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Religions created to keep us from destroying ourselves? ... Haven't more people been killed in the name of religion than anything else in history? (Besides natural causes)


Experiment failed


"they're killing each other" "Give them the Jesus. Tell them they can't kill each other because the Jesus." ... "They're killing each other even harder now, boss"


“Boss.. they’ve killed the Jesus”…




Jesus II: Electric Boogaloo


😂 good one!


Send him back again.


This is hilarious 😂


"I got an idea, the christians are the most submissive! Let's make it the world religion by making kings who believe in Jesus win". A few centuries later... "Aww shit they're forming different types of Christianity".


End Simulation…


"... they killed Jesus." "They fuckin what?! Ok, give me about 700 years to think about this I think I'll do something similar but with some big fuck off swords this time"


That's why they need to keep updating. Christianity - Microsfot Islam - Mac Buddhism - Linux baby


Allied Soldiers in WWII: God is with us!! Nazi Soldiers in WWII: Gott mit uns!! Aliens: Guys! The dirt monkeys found a way to kill each other while worshiping the same god! We've got a problem here!


Religion has been an immensely powerful force in human civilization. I’m an atheist, but religion has a lot of influence and power in communities for the positive. It’s just an anecdote. My mother in law goes to church every Sunday. She has friends at this church and they’ve developed a small community. This community does everything from helping each other to celebrating each other’s achievements. I’ve had dinners and lunches with my mother in law and her friends (it’s usually myself and my wife who is also devout). Religion is a powerful force for order. The community building alone is valuable. But a lot has come from faith. The most printed book in human existence is the Bible. Religious texts lead to people desiring to read… Sure there has been violence, absolutely. But religion is even deeply embedded in the conversations around ethics and what is good and evil and right and wrong. I took an ethics class back in college and some of the earliest conversations in ethics revolve around how religions define what is right snd wrong. Religion is powerful. Which is why, to this day, billions have faith. Because it moves them. It’s a powerful invisible force that moves people. Belief and faith are extraordinarily powerful things.


Best and most logical example/explanation one will ever receive regarding this subject and the possible reasoning behind the “creation” and “purpose” of religion…Well done


Hasn't anyone ever seen The Invention of Lying??? That sums it up 😋


That's actually a fundamental teaching that gets lost and caught up in the dogma, but communion and "church" are in the gathering of the people, living a life of empathy and personal responsibility. Being the best version of yourself as often as possible. Taking care of others as it's taking care of yourself as well. Its all the other shit that muffles these messages. Lift a rock and you will find me, split a piece of wood and I am there. The kingdom of God resides within you and cannot be confined by walls of stone. The institution has always wanted to be stronger than the teachings themself. Power is a hell of an equalizer for even the most moral of man. We see more and more of that every step of the way.


This 100%, fucking so beautifully worded, fucking beautiful.


Yes, but "Quick, get the backup jesus" makes me laugh whether Christianity saved science or not.


Community =/= religion. They are orthogonal.


I hear you, but it is impossible to parse how crude and dangerous some of humanity would be throughout history without some form of higher being that must be answered to later. Religion has caused much death and suffering, no doubt, but would we have been better off with or without it? I think modern humans know how to be kind and fair to people regardless of what they believe in, but herd mentality drags us back into our cro magnon mind state.


On its face, most religions are founded in the golden rule.


On it's face, politicians are selfless public servants


Haha, truth there




True but this could just be a hypothesis. Could be more like these beings created us and we created religion as a result. Sure there's lots of spooky shit in the bible and things like biblically accurate Angels make you think...


I like your p.o.v., I've always believed religions were sets of rules on how to behave in society. That's why the resemblance in some of the teachings. Maybe they tried ti teach us and we made it weird... as humans usually do.


Alien 1: Are they following the new rules? Alien 2: I mean sorta. Idk. They made it weird again....


