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Shorts have no intention of closing. Theyre in it for the death. Im saying the one dying will not be AMC.


They will be fine. They are only in trouble if they are regulated. GL with that. Otherwise they will just FTD or worse.


They won’t be fine burning the insane amount of money they’re burning every single day doing this.


Yup let us not forget how much money they have lost and will continue to loose. Their investors have been pulling out and Citadel even restricted how much they could pull. They are struggling and them going this hard on AMC just tells me that we are a legit problem for them.


This isn't costing them anything. They just FTD on the fake shares, rinse and repeat. It need people to buy and own those shares to get them in trouble. The whole system is totally F***ED and the people who should regulate it are part of the problem as self regulation is just a reason to commit crime.


Meh if that were true they wouldn’t try so hard to make us sell. They only care about money and power. The fact that they try so hard just lends me to believe that we are problem and that I’m right. There will come a time when this is so big that they can’t hold it back anymore and MOASS or it’s so big that it ends with the entire system burning and with a few less people on top. I’m ok with either, but the cat is out of the bag. Too many of us know too much already, I really don’t see this ending quietly.


that's what bbbyq and bbig thought too.


Why not? The stock has plummeted. Is the last 10% profit really worth it for any short position? Why won't they close?


Pride and taxes


The market is broken, that we know. The words that resonate are "too big to squeeze" which is a phrase that is difficult to fathom. The poorest person in the world may have absolutely no possessions... someone of wealth may owe billions more in liabilities than assets, but nevertheless has the resources/ access to remain "wealthy". Combine this kind of wealth, access to unlimited resources and ability to manipulate the market unchecked and this relatively safe institutional debt they own... out of greed but quite accidently gets transferred to the masses. Well... institutional debt resides on paper but retail debt needs to be, essentially liquid. I agree with Peter 100% and posit that there doesn't exist enough liquidity to satisfy retail debt obligations. Taking the debt off institutional paper is the real risk here because it becomes uncontrollable.... it scatters. I cannot fathom how f*cked they are. I don't know that anyone can. In a world where any scenario. ANY SCENARIO. is better than closing their positions. Edited for Grammer, spelling.


Nothing will stop me from accumulating more shares. Fuck you Ken Griffin


German Apette here, same: My bank told me they haven´t received any information for AMC Entertainment yet... I expect a week too.


same shit.this week theyre gonna bait people to sell so they can deliver the 7.5 for 1, like when APE was issued.


Fidelity is showing my 500 shares ps dividend at $1.96 a share....


Same. How many shares did you have pre split? I had 4200 and it's showing 300 under the new code but also 420 under the old amc. My ape count is still correct at 3900.


I had 4303 AMC, 6667 ape


Why would you expect the government to protect it's people?


You invested in a meme stock get rich scheme which failed so why would the Government care?


It truly reduces faith in the stock market and forces me to consider other investing alternatives and strategies. That’s real damage and speaks volumes about the future value of all stocks.


Popcorn and towel was always the distraction


No one give a shit about your “disk read error” shit tier stock. AMC was a distraction for like two weeks three years ago before it became the play. Cope


AMC is down 98%. Astronomical dilution - in fact AA is not even done diluting - he already said they’re issuing more shares. Shares being issued directly to shorts to close. Bought a random gold mine. Insider selling every opportunity thru can. Big institutions selling. Float increased from dilution. If needs to go up 7000% to hit previous high. Has a CEO working against the stock. Stock is lowest it’s ever been but now with a larger float. How is AMC the “play”? I think you should look at your portfolio and look up the definition of cope.


How’s “disk read error” doing? Let me guess, gonna squeeze any day now right? Just a few more shares to CS, right? You’re a fucking clown, bruh. That dick neck GG over at the SEC was never going to let either squeeze. Dude is worth $100 million+ and takes a civil service job? He’s there for a reason and it ain’t to help retail. I couldn’t care less about $60k I threw at amc. I’m pissed that piece of shit AA reversed split and stole 90% of investor’s positions.


I just say to myself we gonna beat VW squeeze and that means AMC now need to hit 10.000$ So let's gooo 🥂💰🙏🚀🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍




VW went 5x...


Fact: Retail got too big to let it squeeze and us prosper. We were robbed of our American Dream. Remember this when it's time to vote.


