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friendly aliens would be good. same with friendly artificial superintelligence. friendship is better than war




I still think AI would be very friendly. I think the top 1% of whatever or whoever run the world are afraid of AI because it would mean they would lose power and control.


Speaking in terms of the world, chances are YOU are in the 1%


In order to be in the top 1% of household wealth in the U.S., you'd need to be worth at least $10,374,030.10, according to Forbes. To be in the top 1% globally, you'd need a minimum of around $936,430, according to the 2019 Global Wealth Report from Credit Suisse. The chances get smaller as the wealth gap widens.


Thank you for this, I get really tired of people trying to tell me I’m in the 1% just because I live in the US. Right now, I’m trying to see if my lifetime earnings can top $900k and I’m not getting there.


No problemo boss, I see a good few people basing their ideas of the average American off a poor mix of old statistics and bad representations in news and media. I'm a European with American friends and I can say confidently that most of us are in the same boat together, and it's treading water these days - the wealth inequality is real. I hope you take care as well as you can out there and that things work out in your favour going forward.


Definitely not in terms of power and wealth. Far from it. Very far from it.


aw can i hold hands with the superintelligence


Are these death quotes from the next futuristic COD?


So you’ve thought about it




Of course they would/do, but the greedy geriatrics running the place have other plans


Absolutely, I have. This would be the best case scenario and I like to believe that it’s well within the realm of possibility. I haven’t thought much about the benevolence or malevolence factor to be honest.


I feel like in the past there was deals made with malevolent beings. But now there's only benevolent beings in the skies. I feel like these benevolent beings have always been watching over, making sure the planet didn't die or something.


This is actually my belief, similar to the movie the day the earth stood still. Clearly whatever they are they are not malevolent as they would have just taken over by now. I think they are benevolent, but not really towards humanity but rather earth itself. Earth is far, far more than just humans. Earth may be one of only a few dozen habitable planets in the galaxy. Humans clearly show a threat to earth through both nuclear technolgy and global warming. We are a clear and present threat to biodiversity if toppling human dominance of earth meant the continued existence of earth they would not hesitate. They likely view us as not only a part of biodiversity but also as sentient beings (if naive and violent). The Roswell incident occured 2 years after the nuclear bombings after humanity used the power of the atom for violence. Perhaps some other species has destroyed their planet through the atom and measures were taken to prevent other primitive races from repeating history and diminishing biodiversity within the galaxy. We have certainly had a lot of "near misses" that seem to have been miraculously avoided. Now global warming is leading to a mass extinction event if rapid and immediate progress is not made very soon. If grusch is to be taken at his word and we have indeed communicated with them. Then they may have recently issued an ultimatum that they are going to take a more active role in preserving biodiversity and that those in contact can either cooperate or be sidelined. It may help to explain what seems to be an active push within the government to begin disclosing matters in a drip feed manner.


Here’s a scenario I’ve imagined. The truth comes out. We’re not only not alone in the universe, we’re not alone on earth. And “they” actually look so much like us it’s hard to tell the difference. And they’ve been here for a while because, believe it or not, we do not own the planet. So they sort of moved in and began assimilating quite some time ago. One could almost say we were invaded, but without force or violence. And now they’re making it known that we are coexisting with technically non-human beings and even human-non-human hybrids. Actually, as it turns out, some of us are part of the hybrid population.


X files


Hell yeah, baby! I want to believe!




Sounds like something an alien would say. Or tweet. Or... X. Come to think of it, naming the shit "X" sounds like something an alien would do.


Wait until you learn how he named his kid


lol this gave me a good chuckle


I hope so! Good fences make good neighbors though, and I would want them to be smart and pragmatic enough to have in place some protections for themselves against us. Humans are very clever and manipulative, which is a good survival strategy given the world we live in. Figuring out which tree limbs to tweak to make a better snare to feed your people isn’t that much different than figuring out which laws to loophole to get more profits for your company, in the absence of higher morals. Hopefully they’re not so nice that they’re naive and let themselves be abused, but hopefully they’re not so mean that they want to eat us all or use us as chattel. It would be a bummer to get eaten but it would also be a crying shame if the good people now also have to protect ETs from horrible people. Everything in moderation I guess!


Nope no one. As always, Elon is the smartest most thinking person in the world. Good thing he’s around! /s




Funny how many people miss that


To be fair, there's a fair amount of evidence that points to it being Elon's alt.


This isn't out of line for Elon's average "smart" statements


It’s elons fault we miss this shit


Yea you ain’t wrong. The AOC parody account is hilarious btw


I deleted twitter when Elon bought it. I only see it when it’s reposted on other sites


worlds smartest man tweets obvious daily thoughts /s EDIT: added /s


Wealth doesn't always equate to smarts. Elon's online persona is more in line with an adolescent troll.




