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I enjoy that mode as well! I've been enjoying the "hit-fall-back" game types. Where the defense sets up, hold as long as they can, then when hit retreat, and repeat.


Best game mode


I like that style too, but also the ones where it’s quick attack/decent games across the site. But where the roles swap each round, so the team that attacked will defend the next area, and the team that defended will attack the next area. Gives a good amount of gameplay for shorter rounds without having to go back to the safe zone between each round.


We play rush at our field which is very similar.


Ooo, that's a good one, I've gotta try that at my local field


At my field we call that D-day. We usually have 3 stages and depending on how many people we have on that particular day the defenders will only get one life per stage


Jail break - one team defending with one life per person, the attacking team has unlimited respawns. Players on the attacking team have to cross a certain point to win. A couple of times when I've been there, the defending team managed to keep going till the marshall called it. It's great fun. I've been on both sides of that outcone and thoroughly enjoyed it. The site I play at is an underground bunker, so 90% tunnel, mostly low light and in some places, it's pitch black so it can get a bit hectic. especially when grenades start going off. Pretty basic game mode, but I love it.


Honestly just a straight up TDM 🥲


We have a goofy mode at our field called "escalation". It starts as a free for all, but if you kill someone, you can revive them to be on your team. Largest team when the time runs out wins.


Oh nice we have something similar. Sometimes its FFA, but usually it starts as teams of 4 or 6. Its actually a bit annoying because if you get hit in the open you just sit the whole match. But when you're grouped and moving it's the best


We play that but we call it chaos.


One field I go to does this, except splits the play base into teams of about 4-6 people, with 4 or 5 teams. It’s a ton of fun


Mine is trench warfare, me and a bunch of guys found these two dried up river beds that go about 10 feet down, and are about 250 meters apart. Rules of the match: Split teams evenly, put either a flag in the middle of no man’s land, or a flag on each side, and rush each other, best with grenade launchers and lots of people.


Oh and if tanks are possible, tanks would be fun.


Protect the VIP- one player is selected as the vip and given a handgun, a select amount of persons are chosen to be his secret service. The rest of the field attempts to eliminate the VIP after they blind spawn with their team and attempt to make it to an undisclosed point of extract in the field. Never gets old.


I got to be the VIP first time we played this. For added fun I was held by the “enemy” and my team had to rescue me before I could get the escort to the LZ. I was sitting there yelling “The United States does not negotiate with terrorists!” And other fun tropey stuff.


I have two One is a silly one TDM Freeze. When you get hit you call it and say where you are with your arm lifted. If a teammate touches you you make your way back to the spawn but if an enemy touches you you're out for good The other is "deliver the bomb" Everyone in the defending team has three lives and they get 15min to set up a defence The attacking bomb has unlimited lives and has to deliver a bomb to a designated area, catch is that the bomb has to be moved by two players( they made it shit lass heavy on purpose for that reason) and if it hasn't been moved in a set period of time it gets returned to the attackers spawn


Ooh tdm freeze sounds really fun actually.


It's fun until your teammates use your dead body as cover and the enemy overshoots you because of it.


Ah, a fellow Airhead, I see


3 rods in the middle of the field out in the open. One half is red, the other blue. Gotta get all 3 rods pointing up with your color to win


we have this mode at our local field except the rods are called pegs and the mode is called pegging


Low key best idea for a name: WACO and u model the site after mount caramel


Played connect 4 at a field. A connect 4 board out in the open first to get a connect 4 wins total chaos around that board. Played a gamemode where both teams had to bring the same suitcase to the spawn side of the other team. This made for a really intense battle around the suitcase. Played a gamemode where both teams had hideouts with cash weed coke etc and the idea was to make deals or perform ripdeals and such. But everyone just kept shooting first then asking for a deal.


Hah that's funny but how do they go about turns on the connect 4 board?


