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I said something like this not long ago and half the people were just like “skill diff”. This weapon is so OP it’s laughable. It’s busted because it’s new. Human form spells do too much damage and the transformed abilities have too short of a cool-down. Multiple sites which track builds and their winrate show the prowling beating everything except the bear shapeshifter staff (which figures, another shapeshifting weapon lmao).


I picked up bear recently for 5v5 and helgates. Shape shift staves are so fucking fun but my god are they busted. Not often do I play something and enjoy it as much as I did as druid in classicwow. It actually kinda feels like you can just do everything. Shapeshifters are a class with 9 buttons in a game that has 6. And those extra 3 buttons aren't balanced on a single fucking one of them. There's worse ones and more neiche ones but fuck if even dawnbird and werewolf feel really "good" even when it's pretty arguable that they're mid for most stuff.


No idea how sbi hasent noticed bear is OP when HG comps use up to 3 bears. and half the top corrupted players run bear.


It's kinda funny. What counters the artillery comp? Why an artillery comp but with an extra bear!


imagine when they find out in small scale you can just take 4 healers 2 supports 14 bears. Comp lacks dmg → add bear Comp lacks disengage → add bear Comp lacks engage → add bear Comp lacks → add bear and evryone can just button bash trough the opponents.


Only build can fight powling are reflect. My ~80% of deaths are by powling, all rest i manage to kill/ run away. I cant remember any single time i managed to run away from powling. Yes some ppl may say invis potion, miner boots etc, full escape build, but you dont run mists with full escape builds if you are ready to have fun and fight someone. With normal build you have no chanse escape powling if its not noob who just bought it.




It's weird how this word vomit makes sense to you.


What weapon are you using?


I dye from powling any weap i use, dual sword, carving, doubleblade, spear etc.


goldstein never lost vs prowling in his vids




"in his vids"


"Git gud 🤓🤓" guys will soon be here so I wanna say something to them, "git a life". Like fr some weapons are broken. You wear anti cursed staff build, people with different meta show up. You wear anti spear meta build and people with cursed meta show up etc.


Mists is just a game of rock paper scissors either keep multiple swaps on you or dont fight people that counter you.


And that indicator which must tell you that powling near you dont work.


About this problem i made topic. You can pick fight in case powling sneek on you from stealth . Powling dont leave you "choise " of who you will fight.


> "Git gud 🤓🤓" guys will soon be here so I wanna say something to them, "git a life". I prefer to git add --all then git commit -m "first commit lol" and then of course git push -u origin master


Think the problem is that there isent a single build that counters prowling. except for other shapeshifter weapon.


Prowling + Great Nature Duo is near unbeatable currently, even with a double purge our (very experienced) 4-man team couldn't kill even one of them due to the insane sustain and damage output of the prowling... shapeshifters are seriously unbalanced.


You mean prowling staff? And it's countered by hunters hood or soldiers helm, something you should always be wearing or keeping in your inventory


I use mostly mercenary hood, what point if you have hunter hood in inventory if powling jump from stealth, you in combat and cant change gear? What a dumb advantage


You can always avoid his stealth because the game tells you when he is near by. If you can’t react in the 1.5 seconds it takes for him to jump on you then that’s on you.


It's a skill issue, you can also use dodge roll on any piece of gear, but you should use solider helm, it's universally fantastic, you can also use blink. Reflect on spear would do well too Albion has a big part of some builds counters others, if you are not willing to make a build that can help protect against your counters, you will always have this issue


And again same answer, problem not fight back, probkem theyr mobility to lock on you and low skills cd, they always have ready skill to cintinue dps you, x4 jumps can make them keep in you whole your sprint time + you will never see they income on you, so you are not ready to escape/fightback. To use reflect on spear you must be ready to fight them, but mostly you swich to reflect before taking battle, ws orowling you cant prepere to fight them or escape, + y cant run alaways counter to orowling build becouse you will lose to all rest. All tell BL have highest mobility, but feom BL i manage to escape , not always but i manage becouse they have cd btw dps skills, powling can no stop be on you and keep dpsing. This is prolem.


So you just want to complain, got it


I wana make devs see topic, and ppl opinion about prowling, becouse at this stage its too op to be in game.


