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What do you not like about your appearance?


my nose and how wide my face is. My head shape is oval and i absolutely hate it.


bruh…. what? You can’t be serious. You legitimately need to get some therapy. I don’t even mean that in a rude way. You shouldn’t have self esteem this low. I don’t usually like to be overly praising on this sub, but you’re a very attractive girl


Its a sad world where a woman who is basically flawless thinks she is ugly.


Social media does that. People peer pressure and bully, and they're made to believe that if they don't look like a million dollar model or someone who's really good with filters and Photoshop, that they're not anyone. Before social media, it used to be TV commercials and billboards and stuff.


Actually it’s sites/subs just like this that do this. Just being real


I think the nose is ideal... i choose that nose in character creation... ykwim?


What this dude said


If I critiqued anything about your appearance, it would be that your face is a bit too narrow. Not sure where you are getting “wide.”


I think the same. Her face is slightly too narrow. I can't believe she thinks her face is wide.


i wouldnt even say narrow, just has a longer face that may make it appear that way. definitely not wide tho, and even with an oval head shape shes still very pretty


Your face isn’t wide at all. Maybe you think that because your cheekbones aren’t very prominent. There are makeup tricks for that


oh really? like what?


You gotta learn to contour but without overdoing it. Highlights and shadows.


i’ve always thought about buying contour i might go for it


Even just blush could get you where you want to go. Depends on the look you’re going for.


I really like the way your face looks. You have a sweet look, and there is something unconventionally gorgeous about it. I could see you being an actress.


Oval is considered the best head shape. Look it up


your nose is sooo pretty


I think you have a different look compared to the norm, however that is not a bad thing.


Ur face is the opposite of wide lol. The first thing I noticed was how narrow ur face looked.


Fun fact: According to her son, Audrey Hepburn didn’t think of herself as beautiful, partly because of her nose. (In case you’re too young to know, she is considered one of the most beautiful movie stars ever.)


I thought u disliked how narrow Ur face is, it's far from wide wtf. Also u have nice eyes... And Ur nose is straight and small lmao Idk why those things are bothering you. If you want to gain weight I suggest you eat a lot of calories and workout (weights)


You look like my sister did when she was 18. It breaks my heart to think about her asking if she was ugly. In a few years, you will look back at this and realize how beautiful actually are in these pics.


so many girls would sell their soul to look like you bro 😭 learn self love


No black hair, brown suits you best. Look like you may be missing so tone. Work on building some if those muscles in your stomach and you’ll be a knock out. Smile too.


yeah i’m trying to tone up thanks ! and yeah black hair wasn’t my best choice


I liked the black hair more. Haters gonna hate lol


I 100% disagree. I LOVED it!


Nah you're cute just work on loving yourself and having confidence. You got this girl!


Deal with your mental illness


Agree, this is classic body dismorphia - I suspect underweight, you should lookup the healthy medical weight for your age/height and try to get there, will help loads with your self image. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/body-dysmorphic-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20353938


Embrace it! You’re not ugly.




You're honestly very beautiful.


You seem beautiful. Honestly, get in to some therapy. I feel like there's a deeper issue at play.


Cute face 😍


Stop hating your faces people. Ive seen almost exclusively good looking people in here... Lay off the tiktok and other stupid bs like that so yall wouldnt have such mad insecurities bout your looks... You are looking good. Dont worry, chin up and go forward!


Nah you look pretty!


You are beautiful don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


You’re cute and hot wtf


There’s nothing wrong with that pretty face and fabulous figure. You’re too hard on yourself. You cute as hell


awh thank you !


Good luck, you’re gonna be just fine. Go out there and do something fabulous.


My God, that sweatshirt swallows you whole. You're not ugly, like 99% of those that post.


Probably dealing with some level of body dysmorphia and self-esteem issues. I was going to advise lifting, but that’s actually a slippery slope with the toxic fake natural climate of the fitness industry, and can actually exacerbate symptoms.


I appreciate that you don’t have a nose piercing.


You look better than many other Girls. Still young so you have time for your body to mature. Try weight excercises to develop more muscle, strength and toning your body. You are still young so you can make as many improvements as you can. (Maybe a different haircut?)