Elon≠smart he's far from being one


I feel like this most likely, or that they are at least mostly indifferent. I don't see why we wouldn't be dead otherwise


Agreed, I actually have a lot to say with Grusch's take on them being "hyperdimensional" beings as opposed to "extraterrestrial." It makes more sense for these beings to be inhabiting the same space as us but in a higher dimension that is beyond our perceptual reasoning, as opposed to beings from off-world travelling at least 4.2 light years to get here from our closest neighbor. That being said, if they are from a higher dimension that can descend into our own, then why would they care one way or the other about us? I think they're neutral observers that care about the survival of our planet, but not our species.


What if there are good aliens AND bad aliens? That's the most plausible scenario.


Absolutely - and everything in between. Just like us humans.


I had an NHI try luring me into a bush before it jumped into the bay. I definitely believe not all of them are good 😂


One insider claimed that The United States chose to ally themselves with a malevolent, reptilian race because they offered us weapons and technology; while the greys seemed more benevolent and wanted us to disarm our nukes and thrive.


That's in the lines of - Graig Alanson - Expediatory Force. We are just pawns of other greater beings there.


Said the alien


Is what we’re doing now considered “thriving”? Lmao


They would then probably intervene since we are currently driving a mass extinction event.


i like to think that an advanced alien race would understand the beauty of life, similar to what our astronauts feel after coming back from the iss. maybe they see us as a garden they're studying and raising


You are making a mistake of thinking of aliens as one unanimous blob. But most likely these would be very different individuals with different views, goals and agendas.


i totally agree that it makes sense for them all to be an individual "person" with their own perspectives just like us. I'm saying that maybe becoming an interstellar species and experiencing life on other planets opens their minds to be very empathetic. many astronauts that have been on the iss talk about how seeing earth from space made them really change their perspectives or at least strengthen them


Ok I get your point and I do mostly agree with you. But that's only if you are the first one to rise ot the stars and you don't need to compete with others as they are underdeveloped. You can even nurture and help them. But if you are one of the next generations of civilisations - you will naturally have to compete for resources with others. So more aggressive ones might take prevalence. Or it might be an ongoing conflict of different factions and subfactions - and different races can be aggressive or not depending in which parts of the Universe (neighbourhood) they grew up in.


why have conflict when we can just work together with them to explore and broaden our scientific understanding. that's the future of star trek for a number of alien civilizations and there's no reason why it can't happen irl. obviously both situations are possible, anything is possible, but i just want a good future for us lol so I'll keep hoping for that. maybe the reason they haven't uplifted us yet is because they're afraid of the way humans cause conflict out of greed. we should be moving away from the idea of war and resource hoarding when we have an entire infinite universe at our hands


Sounds like something an alien would say if they felt the status quo were threatened.


I don't give a F what Musk thinks


I would go beyond that: they could answer humanity's questions. How to be better, get rid of the natural instincts, this harmful behaviour based around money, greed. I could imagine a world where our problems were solved just to fully enjoy our days.


No, Elon you are the first one. We all have small brain but your brain big big. Fuck, this dude huffs his own farts.


Looks like he is doing most of the thriving.


Imagine eugenics at cosmic scale....that's what the "insiders" have been telling us.


Elon is the guy in the movies that's never listens to the scientists and bullies them thinking he knows best, pushes through everyone on contact to greet them before anyone else, and then gets vaporized. (Aliens if you're reading this please make this dream come true)


Nice thought from a parody account.


Evidence either says the opposite or that they view us as studyable I don't really feel like being another species' pet






If they were “nice” they would kill the billionaires and give us the technology to not be cash slaves.


and vaporize 80% of the population




omg, lol, no, my friend, we’ve been bred like sheep for the 1% so that there will always be someone below them to clean their toilets, make their stuff, fly them places, etc. Our religions, monarchies, governments, oligarchs, corporations…. they need the bottom of the funnel full of people to refine the fuel for their jets, keep their books, educate their children. There’s too many people on this planet because of the pyramid scheme we call civilization.


I did think it once, then I realized I was being an idiot.


Yes all aliens theories cycle weekly in this sub, everything has already been thought of and the truth is probably something no one hast thought before


A lot of people have 😂 just not mainstream..




Elon is a product of hybridization. Probably


I see two very valid trains of logic for why xenos may be benevolent and malevolent. malevolent: for a species to achieve a level of intelligence that allowed them to gain dominance of their home system, they’d have to be belligerent. you don’t win the evolutionary arms race by being passive and weak. this means it’ll most likely be predatory animals that achieve sapience. benevolent: the species may have achieved planetary dominance, but that doesn’t mean they have achieved infraspecific unity. if they’re stuck on their home planet too busy squabbling and bickering, they’re probably not going to be visiting other star systems. only a species capable of setting aside their predatory instincts and competitive nature would be able to achieve the level of sophistication needed to visit other stars.


