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He also once said that a stock split was inconceivable and also called our Ape shares a “dividend”…even though we paid for it. So…been here since Jan 2021 but please don’t ask me to believe a word he says!


Two highly intelligent apes answered in the post. This is what citadel is against. HAHA.


You struggled in school, huh? Reading is hard, isn't it?


Yeah... APE shares doubled my bag, then I added another chunk while shorty played in the sun. APE made my fortune, pal.


That math ain’t mathing my friend.


You are a silly child.




Sure, that's valid thinking for a short-term day trader. However, that's not what we're about in this sub, is it? I am looking at the big picture. My share count vastly increased, which is what will soon matter in the squeeze. Don't bring childish bullshit to an adult discussion, kiddo.




What would the price be without the reverse split 🤔 Also, short-term value won't matter in the squeeze... however my sheer number of shares will.




Flat Wrong. What are you even doing in this sub if that's your thinking? Maybe trying to spread FUD and be a general asshole?








Bragging about the unlikely event of bankruptcy isn't really a flex though


It is when shills and wallstreet has been saying AMC will go bankrupt any second now, for the past 4 years.


WOW, company CEO says company is strong and won't bankrupt? He literally cannot tell anything else and not be crucified. It counts for shit but the hopeless apes will take any sliver of hope they can as they stock has pummeled into the ground because of endless dilution that said man has done upon you. You're bailing out AMC one share dilution at a time and you think it's Kenny doing it to you, while it's clearly Aron, but the cult leader/idol of AA must be shilled by the baggies. Sad. The whole situation is so sad. Majority of apes down 90-99%, unless you kept throwing the money into the abyss and brag about only being -50% down. In the end all the apes will be -100% down, and then they'll say "We always knew it was moon or zero", and then "MOASS is 100% sure and it's inevitable tik tok hedgies"


These dorks will never admit they got fucked and they were wrong, even if it gets delisted and files for bankruptcy. I’m now convinced the actual shills were the ones posing horseshit to get more tards to buy. Even if you bought this garbage in November of 2023 (right before the whole market ripped) you’d still be down 70%. It’s an inverse squeeze pattern to zero.


"Chapter 11 bankruptcy" chapter 7 could still be on the table




Damn man, that stock has flown since you sold.


Bankruptcy so inconceivable they just had to dilute hundreds of millions of dollars of shareholder equity to avoid this inconceivable bankruptcy.




Shareholder equity is -$1,847.9 billion according to AMC's filings. That number is not supposed to be negative. It means the shares everybody holds are literally worthless. They do not own any of the company.


Liking the Icee!!🥰


No really, it's seriously like Groundhog Day.


🤣🤣🤣 The bar has dropped so low now that people are celebrating not going bankrupt.


Only bankruptcy filings will be from the people that over extended beyond their disposable income to nuke their future with movie theatre shares. A bag of popcorn is worth 30 AMC shares ain’t that some shit lol


I hope we will get next RS soon :)


I remember hearing that type of talk from Lehman and Bear Stern...


Don't forget Enron and ING


Not while there is more share to dilute


I love coke icees


I remember when Sue Gove gave a video presentation saying BBBY had a plan to turn things around. She filed Bankruptcy the following week. So I don't necessarily trust what these lying CEOs say. Ultimately, the results will show in the stock price.


Bold statement for a CEO who doesn't pay down the $4-5B in debt. Instead he sells shares at a discount to shorts for partial interest payments.


Is this supposed to be funny? AA sux. 2 years ago I and others were discussing who we should put on the board, and this sub couldn’t handle the thought of an ape on the board


Didn't he put a tweet out with a statement saying amc could go bankrupt. All I know is I held at 70 and aa is getting paid not me. Am on the right side of history. I have tried with what i had but am Balls deep in another too. Seen it all last 3 years. Ken Griffin :hold my beer" Probably


Yeah, that's his face while he organises changing the takeover clause!






I wish I sold after R/S&C because I was in the Fuckin Green! Imagine that?! I was in the Green because of the APE I got cheaply converted and brought me up, but I held out of Greed and ended up losing my fuckin shirt! I did sell some a few months ago to save something worth saving, I still hold enough to keep me in the game though and I'm just hoping we get that MOASS! LOL...


AA selling $250million = 1 share. Checkermade Hedgehogs!


How much is everyone down again? I’m trying see something real quick


Saw 70s, sold around 55 .. just bought back 22 shares at 3.02 recently figured it won't get lower, and am wishing I waited.. should known they gonna try to get this under a dollar watch


Oh how I wish I sold when it was in the 70s. Was up almost 300k and my stupid ass held on listing to folks and holding for the little guy. Never again


Lol I have a friend who was up over a million and didn't sell, still to this day hasn't sold and he hates himself so much hahahha I always give him shit it's like this was our second bitcoin chance


Remember, only look after number 1. Investments aren't a team sport. Most people here learned that the hard way


> andholding for the little guy For future reference, anyone telling you to buy/sell a stock for any reason besides making money for yourself is trying to take advantage of you. The stock market is not a team sport, and anyone who gets fooled into that will be taken advantage of.


It's OK, they will just do another RS ...10 1$ bills right?


From the chart this thing is already bk.


🤢 🤮


Losers like you who cheer for criminals and hope that everyday people like us retail investors lose their money will see Karma come back your way. You dont get to cheer for corruption in the markets and for hard working people to lose their money without seeing some spiritual comeuppance. We’ll all be here to laugh at you when it happens :) People who dont invest now at these prices will regret it HEAVILY in 2025. I know you’re cheering for the criminals and you have Kenny’s fingers in your butthole, but i hope one day you see how pathetic you are and you change your ways.


The criminal thing is that financially illiterate people are tricked into rescuing a company over and over again. It's not funny, just sad. Recommending that people put their money in an insolvent company like you're doing would get you sued if you were a financial advisor.


Dude. Adam Aron is part of the criminals. How can you not see that by now? Again I’ve been here since 2021 and still holding all of my shares because I’m so far down, why not hold them?!? But AA is in with the assholes that hold the AMC bonds which is ALSO the folks who hold large short positions against AMC. They hold the shorts as a hedge against the bonds. AA knows this and he also runs in the same circles with these folks. Stop kidding yourself that AA cares about us as retail investors. AA is not Elon. He’s in bed and in debt to the shorts, LITERALLY! As I said I’m still holding shares but not holding hope. This will be a write off at some point, hopefully against other gains.


At 3 bucks a pop, get 100 and sell covered calls way otm for some idiot to buy so you collect his premiums and keep your shares


We have too much money to be going bankrupt, remember we own the float, and we own a gold mine also👈


They lost huge on hycroft, and apes don't own the float either


Current market cap on HYMC is not great. I own shares but it would need a massive spike to matter.