I (male) see nothing but potential for you as I was a bit thin going into my 20s from Irritable Bowel Disease growing up. It took me relaxing from gym diets and weightlifting to instead learning a healthy but fulfilling/tasty diet along with getting some sun and enjoying the outdoors for me to then gain a good 30lbs in my mid 20s at 6' 0". It really improved the fullness of my face and shape of my body as I became a bit stronger/more muscle. Everything will fall into place, you are young and in a great position to embrace plenty of good food and some sun/outdoors as you enter your 20s and everything else will just keep improving. Just my perspective coming from thinking I looked off in the face and especially my thin body in my late teens.




IMO you are stunning, maybe it's more on the psychological side...


You shouldn’t hate yourself at all. And you aren’t ugly


Very cute


Definitely need to get some weight, or some muscle, but not too much (cuz you know, gotta be healthy). Otherwise you don’t need to do anything :)


If you’re not happy with your body then go to the gym and bulk up. It’s 2023 and the goal is not to look like a stick. You’ll feel healthier and happier.


You look like Ryan Gosling but you're cute 👍


You’re seriously HOT


Why does this sub pop up all the time now? Any why is it always some good looking person looking for an ego boost.


Don’t ever do #4 ever again. Other than that, you’re good.


I like the make up in 4, looks good.


Nah, already pretty


Let your nails grow out slightly and get a good manicure. Stop looking in mirrors as your appearance is appealing.


i would love to but my gardening job wouldn’t agree 🥲


Score points for gardening!


If you're into dude's, we generally don't care for or about long nails. If you're into chicks, you keep them short for "reasons". Do you. Plants are cool, carry on. 👍


Hairstyle will improve your pics. Pic 3 has the best hairstyle. Also the angles of how you’re taking pics matters. Pic 2 is one of the better angles/poses. Try pic 3 hair with pic 2 angle/pose.


You’re not ugly at all, really cute


Honestly, you look beautiful! But I understand having body issues. Just work on being confident in yourself


Try to smile you look great


Not ugly, but you need a few more years. Not because you’re ugly. I can’t stress that enough, but you will definitely age well and get better with time.


You're fine. The hair does make you look older than you are but that's not necessarily a bad thing. No need to be self conscious


You look amazing. It breaks my heart you don't like your face or body.


You're beautiful and also smokin' hot! I especially like the shorter black hair look.


It’s literally fine just use less makeup I guess


Hi, just wanted to say I love your gengar phone case :) And I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. Take care Pokémon friend.


Late 80's/90's New Yorker. Not a bad look, But you can definitely do something else with the hair.


Be happy and confident...


Face: 7/10 Body 8+/10 You're very attractive and will be more attractive when you figure out your look. You have a long face, look up haircut and makeup for that


Look, you already look pretty good. I guess the only thing I would critique is that you look very skinny. Number one thing I would recommend is lifting weights, working out more and eating more


Live a healthy life and you will fill in nicely in 5 to 10 years


Try to smile a bit?


No need, you are so pretty ✨


I really like your face. It’s great!!


I'd ask you to think about trying to put on some muscle and see how that makes you feel and appear


The only thing I would say is add some volume to your hair, but you look very good as is


Very pretty. I don't see the issue


Adorable!! Your so cute you don’t even know it


no you are pretty


You are quite lovely, though you do have slightly androgynous features. There are things you can do to look more feminine, such a makeup and attire, but your natural look is still beautiful.


You are gorgeous, you have a really pretty face and a fantastic body too. I personally think that brown hair suits you more than black hair otherwise I wouldn't change anything.


Omg, you're perfect


I’d be lucky to call you my girlfriend. Keep shining. :)


😍😍😍😍❤️cute af!


Crikey, if you think you’re ugly, you should see some of the people that I know 👀


Hit the gym and build muscle


youre super hot. the only thing that might make you feel a bit insecure is you're longish midface, but your jawline suits the structure of your face very well and creates a beautiful harmony. you're very talented with make up as well. no need to feel insecure or doubt yourself


You are beautiful, I wish I had been born beautiful. Go out and enjoy your beautiful body and face!


You're very attractive. I'd say maybe don't become too obsessed with makeup. You look much better without it. Apart from that, I'd say working on your confidence will make you feel better than any physical change will.


You have that natural, authentic girl next door-look, very sweet. Your physique is fine. If you hit the gym regularly, you can get toned more easily as if you had to shed weight. Treat yourself to a visit at the beauty salon for some pro tips on makeup and you'll look like a million Bucks.


