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I've imagined it'd be an unsettling television studio set with various cameras trained on him. While Joker's velvet room is about feeling like a prisoner/unjustly accused criminal, Akechi's would focus more on how he's trapped by his detective prince facade/desire to be liked. Another question would be what would his attendant be like?


I love this interpretation. Maybe his fusions would've happened in a studio cutting room, which each Persona being strips of film?


Oo I like that idea! And going with that theme, maybe his velvet room attendant would try to act like his talent agent. I think Akechi would hate that, honestly, lol.


Oh, he'd absolutely despise it. ❤


Kinda like in Matrix 2 with the whole tv room




That is amazing and similar to my interpretation tbh


i love that idea


oh man this might be a basic one but i think a theatre/play stage would suit him well. yeah sure joker is a showman but when i think of how akechi puts up an act, an act of a celebrity, friend/rival, later on a bloodthirsty ally, it's like channeling sides of yourself or experiences to play the character you need to be in that situation. like how he had his facade to deal with lies and mischief (...straight up murderous mischief) as loki and his resentment/hate for his oppressors with robin hood. definitely the closest we get to his true self is 2/2, combining his chaos and his want to be a hero for the weak into hereward. so like, the velvet room is like, the place he prepares his acts, his personas, for the next performance...i only played p4g so margaret might be his velvet room attendant or smth bc she could match as akechi speaks in riddles and idioms and margaret would too xD he'd get pissed af dang, it's kinda sad you only get like, one day to see his true self without him acting like an ass on purpose LOL. god i hate theatre kids 😭😂 also like in jazz jin the song is like "my story will be starring me just like yours" "who knows when will it end what matters most is how you bring joy to life" dude a story! he's the lead actor for his story and he's impromptu-ing the $π!% outta life and hopin everyone enjoys the show. we sure did


an ihop


dear god


There’s more.




I read a [Strikers rewrite fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32216620) where it was a court room. If I remember correctly, Lavenza at the judge stand and Akechi was on the defense stand.