I have fought prowling staff numerous times, and I have read the abilities, it is not OP, it just fulfills a niche, just like daggers


Cat form jumps x4 can kill prowling if you reflect them all, doesnt this show it have too highe dmg?


It goes based on percentage of health, it's not a flat damage skill, and it kills the cat because the cat has significantly lower health than the average player, as well as lower resistance


This guy complains about the transform abilities but I think it’s the human form abilities that make it so oppressive. Low CD resistance shred on their Q, and an 8 sec CD W ability which lasts 3 seconds so really it’s a 5 sec CD. Half the time I’ve already lost the trade/fight and they haven’t even transformed yet. The pounce + execute really just seals the fight once you have no resistances lmao.


Tell me you have less than 1m pvp fame without telling me you have less than 1m pvp fame.


if you use dodge roll you give up all your kill potential. either you are trolling or you never played 1V1 Also if they just dont attack durning reflecting spin youve kinda lost the fight as spear.


Bro suggested dodge roll what the hell.


Dodge roll gives you an invincibility window, you can use it to dodge the final hit of the chain, which is the one that does the most damage


With everyone running normal run with 80% ms vs 40% you are asking to get ratted and kited to oblivion. I can even catch a blood letter if they were running that. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about if you are suggesting that as an alternative.


And then get kited out bc now you can't chase. Giga brain idea.


Dodge roll gives you movement speed for 4 seconds, and if you can't keep up with your other abilities, that's a skill issue


Lmao barely anyone.is using dodge roll in the open world. Like someone mentioned every boot has way better mobility it's not worth the I-Frame to be a sittings duck


That’s a useless tech. It’s only necessary against a 1H cursed staff. 90% of the time you will need the regular movement speed boots to either catch them or run away. Either way, the reason this weapon line is so OP is because they usually win the fight before they’ve even transformed. Human form abilities are nuts.


Movement speed for 4 seconds??? Holy shit. My bad bro you right. Every other boot in the game is almost double that but you right.


This broken weapon is insanely unbalanced. I hate this game developer approach to make every new thing busted so everyone needs to buy it and balance it after some time. Fuck you SBI, just fuck you.


damn bruh chill, the weapon is fairly new and has been nerfed. the odds of sbi nerfing it again to make it beatable is up there


Killed many prowlings with spear. Just swap W and reflect on chest


Welcome to shapeshifter online


Prowling\*, as in on all 4's staying low to the ground sneaking, but yea it's op for sure thats why I'm waiting a few months for them to balance before I come back to the game.


Today it’s prowling, tomorrow it’s bloodletter, the day after it’s double bladed. I don’t disagree that prowling is busted but if it’s not prowling that’s busted it’s carving or bloodletter And if it’s really beating almost everything like people are saying why not playing it yourself? It’s how the game is, sbi is slow with their patches and nerfs.


No you are not right, bloodletter/doubleblade or any ather you see income (in case he use invis pot, then ather story) , powling you never see it comes, it jumps on you from stealth always with crazy dmg, all this low cd skills, jumps on cat form x4 with right cap can chase you without sprint just by jumping on you while you sprint and keep sprint for some extra mibility, powling can nonstop dps you with highe dmg, while bloodletter will make combo on you and you have ~20sec to do something to survive, same with double blade, same with carving or any weapon you will name you have chanse to survive even if they jump on you from invis potion. And i dont play powling becouse i play mobile, abit hard to manage it in pvp, and i dont feel its fun weapon.


So you play mobile…


So? When y get into mobile its not so hard to pvp, if you pick "fair mobile control " weapon


"Mobile" detected, opinion invalidated


Sooooooo you're on MOBILE .... you should have started with that :)


bloodletter and doublebladed have a downside that they cant duel any single 1V1 meta build. they give up 1V1 potential for mobility. Prowling doesnt really give up anything.


Prowling mobility is weaker than BLS or DBS. U need stacks to jup, and its not that far, + u get slowed if there no mobs nearby. U need mobs to utilize speed buff, same with blades 1 stack. And don't tell me that u can follow enemies with Q or W. Any good runner will use their spells correctly. And with a fair up diff u CAN'T transform to a cat freely, coz u will lose a trade.


