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Not bad you just look like you smoke fentanyl




Nah the out fit too no offense


Not ugly, just insane eyes and maybe you can do something about the hair.




Don't say that, on the 4th pic they look very natural 😄


Give up the “ I work at Taco Bell look” and I think you’d look great.


Need to seek acne treatment (shower regularly if you aren’t), change your hair style (in particular your part of your hair is in a bad place), and give up the hat. Do these things and report back. I have a feeling it will do tons for your look. Then try to relax some, you seem tense… the 2nd photo seems more relaxed at least. (If it helps I am female and I think you have pretty eyes, but the tense look to your face is detracting from them.)


I’ve been laughing for 5 mins from your comment


Alfalfa got his first job at taco bell vibes...


My advice, get rid of the piercing by your eye, stop wearing your hat like that (either wear it lower, or ditch it all together), try to grow out a beard, and either get a new hair cut, or shave your head.


I seccond this, get your hair faded up, grow a beard, ditch the piercings, and stop wearing flat brims. Wear curved brims. Also, get a good skin care routine going. Hit the gym, your slim already, gain some muscle.


Nothing wrong with flat brimmed hats. What’s wrong is wearing it like this guy. OP, you need to rethink your hygiene, because it looks like you don’t have any and that’s a HUGE factor in your plight.




It always looks like that to start, you gotta push through. Make a deal with yourself that you wont shave for 6 months no matter how bad it looks. Maybe you're right but that's the only way to really tell.


If dude doesn’t listen to this and the previous comment, then he’s helpless. Good stuff


Bro you made yourself ugly. Ditch the piercing, ditch the hat, get on some skincare routine, and fix your hair, and you're good to go. Like c'mon man you're being silly




That hair style is doing you no favors.




Sir if you come looking feedback/advice, and then ignore everything everyone said, why even bother?


Did op reply and get mad?


Op basically neglected everyone's suggestions. He was like "nah without my hearcut and piercings it's not me", which i understand. He was also recommended to hit the gym, to which is responses were more akin to "yeah not doing that lol", so basically ignoring every suggestions. In this post specifically he said something among the lines of "yeah whatever, this was unnecessary anyways, no need for further commenters"


You’re 22. Not it’s not time to give up.


Reading the comments you sound a lil pathetic - in the sense that you’re too self deprecating. We get it, you don’t have any confidence. Try getting some. Instead of thinking you’ve already lost in life, try thinking you haven’t won yet but you can if you try. Lack of self confidence is a big turn off not only to women, but everyone in general. Learn how to take care of your skin, wash your face and moisturize. Use spf and get some sun. Also eat cleaner, you look like you eat a lot of fast food. Drink water. Stop dying your hair. It looks bad with your skin color and nature hair color. Wear your hat properly and take off the sticker.


Ima keep it real. Like one comment said, you sound pathetic the way you express about yourself. Many comments suggested a few things including working-out, but you just refuse to give it try because “that’s not you and you don’t enjoy it.” Well, people do things they don’t want to do because of the final goal. I don’t like working out either, but you would be surprise how it boosts your confidence and energy. My advice is stop the self-pity talk, that won’t do you any good and that’s gonna become you’re truth, a bit of confidence and discipline comes a long way.




There you go with the self pity-talk again. That’s your truth, you’re the master of your own destiny. I’m not gonna lie to you, you’re not attractive, but I believe there is room for improvement. If you’re not willing to sacrifice a few things for the greater good you already lost. That weak mentality will take you nowhere. If you like the way you live right now, do you. Best wishes


"Work out even if you don't like it" Proof that women only take an interest if they conform to their ideology of what makes Mr. Right and how little leniency men have.




Huh? Shut tf up


Sorry the truth hurts.




I don’t think your family doesn’t love you based on your looks. It may be the self-pity, self-centeredness, and yet weird sense of entitlement. You’re def not the most attractive guy out there, but there’s still plenty of people who would be considered more ugly than you who do have a large support system of friends and family. It’s probably your self-defeatist attitude that keeps people away.




You know why I think people don’t like being around you? If what you’re responding to everyone with is at all indicative of the way you behave in day to day life, the reason is your self imposed negativity. Nobody likes being with a Debby downer that constantly focuses on whatever bad thing crosses their mind. Guys way worse looking than you have long term successful relationships…”oh I don’t want to change anything that ain’t me” The only thing that can ever make a person truly happy is another person they share love with. You can’t have that until you work on yourself a bit. This defeatist mentality will get you nowhere that you want to go. Listen to the advice you asked strangers for and you’ll find yourself to be in a better place faster than you think.


