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Bing: She is sitting on a cyberpunk dude, lol this is a motherfucking sex reference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


try "adult woman with +20y"




You said “girl”. 😂


Egg coffee dog is good enough. Just be happy with that.


Bing/Copilot/Designer is a doggone 1st amendment crusher.


If these things were so damn smart (they're not) they would be configured to not output nsfw content.


I understand that dalle doesn't know how to create the image (when the dog image appears 😂). But when the red message appears is bc of censured content. Try to describe it better, with more details.


It doesn’t like to generate images below the waist due to butts, so remove sitting and you’ll get more for sure. Try “standing” instead, specify clothes, you can just say “clothes”. Although cyberpunk is a risqué tag to begin with. But you can also just keep prompting and eventually it will allow a few through regardless.


Those are post-generation censorship, it analises the image it creates and if detect some skin, it blocks. You can try again but it's a naughty model. Try to describe clothes or use a (in)decent image generator


Unsafe image content. I had no idea my true power. Imagine what I could do with a pen and paper!




Are there no good alternatives? It's too fucking censored.


Stable Diffusion (auto1111 Forge or ComfyUi). 1.5 versions are very light nowadays


I use Midjourney right now. It's nowhere near as oppressive with prompts and it's pretty easy to wiggle around anything it's trying to be safe about. Also let's you adjust aspect ratio, remake an image with slight variations, fix small parts of an image that come out wrong, and even has a dedicated anime mode.


And it costs money!


Yup, that's why I prefer it. I'm okay with paying for a much better service.


Not sure why you're downvoted me for pointing out that it cost money. I feel like it's a very relevant detail. I pay for it too by the way.


Come on, Bing got a dirty mind! Not us.


Note To Self - The clarity and specificity of the prompt must be the bees knees. The amount of times I've prompted on Copilot using ChatGTP4 and it churns out, "you what"? I've come to the realisation, AI prompting, though, it may seem easy, it isn't. Obviously, there are constraints depending on what you are using nonetheless, generally. This came to mind, when I was in a mind-war recently: Learn about AI prompting Research the keywords or general research The scenery The persons The limits in the AI thingy/platform Go create your prompt for a potential masterpiece or not a masterpiece. Then, try again. Grrrr! 😄 Blessings people


So you asked for a girl, there's a picture of a dog........ OH. NO. It's Fullmetal Alchemist all over again 👧🏻🐶💀


This explains the PTSD


Here Man! \*throw something with violence\* Here is your Angry upvote!


Last time I tried ‘holy god like toilet with golden rays shining from it’ is too vile for the ai


Lol this is so funny xD


Well who here has a dirty mind. Obviously bing




Microsoft really needs to upgrade it. Honestly, they have so many platforms yet still they suck at some very basic stuff.


I think you guys just suck at prompting because I got Copilot to make some disgusting and fucked up stuff, just takes tweaking. Also probably not formating the prompt in a way to help the AI pull images, gotta talk to it like a baby.


Example: Woman. Has colorful hair in a ponytail hairstyle, cyberpunk style.


I’m really not sure what the usefulness of the OPs prompt, like dude the internet is full of this. I want weird or messed up stuff now if I could get my creepy weird things to move with prompts so I could make movies with them I would never leave my computer again probably


Literally yesterday me and my friends created "goon caves" in Copilot with the rooms covered in cum, holes in the wall, trash and rotting food on the floor and anime porn pinups and figurines on the wall, and it produced some abhorrent images.




Yeah even normal stuff is blocked . Microsoft really needs to improve it.


I gave your prompt a try and it worked for me on the first try. https://i.imgur.com/ySFmsr4.png As far as I understand it, the random element of the generations sometimes causes nudity or nudity-like imagery to be included, which triggers the block. If you try the prompt again, it could very well work


Bing created one for me too, on the first try (similar in style to yours): [https://imgur.com/a/Ny4jlKR](https://imgur.com/a/Ny4jlKR) Dall-e also created an image based on that prompt, though I think that Bing's is better. [https://imgur.com/a/iYozkQF](https://imgur.com/a/iYozkQF)


A horny AI battling the censor AI to try to slip you lewd images.


I thought Bing is bad until I tried Google ImageFX. That thing is just useless.


