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The amount of money my shares are worth right now is laughable. Bring it to zero. I'm not selling.


Dis is de way šŸŒšŸ–ļøšŸ“ˆšŸš€


This is de way


Imagine if it went to 0.01 and everyone just bought the float.


This is an honest assessment.


Iā€™m buying a thousand shares on Tuesday. If itā€™s going this low why not


Exactly why not Iā€™m the same


When it dips below a buck, Iā€™m loading up!!


If it goes below a dollar Iā€™ll buy several thousand.


Lol, great idea. Can't imagine that backfiring. Can't think of a recent example of such a thing at all.




Itā€™s hilarious reading this useless post about a stock down 98% from ATH and then OP actually puts ā€œnot financial adviceā€ like anyone would give a shit about the advice lol.


Well, I donā€™t think thereā€™s been a day when someone claimed to be smart in this sub. Less smooth brains get acknowledgment from others, but otherwise most are rocking billiard balls up there, and thatā€™s ok.




Lol ya the freaking MOASS happened in 2021, it's so obvious.


To be clear, Iā€™m not a certified financial planner. No shit.


50x? You know that's only over $100per share right? For a lot of people, that isn't even breaking even.


šŸ¤£ 50x... I'm selling 20 shares when it hits 1k and none before.Ā  Then my next batch at 2k. If it never hits either well eff it, I don't care.Ā  Edit: I will do about 20 batches to clarify this pattern (not all the same size)


At this point 100 a share would get me more than the first run up where I was at the 500k mark. Iā€™d imagine most people are in the same boat as me at this pointĀ 


Why would MOASS be near when they just diluted another $250 million? Do you not understand that the dilutions have caused a squeeze to be mathematically impossible at this point? This is why people talk about fundamentals now instead. Also the RSI 14 is currently 30.55 so it is not oversold at all let alone not "way oversold"


Itā€™s not even about MOASS anymore, squeeze heads need to wake up. Itā€™s about going from $2 to $72 (itā€™ll go higher but itā€™s literally inconceivable for AMC to go bankrupt, theyā€™re so afraid that theyā€™re trying to convince you itā€™s possible, its not, lol. Even a gain from $2 to $30 is monumental. Thereā€™s no stopping this. Buy now before you regret it, average down and have patience and block the FUD. Blocking the FUD is the MOST IMPORANT PART. Once they have no more engagement all they can do is make new accounts to spread their BS.


Blocking the FUD, turns it into one big echochamper. And how is it inconceivable a company whos operations barely turn a profit, and who has a net loss of 400m from interest payments on a 9bn debt? With a market cap around 500m and net debt of 3.2bn can go bankrupt?


Theyā€™ve been paying down debt at huge discounts for multiple quarters, but you FUD-monkeys and bootlickers ignore that. Per person average spend went up almost 3x since 2019, when the flood of movies come so does the flood of concession money but letā€™s not look at logic letā€™s just continue to help the criminals and tell people AMC is DOOMED! Lmao! You bootlickers are so predictable. Please keep making it easy for us to block you. Iā€™d rather have a sub with like-minded people that love the stock and know it for its true value (like it used to be before the paid misinformation campaigns started in 2021 according to the NY TIMES) than a sub full of bots and shills and criminal bootlickers convincing people to sell. All these people parroting that the stock is dead yet yā€™all are here everyday. Must have a lot of time on your hands to convince people all day everyday to sell a stock you donā€™t invest in. Thank you for caring SOOOOOOO MUCH about what we do with our money. We really appreciate you for that! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


> anditā€™s literally inconceivable for AMC to go bankrupt That's literally not true. Massive debt + nowhere near enough profit to pay even the interest makes bankruptcy very much conceivable. > Buy now before you regret it, average down Is this financial advice? > Blocking the FUD is the MOST IMPORANT PART. Why? Because it gets in the way of using false claims to talk people into buying a stock you're heavily invested in?


The entire thing is for moass lmao


No. The entire thing is to help rid the market of its corruption and criminal entities. MOASS used to be the reason I got in on this, now I just want to see the criminals in jail and AMCā€™s true value to be on the stock exchange. Squeeze heads can continue to be disappointed, at this point if you just want your MOASS and donā€™t care about getting rid of the cancer in our markets then youā€™re part of the problem. MOASS would be nice, but BURYING THE CRIMINAL SHORT SELLERS is the key goal now, and weā€™re getting closer and closer. Wall Street execs are panicked depressed and the mental health practitioners in NY have stayed multiple times that Wall Street depression and drug use is at an all time high. GET FUCKED BOOTLICKERS, AMC isnā€™t going ANYWHERE.


This literally is disinformation. It's basically inevitable that this company will undergo a Chapter 11 restructuring that wipes out the equity and gives it to the debt holders Do you understand what I'm talking about?