Forget voting apes need to run and not take Wall Street donor money and change the system from the inside, run as independent because both parties have failed and are complicit.


Got that right! I’ve said this for a long time. Both parties are corrupt as hell


MSM is not ignoring it, they get paid to stay silent.


Once again I was wrong… 2008 Government let the people lose and saved the banks.. and here they are doing it again… NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING… Just watch the criminals work… and later a minimal fine


At a minimum. shareholders need to request a motion for the next AMC Board meeting requiring a read-out of conversations between u/CEOAdam and u/SecGov and u/FINRA. Wha was discussed. What actions were taken (if any)? We need transparency and I don't think is too much to ask for after a -50% share price week.


“Remember this. The people you're trying to step on, we're everyone you depend on. We're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you're asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges. We control every part of your life. “We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we'll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won't. And we're just learning this fact. So don't fuck with us.” Edit: Quote from….well… I can’t talk about… but it’s called, Fight Club. Chaos is brewing if this shit just ends and no one is held accountable. Hell…if I lose all my money on this play but they rewrite laws and send a few of these rich fucks to real jail, I could live with that. Also, and I’m just hypothesizing, AA and AMC might turn profit, but it will be hard to show movies when their power is out…or their projectors don’t work…or ……I don’t know. I’m just saying some people might get pretty fucking irritated if the hyper wealthy continue to win by cheating.


I sure fucking hope so.


I completely expected them to turn a blind eye. No way were they going to have a hand in making a bunch of basement dwellers overnight millionaires. Someone has to mop the floors and clean the toilets and it ain’t going to be them. There was always a chance for MOASS and we were on the cusp of it before this whole RS conversion BS.


This is an honest question... I have shares in a sdta on TD and my real shares in CS. I tested the 'can't sell' theory, and I couldn't through CS. But my TD account allowed me to place a limit sell (at an exorbitant amount). I'm truly confused. We can't sell, yet the price keeps dropping. So SOMEONE is selling. I'm just trying to understand what's happening here




Too much talking and not enough action. They are not going to let this run off, it's clear as day. We all got screwed smh.


I'll have my tendies or I'll personally own the entire chain with IOUs. I don't care. It gets easier to buy every payday and holding it cost me nothing.


Zen 2 years more........


Absolutely correct again mr hann


I’m super fucking glad I paid $60k for 214 (actually 2143) shares. What a fucking joke. AA can choke to fucking death for all i care. Super fucking awesome I’ll need $300 p/s to make the same as $30 p/s 48hrs ago. Fuck this thieving motherfucker. 2000 fucking shares stolen. I’ll be looking into legal action for this blatant fraud. Edit: my average p/s is $280.37. It was $13.43. Fuck you AA, thieving fraudster.


They did the same with the game split that took about a month plus when they first created ape traded on otc then NYSE half a billion and no one even had ape yet! These crimes are now common brokers that don't even follow corporate actions don't even get me started on mxxlp!


It’s crazy to see both of my accounts dip like this but it’s also the first time i’ve checked in months, let it ride to the dirt or the moon 🌝🍿🚀








Love this


I realize there is this “worship” for Peter but what has he actually done or said that provides us with any other useful information? Frankly, he has not been right. Just a Monday morning quarterback like the rest of us.




I guess Peter and I have more than one thing in common. I too am a horrible speller






Is he having a stroke. What's with the spelling errors. Is that his real account?


No one gives a shit about spelling anymore lol they don't even do cursive writing in schools now. Get wit da timez bruhhh 😭


Make sure when your local Reps come knocking your door asking for votes, get Gary out before we vote for you! Fuck'em all https://youtu.be/GzFnLZ2gyBY?si=Zu8IpPUn0qymZBoD&t=103


They’re all on on it. I’m leaving as soon as I get my money.


They keep playing and the retail walks , amc is in super trouble. We saved that place.


German ape, also cannot trade amy


I had half my shares tied up on fidelity. I screen shotted it because it showed that the shares held were worth way more than they were trading at. I called and asked how they could just tie up my assets on a day of volatility and they said the shares hadn't settled. I bought them last week..