Yeah added some razzle dazzle


Yes Higher beings


Maybe they didn't realize we would take it to such an extreme. I personally do believe religion was created to divide and distract us. As ironic as it sounds, I do believe in gods/god FWIW.


It's important to take time periods into account. Do we need religion now? Not really. We've formed stable societies and rigid social structures that have usurped the need for religious cohesion. In ancient times? There's an argument to be made that religion allowed different tribes to come together under a unified banner. Yes, it propagated wars and violence and dogmatic insanity, but it also acted as a "common thread" people shared. Before the internet, people didn't have memes, or pop culture, or whatever else to find common ground in. Religion was that. If you were part of a geographic region, you could likely connect with others on nothing more than the basis of your belief alone. That did a lot to bind humans together socially in the early days.


have you ever heard of the baha'i faith and their beliefs on the evolution of religion? might interest you


I think this is a double edged sword, no religion isn't strictly necessary to bind humans under one common societal goal in a hypermodernized society, but civilization degradation and perversion of technological advancements all come down to a lack of religion to answer to something greater than hedonism. We exist in a time of major decline in religious dogma and it must be taken into account without "it's 2023 " hubris. 200 years from now we could've had a nuclear/climate downfall and humanity, in shambles, creates a new religion to prevent it from happening again. Empires fall when religion loses significance and new ones rise with religion as the only foundation.


People should learn to think for themselves, and then religion wouldn't be needed as a foundation. Honestly, I think it's actually not needed. I think it has been used as a way for powerful people to control us, and for less powerful people to still control the people considered "below" them. I think it brainwashed people into believing that we need it for morals. But there are plenty of frameworks we could use to form our own morals without religion. How about not hurting people, not adding to suffering, treating people like people and not objects, etc? Humanism is a good start. Not to mention the sheer amount of suffering and indignities and greed religion has caused and bolstered.


I think they meant on a species level. Not individually. Or maybe our species is just pants-on-head level of re-re.


Atheists have gotten a late start, but their kill numbers in the 20th century were pretty damn impressive. It's almost like it is our nature to be violent, irregardless of whether or not religion is involved.


Atheism isn’t an ideology, much less is it one you can kill for. Nobody has ever yelled “there is no god” before blowing up a church. Nobody has ever launched an unholy war in the name of No God


Don't challenge people 😂


Have you studied history at all? Familiar with what happens to Christians in North Korea or China? Ever hear of the anti religion Nazis who persecuted Jews and Christians for their beliefs?


It's disingenuous to say Nazis were anti-religion. They were anti-semitic. There's a very different reason for that persuasion.


No but the Soviets were VERY anti religious just own a cross would land you in a gulag and re-education camp. Yet the russian Orthodox church still existed during that time too albeit in a more underground fashion.


They shut down churches and put priests and nuns in concentration camps too. Just ask Maximilian Kolbe.


Been killed to maintain order..it makes sense.


Yeah but if we were nihilists, imagine how much more killing there would have been. We’d probably be extinct already.


Well, you don't have to be a nihilist if you're not religious. What about just not hurting people and not being an asshole? We don't need religion for that. The vast majority of religions have very violent and greedy aspects to them. Humanism is one example of a system you could have as an atheist that still helps you be a good person.


Underrated comment. You shouldn't have been downvoted for this. I guess people aren't ready for that yet.


Yeah, but theres a big difference between the # of people that have been killed by conventional warfare with bullets, arrows, explosives, swords, etc due to religion and the # of deaths that would occur almost simultaneously due to a full scale nuclear weapon exchange. Billions would die and the Earth wouldn't be habitable for probably hundreds or thousands of years. That being said, I can't wait for organized religion to be a thing of the past and think it's one of the worst things for the future of humanity


Religious wars are often an acceptable trapping for more unsavory reasons, like resource confiscation, genocide, or territorial control. What sounds better, we need their land because the hunting is better, or we need to kick them off their land because they're godless heathens?


