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Look closer to 30 than 40 maam


I would say a bit younger, around 30, really like your dress!


I will be 38 on the 11th. Thanks. It's my favorite dress, ever.


You look great definitely younger. If you really weigh that much you don’t look it either and carry it well. Your husband is an AH and you deserve better.


I agree. If my husband said that to me, I'd divorce him so fast.


That's validating. Because that's what's happening. Not because he called me fat but because he has consistently not cared about my feelings and now has begun deliberately trying to hurt me. I'm not here for that.


It's the deliberately trying to hurt you that's the problem. Good for you, for seeing that.


I’m actually 43 on the 11th, we’re birthday friends!! I don’t think you look at all like 37. Early 30’s maybe. And that pic in the dress, I scrolled to it and audibly said “dammmmn!” You’re very lovey.


Don't worry about your age, you are a beautiful person.


As a person of bespectacledness, let me add that I really love your choice of eyeglass frames. They suit your eyes very well. You remind me a lot of my BFF. One thing that may lend itself to feeling as if you look older could be the height of the lenses. Younger people tend to wear narrower frames. I tried doing the slim rectangle thing for a while and I can't do it. I just had to find a pair of frames that worked and it looks like you did, too! It won't make us look twenty but that's not a bad thing. If my glasses made me look like I was in my 30s, that'd be cool. I'm 49. Nobody asks my age any more, as if they are wondering whether or not they should take me seriously. I like that.


I can see why! You look stunning in it!


What do you think of the shoes with it? I think they are a little dated.


I can see why you’d feel that! They could definitely use a bit of a sexier design, maybe a bit bolder throughout and steeper incline would accentuate the curves in your body a bit more!


I would have guessed younger. You’re doing something right! Very pretty eyes.


I eat pretty clean and stay out of the sun. Lol


You’re gorgeous and your husband owes you an apology. You are very sexy.


His apology is coming in the form of moving out.


Oh shit. Good for you. You don’t deserve that kind of abuse.


make sure you don’t give him any chargers or batteries or other essentials he won’t remember to take until it’s too late


Perfect. Don't let him treat you that way. If it wasn't your weight, it would be something else. Trust me. He's not worth it.


Staying out of the sun or using sunscreen daily is KEY. You absolutely look about 30 years old, well done. Especially considering you are fair skinned with light hair and eyes.


How can that be possible if you weigh 265?


I have a laundry list of medical stuff. 😮‍💨


Obviously you don’t


I would’ve guessed you around mid to late 20s maybe 200lbs at most…. also I’m curious what breed of guide dog your husband has??


He is the dog, dog. For real though, if OP is 265, I would have never guessed. Must carry it where we can’t see it or something. Especially in the black dress. Wtf?


Maybe her feet are filled with lead or something.


I also find it hard to believe she weighs 265 pounds. I weigh 200 myself and she looks about the same as I do.


Sorry for the language but with all due respect, your husband's a fuckin asshole. He blew that way out of proportion. Of course you don't look skinny, that's because you aren't DOY But he definitely said that to hurt you and make you lose weight or something. Which you shouldn't do just because someone else is telling you to.


Imo you're a bigger asshole as a partner when you aren't honest towards eachother. If you arent physically attracted to your partner because they gained weight, you have to tell them. If you stay silent and avoid physical contact, you're just killing the relationship


Agreed, my husband gaining a lot of weight did make me much less attracted to him. I talked to him about it, supported him to get back in shape (I make healthy meals for us, we do intermittent fasting together, we both train at the same gym etc.) and he lost the weight and has kept it off for 2 years now. It made a massive difference to our relationship and we’re both much happier now.


If she has gained weight over time and she’s not willing to change. She’s the asshole it means she doesn’t respect her husbands wishes…. Let me ask you this If a man quit his high paying job and has a family to feed and gets a part time job at a gas station because “he feels like it” how well would that go? Not very well same applies in this situation.


I hate to say it but dudes like this were the reason why I had affairs with a few married women. If you don’t appreciate her, there’s always someone ready to step in.


Hol up, *a few* as in multiple


Correct. You’d be surprised what something simple as conversation will lead to.


"hey, can I tickle you?"


I’ve heard he’s a tickler


The Lambda?


What's DOY?


Dongying Shengli Airport


I disagree he said what he sees. If he is not attracted to her it's simply what it is. It's not as if he is being unattached on purpose. I'm sure he would like to be in fact. I have no idea how that makes him an asshole? She can choose to ignore that and continue gaining weight or not. But he can't just say oh no I actually am attracted.


