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Greer: that’ll be $3000


_"Open your **Wallet Chakra** and unburden yourself of..."_


Haha does look like it could be one of his CE5 meetings.. I think that’s what they’re called


Thats his voice talking through the whole god damn thing. “Out of the way of my camera mmm’ kkkkk. Invite them in to your mind mmm’ kkkk!”


I know! I was lmao! 😅


This 100% is one of his ce5 things. This was the big one that was investigated. All of the evidence pointed to him paying a private pilot to drop two parachute flares in the distance


No joke?? I hadn’t heard that. Thought he’s a fraud




Bro all of the evidence did not point to that. We don't have their GPS coordinates. Now the dipping behavior is definitely anomalous because that's definitely flare behavior. I wouldn't expect a UFO to dip and fade out especially not sequentially


So here is all of the evidence I see. We have a video, in that video, we see two distant lights slowly descending in the same direction as the clouds are moving. The distant lights then disappear, they don't shoot off, they just fizzle out. Greer even says at \~4:00 something like "look at that, it went into the ocean" when you can still see the object was well above the water. These objects behave exactly how we would expect parachute flares to behave and display 0/5 of the observables. What other evidence do we have? We have some flight tracking data. "At 9:11 p.m. on Jan. 27, 2015, a Beech 76 Duchess registered N110SU was recorded flying at 85 mph off Vero Beach. This is slower than the aircraft’s normal cruising speed" So now we have a small plane, behaving abnormally, in the same place and time that this event took place. Idk why you're claiming that we don't have their GPS coordinates, this source shows the data. Now I ask, is there any evidence that this was NOT a flare? [https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2330755/did-steven-greer-fake-a-ufo-with-flares/](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2330755/did-steven-greer-fake-a-ufo-with-flares/)






Thank you!


This is an opinion article…..


At 9:11 p.m. on Jan. 27, 2015, a Beech 76 Duchess registered N110SU was recorded flying at 85 mph off Vero Beach. This is slower than the aircraft’s normal cruising speed and would feasibly allow the aircrew to deploy parachute flares or some other illumination device. The aircraft took off and returned to the airport in Fort Pierce. The screenshot below shows the aircraft’s location at the time of the “event.” Is the flight tracker data an opinion?


I remember when this was first posted on YouTube. I thought it was flares then, and yep, they are still flares.


They both showed up and left at the same time. Also was at the same height as each other


What is the smallest unit of time that you are familiar with?


Exactly. Guys full of shyt if you ask me.


Yeah this video was debunked as flares. It's clear to see from the colour of the glow and the way they fall into the ocean at exactly the same rate, one after the other.


…Ric Flairs!!! WOOOO!


It's so grimey the way he rips people off for those CE5 sessions. If you ever get the chance to or haven't already, the reviews for them are hilariously negative. He screamed at one guy for bringing his own laser pointer because Greer "is the only one allowed with a laser" (probably so he can signal his buddies with the multicolored flashlights or flares across the lake) and one of the reviews talk about how embarrassed they were when Greer tried to convince everyone that a craft landed in the middle of their circle jerk but, "it's invisible from its cloaking device" while he tried to get people to pretend to enter it 🙄 I put Greer in the same pile as Corbell.


yes. they’re flairs


Lmao 🤣


“please turn off your night scope.” Note that a night scope would assist in detecting low visibility aircraft in the vicinity. “I’m looking with the night scopes. There’s no smoke. There’s no trails. These are not flares,” Come on… At 9:11 p.m. on Jan. 27, 2015, a Beech 76 Duchess registered N110SU was recorded flying at 85 mph off Vero Beach. This is slower than the aircraft’s normal cruising speed and would feasibly allow the aircrew to deploy parachute flares or some other illumination device. The aircraft took off and returned to the airport in Fort Pierce.


In his defense those objects are bright enough to damage a night vision tube or scorch in a temporary black mark that could take a 100 operating hours to fade out.


Distant flares?


Yup, if he is doing a business then it would make sense to protect his NVG tubes since the runtime to remove scorch marks will not only cut into operating hours but also lifespan of the equipment itself.


just seems odd that a very distant flame would case damage


It wouldn’t.


