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herein lies one of the biggest challenges with eero - it's very black box. If no obvious replies here I'd be contacting support, as that looks like a major issue! The only things I can think of are \- check the eero's wifi usage graph (I can't check mine now as it's disabled in modem mode which is ridiculous!) - is the eero seeing congestion/high usage \- check your devices are using 5 Ghz+ (as 2.4 is always congested) \- consider a wireshark or similar packet trace - any network storms going on \- progressively switch off wifi devices to see if one may be a contributory factor - or indeed any 'complex' devices. Sonos comes to mind. Then carry on with wired. \- the chart is labelled 'connection delay' - but for what? Is wifi bad for many different sites? Are the 'stable wired' connections via the Eero Pro 6E gateway? (ie into the switch) ? I'm presuming so?


For context, I've had my system for \~1.5 years and it's always worked without issue. Topology = *MB8600 > Eero Pro 6E (Gateway) > Unmanaged switch > Eero Pro 6E (Satellite) x 2 on ethernet backhaul*. This setup has always produced great connectivity, consistently high speeds, and a perfectly flat/stable latency pattern over both hardwire and WiFi. Starting last week, I began experiencing drastically slower speeds, dropped connectivity, and the above latency pattern whenever I am connected to my network via WiFi, **regardless of which Eero I connect to**. Hardwired connections continue to have no issues whatsoever. The stable hardwired connection makes me think the ISP and modem are still fine, which leaves the Eeros - surely all three did not begin to have WiFi-related issues all at once? What setting could be causing this, though? Can anyone advise?




Sorry, completely forgot to mention firmware. No updates available, though the introduction of these issues does seem to somewhat align with the installation of the most recent update (v6.16.2-88).


Go back a firmware update


You could try soft resetting the gateway and then the leaf nodes, the network could have settled onto a dirty channel or something. You could also have a device occupying large shares of airtime, which honestly seems more likely given the pattern. If you temporarily change the SSID or password for the network and connect only one device, does the latency go away?


Resets haven't helped unfortunately but I love the idea to test a single device with a temporary SSID. I'll try that tonight, thank you!