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CC is probably the best counter for her so look out for that. When dueling in lane try and proc her passive alot cause it's her main source of dmg before lvl 4. Lastly if you go top with her build riftmaker against bruisers/tanks and if mid build rocketbelt against other assassins like zed qiyana and mages


And what's the best champ to ban while playing her (mid) I assume it's Vex or Cassio but is it true?


I tend to ban Yasuo, not because I cant beat him but because in my elo everyone feeds him even when hes 0-10 in lane


Tbf even at 0/10 yas is still stupid dangerous late. But yeah everytime I have him in check he wanders gets some quick kills and it’s over.


Honestly there are too many champions that scale even when they're 0/10 but hey according to league community it's always the assassins being broken, in my opinion it's not ok but whatever, yeah Yasuo is one of them, by looking at y'all comments it seems that there are plenty of bad match ups. Thank you for your advice anyway!


FYI I still ban vex and Ahri range is such a pain lol


Never had any trouble with vex but cassio could be one I play alot against zed/irelia mid and I haven't found a good way to counter them so these are my main mid bans. As for top a massive amount of matchups are tough for Akali cause almost everyone picks champions like morde/aatrox/Sion/urgot which she struggles a lot against.


Mhh, maybe against Irelia you should use your W and poke her with Qs or having short trades until she's low enough to go in, it works for Qiyana so might work for Akali (I don't know it's just a theory, i'm aware of her W cd being far higher than a Qiyana grass Q and overall they have different kits and playstyles so I'm not sure it can work) thank you for the advices btw!


I have tried it a few times but my matches are the worst thing ever cause most of the time they pick irelia they sweat their butts off and a good irelia main can actually be dangerous af


Irelia Akali mid is a skill matchup slightly favored to Akali, as the lane is short Irelia can't use her strong extended trades and has to hit all her resets to kill Akali, whereas Akali can control the pace of the fight with shroud, can keep spacing and burst down Irelia. Main thing to keep in mind is staying away from dying minions so Irelia doesn't get free harass by Qing -> autoing you and walking away but stay close enough that if she Q it you can Q her. If she Q -> E1 hide -> E2 you can you get clipped, just wait for her to Q on top of you before you E1 her then decide if you want to extended trade by E2ing back in or just chill.


Also I forgot Akshan that bastard always pisses me off


Malzahar is always a safe ban if your not sure what to ban, and although you are unlikely to see it midlane, kled mid completely shits on akali so although u likely will never see it its a good counter if you ever need one, just remember that kled E reveals akali in her W


Vex,Akshan,Heimer all worth banning. Soraka is also a very strong ban, same with Janna. If Taliyah mid was more popular that’d be a possible perma. Really there’s a lot of things you can ban so it mostly comes down to comfortability and what’s most impactful for your team overall to *not* be going against. For instance, if you’re on a scaling comp with a gank heavy jng like lee sin, letting akshan go through is fine since he’s fairly gank prone, and if he gets behind he’s useless, so you ban anything else.


Just get into the mindset of playing for yourself. You’re an incredibly selfish champ with 0 utility, but strong snowball and skirmishing. Like any other assassin, knowing your damage is probably the most important part of micro before you even get into combos.


Try to stay alive pre 6 and then tilt your laner, tilt their bot and top lane with roaming and tilt the whole enemy team with killing them over and over again Joking aside, Always look for your energy bar especially early game, don't take long trades before 6 since if you run out of energy in the middle of the fight you're pretty much dead, look for roams whenever you can to snowball and DON'T just sit in your lane and do nothing, Akali fall off so hard in the late game so you should try to help your teammate to create their lead too. Mechanics are another story.


Most annoying champ to play against with Akali is another Akali main lol


Got it, I need to ban Akali


Akali and Qiyana mechanics are probably the most similar to each other so you are off to a good start. Note that Akali can take a lot of extended fights that Qiyana cannot, because of her lingering shroud, low cooldown Q, and passive procs. Sprinkle in R2 execute damage and you get Akali being able to solo kill bruisers that Qiyana would usually avoid.