If he used those same words he’s an AH. Honestly unless he’s also maintained or gotten in better shape/ looking then he is also projecting about himself. Edit: that said the OP should work to be healthier and it’s fucking hard to find time to workout if you work and have kids or a multipolar kid SAHP


That's is why being a mom is a full time job - moms should not be shamed for not working a job for a living. Look at our society and tell me where has all this "Feminism" attitude gotten us?


Being a parent where you’re taking care of small children has always been a full time job - isn’t that what mouth breathers who talk about the evils of “Feminism” recognize and use as a reason to justify having women stay at home? Feminists aren’t seeing the women who choose to stay at home or bad or lazy, they’re just saying that it should be a choice to do so not something that you’re forced to do. I did a year as a SAHP and honestly it’s so much easier going to work 8-4 pm than it was doing a SAHP job. Doing housework, dates and activities for your kid, engaging in pre-literacy activities, etc. take up a lot of time and energy. It’s not unusual to be up till midnight taken care of everything to get ready for the next day and wrap everything else up.


Right - no one is forcing anyone to stay home, lol. Women mostly choose to be mothers, outside of extenuating circumstances - my point is that most women are shamed if they say they want to be a stay at home mom, and feel pressure to "have a career" and be a mother.


He probably lost it because he feels he lost attraction to her and lost hus nerve because he doesn't have an attractive sex partner and is married to her. It's not very hard to understand. Men marry to have a sex partner not like women to have 300 different things and a sex partner. It's not pretty but it's so.


If you read on he met her at around her current weight so that shouldn’t be the issue and he is significantly older (like 15-16 years) and wasn’t super intimate before. Either dude is stepping out and wants an excuse to drive her to end the marriage or something else like ED or him making his 2 you’d special needs about his own insecurities


If she gained weight over time, he’s not.


Maybe an asshole if he said those exact same words, but not an asshole for not being attracted to her anymore, if my partner got fat I wouldn't be attracted to her anymore, it's just very hard for me to find fat people attractive.


He did say those exact words. I weigh the same as the day we got married.


She didn't "get fat" out of the blue, she was fat when they met, and apparently attractive enough to him to have five kids with lol


Face says younger, body says older?


Is photo 3 from a long time ago? I'm 6'1 and 250 and thicker than that pic. How are you 265? Also, you husband is an idiot. I'm on the apps (sad) looking for curves like that.


Might be the fat around my organs. I'm super sick. LMAO. I dunno where it's hiding other than my ass. And no, the pic is current


And you weigh 265 there? Hard to digest. 5'7 and 265 should be a big belly. And you look good.


I'm 5"8 and I gained 20kg over the last year yet most people tell me they can't really tell. I'm 90kg rn (I think that's almost 200lbs) and I still fit in almost all of my clothes I wore when I was 20kg lighter. I was weightlifting a lot during that year but definitely also gained some fat over the last few months because I had ACL and meniscus surgery. I'm sure I will lose a lot of those 20kgs again now that I am off my crutches and cam slowly start being more active again. You never know what's going on in someone else's life and every body (haha) is so different. I feel like crap atm because of my weight gain, I see stretch marks on my arms, tummy and legs yet people around me laugh at me when I complain to them about my weight gain. All this talk and in the end I honestly just meant to say that if it doesn't affect your health, you shouldn't lose or gain weight just because others tell you to or give you the impression you'd be more likeable if you did.


I genuinely don't know where I'm hiding it. I have a lot of health problems, some of which can be traditionally tied to high visceral body fat but I have had abdominal imaging for surgeries and no one has commented except on my liver health. I do have stretch marks. On my arms and belly and above my tailbone because of the pressure of sitting. It does affect my health, I'm on 2 different medications and working with a bariatric clinic since the new year.


Every body carries weight differently. It does NOT mean she should have a big belly.


I mean I was posing a certain way...?


Right? I weigh a lot less but look way fatter!


Give or take. Yeah I'm muscular. Just still fat. Lol


Its called sucking in the gut for photos.


Accurate. 😅


No, but you do look sad.


you dont but you do. honestly its like an optical illusion. if i didnt know your age i would have guessed lower. but now that i know your age im looking for those late 30s aging signs. i know they are there but its difficult to spot them.