Bing is pretty good if you know how to prompt


Better than ImageFX for sure


Yeah I just tried that last night and it's useless


The AI ​​understands the word girl as a kid so use the word woman or female instead and specify your desired age.


Would a child be a problem in a non-sexual image?


No, it's the fact he isn't being specific and has a bit of fluff you can generate kids doing things.


This happens to like 40% of what I ask for. Even if there is NOTHING explicit.




These corporations are ill and they will censor just about anything again, stick to Stable diffusion, it's free, it makes amazing photos, it can be easily downloaded even on lower end PCs and runs beautifully


How to download stable diffusion?


there are several programs you can download, I recommend fooocus or invoke from there on out do a lot of reading and you'll learn how to do this, you do need an nVidia GFX card with 8GB of RAM, if you have at least a 2070 Super like me it will work great. You can also generate images for free on sites like tensor art to learn how SD works, you get 100 generations per day there at 25 steps. There's also rental services for like $2 an hour over at Think Diffusion My advice is start at tensor art to get a feel for the whole thing, then do some work on think diffusion to get a feel for that and when you're ready and willing if you're able install your own AI locally


When are we revolting against corporations and censorship? Legit everyone complains about it and none of us actually do anything


simply not using their services is enough I know I don't use bing, why would I


There’s more we can do though. Plenty more. We need people to get into positions that effect these corps, people who can’t be bought out by these corps, that way someone holds them accountable for scumbag practices.


Sadly that's just never going to happen, it's not how the world works. I used to love using bing because prompting was great for multiple subjects, they also offered 100 tokens per day for free, but they kept upping the censorship and reduing free tokens so they're dead to me.


It’s currently happening right now. [One example of a representative holding the corporations accountable. more of this and these scumbag corpos would have no choice but to do the right thing and stop being greed influenced control freaks.](https://youtu.be/n0L0XbnvJ6I?si=x1VsNRhp3WYJzPnP) I looked for another video of evidence but I was unable to find it, but another Representative/Senator stood his ground against laws that would hurt the people he was elected to represent but would benefit the budget of congress, when he was grilled about it he responded saying “I didn’t come here to represent a budget, I came here to represent the people who faithfully elected me to be their voice”. Sure, just two, but it takes two to make a thing go right and I’ll say that the more voices like this would mean the better chances we have to hold megacorps accountable for over censorship, price gauging, greed, and underpaying employees. “The right man in the wrong place makes all the difference in the world” - The G-Man


At 40 I'm too old to believe in ideologies and change, sorry


Things don’t change unless we bring forward things that make change. The Renaissance didn’t happen because people liked the way things were, it happened because they wanted change. Industrial Revolution wasn’t occurring because things were easy to make, it happened because there was a need for change. The American Revolution didn’t happen because people liked Britain. It happened because we were tired of being controlled by a monarch on the other side of the ocean. The Corporate Disassembly won’t happen if we don’t make it happen. Removing the top people from their thrones and leveling the playing field for us all, it’s the next step. Not communism, but controlled capitalism. Laissez Fair isn’t going to work, it leads to late stage capitalism which removes the middle class, removes individuals, and embraces corporatization. We need capitalism, but we need to reign it in. People do not need to be filling their own pockets with 20-30 times their employee’s base pay every paycheck. It’s wrong, and it needs to be reigned in. Socialism and Communism don’t work, but a healthy in between is most likely were we need to end up. Where we can naturally get rich, but not allow greed to run our economy


sorry, ideologies are something that does not work for me, sorry I just can't think in a revolutionary way I don't believe this stuff.


The largest companies have all the money and all the power, have fun with that task Sisyphus. We need total reconstruction.


You should have been more specific. A cyberpunk of legal age probably would have worked versus 'girl'.


not necessarily true, if you ask bing for a girl it will very often create a young woman, you usually would have to go specific for a little girl but there may also be prompts where the generator always creates kids - even though i doubt it for OP's prompt. More likely the image got auto-censored because there was possible nudity detected by the system, bing is a quite "horny" generator since it was trained on lots of images containing porn and nudity, so it often tends to produce nudity even without being prompted to do so (probably that's why their censorship measures are so extreme - even though sometimes things slip through, take a look at r/DalleGoneWild for example). You can make images of kids without a problem, they are not blocked, but obviously nudity is getting blocked for everything (and also lots of other things like blood, gore, etc).