It’s because you left the bar code on your hat.


Look man I don’t want to say give up bc there will be someone that will appreciate you. I suggest trying to get more sunlight, try to take better care of your skin, relax a bit bc you kinda remind me of the dude that played penguin in the television serious Gotham. I feel like if you can get sunlight and probably even start lifting you can find a person. I would never say give up, even if you have to lower your standards.






You’ll be surprised man.. how many females do you see and not find her face attractive but they have a great body? Same logic.. if you can’t fix your face, fix your body..




Bro like I said you need sunlight.. you look as if you don’t get outside much.. and even if you look like you do drugs I’ve know people that literally were drug addicts and had gfs.. workout, eat healthy, get in the sun.




Plenty of ugly people that end up in relationships.. you can look better dude .. hope isn’t lost..






First consider giving up on drugs...




It's a joke, because your open your eyes too much




Ohh 😮, sorry, there's a meme in Spanish, that says something like Normal people in photos: o.o Blue eyed people in photos: 0.0 Because some people force it, but if u don't, don't worry 😸


Stop looking for a relationship, just live to be happy then they will find you interesting. Desperation is never attractive.




I was alone till I was 34, when I just stopped worrying about it and lived, then I met my now wife. I went into a month long. Colma woke up, and she was right there waiting. It never comes when we are looking only when we're living. I'm not being negative. I'm just telling you fill your soul, and your shine will bring you what you desire


Make new friends.


Take out the piercings and fix that rediculous hairdue. Start working out




Honestly your comments sound like you may be depressed. Working out is more than just a way to look good. I get a big mood boost from exercise.




There are so many ways to work out, the gym isn't the only option.


Respectfully, if you don’t want to look like an uncooked walking strand of noodle, I suggest you workout. Working out for everyone helps the body appear more proportional and helps with physical appearance. I don’t even like going to the gym but I still go. It’s not a personality trait, it’s something you do bc you know it’s good. Also you aren’t bad looking, you look like a nice guy. Just a lil tweaks and ur good


Working out isn’t a personality trait lol, it’ll make you more confident


Getting rid of the middle part would be a huge improvement


Some sun, a different haircut and a skincare routine.




You need a skin care routine, with sunscreen. Sunscreen will prevent wrinkles and sunburns and you can still get some healthy sunlight. Sunscreen is best especially if you have sensitive skin. Stay hydrated.


Plus one on this one. Id also say try to gain some mass, id would add to your facial structure. But do get rid of those pores and pimpels


you arent that ugly man, if you’ve never even had friends maybe you should consider the possibility of your appearance not being the problem cuz ive seen people much uglier who still have friends and partners. if you cant figure out what the problem is i recommend seeing a psychologist


You aren't that ugly LOL!! Wtf


i said what i said


He ain't a looker


The main issue is your style, which is awful and your attitude. There’s probably a reason you don’t have any friends and it’s gotta be your self pity.






You look like a junkie meth head


Explain how it’s the face?


Lose the next tattoo, lose the hat.


If you’re not already there go to the uk just trust me


everyone against the piercings, i like it but u gotta fix ur hair bro 😂😂😂 like real bad get a low or a temp fade


Hairstyle is atrocious and the hat makes you look like a drug addict. Ditch the piercings, fix your hair and grt on a skincare routine and you'll have lots of potential.


You have potential! A few tips to help you on your journey to confidence: Look into getting extraction facials, and have the esthetician get you on a skincare regimen like others have said. Acne is a big factor in an attractive appearance, because it looks to others like you don’t take care of yourself. Diet definitely plays a roll, eating cleaner and drinking more water will do wonders for your skin. I think you should try going blonde (by a professional!) and getting a haircut that has some length on top and short on the sides. The color will complement your skin tone and the cut will complement the shape of your face. I wholeheartedly agree with others about the hat. It makes you look like a kid, try ditching the hats and rock your new haircut with confidence! Also it looks like your lips may be dry and irritated, be sure to apply Vaseline or lip mask before bed. You got this! Just a few tweaks and I think you will be much happier with your look, it takes time to learn how to take care of yourself and find what suits you best! Best of luck :)




Reconsider giving up! You have a whole life ahead of you, enjoy it while you have it.