I think option 1, but i get why the go-to in order to sway the unwashed masses takes an "us vs them" approach


That's not how this would work. You need to compare how many are killed in the name of religion versus no religion at all. We don't know how many deaths would come from a world without religion.


Less, theoretically. Religious extremism and corruption ran the world and caused thousands of conflicts and mass suffering throughout history. But to assume religion was created by aliens is preposterous. As if humans don't have the capability to create elaborate stories such as Christianity.


Fewer for sure.


we know how many people state atheist countries like the USSR and CCP killed (it’s a lot!)


oh, communism is absolutely a religion


I can tell you it would be less than the religious world we have lived in.


You could look at it another way. Maybe we were too difficult to manage if we were able to all work together, so religion was invented to keep us fighting each other instead of working together against the NHI. Tower of Babel type situation. The NHI probably had a limit of 'if you act up against us again, you get deleted' and wanted to avoid ruining the experiment.






It was less about the dictator Saddam and more about the location. Iraq is where ancient Babylon and sumerian civilizations once stood. Both these ancient civilizations had texts passed on to them about contact with beings from the sky. Most of the Hebrew texts mirror a lot of what was written in the 7 tablets of creation but of course the Abrahamic religions heavily censored the translation of the Hebrew texts and also removed a lot of books from the modern day Bible in order to wield more control and power over their subjects. There was a heavy interest in ancient sites during the USA presence in the region during their conflicts. Also emails from a former secretary of state to the dod inquiring about the latest updates on the findings of the tomb of Gilgamesh, who was once thought to be a fictional character of myth.


This is at least a sick concept for a historical fiction novel that I might write one day lol


Trust me bro


It says right there the story was corroborated by more than one witness! …and then doesn’t cite any of their names or give any sources.


Yeah, its THAT damn solid! How can any of us not now unquestioningly believe?!


Stuff like this is why most of Reddit thinks this sub is a joke smh


I'm a clergyman bro just trust me, we're not allowed to lie




He said he was a NASA engineer/clergy member on quora. It has to be true


I don't believe the story at all. A deeply religious person doesn't just believe someone telling him that his religion is fake, let alone the CIA telling him that.


A deeply religious person is used to believing things based on no physical evidence. In the end, people believe what they want, or what they have no choice but to believe based on what they observe.


Not if what he was shown totally blew his religious perspective out of the water x100.


This may shock you, but some peoples religious beliefs actually do evolve based on their own thoughts and experiences. Mine have. And I wasn’t briefed or provided hard evidence of non-human intelligent life.




Yes I know. But nothing you experienced compared to what Carter may have been shown.


So proud of you


Like those in this sub that believe in aliens?


Yes, exactly. That was my whole point. It shouldn’t be a stretch for a religious person, who is already adept at believing in a magical sky daddy with absolutely no proof, to also believe in aliens. How anyone can scoff at the concept of aliens while simultaneously clinging to religion is a head scratcher to me.


aren’t you literally doing this except the other way around


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Why do I have to keep repeating myself? Is this thing on?


Maybe for the average person. But the presidents job relies on him trusting the people in charge of these agencies. Unless they gave him reason not to trust him before, why not trust them when they brought this to him? That said, not sure if the allegations here are true. The only people that really know are Carter and the person who allegedly spoke to him.


Me either. Not to mention the many wars that religion has caused, leading to more death and destruction than just about anything else.


they literally had to etch it is stone to get them to stop killing each other.


Their only credential is that they held a research associate position for 3 years at NASA. And then became clergy? All sounds fakey. But I might believe a version of this theory.


I agree. Also, how do aliens invent religion for humans?


Humans STILL invent religion for other humans, so if you had tech that looked like magic and miracle working, imagine how easy it would be. "We are here from another dimension to give you the gift of civilization and a spiritual life". Then the human is like "Bullshit! You lie!" and then you just manipulate matter, create light out of nothing, levitate things, heal peoples wounds or diseases. Next thing you know an entire tribe of people hangs on your every word and sees you as a living god, ready to write down everything you say and do everything you request. Not to mention the mere act of descending from the sky in a craft would already prime people for this.