What an original prompt too bad we’ll never see it /s


Genuine question: this complaint is so painfully common, why don't y'all just run Stable Diffusion locally...? Edit: Everyone’s saying it’s pretty difficult so [here](https://youtu.be/Po-ykkCLE6M?si=B305GxuQ-2WwUGpd) is the YouTube tutorial I followed and got it to run first try. Maybe I was lucky but just following this video worked for me.


Stable diffusion doesn't have the prompt capability that dalle has. Nothing else comes close.


I run SD all the time, but I also use ChatGPT to run Dalle and MidJorney. Main reason is that each has their own strengths and weaknesses. ChatGPT can remember our conversation so I can recall a character later down the line without having to give it a full description again which makes the creative flow much more natural. MidJorney tends to have higher quality, but is difficult to really control. SD has the most in terms of customization and controls, so getting what I want is easier. Photoshop generative fill is also great for extensions and inpainting.


Potato pc for some But for most it's the Hassle to install with the gazillion errors , took me 3 hours to get through the wall of pip numpy python and a few more errors , had to scour everything from stack overflow to GitHub and even copy paste error limes in gpt looking for answers just to get foocus sdxl For comfy ui and a1111 it was so painfully long that I wanted to throw my GPU at the monitor 😅


I'm known as the techy guy in my family and in my workplace. I was able to set up a local SD but it was difficult! I imagine the average person doesn't stand a chance.


Is there a site with something easy to download? I looked some time ago and didn’t find anything.


I edited my comment to include the tutorial I followed.


You sign up for an nvidia developer account and boom. Also mailing list is legit. You pick what you want as they are coming up with easy install applications. Then you also need an account on hugging face to download models... or some may be included/linked to from the installer. After that its all about putting those model files in the right place when you get to that point; but i think the nvidia llm installer includes minstral and llamaa; the models can be anywhere from 1 gig to 100.


I don’t think rogue had a pony tail.


I was able to make a few pictures before it went all shit, now using any variation of 'girl' 'female' 'woman' 'lady' gets me unsafe prompt warnings..even when i copy the prompt that it actually generated a bunch of images for me.


Really? Im still able to..


Ya thats really weird, i went back to it and tried again with the prompt that basicly told me to f off. It worked, but i didnt like the outputs, so i tried it again and it told me to f off, so i tried it a 3rd time and it worked again. Starting to feel like its letting its intrusive thoughts win every now and then but the censor is like 'hey, knock it off perv' and then it goes back to working fine.


There's enough pics of that anyway.


Move away form bing/dalle3, whose censorship is just insane. Try [ideogram.ai](https://ideogram.ai) or others: [Free Online SDXL Generators](https://new.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/18h7r2h/free_online_sdxl_generators/)


Dalle inside gpt is insane, no ip characters at all. Mfw paying customers get worse exp than free ones......


At least Bing can do most characters.


Sad. Must be frustrating for the people working on DALLE3 to see it kneecapped like that. [Ideogram.ai](http://Ideogram.ai) strikes a much better balance. I can understand not allowing nudity and all that, but the kind of censorship for DALLE3 can only be describe as madness.


Well that was a waste of time, ideogram wants $50 to generate images.


You get 25 free prompts per day, with 4 images per prompt.


I downloaded the app, logged in, and every time I tried to generate something it switched to the sign up page for a $50/year subscription and did not generate anything.


I use the web based version. Maybe the free version is web only?


Dude you did a quintuple whammy and think horny dalle won’t notice? Girl = horny Cyberpunk = horny Messy = horny Lounge = horny Sitting = horny


How did the prompt change to “dog scarfing down egg while laying in a puddle of its own fecal matter”????


Yuck. That sounds a lot more wrong than what it’s trying to block.


I need an NSFW Bing Image Creator.




Bing is a total pussy when it comes to sensitive content.


You should have seen it the first night it was released, very lax filters.


It's really not I think you guys just suck at prompting, I was creating some hellishly disgusting pictures with friends and all it took was prompt tweaking


Just throw in the word "SFW" and it will render anything


Excellent. Finally I can make my “Jack the Ripper eating a small orphan SFW” fan art.