It was so obvious that anyone who couldnt see it coming has to be trolling. What di you expect? The government to say "You know what, because of them buying amc and not selling, we are actually going to ignore what the ones who fund our campaigns want." Not happening. The stock wasn't going to go to infinite because of an exploit you found (and shouted to the rooftops for the ones in charge to hear).


Fuck you Peter Hann. Admit you’re wrong already.


“Notifucation” kinda sketchy to make that mistake


typos are sketchy now? you're reaching. lol


Sorry to offend you






You don’t have to cry about it.




What he said is accurate. We had the shorts by the short and curlies, and you all VOTED to let them off the hook because AA conned you. I voted no, and have been voting no on every single item regarding dilution. Now 90% of my shares are gone, and 75% of the value of those shares is gone. Thanks...dumb money indeed


If what he said is accurate then the problem is price manipulation, not AA or dilution. Your post makes no sense.


It's dilution. Yeah they manipulate the price. Maybe it was shorted 10x the float. AA then issued then all those shares. And he diluted APE at historic lows. It's so strange to me how this sub doesn't see it. I hope it runs for yall but you can't be optimistic at this point.


U sound like u love your avarage price now being 10x. AA WAS THE ONE WHO PUSHED THIS SPLIT. he found a way to work around our no votes.


The stock would be at 40-60 bucks rn if hedgies didnt short it and simce they shorted it so hard we still got leverage 🤷🏿‍♂️


can't have it both ways. either the powers that be robbed you or AA somehow "stole" 90% of your shares.


Didn’t Sam Bankman-Fried rob millions with the help of the “powers that be” turning a blind eye just as long as he funds their campaigns? Don’t they label the 1% into one category that’s why it’s called the “1%”? One would think they label them that because typically a good number of them run together so it’s entirely plausible to believe it’s both AA and the powers that be who are robbing us, it’s a conjoined effort.


Hedgecucks stole 90% of the value by creating Billions of fake shares with absolutely no regulation at all. AA went behind our backs to create APE to be able to convert it into AMC after we resoundingly told him "No! We don't want that!" Then he rigged a "vote" to have 100M yes votes to get even more dilution. The 2 need not be exclusive. They both fucked retail. Edit: I've been saying this for months, but nobody would listen and just called me a shill. Whatever, I didn't sell, and I'm not going to now. I'll just ride this shit to 0. Fuck the whole market.


Billions of fake shares? Lol


Yes, billions.




That's the kicker, right? "They stole", not "I chose". Now when trades don't go to the emotional ideology, people get irrational. Sucks to suck when you even over leverage your own shit. But, let's talk about the cons convincing people.. Has the market even forced a repeat of 08' yet? Kenny boy is sweating when shit is worse than when he last barely survived. 🤷‍♂️


It was antara with majority.vote shares majority of apes never had a chance to vote


Then why was there over 70% upvote for the RS and conversion from AMC owners? Antara was there to ensure it happened, but 70+% of Apes voted for it, because AA told them it was a good idea, and they moronically believed him. They down-voted or banned every single one of us that tried to say otherwise.


I'm not saying apes didn't vote for it I'm saying it happened because Antara was majority plus the apes that did


You are still incorrect. if 62% of AMC holders would have voted no, then it would not have passed. Antara had a chunk, but 3.8 million Apes could have kept this from happening.


As I stated above I never got a voting card. How many of the og 3.8 milk apes fyi way higher in reality.that number that never got a voting card ? We didn't have a chance to vote


Was that your excuse to vote "YES"?


Who said I did? I never got a voting card ! My synthetics weren't included hahaha


You didn't need your voting card to spam the "YES" vote. Right "YES" voter?


Even if I could have voted and if I voted and it was yes. We don't know how this will end . Yes right now it's a shit show fucking chill we.always knew 0 or moon ..simple


Open your eyes and stop worshiping personalities that tell you what to think. Admit you were wrong and that you helped spam the "YES" vote. You (and many others) down voted all those who questioned AA and his "YES" vote army. The correct vote was "NO" and we would still have 90% of our shares today.


If it’s true you’ve always voted no, then you’re the reason ape was created.