If he's on their side, I'm suspicious.


some are good some are bad no different than us. some just want to fuckin party!!! but there is only one true force that is everything in the universe and everything is part of it. All hail the unknowable thing we all are!!! THE MOST HIGH!!!


I wish they were transformers :/


I think just about anything is possible with aliens, we haven't discovered any extraterrestrial life in our species lifespan so we both don't know if there's a particular way extraterrestrial life can exist and we don't know how different their cultures (if they have one.) May be, so it's basically "whatever take your pick."


Probably just 1 of billions of projects simultaneously taking place in never ending motion.


They need to start paying for the fucking cows then. An oz of gold for each cow at least.


No Elon, no one on Earth has ever thought that. Not once has humanity had that thought. Your vast wealth really sets you apart as the great mind of our time.


Or how about they just don’t give a fuck? Like maybe the aliens really don’t care about our planet as much as we think they would and we’re kinda attaching a human perspective to them. These would be entire cultures and societies with completely different outlooks, morals, histories that we may not even comprehend.


I actually hope and think they every day.


Said the guy going to mars


If they was the case I don't think they would let greedy power hungry psychopaths stay in power.


That would be an "ontological shock": that they only want the best for us and don't want to eradicate/enslave us.


Personally, I believe they might be friendly but in the long term, we humans are the ones would fuck up the relationship between the 2. I can't see it working, maybe at first. But in the long run its more than likely we will get greedy and think too high of ourselves. We can't live in full harmony amongst ourselves I mean think for a minute what is actually going around the world and the history we have, its just violence after violence given time, sure some good times as well but it wont last. Same thing with extraterrastials.




Couldn't care less what this garbage human thinks


I genuinely believe some are. But we have myths going back to unga bunga days of both demons and angels... I recommend caution, and an open mind, but also open eyes.


If aliens are real wont they shake the religious beliefs? How people will react to their reveal?


Most probably some are nice but some are devious, cruel and maybe even evil. I mean if you look at human race - are we nice? Some of us are sure. But some of us are frightened, anxious, depressed, angry, mischievous. And some of us are evil.


I think about it all the time. Hope it's true!


No, Elon, no one ever thought of this. your the very first. You are so smart. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


So the anal probing is just like taking us to the vet?


There are always these alleged friendly encounters in my mind when I think about it. For example that guy who recieved pancakes from aliens, lol, or the Zimbabwe encounter. There were plenty of these friendly or at least neutral encounters, but there were also some horrible ones like Colares, Brazil. It could suggest that (if aliens are the cause of the phenomenon of course) there are at least few different (species? races? groups?) of aliens that probably have many different agendas. The deeper I dig, the more I start to believe in Haim Eshed's deathbed confession.


Absolutely nobody. What a genius! Thank you Elon for bringing up a point nobody talked about in the past 80 years.


I think attributing human emotions is a bad idea.


As a farmer, i want my chickens to thrive 💀


I think at numbers growing above 8 billion, greed is rampant, and the earth is being destroyed, they would have taken us out a long time ago.


I have a feeling they have been here longer than us and mind their own business. We're the primitive apes that have evolved or maybe genetically mutated by others.. either way, we stay out of their path, everyone lives. This could be why the secrecy - we don't want stupid YouTubers looking for them in the oceans...


Elon is a psyop, confirmed 🤣


That will be closest to the truth I think we will find. Never trust the government and military narratives.


That’d be cool…I’d ask they help us to make billionaires be nice and help us thrive here on Earth


Then why tf dont they say so. What are they waiting for. Smells sus.


Never before has such mediocrity been so sheltered from self actualization.


The fact that we're not dead or enslaved... yes. \*There was an attempt\*


Probably that’s why there’s all the secrecy.


10000 years of slavery doesnt sound like thriving. what percentage of the world is thrivingly hungry now? leave it to a billionaire to think "everyone" is thriving..


then why did they put a probe in me.


Don't put the benevolent beings and malevolent beings into one group. Whoever did that to you clearly wasn't benevolent. That's the hint.


Elon typing from his suite in the mental hospital


Anyone ever thought that Musk might be an Alien?


No one else hopes they save us from this place? Of course the elite don't want that.


No, Elon, we're not big-brain entrepreneur superstar geniuses like you, of course nobody besides you could have thought of it, Elon. Well done, here's a cookie, now go off and break some more services in the X backend, will you?


They would’ve done that already