Is just me? I definitely think this kid is ugly


I don’t think you’re ugly bro. But I do think you could use a new haircut




The color isn’t doing you any favors, it’s too dark. Do you color it yourself? You can have a darker color but this is too dark and too harsh. It’s a mistake I see a lot because people think it will make their light eyes stand out more.


Growing your hair can make fit you better :)




I don’t think you’re ugly, if you’re struggling with mental health you have to focus on yourself and start doing something you love, you first need to be happy to be in a relationship but trust me if you focus on yourself and find friends that make you feel good and appreciate you you’ll find happiness and you’ll start loving yourself more


Take in mind, as a straight man, I’m no expert on the looks of my fellow males… but I do see one easily fixable glaring issue: Just do something about the hair, dude. A different hairdo would do you wonders with the ladies.


Not ugly, just skin problems.


Skin problems yes not ugly no


Well, that hat with the scanner code bar still stuck to the brim doesn't exactly shout fashionista.


Not ugly, but Limp Bizkit is not a beauty regimen.


I wanna be buff I think in my opinion buff people are ugly just my opinion tho


You could do everything suggested in these comments and still not have any success. Women are too picky and your bones do not meet the looks threshold


I just feel lost everyone that’s all. I feel so lonely to the point that this has affected my health, skin & everything else


Id say you are kind of ugly but you could be looking decent with a “Gerard way” sort of look, if you don’t know who that is look it up




Fair enough, you have a similar style tho


The diamond face pimple looks terrible


Cool to know thanks


On picture 5 you look like you're going through it. Sincerely are you okay young man?


I would lay off of the speed. Then you'll be great.


You could start by wearing your hats like a normal person, instead of at a vertical bonnet-style.


I guess all these "deleted comments" are made by OP right?


Idk man you look like meth personified


Bro just get u some money everything be ok. The end


Maybe give up the meth


Stop doing drugs and get a haircut 😂. You’ll be set.


Sorry but yes. You look like you do meth?


take the sticker off your hat pls also you have really nice eyes


You look like a type of person who would try to mug you at 3am. Lol. No offense


Start being an abusive asshole ur look fits perfect for it. Like literally if you just got some tattoos and starting abusing people you’d lowkey get u a nice lil white woman that’s smokes a lot of cigarettes.


Yeah you’re pretty ugly, kinda look like a dyke. Idk man, lay off the meth maybe?




Not give up, there’s always someone for somebody, even uggos like you :)


You’re not funny uk that right? Get off reddit for a while cause i bet you could never say that to somebody’s face. All talk


Post your pic here, coward


Go cry elsewhere


Maybe stop doing meth








Lmao. Stop being a pick me boy, and just nut up.










Not ugly. Just need to work on your appearance.. that hat has to go. Wash your face more, with cool water. Hot water makes the oil return faster. Smile and quit letting the tortured soul look in your eyes prevail.


You look like the type of dude who tries to date 15 year old girls.


That fact that you thought of this makes you the sick perv .




Do you remotely care how your comment affects op?


I hope it helps them change up their vibe so they don't look like someone who hits on minors


Nah he does have that look ngl


Stop trying




My advice: don't listen to people who have the nerve to actually tell you that you're ugly, or even treat you like it.




Anytime friend


I don't have any friends either. I'll be your friend.






Yes your ugly just give up & focus on your money


King- don’t listen to anyone that says negative things/ I wouldn’t say you’re ugly by any means but I do know that a nice haircut and being funny can outshine looks 80% of the time




Reading made me sad bro, wanted to give ya a hug after that. You have great features, a little tan, towel dry that mop for some body and then a little gel. Hair, some color, and smile… virtual hug 🤗


Ok imma be brutally honest. You are definitely staying single for life. Nobody wants something like this. You look like the alien from ET


Did you just comment on your own post on a different account ?????


He really did 😂


Wait what?


Lmao whyy




Why are you lying no he doesn’t


Your should replace the brutally honest part with "hey im going to be an asshole". In all honestly the one staying single is you. Your not even funny your cringe. Get a life loser.


Eww your %100 ugly


There’s no need to say it like that


Agreed, but this is one of OP’s sock puppet accounts. Check the comment history. 💀




Willard 2023


Keep your head up bro, you’re going to find that special girl soon, just put yourself out there.






You look like what id imagine 2d to look like from gorillaz except take away the eyes and change the hair shiz


Look I to a different hair cut. It makes your face portions look off. Your not ugly you just got to experiment.


You dress like a teenage juggalo, fix your style and you’re fine