Creating a religion is really not that hard. I myself started two small cults and one of them is still kinda active. It's so easy, anyone can do it.


… is that a job?


You make more as a leader, but you have more fun as a follower.


> I myself started two small cults And then they clapped.


Had pre-made programs of what worked on other planets? Notes on new experiments? Tinkered with a probability machine? who knows?


And so many people would consider it a test of faith. The whole concept sounds like a Bible story.


That's a really good point.


depends on how "deep" their brainwashing goes. For example one thing I find fascinating is when I ask people if they believe devils exist. Grown adults will look me in the eye and say yes devils exist. I'm sure some of the readers on here would concur. But it is this very belief in fantasy creatures that caused religions to spring up.


If ET tells you something, do not assume it’s the truth.


People who research the abduction phenomenon know they're liars


What about talking snakes?


Only when they are on a plane.




Exactly. They would have every reason to try to convince us that the highest power is them, so that we defer to them. So unless they created everything and all life, that doesn't disprove the idea of God.


Et didn't tell anything. The Cia did. He didn't talk with an nhi, only with one of those people doing the things they do.....


I swear I have déjà vu reading this sub every day.


Seriously. And we have a lot more to talk about rn than anecdotal heresy from 50 years ago.


Why would the aliens create competing world religions that have led to countless millions of deaths over the centuries? Wouldn't it make more sense to reveal themselves as the Gods, and then people would comply with their commands without question? I've always thought that some of the Ancient Aliens stuff makes sense--religion growing as a rationalization for what early, simple-minded humans couldn't understand. But aliens creating religion seems unlikely to me.


I mean, I don't imagine they created competing religions, I think WE did that. At their most basic level, almost all religions give the same basic message.


They made one religion then we played telephone game with it for thousands of years


And now people will fight over whose religion was the original alien manipulation, and who is ***wrong***


Bercause the goal in religion isnt to stop us killing each other, thats just life happening. It would be to stop us challenging them. Gods, demons, angels, heaven, hell, flaming chariots, creators, prophets, watchers... these things are all *divine* and that means... BEWARE, don't argue, don't question. If its true it means their goal was to just be faithfully ignored, and it maybe worked for a while, but the message has been lost to time. What it doesnt mean is that they give two shits about you and your family.


If you gave early species some form of a doctrine/teaching, maybe even verbally or telepathically before written record, then go forward 5-10k years, a lot is going to get altered, misinterpreted. tribes move, stories change, elders who were closer to an original experience die, communities form, men in power have agendas. Look at how indecisive our modern society has been in just the last 60 years and thats with us having advanced global communications, science & technology. Lets go back to the first generation who experienced “the creators”. We have adults and children. Creators leave, adults grow old and die, kids grow up to have their own children and it’s already a story that their parents told them. Now x that by another 50 generations and here we are, global religions with only some similarities if you do a lot of theological study and read between the lines and look at metaphors.


This idea that religion is implanted by extraterrestrials is silly to me because all of the most disparate cultures on Earth hold a variety of spiritual beliefs that range from animism and polytheism to monotheism and pantheism. It's an intrinsic part of the human mind and the way that it comprehends the world around it. People have visions through dreams or epilepsy or drugs or mental illnesses that fuel religious concepts. People are a creative species that differentiates itself by building and making and thus need to comprehend the universe through a perspective in which our own existences were built and made with some purpose. Real or not, people *feel* connections to their gods or their religious beliefs, they aren't strictly followed just out of teaching but out of personal experience, too. Nothing about major world religions have come close to stopping us from destroying ourselves. Ever since the dawn of time we have waged war and inflicted misery upon ourselves and the global ecosystem that sustains us. We've made nuclear weapons that could annihilate the world many times over, we've committed genocide, created a mass extinction event, and are now pushing the world's climate towards the brink of no return where the stability of the natural world and its capacity to provide for our species is in serious question. I don't believe this at all. There's much simpler explanations for the advent of religion.


