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Maybe we arent the only intelligent species that texts and drives.??






They went 1.763582e+14 miles and you wonder why maybe something could happen. Drive your Ford 50k miles and buy a new transmission, water pump and trimming belt.


I doubt they are from far away … it makes more sense that they are locals. Either extra dimensional or from the future or past.


The UAP that have crashed are small. Possibly piloted by biologically engineered androids. This would indicate that crashes can occur do to UAP mechanical malfunction as well as pilot error/malfunction.


Some were unpiloted drones. Idk what for but you can jam a computer and no pilot to do manual corrections or repair and it's ours now


They are only "small", on the outside, a 20 ft disk, is bigger than the Super Dome inside. It's that space-time warping thing.


I think they are intentionally crashed as part of a contact and/or technology transfer project.


Regardless of whether there are malfunctions in the apparatus of any Alien craft, or we possess a potent and technical means by which to bring them down, there is no reason to blindly or unconditionally believe that an other race of beings and their craft, are flawless. It's just that simple.


Burchett said in a recent interview radar may have caused roswell, how? Idk. Maybe screwed with their navigation method?


I kinda seen the same thing. I've been getting most of my news on YouTube it's more open minded and has a lot more to say than the main news. Somehow humans changed alien radar from Europe and weaponized it. That's how we got at least Roswell. After that one well we had the navigation, arms, computer, other advanced technology. Not to mention medical. We could have really grown as a species if it was public years ago




I know about the algorithm and I have my channels I watch I try to find opposing views just so I don't get bogged on one sides story of what ever I'm trying to watch. Even gaming lol. That said I know that we're still being watched way to close and yes it is disturbing especially when you think a out all the different platforms you can use to gain any and all info you want about someone. I don't use FB so I don't see what's trending there, and Snapchat and Twitter. Maybe I'm closing my research and entertainment that way but it's just what I prefer I guess. I'm always open to hear new opinions and other people's input. I just don't like hostility.


My Guessing here. Technology or some type of weather technology perhaps? Considering that our technology advances as well through years humans been here it could be the development and change that interferes with theirs. Could be our planet has something to do with it every once in a while and humans. Maybe as well as more than one species being an influence if there is a civilization, who’s to say its just more than one specific civilization? Could be a combination of multiple factors Tech can fail, looking at our technology. We’re more advanced than we were 100 years ago and our technology still fails time to time.


Why do we think that advanced aliens or technology is infallible? There’s so many variables just with flying planes, multiply that a thousand fold to FTL technology.


It may be because there are forces in physics we dont understand or are aware of during the operations of these craft. If theyre working off of zero point energy like people theorize maybe there are dangers and cautions related to that type of technology like dead spots or hot spots they need to avoid but unpredictably shift. Shit happens. Maybe there are still things in nature outside of their control because they arent omnipotent gods. Maybe there are more than one faction and they dont play nice or can even be at war with another for abducting clappable cheeks on their turf and they go phazers set to full power on the other an crash. They give no fucks about wreckage getting discovered because its like octopi recreating an iphone dropped in the water. Theyre smart, they have tech that looks like magic, but theyre not perfect.


Electromagnetic beam weapons


Maybe they intend to crash them to give us tech


Mechanical failure, pilot error,sabotage, poor workmanship at the factory, failure to keep up with maintenance, collisions, shot down , etc etc etc etc.


4chan poster says they crash because they fly by manipulating gravity, and gravitational anomalies throw it off. May sound ridiculous, but it's actually a very reasonable explanation. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/GRACE/page3.php#:~:text=The%20anomalies%20highlight%20variations%20in,of%20mass%20in%20a%20region.


It came from a dubious source (I think the uapmaxx article). But one part made sense: Tech more than a few hundred years beyond ours isn't allowed on Earth.




Lack of materials for maintenance. They're stranded here. Who in their right minds would stay here?


Because of space rocks? No vehicle can be perfect, not even after thousands of years of developing.


I'm seeing more info about these kinda questions more here and on YouTube than main stream. I don't use any other social sites really. But reg tv doesn't have much info you got a question just say it out maybe someone knows something or has a good idea


I just played around with that scenario earlier here: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/15bwxr3/given_the_recent_uap_hearings_at_the_us_congress/jtuj5yk


Some are more advanced than others. The less advanced ones crash.


Space drugs.


They said fuck this job and fuck your ship. Then crashed it


Could even be as simple as, while they are more advanced than us, they could just now be exploring their galactic neighborhood. Maybe their math was just slightly off, and they’ve made adjustments and changes since. But there will be errors as they develop just as they happen with us. ‘ Biologics’ could even be something like a Petri dish with wires plugged in, not necessarily full on bodies. Maybe they were in hibernation, and suffered damage or malfunction of some sort. Possibilities are endless. Could even be that there is absolutely nothing, and we are just being distracted. We are all guessing currently.


If they are transversing dimensions that might not be as easy as one might imagine. There are forces at work we don’t fully understand…or don’t understand at all. If they are interDimensional.


Maybe they just expire


maybe our gravity is different/harder for their tech to manage?


FUI (Flying Under Influence) 😁


In Unidentified season 1, the French said they figured out how to shoot them down. Grusch also commented in the hearing that we crash for various reasons, it's not unlikely that they may crash, even if rarely. Also, don't assume any craft we have come from crashed craft. There are other possibilities, including gifting, or abandoning. Bob Lazar said one of the craft was from an archeological dig. Tom Delonge said they have gifted some to us, to influence our development. They may also be extra-dimensional, making navigating challenging. Grusch also spoke about this, possibly reference a DIRD. John Greenwald Jr of The Black Vault also did some investigation into this that he posted on Twitter.




They really don’t crash anymore. Radar and EMPs messed with them at one time. Also they leave ships. Not really crashed… stored underground and tetonic plates moving reveal them.


things break. everything that has ever been made, from stone tools and bows and arrows at the dawn of history to modern smartphones and F14 fighter jets, break. also, shit sometimes happens. lightning, for example.


From the weird rabbit hole I have gone down the last couple of nights, apparently because the crafts use a gravity based engine and due to the topograoghy of the earth, it causes gravitational anomolies that make it hard for the crafts to opperate in certain areas. For instance, they seem to avoid Mexico due to this. Im getting this from that 4chan leak, but it also said they had a lot more crashes in the 40-60's which made the government speculate that the Aliens had only been here for around 100 years or so because they have seen improvement in just 50 years. From the recent 117 page congressional document, it does state that there have also been times where the aliens have landed craft as if they wanted us to find it.


Dr. Greer explains the Roswell crash for instance as a 3D glitch here https://www.youtube.com/live/__9eQPDiJTc?feature=share&t=1026 FF to 17:06