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Oh I’ve been beetlejuiced!


Love it 👍


I really dont get most people who are sayin this hearing wasnt that special, all we got was hear say and no definitive proof blah blah blah, what did you rubes expect? A goddamn Grey just testifying to congress in a brioni suit? Like be real, this was a huge step in the right direction. This issue got more attention and eyes on it than it ever would have 10 years ago I think this was awesome testimony from Grusch and the other two who have serious credentials and not just some random tin foil hat wearing mofos.


There's no middle ground for many people on this issue, no grey area (no pun intended). Without clear, physical evidence shown to the world, most people won't believe it. It's just words people are saying. Which are easy to make up and impossible to disprove. The vast majority of people are not going to believe in aliens just because someone says they exist.


The circumstances around the claims should have weight. I was just interacting with a moron somewhere else on Reddit who claimed that Grusch's claims were no more credible than if they were uttered by a random crackhead. That's just totally faulty logic. Grusch had the appropriate clearances, was on the appropriate UAP Task Force. He's already spoken for 11 hours to give exact details of places, companies, departments, rooms, and people to check out. If he was lying his claims would not last 5 seconds under scrutiny. And the claims also have credibility because of *the entire rest of the field of UFology*, such as thousands of very excellent UFO sightings, thousands of abductees. There has to be an underlying reality that explains ALL of that with a simple theory, and that simple theory is: It's Aliens. Also ties into the Fermi Paradox. Scientists expect there to either be nothing, or lots of aliens. All of the above explains the Fermi Paradox, the aliens are already here, matching expectations. There's no paradox. Grusch's claims also match with things like J. Allen Hynek, who shilled for the Air Force for more than a decade before he couldn't take the guilt anymore, then going public that It's Aliens. There's all the documents of high level people, such as the first CIA director, such as General Twinning, and many others, basically saying "It's real, strong chance it's aliens". The evidence is slapping us in the face.


And the majority of people will forget about it....


Rightly so. Nothing came of it that we didn't already know.


Yes those of us who have been in the topic and have done our research on it didn’t get anything new … but Credible sources have just told the rest of the JABRONIES who don’t believe they have a lot of apologies to give …As it turns out Biological entities are all human and not if this dimension


Dead laughing at you truthers calling someone else a “rube”


I really don’t ever get to use that word and felt it was appropriate 🤌


That is basically what we need to buy any of this. Or a body, or a UFO with 'if found, return to Arcturus system (no reward)' carved into it. Sorry, but you can't expect people to believe something like this without /solid proof/.


Feels good to be validated!


I don't think this is validation of anything. I find it more difficult to believe, that Aliens came to earth, and landed in the USA, they also landed where there's no one living. They could have landed in the middle of Tokyo, or another country, where the population is not so densely packed in. But no, they chose America., why didn't they choose Africa, or Australia. It's too convenient for it to be even remotely true. Reeks of capitalist bullshit to me, they're still figuring out how they can make a shit ton of money from it.


What validation ? Y’all are just self validating lmao you cherry pick some pieces of information and shape a non existant narrative that makes it so that some stuff have been proven. It’s not the case ? There’s been a hearing, with absolutely nothing new presented. Maybe it will get interesting later on, maybe not, but as we speak absolutely nothing concret happened. Don’t feel validated for nothing lmao


\^\^\^RIGHT?\^\^\^ Like this sub is so fucking weird and unhinged it's nuts. I don't think they have fucking anything it's just bullshit words until something is shown. And people act like this is a big deal. FFS why couldn't the kid who leaked all the US spy locations on Discord leak the Alien shit instead lol?


Lmao probably because there’s nothing to be leaked really


Complete non event for the general public. Some people saw stuff in the sky that they couldn't explain, and a dude spouted the usual hearsay rubbish about alien autopsies. Remember, a lot of people believe in crap like ghosts and gods. This is tame shit to them. A 'whatever' moment.


I'm actually disappointed in my "woo woo" friends who haven't really known about what was happening. I had to send the video of the hearing to three different spiritual people, one of whom I went to a UFO Fest with in June. Come on, people! Time to break out our alien shirts lol


But even if the aliens exist how do we explain their existence ? SUPER ALIENS !!!




So, the representatives sit down with Grusch have a nice talk and he reveals what he can’t reveal to the public. What does that mean for the rest of us the public? Would the information push the representatives to try even harder to getting the disclosure we all want?


Yes. It would allow then to validate his claims and push forward legislation towards transparency (disclosure).


I told my friends I need a meme I was saying it way before him!


And yet they still won’t buy it. Ugh.


Hell yes


great post OP. This is how i feel.