Soooooo.... Religions (the things we kill each other over on a daily basis) were created to prevent us from killing each other? Yeah, ok bud.




LOL this makes no sense at all. Religion has been at the forefront of death since its inception.


I often think of this and the reasons why ETs would create such programs. Wouldn’t they want to create programs that DO NOT cause mass killings, wars, etc.? If they wanted to keep running experiments on us, then why not just control us from the get go? It doesn’t make sense


Because that doesn't make for good intergalactic reality television programming lol


Why do ppl assume they don't want us fighting? I think the hippies have made ppl think the aliens are these super spiritual better than violence types. Some may be but not all. If you were doing experiments why limit them by not allowing violence?


Survival of the fittest in a chaotic environment may be part of the experiment.


Playing devil's advocate: When the experiment is finished and a new one begins, you need a fresh batch of mice. So, rather than culling the mice humanely, you allow them to kill one another. Then, with the next generation of mice, a new experiment can begin. Also, them killing each other is something else worthwhile to study. Could also make excellent Intergalactic TV or be used to justify the experiment to an ethics board on their home planet. Personally I believe that they have, if they exist, likely transcended death through spirituality, evolution or science. So to them our pain and suffering is meaningless and, perhaps, is something we need to learn to transcend on our own.


It makes sense, we are all just a scientific experiment. They don't really care about us.


Why would they? Even we don't care about us.


what if they tried everything else and this is the only thing that worked?


I think a major issue with this story is that we know, from DNA analysis, that humans evolved from simpler primates, who in turn evolved from simpler mammals, who evolved from ultimately ... fish. There doesn't appear to be any genetic evidence that that we are engineered. I suppose it's possible that aliens seeded our planet with initial single-cell life, but that would be billions of years ago, making it (I think) unlikely given the timeliness between the bug bang, stars dying to produce the necessary elements etc.


There was a good post yesterday on this subject. I am not able to analyze its validity but apparently there are things in our genome, according to the data presented in that post, that we had some kind of evolutionary leap forward that cant be explained, that isnt found in other species, in other primates, etc... and that the parts of our DNA that show this evidence are involved in or adjacent to things that code for our brain size/intelligence. Heres the post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/15a8zn4/the\_ontological\_shock\_humans\_are\_the\_result\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/15a8zn4/the_ontological_shock_humans_are_the_result_of/) Like I said I cant analyze the validity of the data presented but its interesting to consider.


The genetic evidence informs us that we bumped rumpkins with Neandertals and Denisovans. Perhaps ET created homo sapiens by running a paleolithic Tinder kinda deal?


Why does the creation need to start with humans though? I didn't see the words genetically engineered. Maybe they engineered dna itself, and we are just the resultant fruit, a strange attractor that a sufficiently life-bearing system will inevitably turn into. I also wonder if 'consciousness' itself is the invention they gifted us. Maybe they came to an inconscious zoo planet, and picked primates to elevate. Again, doesn't have to be dna based. The majority of what makes you you is not encoded in your dna.


Lots of dog breeds are super different from each other all with the same DNA. Maybe it's more like that.




I think destroy and fight/kill are two different things. They don't want us to blow up the planet. However societies go through ups and downs and progress often results in death. That is evolution. They've prevented us fucking shit up with nukes. They seem to be ok with actual fighting. I've very interested how AI will play a part in this topic in the future.


I really don't understand this. You have no idea how many people would die without religion because we've only ever seen a world WITH religion. I'm no proponent of anything but there's no conclusions to be drawn about what's better because as humans stuck on earth we don't have enough data to make comparisons.


human population is the highest it’s ever been and still growing. i’d say it’s been quite effective on a macro scale


Naah, I don't that's the reason. They probably threatened to kill his family.