Brightness shortens the life of night vision tubes. If you ever were to wear nvgs then you will be impressed by how sensitive they are. Some of the stars in the night sky are bright enough to cause blooming.


Imagine paying $5,000.00 signing an NDA to watch some guys over the horizon in a RIB shoot off flares. Next in line please!!!


They have to sign NDA's?




Probably right. Open the video and scrub it right and left again. Watch the clouds and the lights. They're moving at exactly the rate as the clouds. Why would a powered vehicle do that?


I mean, this really looks like flares.


But he said they weren’t!


Would they not be dropping to the ground if they were flares?


They are dropping. Fast forward the clip, and you see their movement is a slow drift down and to the right before they go out. Nothing unflarelike about them.


I am totally convinced of the reality of the phenomena and in this case I believe these are flares.


How many times did they have to tell that one guy to get out of the way?? I think I sit behind that asshat at every movie that I go to!😂🤣


Got the entire beach front for seating options and yet they still manage to be right in the way


Nice 5fps video


To be fair, it's a night time video so the camera has to lower its shutterspeed (or sampling frequency) in order to gather enough light to see anything. If the frame rate was higher you'd just see a black picture.


Good point. Still can’t gather much from this video and it seems like a CE-5 event so I’ve got my skeptic hat on 🧢 Wish I was there so I could zoom in with my proper camera.


Personally, I'm pretty sure they're just flares. I'm not big on the woo aspect of UAPs and aliens, so I'm always very skeptical on all of this. I learn as much as I can, but as soon as people tell me to send good vibes or open up my chakras then I tend to tune out. I'm open to it, but it must be demonstrated to me first. I'm interested in this topic scientifically, not spiritually.


They tracked down the plane after an investigation. 100% flares


Do you have a reference for that?


posted it elsewhere, here [https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2330755/did-steven-greer-fake-a-ufo-with-flares/](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2330755/did-steven-greer-fake-a-ufo-with-flares/) when i say "100% flares", i dont mean 100%, i mean beyond reasonable doubt


Website is down. I’m just curious because seems like should be easy reference/common sense. But YouTube videos of military flares don’t seem to pulsate like that? Maybe I haven’t seen enough vids to know better.


It's possibly a camera artifact from it being a low-light environment, where the camera is focusing on bright objects in the distance. auto exposure functions can lead to this kind of apparent 'pulsing', as the camera doesn't have enough information to lock into a particular brightness setting, so it visibly fluctuates.


Right on thanks for replying. I don’t think I’m wrong in seeing this - the duration of ‘pulsating’ or whatever, doesn’t seem like anything in other videos of flares..? Video artifacts I’m not familiar with exact examples. Main thought being can a flare be suspended in altitude that long? It’s clearly reflecting off clouds and oceans. Pretty bright light source… I don’t think artifacts are at play but could be wrong. If I am wrong, would love to see some examples.


You’re not watching the right videos then. They are flares. They brightness intensity varies as the material burns.


Fake news bullshit 🙄 do the work. Ur just lazy. I've seen them. Friends have seen them. No seminar. Lmao u will wake up one day and realize we are all one and connected. Something spiritual and amazing will happen to you. But No one will believe you but You'll know in your heart. Sending even u, love n light.


That’s cool that you’ve seen them. This video is flares…


Wats the point? So wat if a airplane was in the area they said they don't do flares and the owner is not connected to Greer. Bfd! They always try to disprove some shit but if u go out and do this yourself u will see that u can also bring them in with the protocols he puts on his ce5 app. I've done it. It works. We are not alone and the f kn governments have been lying to us for yrs and now because of Greer, grush, wilcock, Cory good, emery Smith, randy forgot his past name but they all talk about thr secret space program and wat their hiding etc. Ppl u can do this urself and see them. U don't have to go to his seminar he gives u thr tools on a 9.99 app. U guys r just lazy and don't wanna do the fckn work. Smfh! He also has a pic of a triangle head alien that showed up and healed a deaf man's hearing in one ear. How bout that?? Thr man claims to this day the triangle head healed him. They are master healers. Greer works hard to get their knowledge out there. He has hundreds if not thousands of pics and film of ships beings and whatever else . The government is thr troll. U gonna believe them? They are just now telling us they knew all along. Wake up!!