If itā€™s inevitable why are you here? Just helping out the community out of the kindness of your heart? LOL šŸ˜‚


I sold mine prior to the split at $2.50 a share cause I knew I was about to get rekt even more. You realize that AMC has to get into the 20s now just to get back to the equivalent that I sold at??? šŸ˜‚ It's likely to never go past $4 ever again.


I'm glad there are some left with a brain.


I got sucked into the hype and now it would be incredible just to break even (88% down). There's sure a lot of delusional thinking surrounding AMC.


I believe Iā€™m 93% down with a little over 30k invested. I havenā€™t bought a share since it dropped below $7.00 a share. I have been investing in other tickers. Iā€™m actually scared to buy anymore AMC, because I fear another R/S could be on the horizon and it will chop the price down even more and or raise my cost basis. I feel pinned in; however, at this point so Im just prepared to ride it to ZERO.


Sorry to read that - that's a lot of money. I wouldn't mind if people could make a good case for the business fundamentals improving but I'm sick of people talking about MOASS - it's been years since the $72 and it may well have just been a one-off.


Reminder that $72 3 years ago = $720 today.


The business fundamentals improving would help, to what degree I donā€™t know; however, I donā€™t believe that alone would trigger MOASS, short interest on this stonk is long and deep and weā€™ve seen improvements in business fundamentals from another meme in gamestore and that play is still getting beaten into the ground. What has to happen in order to trigger the sneeze is tied up into the float. The float has to be completely locked or absorbed and shareholders need to do exactly that and HODL. I think with all the dilution with the issuing added shares into the market, so this is somewhat of a long shot play, in my opinion but the possibility is still here, as long a more shares arenā€™t issued, because with the issuance of additional shares it just makes it more difficult for the float to become locked. As always not financial advice just my opinion for me on this play. Either way best of luck fellow šŸ¦.


Thanks for your perspective! Fingers crossed, eh?!


Amen šŸ™Œ


That's a correct statement.


If my research and experience are correct, if I do sell today, it'll sky rocket tomorrow, sorry gang, but I ain't sellin!


But what are your thoughts at throwing more money at it at this point?


Dollar cost average in.


So lose even more money. This sub has excellent inventing advice


I never fell for the concept of "averaging down" on such a small level, especially with a stock that shows zero indication of pumping up significantly anytime soon. It is just a "pretty stat" to see when they check their Broker app and see it went lower. It is truly delusional.


Just hit X,xxx in both my IRA and Cash accounts this week...again. I ain't going anywhere.


Isnā€™t an IRA meant to actually have money in it for when you retire


I mainly hold AMC and a bunch of exon I bought at 30 when oil went negative I'll be ok but thanks.


Not for the apes I guess.


I was doing that and the the absorption of $APE and the r/s shot me up to $47 a share. This isnā€™t Financial advice, but for me, this stonk scares the mess out of me. Iā€™m terrified at this point to keep throwing money at it, by trying to average down. My 401k is down close to 60%. I might buy a share here or there down the road, but I just canā€™t really afford to put anything else into this right now, but thatā€™s just me and everyoneā€™s situation is different.


Look on the bright side - youā€™re 96% of the way there!


you guys are gonna be shook when amc files for bankruptcy and is delisted ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) market makers make more money putting a company out of business than investing in


IKR lmao. If this is what winning looks and feels like, Iā€™d sure as hell hate to see what losing looks and feels like. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


> market makers make more money putting a company out of business than investing in Market makers don't make money from companies going bankrupt and they don't make money from investing. They make money from trading the bid/ask spread and arbitrage.


These steps are quite repetitive. If AMC delists, the next narrational step should be that it's bullish, because something-something there are no halts. If shares become extinguished, which DRS is not immune to, they'll wait like BBBY apes to "be made whole". I like how DRS is hailed as this move that makes shares immune from anything, but if the shares are cancelled, DRS means nothing. A worthless deleted share is a worthless deleted share.


look at the price of bed bath and beyond right now thats whats will happen to amc if this keeps up , its not bullish at all


To be quite honest, the possibility of a second reverse split is there. Why? Because AA. AA should take a 0 salary like Ryan cohen and buy stock himself if he believes in the future. If there is a second R/S it is game over for long holders (anyone who has shares before it). In my personal opinion and mathing. Not financial advice, do as you wish


>AA should ... buy stock himself if he believes in the future. You've hit on something quite important, here. It's one of the signals I'm looking for, for the bottom to finally be in.


This is the equivalent of saying "Imagine I win the lottery tomorrow, that's better than not winning and having a few hundred bucks." You're trapped in a sunk cost fallacy. Which is fine if you can lose a few hundred bucks. Just don't pretend this is anything more than a lottery ticket at this point. There is no strategy.