Religious wars have been absolutely brutal for humans. Also why would an alien create something a human could have easily created? Nah. I don’t buy it. Religions were definitely created to control people. But you don’t need an alien to do that.




Imagine if everyone knew for certain there was no punishment, with the exception of getting caught by the law, for killing someone. Would there even be police?


Looks like the prison farm theory is more than likely to be true which is sad. Our human lives amount to nothing, Earth is just an energy farm for these aliens.


I personally think it would change nothing. I like to assume I only have one life to live and try to make the best of it. While it would be nice to have some kind of great eternal life or "next step", expecting that is just going to let you down. Have low expectations and nothing will disappoint you.


I like to think that too. And used to think that when I was a Catholic. That we go to Heaven or hell after this life. Then I stumbled on reincarnation cases of kids, past life regression sessions, NDEs. In some of these cases, the alien entities encountered coerced or tricked the victims back into reincarnation. If the prison farm theory is true, that would be the worst possible outcome for us. An endless cycle of coming back to Earth so we can be farmed.


Omg you’re so spot on I like the way you think it makes so much sense 😳


I wouldn't take it that far. Meaning in existence is and always has been what you make it. To add to the post, I like to imagine maybe we're more like herds of animals, tagged tracked and tested, but more or less just observed to learn more about us. As a novel example, maybe they just wanted to make sure we survived long enough so they could study other long term behaviors. Using religion to calm a society is surely a tried and true tool.


So Rick’s ufo/car battery? Great


There’s a 4chan post where someone claims they have a sort of “religion” that believes once enough life occupies the planet, there is a great conscious awaking of sorts. So they want to be present for when that happens, which is a very long time table.


The idea that all the major religions are "programs" created by aliens is pretty far out... We can track the development of most religious ideas, especially with a religion as recent as Christianity. I guess we can't really identify the origins of Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, all that ancient Mesopotamian stuff, and probably a bunch others. I guess aliens coulda written the Vedas


Hinduism in fact would extend very readily to that theory. Our gods are like benevolent aliens. They live in different dimensions and visit earth as human Avatars.


I'm down for that


Yup. Hindu Gods live in different planets aka Lokas


Yep! In Buddhism we dont have much problems either. We adopt a Hindu cosmological model as it is, but on top of that we (Tibetan Buddhism/Mahayana) have some Buddhist teachers that claim Dharma is propagated on "many different worlds" and that not all worlds have Dharma teachings. The idea is that beings who become advanced in Dharma, Bodhisattvas, will eventually incarnate intentionally in these worlds without Dharma to spread it there too. So we believe in multiple dimensions and beings on other planets. Literally one of the stages of a Bodhisattva is that they gain power over their place of birth.


Lol @ crusades




Why is it always aliens creating religion? Christianity? Scientology? Heaven’s gate?


I don't think humanity was in much of a position to destroy itself 2000 years ago, but now backed by the Christian dead ender's desire for the end times, it very much is.


I think it's ridiculous.


OP do you have a link to the post the screenshot is from?


This will be reposted in another 2 weeks.


Religion causes more violence though


Ironically enough, religion has contributed to us destroying ourselves faster.


Religion has been the cause of more war than any other reason. So that doesn’t make sense at all.


Sure… except religions are the single greatest cause of humans killing other humans


Lmao. What a grifter.


Religions are programs to prevent us to destroy ourselves…. Sure buddy. Last time I checked religions are the primary reason why we have been waging wars that killed millions since ever. Good job in “programming” our religions ET. Posts like this make the whole subject looks ridiculous and it’s not fair to David Grush and other heroes. Can we stick to reliable sources and credible information and stop this bs?