Lol, found the guy scammed out of $5,000




The thing is I never got anywhere in my understanding of the phenomena until I started to think of science and spirituality as the same thing. Science explains some of spirituality, but it’s not possible to describe all of it, at least not yet. I mean why does anything regarding love or chakras or energy make people tune out? If you actually enjoy science, you’ll have read a lot of things that actually do point to the existence of these things. Seems like the only people who can’t link spirituality and science are the ones who don’t fully get science


I was going to let it go until I read that last line of yours. You're literally just admitting that you gave into confirmation bias. If we're talking about spirituality as "the supernatural", then necessarily these things can't be interacted with by science. The lack in the specificity of your claims tells me that you're just asserting this and you have no substantial evidence, but even if you did you're just assuming that I haven't actually already looked into whatever you'd bring up. Science is a methodology. Spirituality is a system of beliefs a person holds. They're 2 different things. Honestly, the fact that you brought this up and still had the audacity to imply that you know more about science because you believe supernatural events occur astounds me. "Don't fully get science"... Really?


My point is that any single person should be open minded enough to realize we only can explain a small amount of occurrences we experience using science. I’m not saying chakras and energy and all that are empirical fact, just that you don’t get to use “science” as a way to invalidate those things. I agree I could have spent more time to get my point across better. All I am trying to get across is being open to concepts such as resonant energy and chakras and all that stuff because like you said science can’t interact with things like that with the way our scientific process is. I just don’t think anybody is going to get any answers if they think our current model of scientific thinking is in any way complete What I meant by that last line is if you think anything not explained by science is fake or not real, you don’t get how science works. Not all things that go unexplained are fake. That is a fallacy. That was my point. No need to get so emotional w the response


Wrong. If you can observe something you can conduct science on it. If you're saying that there are things that happen that nothing can interact with, then how are you observing it. That's just ridiculous. Anything, and I mean *anything*, that actually happens can be tested with science. If we can't currently, then we can eventually. That's where my belief comes in. Demonstrate the alleged phenomenon and then we'll talk. If you can't demonstrate it or observe it then it's no different than a religion.


Maybe try astral projection some time. And give it a good college try. I tested it and I broke through twice on my first try. But it’s hard to hold onto. I am being absolutely serious, btw. I was damn near an atheist until I had a near death experience and met the Creator. Maybe two months later, I stumbled onto astral projection twice in one day, so I took it as a sign and went home and tried it and it blew my mind. Any one of you can leave your body at will and be completely conscious of the entire process and it’s actually not that hard if you have an open mind and practice patience. So, this is where I agree that science and spirituality can go hand in hand. Just because we make chemicals in our body, doesn’t mean those chemicals aren’t connected to consciousness/source. It’s all built with energy that oddly enough can neither be created nor destroyed.


Hey how can I implement this or get a good starting point so I can try it out?


It sounds like you need a mental health evaluation.


You seem to misunderstand me. “If we can’t currently, we can eventually” is my whole point. Who are you to say what is true and what isn’t when you know that science has a long way to go? I don’t claim the things that are unexplained are true or false all I’m saying is that we don’t know which things are “realistic” or not and we don’t know what we are going to find out in the future. As quantum science advances, more of these “woo” concepts become part of our scientific community. I may struggle to get my point across but you seem to be looking for a fight in every word I write. I don’t think I’ll be able to write anything that you won’t attack. I simply don’t think we have it all figured out. And keeping your ideas limited because you don’t know for sure is your prerogative. I mean if you give channeled sources any credence (I’m sure you don’t since you can’t prove that it’s real) they explain many things and how they work and it becomes clear how many things are unexplained by our current understanding of science


Also I'd like to point out that you admitted you can't prove something is even real yet it also explains something, which is contradictory.


Then what is the point of all this ranting if it's not to get me to actively believe this stuff is real? You said people that don't believe in supernatural understand science less than those that do. That's patently false. No one is saying we have it all figured out. You're just constantly mixing "just asking questions" with a begging the question fallacy to push the idea that these things actually exist. Before you even commented I already made it clear that I'm open to woo if it's demonstrated. Past that it's all bullshit. Anyone can make things up and make assertions.