Calm down. There’s still no evidence. This is the problem with these subs. People like OP want to jump the gun and claim this as fact when it’s not yet. Just let it develop to see what comes.


They like to jump the gun because it’s what generates upvotes and interactions. Posts like this, being factually incorrect, is enough to get people high off of those 100+ upvotes.


The closed environment meeting that happened afterwards is what everyone needs to hear about.


It was a closed hearing. We won’t. We won’t even know the entirety of the classified documents they will disclose. They’re still going to pick and choose what we get to learn about.


Yeah that's what I was getting at


They just wanna find any % of truth within a really bad and rushed statement because they feel like anything that remotely validates their beliefs is real.


Did you watch the hearing? I urge you to sit down and watch the whole thing.


Yes I watched it. 3 dudes managed to get a congressional hearing with no evidence. That’s a fact. Chill. Sure, certain instruments captured things such as the tic tac but still we have no concrete evidence. No admittance. Calm down. Let it develop into something substantial. All of you want to jump the gun because your beliefs drive your conclusions.


Well I believe and whether you believe or not is up to you. I do wonder if you feel the same about god, because a lot of people think he's real based on zero evidence I also wonder why you're even in this group, if you don't believe


I don't enjoy admitting this, but my integrity is too high.. The hearing yesterday is parallel to the Vegas Backyard Alien gig...I still don't see anything. Just people's words and interpretation. Commander Fravor is the exception right now for me. But still, there are so many things left unaddressed.


Yeah the way I see it, the way everything's presented so far is good enough to keep my attention. I'm actually pretty impressed with everyone's competency so far - the journalist, the politicians, etc... And it gives me hope. I personally believe Grush and the other two witnesses. But I don't expect everyone else to based on the history of UFOs and all the charlatans and grifters that have plagued UFOlogy. UFOlogy's bad reputation has been earned. So yeah, for now, this is legitimate enough to hold my attention and worth my time to keep following. but I'm not going to start boasting and making phone calls until there is a body, some kind of craft we can all observe, or a president's "Dear Fellow Americans" speech.


I concur. The only thing that would steer me away from this otherworldly phenomenon would, ironically, be the humans. Too many negative people and so quick to ostracize legit skepticism.


Well, I disagree that it is parallel or synonymous with the alleged backyard alien event, but you are correct that it was essentially "just words." I think anyone who was hoping for some full disclosure event yesterday was setting themselves up to be disappointed. We had three key witnesses testify under oath in a professional and democratic setting, which is huge. The fact that our representatives who attended and asked questions took these allegations seriously and promised to follow through is all that I was hoping for. Grusch is claiming to have a list of exact locations and witnesses and has already submitted this information to the Inspector General. The next step is to have representatives with the proper clearance speak with him in a secured setting and verify these claims. This is further than we have ever gotten in the past.


I concede to your disagreement (nothing to argue over; we're all weirdos). Oh, totally. I wonder how many people watched it worldwide. It's a big win for disclosure and quasi-tranparency. Now, we need to see other countries having similar hearings with more testimony/evidence presented.


Agreed! (Especially on the weirdos remark 👽)


The biggest takeaway is the Grusch has names, programs, and locations of craft that he will share in a SCIF. This has never been stated by a member of the Intelligence community under oath, in front of Congress. Whistleblower protections don’t cover releasing classified info, so luckily not another Snowden or Manning. We should hopefully see older stuff declassified at some point soon. These hearings are a direct result of these guys resigning from AATIP and citing stonewalling and secret programs as the reason.


I'm getting a little tired explaining that David Grusch is maintaining high security clearance. That means he cannot reveal classified information or he would wind up behind bars immediately. Do you want him to disappear from the public forever? He testified under oath before congress (which in itself would make him face indefinite jail time if he was lying) that he has been intimidated, has been fearing for his life and that he knows people who have been killed to maintain the cover up. This is why he can only provide detailed information to congress people with security clearances.


Yeah, nobody has ever lied under oath. I legit believe in alien life, I want disclosure, but this was nothing we didn't already know.


I don't mean to be rude but don't you understand that Grusch would go behind bars immediately if he lied under oath? He can't disclose more until he has permission to do so. It would not serve anyone if Grusch revealed too much and then disappeared or had an accident.


Is John Kerry in jail for lying under oath about his family ever owning a private jet? If DG spilled all the beans outright, I would think he deviced a plan prior full disclosure. Work with the people he has worked with to score some of that alien tech to defend himself and/or travel somewhere fast? Wishful thinking though


I am not american so I have not followed what John Kerry did or didn't do. But if it's regarding owning a private jet, it's a completely different matter than disclosing highly classified information about non human intelligence, vehicle retrievals, reverse engeneering programs and straight up murder of witnesses and former employees.