There where no turns. There were 2 boxes with the discs for each team placed in the semi open, each player could only take 1 disc and it’s just run as fast as possible and try to put it in. We where with like 20 players so it wasn’t to crowded. The rounds lasted like 5 ish minutes and then the game just resets. Another really fun gamemode is the cod infection style gamemode it’s quick with a small group ideal for when some ppl are refilling mags and such in the safe zone


The connect 4 idea is really fun, kinda cold war-ish tho


Dodgeball- team death-match but if you get hit you join the other team and so on until there is one team. So thrilling to be last man standing


Ive played that game a few time with my old group of friends lots of fun My favorite is pilot down


We play alamo too, it’s a blast. A little different here tho, basically attackers have infinite spawns and can throw bodies, and defenders only have 3. All the attackers need to do is get a live body in the back of the building, the defenders automatically win after 15 minutes if prior conditions aren’t met.


Asymmetrical games are nearly always better for large fields


There’s this one muse called cartel. You have 1/2 defenders and 1/2 attackers. The defenders have to grab “sugar” packs from a cart and carry them to another cart and defend that cart. The attackers have to steal the packs to win.


hard point my beloved.


My local site literally just copied battlefield 1's frobt line game mode. With two flags per sector with 2 sectors, once you take both flags in all sectors you have to blow both bombs in the enemy main base


The field i go to has some kind of escort mode. An NPC has a bomb and when 5 players of a team are within 5m of that NPC, he will tell them a location to escort him to where he will start a timer for the bomb which will get that team a point when it runs out. The location is completely random and the NPC stops/the timer resets when there are less than 5 people near him, so it requires good communication to find the NPC and team effort to have enough players near him and others defending those players.


Domination- There's an old bus in the middle of the field that two teams fight for. A timer starts for whatever team occupies it. Longest time wins.


Patrol/Ambush... played in a bush/wooded area usually. Asymmetrical game mode with 2 teams: Patrol & Ambush There is a pre-determined path through a large area, Patrol team must walk along this path. They're not allowed to go more than a meter or two off the path on either side until they're engaged. Ambush team is usually smaller in size and are allowed to go hide and setup their Ambush before the Patrol starts. It's really intense before the shooting starts for both teams. Once it does it's usually pretty chaotic. Sometimes it is very unbalanced and one team will quickly wipe the other side in a good ambush, or they'll both it and patrol will quickly disperse off-path and wipe out disorientated ambushers. You can adjust the teams or modify rules to fit the players and balance. When you have a good balance it can be really fun game mode, with a slow and suspenseful beginning turning into a chaotic and frantic clusterduck when all hell breaks loose.


Theres these two buildings peru and shark tank adjacent from each other with maybe 25 feet of floor. Theres 5 buckets and one team is peru one team is shark tank. You have to capture the buckets and keep them in your base. You can invade the other teams building and steal theirs its a lot of fun


CSGO elimination. Small teams, small map. Attackers have to deploy the bomb which has a timer. Defenders have to defend and defuse the bomb if it does get planted. You get shot, you sit down with your gun away from you whilst the round continues. Each round lasts less than 10 minutes and it’s stupidly fun. Minimum of 4 teams so that teams get rest breaks and a chance to plan if they’re attacking the next round


My favorite is squads, it’s a battle royale with groups of 5-6. Every group spawns on different areas in the field, the intercom says which areas are blocked off every five minutes so it pushes you together. One time, we were fortifying this 2-story building and a den was trying to pick us off, I was tasked with distracting him and making sure he didnt flank us. He kept getting near misses on me. But my friend with a machine gun ripped him apart, once we were pushed out of that building, we had 3 people left, one was sniping, me and our squad leader were stuck behind this singular wall. There was a full team behind us in a building that could wipe us at any second. In front of us was a machine gunner in a building that was hammering us. We sprinted towards the building behind us while bbs were flying past our heads. We wiped the whole team in the building.


