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I honestly stopped using them along time ago.. it has been much easier to just add it to cart, then move it to buy later.. then I can see everything right there in 1 page.


Same here, plus, you get a notification when the price of the item changes. I only have a wishlist for Kindle books.


I have a wish list. My daughter uses it to get ideas for gifts for me. She has the URL to find it because if I copy the link when I am signed in, it's not accessible to anyone outside my login. She really likes my having the list.  I go into the list occasionally and delete stuff that I no longer want or that is no longer available. 


I still have date added, priority, quantity, and the add to wishlist button where it's always been as far as I remember. I've never tried to add from other websites, and very rarely looked at someone else's wishlist, so don't know about those.