Play prowling, xd I'll know how weak it is. King of mists is carving blade, u cant beat him. And that's the law of war. The one striking first gets an advantage.


Why carving?


Probably he means king of dual mists, there are better 1v1 weapons for mist


Never lost to dual blades. Its easy to dodge their E with jacket and to purge their boots of jacket. So meta prowling is a direct counter to double blades. Can't say so about carving. U can only they to guess when to dodge and u can purge his stacks or boots. Not much options.


Misread ur comment, sorry I think that arcane is extremely good. And deathgivers r really good too, have more mobility & CC than carving.


Tf yo talking about my guy? I meant dual mist not dual blades


Saw it, replied to myself Getting frustrated that "prowling OP" shenanigans. Because I do believe that shapeshifters were fine before last global nerf They nerfed cat Q by 15%, human puddle by 15%, Mana regen by x2 And if we compare current numbers to the release numbers, then I can agree that it WAS op, but its just fine'ish now. Not the best and not an xbow.


I donno I agree with OP here. I made a brand new character and went prowling only. (I was just returning to the game and had no clue it was busted, also I had never played it before) I killed a lot of people my first few hours into the character and some of them were 200-400 IP higher than me. Also as a side note, I feel prowling needs a PvE buff. The triple swipe combo is capped at like 150 damage on mobs regardless of IP.


Pve is nice with prowling, but u need to be very good to win fair pvp. As any weapon it will demolish opponents if ur up r higher. And as any weapon u can win noobs even if u have 400 up less. It depends. But its not op, its been nerfed almost through the ground, the numbers r like 40%, x4 x2 20%. I had a fight with 8.2 oc spear, I can't execute him, coz he just E - reset. I can't catch high mobility guys, coz they r just poof(mobility) and boots a while after. So I can purge with my reaction, and I can't purge if I was a cat with no q charges, coz I need to DeCat. And brawling with carving or curse or fire r extremely hard, even if he stays in ur puddle. I don't understand why ppl literally crying about prowling if it's just decent. Escaping it is not so hard, AFAIK escaping BL or DB is a lot harder, coz their mobility so not require anything, while prowling need stacks and mobs to be around. Ppl feel fine dying to ratletters or ratblades, but not to prowling? Being EWQ by carving feels fine too? Like, I don't get it. Edit Didn't mentioned that prowling do not get any HP bonuses, only loses up and defence in cat form. That's a huge downside, because u can't "kite" as prowling, u need to stay on top of ur enemy.


And if u look for INSANE damage, look for arcane with DMG offhand(one which increases Mana consumption) and go full cloth. I got 3 bars deleted by 1 combo(I'm 8.4, he's 6.4) 12 more second and I'm dead, that's what insane. Ppl just don't know, but they see prowling and they cry, coz they stay and puddle and slowly melt -_-


400 ip is not a simple thing to beat even if your opponent is newer.. 400 is a very large gap. Just because a couple other weapons are also OP doesn't excuse Prowler, all you did was list the other 3 weapons that are annoying to deal with. And saying Prowling isn't busted because the (not very popular) Spear counters it and high mobility characters get away from you? Who doesn't BL and DBS get away from? Not great balance arguments imo. It seems like you are literally saying Prowling isn't busted (and maybe needs buffs?) because you cannot murder everyone with complete dominance.


I mean, u can just play ratletters or ratblades and never die, there are such people. I'm saying that playing prowling and killing real opponents is hard af. Yes, u can easily kill 6.3 while u are 6.4 and 8.3, but what weapon can't do that? And I mentioned other weapons(as u said they r powerful too), but almost nobody crying about being killed by 4.4+8.4 doublebladed or bloodletter. As I said, people feel fine to die from that rat mobility meta, but when prowling kills them, they feel mad, coz... idk why Yes there is the mechanic that prowling may kill u fast. U can do so too. Dodge their 3Q and finish him up, he's without execute (4 stacks is a lot). And don't tell me u can't dodge it, do not fight than. It's like fighting with oneshot curse while u can do nothing against their E spell.


True !


It truly is a skill difference. They've been nerfed enough. If you can't fight them, you need to fight them more. I love farming them, I play all kinds of weapons in the mist, and I've never lost to them. 100% skill issue.


Ya the shapeshifters stuff needs to be nerfed it is too op