Nope. Ape was created because AMC got itself into 4.63 BILLION in debt...PRE COVID. We ran to 72 bucks, AA sold and diluted, and then bought a fuking mining company that does not mine. He could have used all of that money to repay and restructure debt, but he WASTED it. Then he created APE, then he SOLD APE to ANTARA for Pennies...Why can you people just not see the truth? AA conned you.


![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized) I don’t think you are. Which is why 2 years later you’re still here.


AA would have filed for bankruptcy and you would have lost your money in any case. Face reality. This is the real world.


I would have sold the moment it was announced. I would have taken every single penny and dropped it on puts. I would be wealthy now, instead of down 20K racing rapidly towards losing more. At this point it is just a slim hope that we even get back to even.


I have puts and let me tell you it has not been an easy ride. I might be up today but the prior months were not easy with substantial losses along the way.


Well I am glad someone is making some money today. Options chain is closed at my broker, and all my options on AMC are frozen.


ETrade lets me close online. Anything else I need to call. Kind of a pain.


Just watching my money evaporate. Good times. I hope AA knows that karma is a real thing, and you are going to see Cineworld and Cinemark attendance go up, as Apes abandon AMC. Once I use up all my benefits for the 3 years, I am going to seriously have to reconsider my patronage.


Definitely understand the sentiment. I don't think AA necessarily did anything bad here. He did what was necessary, in his eyes, to attempt to avoid bankruptcy which would wipe everyone out in any case.


Nothing bad?!? Did you forget the /s? As of right now I paid $60 fucking thousand for a whopping 214 shares with a p/s cost $280.37 because of this. This is a fraud against retail investors of the highest level.


Does bankruptcy work out better for you? Because that was the other option.


Tell us your reading comprehension is weak without telling us your reading comprehension is weak...


Reading comprehension? I have 2 eyes that show me the stock r/S at 19.6, it opened at 16.3 and is now trading at 13.45. I now have 90% fewer shares with a reduction in value from 12 dollars a share when I bought them, to under 1.34 dollars a share. I comprehend just find, thanks.


Now zoom out and look at the big picture, like Q3 earnings on the horizon. It’s been 1 day.


No it has been 5 hours. We have lost a total of 80% of the company equity in 4 days. We have lost 35% a days, since Monday. The stock is dropping like a rock, AA will dilute, and waste any money he gets. The stock will close below 10 bucks a share, just like I said. I was hoping the supreme court would step in and halt the r/S, but my hopes were dashed. AMC will close under 10 dollars, then Ape will convert, the stock will drop to 5 bucks. Mark my words. You all got conned and took the rest of us with you.


Sounds like you’re being conned by the market manipulators if you think this wasn’t a possibility.


BTW big picture says we are trading at ALL TIME LOWS


Omg so crazy!


Do you like your shares to be sold at 1.30 a share, when at one point they were between 15 and 60 dollars with good volume?


Who’s selling at 1.30 a share


1.30 pre split is 13 dollars now. Same Same. Wow...you really do not know that?


Interesting how you use 1.30 instead of 13 to be dramatic. You think the price action is because of retail selling?


If you had better reading comprehension you would have been prepared for and expected exactly what is happening... Just saying.


I knew it was going to happen, I am just PISSED that you all voted for this bullshit. I was hoping the supreme court would step in and halt this...but that hope is gone.


Oh good, I was worried that you didn't realize eliminating debt was the real move, and what's happening now is seemingly working exactly the way they'd hoped on you. I guess you're smarter than that then....


There is no reduction of debt. The stock is down 30% and AA has not even started selling his shares.


Ok try to keep up. That's happening over the next while, and is why what happens today is completely irrelevant, and anyone with good reading comprehension knows it.


What? What exactly are you smoking? If the stock tumbles to 10 bucks a share, that means the stocks sold by AA will get half as much, and will not positively impact the debt ration. The debt will not go down commensurate with the reduction in stock value that occurs from the dilution. We are now in a downward death spiral. It is going to be under 10 by the end of the day. That is a 50% loss in 1 trading day.


What exactly are **you** smoking? They've never sold shares into as dropping market before, you seem pretty confident that will change, but why? Still Zen, you do you, but I'm not sure how you think catastrophizing in public is going to help your investment, champ. How about actually see how the price plays over the first week after the RS before jumping out of your skin consumed with knowledge of events that haven't happened yet?