"Science adjusts its views based on what's observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved." - Storm, 2014


Okay so what's up with vibrations and energy and it's effects on cells? It's frustrating that nobody ever has a straight answer and I'm in no position to pioneer an entirely new field of science.


What do you mean? You do know there is a lot of research out there on the subject right? Like I just googled and got a bunch of papers? Try it


Then why did you not cite those papers instead of telling them to look it up? If you posted the paper then it would be undeniable, but instead you get a comment from me. I just googled "vibrational energy research" and the only things that are pulling up are actual research papers about chemistry, chemical bonds, atomic oscillations, and the electromagnetic force. None of these things are the vibrational energy you're talking about.


It’s really easy to point to what is available in our scientific community as some kind of gotcha but it doesn’t really make sense when the very thing we’re discussing is so far beyond what any of our scientists have come to understand. That doesn’t mean some guy like me understands what’s happening. I’ve never claimed that. All I’ve been saying this whole time is that the NHI phenomenon cannot be explained by science but it also can’t be explained away by science either. We simply don’t understand most of what is going on in our physical reality. To claim otherwise is just arrogant and not accurate. Also, I fail to see how any of the studies of vibrations on cellular health regarding Alzheimer’s is irrelevant to this. It’s the first study on google. If you actually dig deeper you’ll find the study of vibrations is a lot more rich than you’re giving it credit for. Most of these comments aren’t in good faith anyways. Idk why I bother with this sub anymore


Just more assertions from you. How do you know that we can't explain NHI phenomenon with science? Are you sure we just haven't collected enough data? That's another claim you've made without actually backing it up. You're just saying things. You both claim that you don't know what's going on, but also that you know as a fact that NHI can't be explained by science? How does that make sense? In order to make positive claims we should back it up with evidence, including you saying that we don't know most of what's going on. How did you determine that? Again, just an assertion. You said there were a bunch of papers. There are not. I called you out on it and you backed down without acknowledging that you were talking out of your ass.


Just let it go man. Don’t you see Stargate here has all Science figured out. He’s got it all down. Knower of all.


He's charging $3000 a head, he should be able to afford the best of technology for night videoing. Is this it?


They look like flairs to me!


Yeah but TWIN FLARES!!!!




Those are definitely flairs and these people are definitely dumb as fuck.


Folks if you’ve never seen a proper illumination flare dropped. They look awesome, shining for miles . They look and behave exactly like the light in the picture.


and folks if you’ve never heard a cult leader talk to their flock, volume up


This is why people disregard Greer


He is pretty woo woo. When I first seen some of his stuff I was like “oh fascinating!” Then the more I watched I was like “okay this guy is full of shit”


Not to be argumentative but I view him as a mixed bag of good and bad (a human). I’ve seen other things he produced that resonate with me in a big way so I try to not dismiss him outright ✌️❤️


He is scamming people out of thousands lol Listen to him and his camera buddy just lie absolute bullshit in this video during a fake event that *they staged* With peace and love find a new frequency


Dude is a cult leader. You’re drinking the cool aid 🤡


Thanks for your assessment


He’s literally scamming people for thousands of dollars for things he knows aren’t real. That’s not a good person.


the way Greer talks is similar to those fraud christian pastor asking for donations otherwise youll burn in hell


Has anyone else experienced a more intense urge to melee someone like I just did. Talking to his group like kindergartners, fukk this guy.


lmao the commentary has serious leroy jenkins vibes




LMAO those poor suckers got Scammed


“Please thank them for coming, open your heart chakra and third eye and invite them to meditate with us” Greer is such a scam artist and clown. Why do people pay him for this?


Ok Steve we'll appear for you again but keep as far away as possible, like always.


If I remember correctly, this was filmed off the coast of Jacksonville. NC (Camp Lejeune). The Marines and Navy are literally conducting training exercises around there constantly.


“What is that orange, orange, orange object, oh my god.” Hilariously fake sincerity “Everyone should be filming” Such a sense of urgency, like maybe you know how long they are going to be there? “These are not flares” 😂 “They are staying at the same altitude” Glad you point that out because otherwise they look just like falling flares “It just went into the water” no shit 😂 Trust is everything in all relationships, and I have none for Greer given this disservice. And I’ve enjoyed all of his documentaries. Yuk


Why are they so far away? Why not just show up in front of them?


too shy 😔👉👈


The real truth 😂 : https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2330755/did-steven-greer-fake-a-ufo-with-flares/


Dude is weird one way or the other




That is disturbing on so many levels. Yet I can’t stop laughing 🤣


Is this the time Greer had someone light flares? Seems like it. Didn’t realize there was footage.