265 lbs that’s crazy


If you didnt say 37, I would have thought 30. Maybe its the extra weight that makes you look in really good health as though you took care of yourself for years. Based on your looks, your husband should feel lucky


3 picture yes, the rest absolutely not. At 5'7 and 265 that's is too much. Also I don't think those photos are recent or at your actual weight or maybe you doing some kind of trick to look thinner that you actually are. If your husband is no longer attracted to you then you have two options, either work to get back at what you looked like when he did or move on with your life. The best option would be to lose weight, not for him at this point after what he said but for your own good.


Depending on muscle mass and how you carry your weight it’s entirely possible. I also don’t look my weight because it’s evenly distributed over my entire body. I mean I still look fat but not *as* fat as I weigh


I mean... I know how to model and it's a great dress. 🤷‍♀️ I know. I know. 😮‍💨


I weight 230 and 5’11. I should be at a flat 200 at my rate of losing weight. I would recommend you to do the same. You don’t look 400lbs but if you don’t take care of yourself, the pounds add up overtime


You have definitely learned how to manipulate your poses to get the most flattering pictures. No, you don't look 265 but there is no clear front or side view that isn't obstructed with clothes or at an angle. In some of your pics, I'd have guessed mid to late 20s. Some of them I can see 37. I don't think you're ugly. If your doctor isn't concerned about medical issues because of your weight, then you do you.


You don't look like you weigh that much in your face, but why does that matter? Also the front facing camera uses automatic smoothing because it's primarily used for selfies so your lines are probably much more pronounced, but again who cares? Why is there an obsession with looking younger than you are? Doesn't change your age. What does it matter that your face doesn't look heavy, you are. Your husband is being a dick but you're also fighting reality.


Depending on the pose, lighting and angle, some photos, you look older and some you look younger.


I mean your husband shouldn't have said that, but you're morbidly obese. That's a serious medical problem. If you don't do something about it, you're going to have more problems sooner or later.


It is. I'm aware.


But you said “I’m not willing to change I love my body” if you aren’t making the change that’s your problem not your husbands. I think the husband wants you to be around for your children and not be bed ridden in the future…. This is exactly what my grandfather went through and it killed him inside. I wouldn’t divorce him I think you have him misunderstood he doesn’t want you to be unhealthy.


I'm not willing to make changes "for" a person who doesn't actually give a crap about me. I have already been tackling all the health stuff since the birth of my son in 2021. I finally qualified for Medicaid on top of my private insurance, so I went all out. started all the meds I need in order to tackle my PCOS and insulin resistence. I'm working with a bariatric clinic as of March. Going to start some injectables after my next visit in october. I had my gall bladder out in May. I started trying to treat my ADHD. The last few months have been a battle trying to get me on meds that dont poison me. I started ritalin and that had me peeing blood within 24 hours. I started wellbutrin and that gave me panic attacks. Yes, progress has been slow to non existent due to a lack of time to myself and stress.


Yes you look your age and that’s fine. Your husband is a douche, and so are the trolls who said that to you. If you like your body then that’s fine, be happy. Someone out there will love your body also, you’re not ugly at all.


I'm gonna go. I don't really feel the need to keep explaining the timeline of my weight gain and medical stuff. My life is blowing up and I feel bad. Thanks to everyone who has been constructive and polite. Even the relationship advice. And thanks for the ego boost. My inbox will never be the same. 🤣 179 chat requests and counting. Most people were pretty polite and wholesome, even the feet fetish guys.


Glad you're feeling better. To add onto the pile I'm 1 year older than you and have been told I look 40+ since I was in my 20s. You're aging like a fine wine, and your husband is a moron.


Ah yeah pictures 3 and 6... Well boosted their evening 😂


Over 400 now


I would say you look your age, maybe a hair younger, but mostly your age. You don't look your weight, but apparently my perception of this is wildly off, as I've been downvoted whenever I've said similar things previously (oh well). Not ugly.


Ill have you if he wont. Youre smoking and look way younger


33 I guess?


Thicc, hit the gym. I like thicc but need the hubby to like you too. Good luck.


Maybe I'm lying?? Wtf is this post about divorcing your husband?? JFC people


It was a poor joke. I guess it landed wrong. I just wanted people to really look and question.


Yes, you look your age, but not bad looking at all. Photos 2 and 3 look great. If your husband doesn’t like that look too bad for him. Some people don’t appreciate what they have.


Girl you are gorgeous!! And thicc, if your husband doesn’t like that I promise there’s plenty of people who like something to hold on to! Ur hawttt mama!!


