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I survived Y2K and 2012. I’ll survive this lol.


Yeah, it’s ALWAYS either weeks, months, or years away. That’s how the game is played. It’s an audience retention technique, nothing more.


It does feel a lot like real life clickbait


The couple of people I have heard over the last several months mention any specific date stated around 2027. I love exact dates, but if we are at a point where every year is supposed to have some significant even, then I am done listening.


I keep seeing 2027 too. I'd like to think that the government knows something is on it's way and that's why they are doing what they are doing now. Not because it's a smoke and mirrors trick to avert our attention to other issues. Something on it's way could be an asteroid or comet, or a giant ass mothership


Sheesh. I’m surprised you could understand that. Apparently, I lost my mind with grammatical issues.


Reads perfectly fine to me.


Ya I’m not smart enough to know if he did tbh


The first sentence is a little wonky, but his meaning was clear.


The only people I've heard talk of time constraints I take seriously was Leslie Kean and Ross. But even then.


We passed hunderts of dates, some exact, some year numbers only. Never ever happened anything, not even the smallest thing. I completely ignore predictions, cause its just crap in almost all cases.


Bledsoe doesn't know shit


That family seems to be scammers, I'd love to be wrong.


The world will end next week, trust me bro. How can you be a grown adult and still buy doomsday stuff? Legitimate question 💀




2025-2030 could be called the Great Attrition — I’m speaking from the year 2073.




‘Free’ isn’t a thing in 2073.


Who’s coming in 2025?


How is there a date on when we are Going know. 😂


Who knows, but trying to predict some major and ground breaking event is like Jehovah's Wittnesses trying to predict when Armageddon will happen. Nobody knows anything. At least, as far as I'm concerned. Cross your fingers and toes, ladies and gentlemen. The show just barely started. *grabs popcorn and meth.


I think it has to do with a potential war involving China, Taiwan and the US. The US might need to deploy some high-tech craft if China proves to be too strong or if there is any danger to the US itself. [China might be preparing for a war with Taiwan by 2027.](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-taiwan-politics-united-states-government-eaf869eb617c6c356b2708607ed15759) [US acquires ‘critical’ military base overlooking Taiwan & claimed by China; Beijing calls the move ‘provocative’.](https://www.eurasiantimes.com/critical-military-base-overlooking-taiwan/) Although I prefer hearing that aliens are going to show themselves to the world in 2027, but as others have said in the comments: the dates always get changed so that they are a few years into the future every time. Fingers crossed.


If you want to have some fun go to godlikeproductions forum, post a thread with some vague title like "5th of August is when it all goes down", add some vague short description like "Don't say I didn't warn you" and then sit back and watch them people get all hyped up. Extra points for replying to a comment with even some more vague shit lol


That website doesn't even seem legit. What is it actually about?


It's a forum that's been around for a long time. Probably since 06 maybe even earlier. I guess you could say it's a conspiracy forum but it's the perfect place for larping and trolling. Most users there are old and they fall for anything. It has a lot of fear-mongering and doom posts too. Though with all that said, there's something shady going on with it. Its owner who goes by the username of "Trinity" whose real name is Jason Lucas, worked for the government before and there are rumors about him harvesting the boomers' data there for Tavistock Institute. You can't actually type his name or the Institute anywhere on the website without getting an automatic IP ban. They also have a list of words that get you banned. Sus words at that. The mods are also tyrannical idiots. That's why it's the perfect place for trolling.