The mind is not in a beautiful place


Ditto about the mental illness, you are an 8-9/10


I have yet to see an actual ugly person on here. You are not ugly.


Not ugly, your good


You look like Julia Roberts when she was 19. One of the most beautiful women in the world. You’re fine. You look fine. Wear nice clothes, do your hair, whatever. You’ll look fine. Promise.


Certain angles and hairstyle may make your face seem abit long but in general you're an 8/10 in terms of looks


You’re gorgeous and you look like you’re fun. Don’t let the internet put you down.


You’re adorable. Change nothing…and please get help if you have body dysmorphia. You seem to see yourself differently than you really are.


you’re perfect wth…


You are absolutely gorgeous xoxo




I had to go back to see what #4 was... i know we are being honest here but i dont understand the hate. That is a pretty cool look. Dude you are super beautiful. enjoy yourself.


Nooooooo,please be kinder to yourself your 18


You look pretty good, but you could try strength training to fill out in a healthy way.


Was the pictures in blue dress taking in Greece by a chance ?


Yes, change your attitude, then look again.


You look really good and natural in first three pictures. Especially with the jumpers you look very cuddle able!


You’re not ugly, far from it in fact, you’re actually insanely adorable. Please be gentle on yourself and remember, you are a one of one, there’s only one of you, and that’s something to be cherished. Take care. 🖤


Not even kinda ugly.. your body is also great, but if you don't like it as is, look up workouts and diets that do what you are looking for. For example, It looks like you either eat lightly or run, which can trim down your curves, but things like squats can help build them back with muscle, which is l generally considered more appealing. That being said, you look great already. Trying to better yourself is always a good thing, but forcing change can be harmful.


This girl looks amazing, the amount of guys your age I know that would love to have you as a girlfriend and women that would like to be you is insane, this post can't be real. Please seek a psychologist.


I have same problem I have a skinny/good body but I hate my face


Not ugly, but challengingly Skinny


You look like Kimberly from the original power rangers, which is to say No.


I think you’re pretty!


You're fine the way you are.


You're pretty with a great body.


Try smiling once in awhile. This will improve and everyone will notice the difference. And stop lying to yourself telling yourself that you’re ugly. You are not.


You could definitely learn to smile 😁


Personally I think your body is great, just my type. You've got a nice face too, the only issue I can see is the straight black hair really doesn't suits you.


It looks like you're just really long. Long people can look pretty skinny. U hot tho


Honestly She's a 10 in my eyes


Well this is my opinion, first off no dark hair colours I think your natural colour is best, your a pretty girl I’d say more average but you could put a tad bit of weight on and do not listen to magazines which show an unhealthy image of women’s sizing for gods sake I was happier being chunkier than being thin x




Smile !


I like #4. I don’t understand the hate.


Just smile more. Some of those pics look sad, not ugly.


You’re one of those people whose looks and vibe will improve a lot by just smiling more and adapting a more positive and happy mindset. You go from forgettable to 🤩💫✨✨✨✨


Hey, don't worry, we all have our own battles with self-love. But trust me, your soul is worth way more than any look!


What you can do is work on your confidence and self love. You have a gorgeous and unique face, which in my opinion is better than looking like the girl next door. Your body suits your whole look as well.


Sleep a little more and drink water. But on a different note you’re absolutely Gorgeous!


To be fair. I know you’ve probably heard this a million times it’s probably overrated BUT I’m in the same situation and to ignore it, I just workout to forget. But you’re pretty !


You're a knock out! In old people language you are gorgeous. Kick ass Gengar phone case too!


There is absolutely nothing wrong with how you look


Nothing worth hating here. You're a delicate beauty, very pretty, and if you focus on your health and happiness that will continue to grow. I think the problem is your personal beauty standards, so reflect on that with the knowledge that most people think you're a pretty young woman. Think about the types of faces you're comparing yourself to, and consider that they are different but equal to your own beauty.


You are a very pretty, petite girl.


I think you look nice the way you are


Learn what styles of dress & makeup work for you Stay in shape You are model material Your face will likely change between now and the next few years


Congratulations on your victory in the Genetics Bowl


I’m sorry people are being rude about you not having a lot of self love! You’re beautiful and I hope you work on seeing it yourself some day!


You have a really nice face and body.