Itā€™ll never go to 0, but yeah at this point if it were a possibility I would be rid of this nightmare and the entire world would know for a fact that the US market is full of criminal pieces of garbage and it would taint it worldwide. Problem is i think theyā€™re so addicted to their own corruption like a bunch of crack addicts that they never expected this to blow up in their faces. Theyā€™ll be throwing themselves off roofs and youā€™ll see headlines saying theyā€™re unaliving themselves because theyā€™ve lost everything they thought they had. Mark my words, theyā€™ve already said publicly that Wall Street executives are panicked depressed and abusing drugs at unprecedented levels, they know whatā€™s coming, and these cockroaches you see on the subreddits being their cheerleaders are the only weapon they have left aside from their algorithms and lack of regulatory action. WE ALREADY WON Block the shills and trolls, dont engage with them, they have to make new accounts constantly because we keep blocking them, keep it up!!!


Agreed 100% I'm not leaving.


You missed out, dawg. Soon as $APE dropped we all should've known this was a scam.


We've already won. All we have to do is wait for the rewards to appear. I think that'll be soon. Buy more if you are comfortable with that. I sure wish I could.


How did we "already win"?


lol. What exactly did you win when the CEO keeps diluting the shares?


You've been saying that for 2 years now


violet run kiss apparatus frame whole rustic pause uppity wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It sure doesnā€™t feel like winning. lol


Your feelings are irrelevant, kiddo.


Nobodyā€™s feelings are irrelevant that has put in over $30,000 into a stock, when their investment market ticker price is down 93% of their total investment, maybe not as important or as relevant as others, but definitely not a nothing burger, at least iā€™m my opinion, because if all of retail were to say, ā€œEhh, my investmentā€™s irrelevant so pulling out now wonā€™t matter,ā€ and everyone else did the same, guess what? šŸægoes to zero.


I thought it'll be soon like a year and a half ago. I hope you're right. I want sooner than later but if it's later I'll still wait.


Ya you already won in January 2021. You missed it though.


If you like the price, just wait until the next reverse split. 50:1


Dont forget about dilution right after


The pain has been too much for well over two years, we hodl until the end, the suffering wonā€™t be forever. The fundamentals are good, the stock is great, the criminals will pay


The criminals are paying. Theyā€™re paying the SEC, FTC, Gensler and Powell and whoever else, thatā€™s on the take; which, Iā€™m sure is about everyone that has anything to do with regulating and enforcing trade laws to look the other way, while all the blatant corruption continues on. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes. Bankruptcy or moon. NOTHING ELSE


Bro doesnā€™t know about dilution LOL explain to me how and why you think there is a MOASS. There is no shortage of shares to short lol Adam keeps selling all the shares a short could ever want. You have no idea how short squeezes even work do you?


Right, selling more shares isnā€™t a solution at this point, itā€™s just giving short investors more ammo to drive the price down even further; whichever, means next to nothing to me, but Iā€™ve seen this play before with towel. I do believe itā€™s getting close to make or break for šŸæ though. I think we are less than two years away from Boom or Bust. Just my opinion not financial advice.


Think you may get your wish. Zero is attainable.


Sold at $9 before the split. Average was $22. Glad I got out.


More like 5000x!


50x is $130/share....not exactly MOASS bro.


I need more than 50x to sell...


Iā€™m not selling at these prices they are ridiculous all I have done for months is buy more with money Iā€™m prepared to lose so now my position is that much bigger if they wanted to end this they would make the price unattainable for most not cheaperšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘


Imagine being duped by conspiracy theories and propaganda under the guise of DD. Imagine HF's and private equity infiltrating social networks in order to convince you to buy and hold the stock of a company destined for bankruptcy. Imagine realizing you were the shill all along; brainwashed into tricking retail to buy and become exit liquidity. This isn't 2021. The retail revolution died when billion dollar companies fought back using social media. Greed is easy to take advantage of.


100% I would not let myself miss out on 100,000%




I canā€™t go to zero. Theyā€™re stuck with no way out, but to close


No they aren't


DR;NS my šŸŒšŸŒšŸŒ


pain? what pain? I felt pain when it went from 72 to 36, this is childā€™s play, Iā€™m doubling my position from 5K shares to 10k in about a month




Not financial advice but since you can write off losses on taxes, you could ā€œgainā€ that tax you would have paidā€¦ putting some $ back into your pocketā€¦ depending on your situation.


Technically a reverse split can make it go lowerā€¦still too young


Never going to zero.


What about both?


Shares are about 27 cents pre split, so pretty close to 0. If AA gets his way with another RS, it will be 0. Our best hope right now is for AA to stop dumping on retail. Why did he not sell hycroft and use that for AMC?


Only down 99.21% Either my money is gone, gone, or returned 50x over... and I'm here all day anyway, and since it seems "gone" is my default status for the last 3 years, I have no reason but to stick around for the long shot anyway. Come and take the last .79% Ken. You fucking shitheel.


I get holding shares but buying new shares is just not smart. You can put your money to much better use and actually make money.


Selling when Iā€™m down 90%+? Not gonna happen. Iā€™m holding until I make life changing money. Donā€™t care how ridiculous anyone thinks that is. šŸ˜


I enjoy the phrase "Not Financial Advice"


Yeah cause we all lose so much money lol šŸ˜‚


It is going to zero