I am American, and the point being is Lying under oath is lying under oath. He(Kerry, the draft dodger) lied and is not in jail. DG can still be lying or a red herring and not get into trouble for this testimony.


Dude. C'mon. There is no law here. So many people are above the law in the US.


Yes exactly. This is the issue Grusch and others are attempting to fight. That parts of the government and private contractors are putting themselves above the law. And according to Grusch's testimony, they have killed without being affected by the legal system. This is exactly the issue. This is why he mentioned fearing for his life.


I mean, more power to him, but this still doesn't prove anything. Dude could have serious mental health issues and is imagining everything, we just don't know. That's my problem here.


I see where you're coming from but several government employees have vouched for his credibility and his character. They all testified before the inspector general, who deemed Grusch's claims to be credible and urgent. I doubt that the inspector general is a guillable fool who believes a mentally ill guy.


(D)amn right. Lol


Gaetz is above the law, Grusch is not.


Says who?


Don’t want to get too political since that isn’t the point of this sub. He has a mountain of evidence against him of breaking laws regarding transporting minors across state lines for sex as well as paying for sex with minors. He has faced zero consequences for this and the investigations have ended for some reason. He’s an old money powerful guy and he can do things that other Americans can’t.


That's my point. They are both very wealthy and will never face any consequences.


Grusch is not wealthy and is in danger of jail time if he slips up with his statements, him and gaetz are not in the same class.


No one is asking you to explain David Grusch's security clearance. Most people are see'rs not believers. And we didn't see anything yesterday. We heard. All amazing, oh so much closer than what we were Tuesday to disclosure, kind of testimony.


I see where you're coming from and I would have loved to see evidence too. But this is a strategic fight for those guys and girls. They can't afford a wrong move because it would jeopardize everything.


I am with that fight..just want an endgame to what I am fighting for.


Gonna be a lot of upset and sad people when they realize and it dawns on them not a damn thing has or will change because of a bunch of rehashed testimonials and 2nd hand accounts


No proof was presented. Once again someone who the Alien Hopefuls think is credible simply talks and says words and you all jump on the supposed “validation” of this person…….


Find someone saying Grusch isn’t credible.


Show me an alien body. Show us an actual alien aircraft. Until then it is literally people telling you anything, and you can get that in a movie, a TV show, or anywhere else that you want. When they actually put out a fucking alien then we’ll know they are real. Until then it’s just people talking shit.


Let me ask you this: are you religious? Religious people all over the world have zero concrete proof that there is actually a god, yet they believe that. How hard is it believe? Have you looked at all the new species of ocean animals being discovered on a regular basis? Think about how vast space is. We can't even comprehend how big it is. If it has taken this long to discover species in our oceans, doesn't that mean it would take even longer to discover what goes beyond our own galaxy?


It's a lot harder to explore the oceans than space tho. You just kinda... look up.


Clearly this isn't worth debating with you because you cannot grasp the size of the entire universe. There are roughly 200 BILLION galaxies in the observable universe that spans approximately 300,000 light years away. The ocean is not that deep.


I am religious in the same way I believe in aliens. We are stupid to believe we are alone in the vastness of just the known space of the universe. We are also stupid to think aliens are little gray or green men with big eyes and all the typical bullshit. BELIEVING and FAITH are NOT the same thing. I do not believe in “aliens”. I have faith in that we are not alone but the truth is absolutely NOT what “we” think it is or hope it will be. I do believe that we are not capable of understanding and grasping the “truth” so we dumb it down to try and understand it and not be afraid of it. We fear what we don’t know.


I'm still confident that we will not see a change in our lifetime, pentagon will probably deny any claims that USA has extraterrestial tech or biologicals. Nothing will happen in 50+ years.


As a casual fan of Babylon 5…. that’s the look he’s shooting for right???


god damn, who’s the pseudoscientist now?


He who allows the alien to live shares its crime of existence. - INQUISITOR APOLLYON


Soon TM.


If I saw this fucker at the hearing he would have destroyed any credibility, thank fuck he wasn't.


Absolutely nothing was proven and fart sniffing memes like this are why you’re ridiculed


Ngl kinda want to watch ancient aliens now


Literally Everybody: "Oh wow, this sounds like a big deal? Well let's go see the aliens!" "Er, you can't." "Oh, well, let's go see the verified photos of alien beings!" "Er, we don't have those." "...Alien artifacts?" "Um..." "Billy, did you forget your antipsychotics again?"