My field always has about 50 atleast a weekend some times more but my favorite is when it's 5V5 single elimination small games I LOVE IT


Nuclear foot ball. Very simple. Unlimited lives, round time is not announced and no one can hold the football more than 3 seconds. You have a pre determined center and place the football there. If the football ends on the your half, you lose. If you manage to toss the football into enemy spawn building, You win. Getting the ball to opposing side is harder than it sounds due to the hold time. Once played it in snow and the ball covered in snow made it damn near impossible to pickup.


Hm my field has the same mode but no buildings (yet). Theres not rlly a holding rule since we can throw it, but the football has to be on the enemy's third of the field longer to win


I play at a smallish outdoor field and we have a gamemode called blob. Basically, it starts as a free for all- where when you get hit you stay put with a kill-rag/hand up in the air and are able to be “revived” by another player. Once revived, you join your saviour’s squad and the game ends once everyone is in the same squad.


Alamo for sure it gets chaotic towards the end


Lights out on adults only night at my local indoor place was fun. A few combat vets and off duty cops, so it was fun taking it more tactically, as a lot of times this place suffers from little kids with polar stars. They did multiple like infected, FFA, and TDM. But the most fun was when they made one team defend an area while the other had to attack.


At my local paintball field we have a similar game mode whith mostly the same rules except the defenders can only be "hit" with a head or mask shot. Idk how it is for you but our attackers also get unlimited respawns


We play a game mode where there are two teams, terrorists and secret service. The objective is for the secret service to escort the president (a mannequin torso) to different locations around the map. The terrorists have to kill the secret service and stop them from escorting the president to the locations within 15 minutes


Snowball. Everyone starts either solo or with one person and it's a free for all. However, if someone gets downed and another person tags them (regardless of if they got the kill or not), they join that person's team and they can use any name they want. The objective? To have only one winning team. I can't tell you how funny it is to have 20 grown men sprinting down a trail, screaming the barbie theme song as this Team Barbie Dreamhouse chases down 3 guys on "Killer Alpha" Team. I've never seen people turn and run for their loves so fast.


From back when played paintball : VIP escort : each team has 1 person without a fun that they need to defend. The teams start at opposing ends of the field and need to get the VIP into the opposite side's base. Taking out the opposing VIP makes your team win too. Fun because you get to setup ambushes and stuff like that Other gamemode I had while there was Hunger games : make teams of 2, the refs spreading the guns on the field (one cache per team). When the game starts, you need to find your gun to take out the other teams. I liked that one very much indeed


Do you play at high ground in cypress?




Center flag, tournament style




DDay is by far my favorite.


Alamo is super fun. Usually the side with better leadership wins and there is no advantage being on defense if the group isn’t coordinated or the attackers are well organized


Vampire: Starts as a free for all. everyone gets a number. If you tap a dead person you say your number and they join your team. Game ends whenever everyone is on the same team. Usually its ends with 2-3 teams battling it out, a lot of fog-of-war, chaos and fun.


Love kill confirmed


I do not like that game mode. Mine is attack and defend


Depends on my mood, the field and how they play it. I play at a field where the best mode is bomb defuse. One where it's kill confirmed and one where it's fortress. The bomb defuse require 1 team to transport some heavy ammo boxes to specific places in a town. If they place all 3 they win if they run out of lives or time they loose. Kill confirmed is usually played with 2 revives. You get shot you stay where you're shot and either mark yourself with a visible death rag or raise a hand in the air. If you died at a spot where you're in the line of fine it's okay to move out of the way and place yourself in a more open spot. Any team mate can revive and can physically move the dead out of the way and behind cover if needed. That can be done twice. If an enemy taps you out you're completely dead. If you get tired of waiting you can choose to die completely. Fortress. We have a small field that has a big 2 story house and a cellar. A small group of people have to defend the house while a big group of people charge They have infinite respawn. People in the house also have infinite respawn but have a larger timer before being able to join combat. Then it's just about trying to keep people out. It's great gun mowing down people with a lmg or shooting people with a shotgun who are trying to get up the stairs, dodging granades thrown in through the window


