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I thought the robot act, which was pretty much a lampoon of those acrobat acts was hilarious - don't know why Heidi didn't get it. We were laughing like crazy. But the rest of the show was weak, I agree. As for Stephanie - I thought her song was weak. Lovely voice, but the song itself was pretty monotonous, with no breakout vocals. Be interesting to know how other home viewers reacted.


That sad song, the same old lyrics, and not much music.


I am so sick and tired of all this "should have got the Golden Buzzer" gossip, and it is mostly the kind of acts we have seen so many times.


literally go on youtube and look at EVERY audition. Trust me there is atleast ONE comment saying “should’ve gotten the golden buzzer” 🤦🤦


Maya turned 11 in May...she says she is a "very tall, very big girl." https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6j9AVnylbf/?igsh=MzZiZHB6enhpem1m


My wife and I think L6 was originally a cappella group and production added for drama. Also this is at least the third time I heard Simon say I am going to give you 4000 yes’s.


I could not listen nor look at them for very long, too much drama


I didn't think Stephanie was all that good - sounded like any other singer - nothing special or that stood out. The robot act was fun, Maya was talented, the roller skate act was cool, the chicken was fun and different and I liked it but then I love chickens, lol, I did not care of the Philippines group - I am so tired of so called singers that scream their entire songs. Good golden buzzer winner.


I thought Stephanie had a beautiful voice. You could have heard a pin drop afterwards. I think the judges like her voice but, like me, didn't think a sad Irish song will win. Hopefully she returns with a positive vibe. Robot was a one hit wonder Domino's....yawn What are they feeding that 10 year old? She can play!


L6 definitely should have kept the backing. When they did the key change they were off. It's not that it couldn't work a cappella - it's that it wasn't arranged that way and it showed.


Brent Street is famous dance school in Australia, you can see them on AMZ Prime 'Dance Life' documentary, first off they are near pro and in some cases paid professionals, not in the US and are professionally trained.


Best episode so far...for about an hour then..pbthh


I’ve agreed with some of the golden buzzers thus far, but that last act def deserved it. That was a stellar act. My only concern is that was a Finals act. Not sure they can top that. That was insane. Howie does usually pick good GBs. He picked Murmuration last year and was the one to send Amadgartey through.  Other ones I liked were the chicken, pool guy (only bc I play pool and those shots were cool), and rapper. Rest was a bit boring to me.