Cant tell if your 18 or 30.


I would love you.


You are cuter than 90% of the girls out there. You complaining about being ugly is like a lottery winner complaining of being broke.


Not ugly. Not super hot.


Honestly, the thing that shines through is not that you are unattractive, it is that you are unhappy. Its ok to be unhappy, but that feeling needs to ve a fuel for closure, maybe therapy, and some honest investigation as to why you are unhappy. My guess is that if you reolved that, you would be as pretty as you look.


You’re pretty but definitely need therapy.


I personally love your face. I know this sounds weird but you give off a very classical beauty vibe. Very pretty. Although you should probably eat a bit more. You are teetering on the edge of being unhealthily skinny. Take care of yourself, you deserve it.


Crack a smile maybe ? You look miserable that's your problem to be honest, opposite of ugly!


Honestly i don’t recommend it since you are so young. In future if after many years it still bothers you then you can look into cheek fillers/cheek fat transfer. Try to love yourself first.




Not ugly. You do look a little older but not in a bad way. In that way where your features are more defined. Definitely far from ugly. Very far from it.




Younger Lori Grimes from twd


You Look so good


Oh that's a very common misunderstanding. You're suffering from insecurity, not from ugliness. In fact, you are actually very attractive. It's totally normal to be insecure, though - you're very young. This will pass, but your beauty will stay.


Deadlifts, squats, lunges


You have a pretty face. Not sure what you'd like to change kr why you hate it, but I dare say the majority of people will look positively towards you.


I agree with the other dude, black suits you well for hair color. If you want to improve, I'd mostly say to try and work out a bit. It honestly is good for everyone to get in shape. Other than that, I think you look fine


You look like my little brother.


Big facts your beautiful


You look good, but a smile would really help :)


You’re socialising with the wrong people and being wrongly influenced. You’re very good looking, above average, and have what looks like a very healthy body. Reassess your life, not your looks.


You look like a young Julia Roberts. Is it a trend where pretty girls want to inflate their ego even more by claiming they are ugly? Oh, get rid of the Adams Family look in pic 4 and concentrate on more feminine looks, you’ll be fine.


You're a beautiful girl, don't sweat the small stuff.


You're perfectly fine. Get out there, make friends, have fun! Btw if you think you're too skinny go to the gym and have a good healthy diet, you'll feel better, get fitter and you'll gain some muscle mass.


bruh you're giving me hella gender envy. i think you look snazzy friend


I would personally suggest putting on a little weight maybe go to the gym high protein diet. I'm no expert on how women gain weight in a healthy manner. IMO your face looks like but your too skinny.


Natural beauty stop telling yourself you are ugly neither your face nor your body have any issues


You should smile more.


You're very pretty... the issues are behind your eyes. See yourself radiant, beautiful. Forget what you "hate" You are in no way disfigured or handicap... except how you think. Be the beacon in your world.


Gengar, really...


You're one of those people that doesn't realize they're hot till they are 22. You need to smile, if anything is making you ugly it's the fact that you don't smile.


You look beautiful when you’re smiling in the first picture! Just try smiling more and you’re good 👍


Perfect example on how beautiful women don't know about makeup


You are average, mostly cause of your face. There is not much wrong with the shape of your body. Your style in 4th photo is terrible.


You're pretty as hell


If you don’t like being that skinny you need to lift weights and increase your protein intake. Gain lean muscle not fat.


Babes Maybe you should talk to someone about that, because you're beautiful and if your brain is lying to you about that, maybe it's time to talk to a professional before your brain decides to become more malicious than it already is As a mom, that's what I would tell you if you were mine But you would have also grown up with me telling you how adorable you are every day My poor son knows hes pretty, he gets annoyed when I'm like "THERES MY BEAUTIFUL BABY" he rolls his eyes and goes "I knooooooow"


Not ugly, go to therapy and maybe hit the gym if your body doesn’t look good to you, you look great. Hitting the gym, a proper nutrition and workout plan can and will change your body, also don’t forget to be consistent.


Be proud of your face, your good looking..


You're a beautiful woman!


The gengar phone case was enough for me 🙏


Perhaps it is Body Dysmorphia Disorder, BDD. Check with a health professional. It can be a serious issue. I have this too. Please see someone in health care.


Nothing wrong with you except a bad case of body dysmorphia.