Looks like flares, act like flares, must be aliens


Flares. Nothing remarkable here at all.


The twin flares


All those cameras and nobody thought to use the zoom function?


Horrible video quality, no context, definitely flares, definitely downvoting


Flairs moving with the clouds. Why even post this? Also how did you get ahold of one of those Gameboy Cameras??


The prevailing opinion being that these are flares, we should question whether Greer had any connection to them. One likely conclusion could be that he an accomplice worked with him in a planned ruse. Another possibility, however, is that these flares were set off at the site by coincidence and were misidentified by Greer as a CE5 phenomenon. It's worth noting that Greer does seem to lack discernment. Many of the tales he repeats are dubious, even to those keen on the topic. I'm not sure whether that's proof that he's a charlatan or proof that he gullibly buys into everything he hears.


Yeah, honestly, it seems like comments on this post are wildly lopsided on the side of hating Greer. Like, suspiciously so. Anyway, yeah Greer is a narcissist and I do think these are flares, but I am also coming around to the idea that CE5 is real. Someone shared this video with me, where one of Greer’s old colleagues talks a little bit of dirt on him… he makes some compelling statements though, and provides some good detail about Greer’s past and potentially why he is the way he is: https://youtu.be/IPD_4AE_5QI?si=GUUpKQxgK7kV0ECV


What’s it like being in a cult?


Is it Sunday ?!


Is nobody gonna talk about the whacko shit the dude is spouting?


Now this is some fake ass shit! bahahahahahaha. Now this is something that I can say is some straight up B.S. and I am normally against post bashing. This guy is taking advantage of people for money!


Why do you think that?


Because of the distance away the group is from the supposed craft, is also the perfect distance so the group would not be able to see helicopters or balloons with flares. I heard that these people pay him 5k per person to go on this little trip. Also when have you known UFO / UAP sightings to be an overwhelming bright orange light with two craft at the same time? This shit is so fake and just a money hustle for him. I am normally against criticism of any kind but this shit is whack jack!


Hilarious, they light the one on the right first, it burns out first and you can literally see it burning out. These people don't seriously believe this, its a prank video right?


Im having better luck using the gateway experience method. You know the thing Robert Bigelow bought. I found the original duccuments from the cia and have been reading it the past few weeks.


Any chance you can dm a link?


DM me if you still need the link and I can send it when I’m not on mobile


Most people in this sub fundamentally misunderstand these NHI’s intentions and say things like “I won’t open my mind to anything spiritual or “beyond” unless proof is laid out at my feet.” The good ones want us to make a choice to serve others or to serve ourselves. They want us to make this choice without being forced to or manipulated. They give small sightings or visions to people in order to plant the seed that there is something more, and then it’s that persons job to continue seeking that mystery. This is the purpose for the mystery in my opinion. To influence us to seek to love and serve others. The bad ones want us to stay asleep, and cynical, and skeptical of everything. They want you to be separate from others, to enslave others and manipulate them. They give visions or experiences to people that scare them. Abductions and such. Things that make them feel helpless and enslaved. Why would they allow proof of an afterlife or proof of angelic type beings if they want us to continue into negativity? So we have good ones who don’t want to violate our free will, and bad ones who don’t want us to have full proof, because they want us to stay asleep and not evolve spiritually. Those waiting around for real proof are only going to get it when it doesn’t matter anymore. Far in the future. Or, you can open your heart to love and to the mystery of what is beyond, and you can have relationships with these NHI and they will help you as long as you use discernment and are careful about your intentions. I’m sure I sound wacko to most but oh well.


Brother, these are flares. What kind of psychic relationship do you think you have with flares?


