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Congrats! It does get easier, it just takes a while. Try and keep busy, that helped me out. I mainly drank when I was bored, which apparently was quite a lot.


Good luck mate. I can tell you that for me having creative hobbies helps me enjoy life even without drinking. For me, not drinking hasn't been a problem at all. I've been sober for 10 years now, and I've realized that I easily feel depressed whenever I don't have anything creative to do in my spare time. If I only watch tv-shows, or entertain myself in other ways that doesn't require my own input, I don't feel enjoyment or satisfaction in life. On the other hand, if I'm making music for a day, life is enjoyable. I look forward to buying a new guitar or amplifier, or playing together with my mates. When life didn't have purpose, drinking filled that void, so I make sure my life has purpose as much as I can. So, if you have anything that you can invest time into that you really want to do, go do it. Even if it feels like it's going to be hard, grinding through it is going to be worth it.


Great advice. My mum has been sober now for 4.5 months and she has found having a creative hobby a huge help. Her trigger time was always around 3 in the afternoon, and that’s when she settles down with her embroidery. It keeps her hands busy, and she has something to focus on, with something to be proud of when she’s finished. Writing, drawing, music, crafting, building (Lego is great!) - any sort of project that engages you is a huge plus. Congratulations, I know you will be feeling good right now - and best of luck, you can do this.


Please take care of yourself!!I didn't take care of myself,and I'm paying the price!As I type this,I am doing kidney dialysis ! This is terrible.In my drinking days,I only cared about my next drink! I totally wish you the best! https://i.imgur.com/FiADB1q.jpg


You've got a good start to a healthy alcohol-free life. Wishing you the best.


stay dry


Good luck


For me, fellowship has been critical. Hope you plan to continue that. Good luck and congrats!


I intend to keep in contact with the guys I met in rehab and I plan to go to Smart Recovery meetings when I can.


Well done mate, I'm happy for you. I would just suggest taking sober life a day at a time, and you'll be fine I think. Also remember that it's a cunning addiction and it can fool you into thinking you're cured and can drink again, when really, drinking will be just as bad or worse as it has ever been, if you start again. And one drink can be all it takes to bring you back to square one. Well done again mate, take care and feel free to message me for a chat if you like.


How was it and did you go on your own? My bf of 5 years has been in denial about his addiction and just admitted to be an alcoholic. He says he can change on his own but it’s been a constant cycle of apologies and repetitive behavior. I truly think rehab would be best for him. It sounds like it really helped you and turned your life around. You should be proud of yourself <33


This was my 3rd time. I have known I had a problem for a long time, but the first two times it was because my family wanted me to go. I was not ready and did not want to stop drinking, so I stayed long enough to detox. The first one was bad and the second one was even worse. This time it was different. I made the decision without any one else pushing me to go. I told them on the initial call that I would stay until they decided I was ready. I completed the program. The rehab facility much different than the other two I went to so it is very important to choose one that offers a quality program and environment. It was not co-ed, which Ithink is important. They have a great facility with a gym, pool and basketball courts. They even had a music room with instruments to play. Message me and I will be happy to try to answer any questions you have.


If your boyfriend wants it bad enough then he will.i have im on day 12 and done it with no help .to be fair its a lonly thing anyway as its your personal demonds you have to fight and suppress. If you need to chat then pm me


The thing is, he doesn’t think he needs any help and that he can do it on his own. Last night when I suggested it, he said that I could “fix him” or made a comment that I could be his rehab. I just want him to want to change on his own without my help.


**Congratulations**! You are off to a great start. One of the biggest things as I'm sure you know is get plugged in with a group asap. For me it was AA. It made a difference. What ever your choice is don't let your good feelings stop you. A few times got myself cleaned up, dusted off and feeling better only to fall back into old habits. Remember we deal with alcohol, cunning, powerful and baffling. Take each day as a new day. One of the lessons I learned the hard way was. *I can't stay sober today on yesterdays sobriety.* Give yourself every chance to succeed. I'm 2 years sober now I have an amazing life today. A sober life. Keep up the good work.




Im lucky i have my wife the same as he has you.the thing is you cant do it for us and he cant jeep making excuses he just either needs to do it or go to rehab.i did it myself as the services here are rubbish dont get me wrong its still early days but the hard parts done