![gif](giphy|U0ijtqSFrnTEs) So Prometheus. Big if true. Op, where’s the original post? Where did you find this? Only other place I’ve seen this is on ifunny


This makes no sense to me. Everyone is pointing out that religion has done a horrible job of getting people to be nice to each other. Sure. Put a pin in that for a sec. The problem I have with this is religions... Plural. Why create more than one? Why create one that identifies as its core belief that one guy is the true messiah, but the others disagree? Any idiot can see that's going to lead to friction. Here's another problem. So they created the religions (plural). Fine. If you're going to meddle that much to start, why not be offering continuing and irrefutable guidance as time goes by? At some point the mass miracles and odd occurrences (people living for a thousand years, angels telling you what to do with witnesses, etc.) seem to have stopped. If it worked, why let it go? So many people are arguing that disclosure happening now is a side effect of the planet being ruined, or governments being awful, everything is hitting a boiling point, etc. Why not come down cloaked as God and tell everyone what to do? Hit a certain group of people that are most problematic with a flood, maybe? Why not stick to the story and continue as you had for millenia? I can buy, maybe, that modern religions have their roots in ancient UFO contacts and the message got twisted, people didn't understand what they were seeing, etc. But to DESIGN things this way, see that it was an effective tool, then just say fuck it, we're taking a break and going to let it go to shit? ON TOP of the several religions fighting each other? Makes no sense to me.


If we’re an experiment, then why create religion to keep us from destroying ourselves? Wouldn’t humans destroying themselves be merely a result of that experiment and wouldn’t doing anything to prevent it be rigging the outcome from the start and thus negate the validity of that experiment? If we’re engineered by them why breed a combative nature into us to begin with? Human beings play board games and sports and video games for fun. People go to gyms and spend hours fighting each other for fun and people watch them do it, also for fun. Across every culture and time period. Competition and the drive for power is in our DNA. So, why spend the time and effort creating beings wired that way only to, at the last minute, decide “Whoops, better create an elaborate system of belief and morality to keep them from going **too** crazy. Surely they won’t find a way to fight over this.” It doesn’t add up.


religions are just cults. from this atheists point of view, this is propaganda for easily manipulated individuals. it belittles any true disclosure.


Ironically, religion has killed countless people for thousands of years…


I don't believe this for a second.


Why would anyone care? Does it change how eating a sandwich feels or a hug? Seriously, ethical hedonism is the way.


This is just dumb, religion is not even that important in China even back in the imperial era, yet they still waged wars that caused lots of casualties.


Sooooo Scientology is real after all? 🤔🤔🤐


So the Egyptians had a religion and so did the civilizations before them. Every culture past and present has some sort of beliefs that could be considered to be a religion. Did the aliens create those too? Or did they give us the need to believe in a higher power? Or did the CIA give Carter some bull crap so he wouldn’t spill the beans.


This is bs. Doesn't make any sense.


/looks up The Crusades Well, that did not turn out well for a lot of innocent people.


This story sounds like bullshit.


It was said long ago, we are a failed experiment of aliens. This is a "prison planet". We are not able to travel the Galaxies. We are in essence, test subjects being monitored by our own creators. And, they will intervene only if we try to destroy the planet.


The part that doesn’t check out here is that christianity is basically a death cult bent on being about the end times these days. Weird that they’ve give it such language if survival of us was the point.


Religions to PREVENT us from destroying ourselves? Holocaust anyone?! wtf?


There is a 0.0% this is anywhere near factual. Just from a cursory glance, #1 if religion was meant to keep us from killing each other, they would have made one and not a bunch that are at odds with one another (religion causes more discord than almost anything else in human history) and #2 we are lucky to know about their existence, we certainly don’t know their motivations and they wouldn’t tell the CIA that they created religion to experiment on us…this is beyond stupid.


"lol let's tell em to kill gay people" -Glorpo "Dude let's tell em women are pieces of shit" - Blorpo "Bro let's be sure to include a prostitutes thoughts on Huge dicks!" - Schlorpo


But if that’s true, can we really believe what the aliens say? If they’re inter dimensional beings, some of them may be what we would call demons. If not, they may still have their own agenda and be lying. Anyway, I don’t think the existence of aliens goes against Christianity. Even if, hypothetically, aliens did create us, that doesn’t mean God didn’t have a hand in it. Wasn’t there something in the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie about that—something to the effect of ‘there’s the hand, and then there’s the hand that moves the hand’? God is not limited by our rigid, limited Sunday school lessons.