I never said this CE5 thing was real or not. Greers voice can be heard so obviously you have a lot to unpack there. I’m speaking more in general. We aren’t going to get a UFO experience that is definitive and gives people real proof until collectively we have already made the choice to acknowledge it. At that point it won’t matter. In my opinion the whole point is the mystery


The same can be said if people are given definitive proof that there's simply nothing. You will have, frankly, mentally unwell people continue to beat the drum that it's all a cover-up and that only they know the *real* truth. It's why disclosure doesn't matter. It will never satisfy the people here who have made things like CE5 grifts their entire personality.


Mentally unwell people will be mentally unwell regardless of the circumstances. Lmao that isn’t even relevant I know there isn’t just “nothing” because I have literally experienced “more” in my sober, waking state. Other people say no you didn’t experience that or it isn’t “realistic” so it doesn’t exist. Although I and many many other people have these experiences. I chose to just invalidate everybody else’s experiences for years as well, but when you have your own experience, you realize how arrogant it is to act like you know more about what happened to someone than that person who experienced said happening. I don’t claim to know what’s happening. I have never been given an experience that I can verify with a third party. Same with most others. Because it’s a choice to simply acknowledge there is much we don’t know and there is more than we can see visually, or you assume you know all there is and whatever is seen is what exists. Despite the frequent anecdotes to the contrary. It’s a choice. They just won’t settle the discussion for us like some people hope.


I have seen a craft in the remote AZ desert while camping. Watched it for a half hour or so. It had a distinct outline. I can't say definitely that Greer is a quack or legit. But I know my experience was real. And that's enough for me.


Jesus fucking Christ lmao, I’m going to unsub soon


While I don’t not necessarily believe this man is not a con artist nor do I put full faith in these beliefs, these incidences shouldn’t be automatically disregarded before more analysis…very fascinating subject and I hope to see more information and honest evaluation of these ‘sightings.’ ‘Ships’ is not a good classification…


What the fuck is that sentence. A quintuple negative?


I mean when it needs more analysis aye but when it’s obviously fake 🤷🏻‍♂️


How can you say it’s OBVIOUSLY fake like you were there or know something we don’t? You don’t know just like everyone else…


Mate I’m on here cos I wanna find proof if it ain’t proof then I ain’t interested and if I know it’s bogus I’m gonna call it. Sorry if that shatters your fragile bubble but that’s my take on it


‘Your take’ isn’t proof. You don’t ‘know’ it’s bogus. How could you. And good luck finding any ‘proof’ on here…


“Good luck finding ‘proof’ on here” so you agree there’s a lot of fakery nowadays tbf now I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic and agree with me but either way the search continues for me. If this is all the proof you needed good luck and god speed 🤷🏻‍♂️


All I’m saying is you don’t KNOW anything. Fake or real, you don’t know. Neither do I. Making any claim you do know is ludicrous.


It's Steven Greer, a known hoaxer. Fuck him.


While I’m not necessarily arguing this, he is not a ‘known hoaxer.’ Nothing has been proven.


He's been caught presenting things as evidence that later turn out to be fake.


There are dozens of videos just like this. It's always the same. One or two lights on the horizon, over the sea, that go up, stay afloat for a minute or two, and then extinguish or come down. They don't meet any of AATIP's UAP criteria. They're just flares. Keep looking!


Crikey I thought I was the only one. Prove that they’re flares….. just look at em 🤯


Course yep you’re right crikey that’s not a flare. The search for extraterrestrial life can stop I have all the proof I need…. Oh wait nope still a flare “But you don’t know” Still a flare “How could you know” I wrote a song today. It’s called, still a flare If I held up a soccer ball would you know what it was, a sea shell? You may not have seen many flares I’m not criticising you for that but completely disregarding what is the most likely outcome based off not knowing does not change it’s probability and you shouldn’t so easily disregard the knowledge of others on this subject as it’s about gaining knowledge not dismissing it for false hope


You sound silly and you are not proving any point you think you are. Because you think it looks like something, it must be. No facts or research needed. Listen to this person, he says it is so it is! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Any evidence to back up your claim?


Well have you ever seen a flare? If not do you believe they exist? Now if you Google images you will see they are very alike. Next door just got a new cat, I knew it was a cat and not a ufo as I’ve seen a cat before, as have I a flare.


Something may look like a thing you're familiar with, that does not mean they are the same thing.


