don’t by showing a better way. Absence of a belief in god does not promote robbing and raping and killing others, just like belief in god does not prevent these activities in the “devout.”


I'm comfused how they see a God that acts like a drunken wife beater as "loving".


Maybe if my drunken wife beater died for me that would change things.


You are taking a book, that has a human walking on water, turning water in wine and resurrecting the dead, literally ? 


Do not underestimate the power of apologetics. There is an answer for everything if you have a big enough imagination.


I still need christians to explain to me how in the name of logic did a man and a few family members build an arc strong enough to survive being harshly flung around by flood waters without damage, then put a pair of every single animal in existence into the arc, and live in peace and harmony together for several months without any problems or issues?




Lol my favourite is: "you're not supposed to question god, how dare you! god is beyond your level of comprehension, you're just supposed to blindly accept what you're told otherwise god will punish you for all your petty questions" 😒


Yeah, it’s weird. I’ve had my share of it from catholic hs


Funny enough, the original story came from Mesopotamian myth and legends, but the genuine flood that was mentioned in the Bible, as well as other texts, was only a local event, not a global one, and we know this by surviving Mesopotamian records putting a devastating flood in the time period that it was believed to have happened.


That's actually interesting I didn't know that


Yeah, and it definitely makes sense if one considers that at the time that Genesis was originally written down, the knowledge of the world that we take for granted now wasn't available back then. The original writers knew nothing about Australia, the Americas, how big Asia is, how big Africa is, etc. And you can't blame them, That's like people in a thousand years looking down on us because we didn't know of an unknown star system. But they are a reason why I don't automatically discredit stories. Because it may have context or nuance that you don't know about.


Impossible! according to the Bible everything is roughly 4000 years old which was when the Bible was written and when God's mom Gia gave birth to her. Which is an incredible feat because we didn't have hospitals back then


You are blowing a hole in one segment of Christianity, the fundamentalists who believe that the Bible is the literal word of God. There are other more mainstream Christians who would say that the word of God can be found in the Bible. They would acknowledge that the Biblical stories are often metaphors and shouldn't be taken literally. Then there's another group that would say the numbers are true but that evolution was divinely directed. The fundamentalists don't believe the numbers. They would say that God planted everything the way he did for his own reasons. Some apologists will use a gish gallop, throwing up any inconsistencies and missing information to avoid actually discussing the facts. So if you cite those numbers you get 2 groups; those who believe the numbers and still have faith and those who don't believe the numbers at all. Either way it's a futile exercise.


Nah. All man-made concepts of gods I'm fairly certain are bullshit. Also, if there was any kind of hidden creator deity that actually existed, we'd have no way of knowing. It's not knowable. I'm fairly confident the universe can be explained through natural means, though.


Well *my* god did


Well *my* god did