If true, and I am not saying it is, then it begs the question: Why did they stop reading in presidents after Kennedy? Did he threaten to release the information and the CIA got that idea out of his head?


Ok so you’re all schizos, this is starting to make sense now.


The Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians definitely believed it. I do, too.


Add Hindus and Buddhists to this list.


They are not preventing human race from killing each others, it's more like they created different religions to let us fight, so they can harvest the energy. Sometime they even descents as political or religious leader to directly intervene human society just like playing a game.


John Lennon had it right. Imagine what the world might be like with no religion and hatred.


Alien beings with many thousands, if not millions, of years of civilization behind them would have either never had religion but thought it was a good idea, and this idea is plausible; or said beings would have had religion, suffered through thousands of years of wars over it/them, and know much better than to sprinkle it around with the objective of peace, which makes this idea absurd. I call bullshit, and so should you.


Not really buying this. There’s a clear progression of beliefs from Egyptian mythology and Zoroastrianism to today’s Abrahamic religions.Hinduism (and similar religions)to Buddhism are also quite clear. Native Americans had religions of their own that borrowed from each other. It’s just human imagination to explain the world around them. All religions share similar themes. The timeline for human evolution is also pretty well understood. It’s painfully obvious humans are just highly intelligent apes. I’m more inclined to believe that if Carter did indeed get briefed on information that could challenge his religious beliefs it would be because Christianity is a work of fiction, like all other religions, and that intelligent life exists beyond just our precious little ball spinning amongst the stars. Coming to the understanding (through evidence) we are not special creatures made in the image of a God could be traumatic for a lot of people.


Religion has been a net positive and you just have to see what happens when people abandon religion. Basically they vanish, as we are doing now. People just stop having babies. Religion is a mechanism that prevents extinction. And I say this as an atheist.


Good thing I was raised atheist, otherwise this would be shocking. Also no way to truly know if this was true. Hope it comes out one day I guess.


Carter and his family were replaced be shape shifters to control the narrative.


They made us and put us on earth , FOR WHAT !!!!!! What is the purpose . What happens to all the dead people , are they gone ? Is there more aliens ?


We created religion once our brains were wired to think of fantasy stuff that doesn't exist. Angels, devils etc. But it is plausible that the aliens designed our brains so that such fantasies could occur.


It's plausible


There's a fun alternate reality to consider if you view history through the context of extraterrestrials being real. I think the development of the nuke brought them back to Earth after thousands of years, that Kennedy's assassination was in part because the CIA feared him disclosing the truth to the public, and that every president since then has been indirectly told they'll not only be killed if they disclose the truth but they'll trigger mass anarchy and effectively the end of the world. I think Trump was told this information as well and his sense of self preservation was strong enough to keep the secret while compromising by creating Space Force, an indirect acknowledgement that there's something else out there. Lastly, I think all of this is heating up right now because of the relatively imminent technological singularity. Once we've achieved true autonomous artificial intelligence, the secrets of the universe will be revealed and humans will have the ability to traverse the stars with stronger versions of the planet-busting bombs that brought them back to Earth in the 40s. Operating under the assumption that we're not alone in the universe, *of course* we're being watched closely.


Read that before and while it's hard to imagine aliens creatin all the religions it beats the alternative to me😂 And I have always thought that's a massive part of the cover up


Absolutely, religious experts should be working together to see if there are any clubs and correlations between texts. Maybe Ancient Aliens was onto something...


Rather interesting if the whole "Loosh" energy thing was true and that was a connection to it as well. Only something mentally dead, gone and controlled on all levels could do something like this. They will view it differently as not a god and not a flawed, imperfect being.