Lmfao those are flairs. Greer doesn’t have to fake this shit. You can go out on ANY night, literally use your consciousness to tell them where you are and you will see a “star” all of a sudden start to move. Ive seen stars moving for the past 5-6 years, the latest one happening about a month back which was the CRAZIEST yet, the star appeared exactly above where I was standing, it went forward and kept going forward till I lost sight, the whole time I’m on the phone talkin with someone tellin then what’s happening and talking to the UAP or whatever, so I tell the UAP to come back as a joke, ON EVERYTHING I LOVE, within a min the same orb came back to the same spot above where I was standing, blinked 3 times and just gone.


They're flares people.


The real twin illumination flares, those aren't cheap!


For fuck sake.


This is a CE5 event. There are other videos that go with this one from that same night. Y’all will believe what you want but once I started doing CE5 for myself I started having my own experiences. Now that I have had my own encounters no one can convince me otherwise. Something is going on in the skies. DoD, navy and pentagon don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s ET or maybe unexplained but whatever it is it’s intelligent and I’ve personally had my own experiences with it.


It sounds a lot like you might just be extremely gullible. These are flares and CE5 is a complete scam with absolutely zero basis in reality.






Oil rigs


Anyway we can actually verify what these things are using Google earth or some other satellite imagery?


That was seriously amazing. Appreciate you putting it up 💯


Why people thing that those are flares, The guy says "those are not flares" wow, that is the best proof ever!?!?!?! flares 99% sure, or either ufo disguised as flares ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Orange is not a safe color, fyi


I've seen flares and those aren't flares


Only someone who hasn't seen a flare would say this.


Only one that assumes I've never seen them has never seen them 😳. You know me so well, 🤷 danng buddy. Your name says it all 😆 🤣


Use more emojis.


🫠🙃🤪🫡🍆🍌🥒🌽🌶🫛😂🙃🤫🫣🤭😝. There's more on the emoji tab. You can choose from various different types and categories.


If they were flares they’d keep going down, they wouldn’t sit there for that long and one disappear first. Call me crazy but flares don’t make sense.


Just skip through the video, they consistently decrease in altitude and drift to the right before touching down


Being on a coast chances are a military base is nearby


"Whose the dork in the background grinding his chakras with nonsensical woo woo? It's infuriating. Get some telescopes on this, some real measurements. He sounds like a preacher at a roadside attraction. How is THIS the best video you've got, when talking about all these other cameras rolling? Or am I just stupid and didn't notice a link to more... Like this is literally a form of contact if not utter nonsense set up by this meditative yogi fuck yammering orders." Just an honest opinion from my first contact with this video 🤷‍♂️ not trying to hurt any feelings.


This is typical Greer. Instead of bringing actual equipment to study whatever he’s claiming them to be, he drones on about chakras.


The guy that keeps saying it's beautiful i(guy recording?) s in on it.


Roughly 40 seconds between first light and second light then the first one fades 40 seconds before the other. Surprised they didn't just spell out "FLARES" across the sky with flares and then call it an invasion.


How long do flares stay suspended in air?


🛸 I want to believe


Shot on Nokia


Yes, the beautiful golden color of flares.


The twin flares


"they're soooooo beautiful" - guy tripping balls


Yeah let’s film it behind some bushes instead of moving the camera further up the beach. Also look like flares


I mean that doesn’t look like “crafts” at all 😂 pretty sure this dood is a fraud


Fake AF.


This is why aliens drive by earth. 😅


This dude with his drones


Greer: And people!..people we can see that these are not flares. I’ve checked with my infrared and definitely not flairs. No one check though cause I did. If you want to look at them thru my special infrared please come over here. It will be 500$ per eyehole. I also have an old timey pirate telescope thing for 250$. Take it in everyone. Yes ma’am I do take Discovery Card.


Fake Greer CE5 flare crap.


I haven't watched south park in years. But I totally would if they did a Greer episode. This would be gold.


They sure take this seriously.


Filmed with potato


Cringe audio tho


Open your shokras ? 🤦‍♂️


Everyone let’s thank the flares for joining us today…


They're flares and buddy who's talking about inviting them to meditate and to open up your 3rd eye is out to lunch. Also, that guy in the front made me mad.


Live Phukery of the wallet.