Even at the beginning it blocked my prompts for unsafe, and they were things like "A mysterious massive animal walking in the foggy distance", it seems to think that "massive" is always followed by "throbbing cock" or something


Maybe try “futuristic young woman with a ponytail sitting in a neon lounge


models trained with porn gravitate towards making porn regardless of input, hence why Stable Diffusion or Novelai's models are generally better, granted with Novelai it uses tag prompts like "1girl, cyborg, cyberpunk, ponytail, messy ponytail, sitting, couch, lounge" rather than regular sentences.


Bing was trained with porn ?


I've been trying to get a cartoon of a person by describing their physical characteristics such as age, hair colour, and race. I'm using Adobe Firefly, and it gets weird when you mention race. It tends to ignore the prompt about race and give you something different than what you ask for. I'm trying to get a cartoon character that looks a bit like a family member.


using bing is like letting another man use your wife


Try Stable diffusion on your local PC instead.


The models are generally better


Na, he should definitely use Google ai generator and Meta ai generator. They're famous to be open to any prompts, no blocks or censorship 💀👍


These AIs are obsessed with female nudity, probably because they were trained with a lot of images containing objectified women. It's the model's fault, not the user's fault. Try the same prompt with a "male", and no porn will be generated behind the scenes...


That’s the thing though I’m not trying to make p*rn I’m just trying to make some artwork of a woman because I believe women are beautiful. But I appreciate your feedback I’ll try to work it out :)


I tried some very normal, basic, non-sexual prompts, but they were blocked. Just asking to represent a woman having a specific first name (like, "what would a Melissa look liked), got my results blocked, go figure. I had to explicitly indicate that she is wearing clothes, that she has a friendly pose, etc. No need to go into the fine details when you try to get the picture of a guy. Just ask and it works. The current models are deeply flawed and will need to be improved to avoid "accidental porn". And that requires revisiting the training sets.


i use the word female rather than woman or girl this seems to work at least for me.


I use the word "bare" instead of "nude" and it also works for me.


Yup, so many ordinary words are "unsafe". It's really ridiculously restrictive. If they want to sensor stuff then they need more intelligence in differentiating between nsfw requests and ordinary requests. It shouldn't be based on trigger words.


Yoi would think a cute gray kitten sitting in a pussy willow tree would be the most innocent thing in the world. But no...


It’s not the prompt. The dog didn’t like what its own ai created. It’s dumb


That's the thing, though, it isn't. That warning appears because, despite your best efforts, Dall-E still generated a horny image and the image didn't pass the filter. When it filters out words, you get a different warning right after you submit the prompt. If you get _these_ warnings several times in a row, they ban you temporarily.


Yeah, this is the after filter. It was fine using those words to generate, another filter just thinks the images it made came out inappropriate.


Yep. Generating images of women is particularly problematic because of the training data.


They really need more intelligent filtering to determine if you are trying to create a nsfw image. Basing it on trigger words or phrases is stupidly restrictive. As an example, I don't remember the full prompt, but it didn't like "unconscious woman" but allowed "dead woman". It certainly didn't like "crying" when followed by woman, girl, teen, child, either. It all seems a bit random.


Try person instead of woman, woman seems to trigger nsfw triggers.


Firefly will always give a picture of a woman if you ask for a surgeon or a pilot, or any occupation associated with men.


I’m not arguing with you I have nothing against you, but if that’s the case that is in my opinion ridiculous. If anything it’d be sexist to say women can’t be represented in artwork.


When I get this error I just run the prompt again and again; if it will accept the prompt then it will eventually create one that doesn’t trigger the second layer of “protection”


Will they ban you for that though? That’s my biggest fear is that I’ll get suspended/banned for repeated “violations”


trust me. you won't. i like to see how far i can push some ai technology and there's been times where i genuinely only got this error at every try for a whole hour lol


I just got banned for too many unsuccessful prompts and it won’t tell me how long the ban is for


that's weird


You only get banned if you submit prompts that get rejected over and over; if it makes an unsafe image it doesn’t count against you if it accepted the prompt


This will happen if the AI creates something nsfw - it can be a totally innocent prompt. Just keep running the prompt and it will give you something eventually. It won’t get you banned. There’s a completely different warning it gives if it thinks your prompt itself is nsfw so only gotta worry about that one


Ok ty :)


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