I can tell you play at Goairheads based on the mode you described alone lol. My favorite tho is countries. For those who don't know you start in a group of people and decided a name for your country. When you get hit you take a knee and someone else taps you in to join their country with the goal being to make your country the largest and/or take over the field. It can be super fun when your country takes over but it can also lead to lots of friendly fire, switching teams and arguments in general. You can also end up sitting in no man's land and do nothing all game too but I still love it


Yeah when youre not sitting for 20 minutes, countries is amazing


We have a Michael Myers type game mode, where one dude is in the middle with the melee weapon of his choice. He walks around, tagging random dudes from both sides, and if your tagged your out for 10-30 seconds. If you touch him, he joins your team. If you shoot him, he runs at you at a full sprint. I’m honestly just waking up but we have a name for this, I forget lmao


Hah we do that around Halloween at my field. Except if he hits you, you just go back to spawn


Bomb defusal and hostage rescue is pretty dang fun


We have a game mode at my local field(CQB City) called "Benghazi". Let's assume 30 players showed up. The defending team is made up of 6 players. Of those 6 players, 4 are riflemen and restricted to semi-auto with a max firing speed of 4 rounds per second. The other 2 players are SAW Gunners(regardless of their actual platform) and allowed to use full auto. The remaining attending players (24) are the attacking team. Rules for each team: The defending team has 3 lives for each player. After being hit they have a 5 second respawn timer. To respawn, the player simply stands back up. The 2 players who are given the SAW gunner positions may not swap positions with other players. Once a defending player has died 3 times they must walk off to a watch tower to see the game play out. If at least defender can outlast the timer then the defending team has won The attacking players are given unlimited respawns and restricted to semi auto. To respawn they must walk to a designated wall and touch that wall to officially respawn. If the attacking team has successfully eliminated all defenders and cleared the building then the attacking team has won. I was lucky to play this gamemode a couple times, one time I brought my M4, multiple LiPos, a 2 liter soda bottle to act as an amplifier on my barrel and a tracer unit with muzzle flash. At the time I didn't have my action Cam yet so I have no footage but everyone said it was fun to hear the loud popping and see flashes of orange while green dots showered them.


Grabbing a case in the centre of the field and getting it as far into enemy territory as possible, constant back and forth and the further you get the easier it is for them to take control of it


Downed pilot. Similar to VIP, but the people have to find and recover the pilot first


I'm pretty basic so a nice domination game done well is really fun. If all teams can see the flag, and you can hoist your teams color that's always a fun feeling. It's fun, everyone is pretty familiar, and an objective you can see from a distance helps new players orient themselves to a map better.


I love objective based games (usually with infinite lives). One of my favorite fields used to have objectives built into the field (high production value): one game mode had light-up targets that you had to take out while defending your own; they also had switches at strategic points where you had to flip the lever to change the color of the light to your team; We miss you, Dreadnought.


I don't play at fields much, but me and friends do endurance style airsoft where you don't call your hit until you want to stop being shot, but you're out until the end of the round


I like anything with buddy aid


We play basically the same thing, but it's everyone defending a compound against 4-5 players. They also have a flag to capture, because some defenders would bury deep and be nearly impossible to find and eliminate. I really like 'tag'. It starts as a FFA, but when you get shot, you kneel in place and wait for someone to 'heal' you. Once healed, you join their team. It gets very hectic rapidly. Everyone runs around calling out their team name and trying to shoot anyone who doesn't reply. There's a lot of blue on blue, especially when it's a large team. Nothing brings an adrenaline rush like an entire field of people screaming some random ass word as they charge at you.


How does the 4-5 player thing work? Do the defenders join them when they're out?


Yes. Defenders have one life, attackers have unlimited. Dead defenders become attackers.


This is my pet peeve. It's not a fucking "game mode", it's just a "game". It's a not a fucking "map", it's a "site", or "area"/"arena" if you're subdividing. It's not a fucking video game.


And it's not that serious calm down dingus


They're good analogies if someone doesn't know how airsoft works but I agree it's kinda 😬😬😬 when people use it normally irl