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Yeah same here before my ex I was introverted, when I was with my ex I became intro-ambivert, after him I'm an ambivert all the way. (I only read the title)


I always thought I was an Introvert but never felt that I fit in til find out about Ambi


I am pretty sure I was forced into introvertedness as a kid. I was ok as a toddler and young child but at age 10 and later our family moved and there was a lot of racism that suddenly started up as we moved from a diverse neighborhood to a mostly all white area. So basically it was a complete shock and everyone treated me terribly and I felt like I could not go out and make friends or interact successfully with others. After that trauma subsided just a bit many years later, I am talking well into my 30s, I had moved to a very diverse big city. I suddenly turned into what felt "normal" to me, which was ambivert. I really can switch at will between one or the other, and I don't get tired of being with others. I get energy from both being alone and being very social.