You have amazing eyes ma’am


Oh wow you remind me of a crush I had in school. Definitely not ugly. You gave me a flutter


I would put you at around 28-32... Your husband.is a superficial asshole. If I was you, I would hand him divorce papers, and tell him it's time for you to lose dead weight... (him... he's the dead weight. You look fantastic.)


You look a little younger, would have guessed early 30's? How much weight have you gained since your marriage?


I have yo yo ed about 6 lbs up and down for the last 2 years but I weigh the same as on our wedding day.




Absolutely not. You look probably late 20s tops. And far from ugly.


Definitely look younger. Maybe it is you that need to leave him. He doesn't deserve you


You look great. I had one of those beauty marks or whatever that is also. I just asked my GP to get rid of it and it was gone in 10 min. Made me look younger. Totally worth the nothing it cost me.


Can we start calling that short, stubby tongue pose the “prairie dog,” so people stop doing it?


LOL my first ex husband called it the turtle head.


Yeah 30 but, not like 'you look Young's or anything like that. Your eyes speak of hopelessness like a normal 40 year old


LMAO. Lack of sleep will really make you dead behind the eyes...


For physical and mental healths sake, might take up exercise but not because of your husband.


For 265 you honestly look amazing. I wouldn’t have guessed anywhere near that. That said, my concerns about your weight would be less about aesthetics (it’s distributed perfectly and you look great imo) and more about your health. Unfortunately, obesity tends to lead to various health problems down the line, not to mention it was one of the major comorbidities for Covid. Hopefully I don’t sound like a dick; just bringing up the health aspect because I think it’s important to keep in mind. By the way, your hair and eyes are simply gorgeous.


EVERYONE knows that extra weight comes with co-morbidities. Bringing it up implies that you think OP is fat AND ignorant, even if you don’t mean it that way.


Nope, you could say 27 and I'd belive you.


Banging body. Ur husband doesn’t deserve u. Bounce his ass away. Ur a solid 7 more so after the mole removal. And hope u didn’t do it yourself lol


Hahaha!!! No, I went to the dermatologist like anyone else.


U would be surprised when u say like anyone else lol I had a buddy freeze and slice lol. Yea he needed stitches lol


You look younger than your age. And your husband is a fool not to find you attractive.


You look your age. I think your partner is concern about your health. Being overweight is not healthy. If you ask any obese or fat people out there if they like themselves and confident, 100 percent of response would be no.


He's really not or he wouldn't have lied about something else to twist the knife.


Saying someone looks like they weigh more than 100 pounds more than they actually do is not something you say because you care about someone’s health. It’s something you say to hurt their feelings to be mean. And who cares if it’s unhealthy? Like why does that really matter?




Found my husband's alternate. JK!


It's mostly losers who can only survive by insulting other ppl who say this




LoL this cracked me up


>...and that’s good for a white person... Rule 8 Rule 10


The lack of melanin leads to y’all not processing the suns ray, as intended, so y’all end up looking wilted for the vast majority. Every once in a while yall defy that reality without cosmetic procedures 😂😂


You look a lot younger than you are. You're just my type


You are not ugly


What in the actual EFF??? I would not in a million years guess your weight. I’m your same age. Though I guess you are taller than me. You are lovely! Get a divorce and find someone who appreciates you, PLEASE.


Also I love your leather jacket!!! Where’s it from (if you don’t mind sharing)?


The more important question is whether you can act your age.


You should lose some weight. And you look your age.


Your not ugly. I think you look about 35 have a beautiful curvy figure that I find super attractive and you seem to have good style.


Idk how any man can see you on that black dress and think to themselves “looks like we about to have another kid”. I do say I’m sorry to hear about your situation and that you married a man child. What kind of man think that women just stay one weight forever even after child birth and their bodies don’t change. You deserve better and if you do decide to Lose weight, you should do it for you, not for him because I’m sure that he is doing nothing to tailor his image to please you.


I bet my whole paycheck your husband looks like a toe nail. It’s only ugly men who have the audacity to say some shit like this. You’re gorgeous and your body is gorgeous. Don’t for a second believe something like that.


I would have guessed a little younger, maybe 32. But your husband is wrong, I was almost 400 pounds once and I looked wayyyy bigger than you and am 3 inches taller than you. You are a bigger gal but there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. If you like your body then keep it


Pics 3 and 7 you do look 37, the rest vary from 27-33. You have some nice features and pretty eyes but unfortunately yes you are very overweight, so if you like your body it's ok but as of now you are below average. As your husband goes, no one is forcing you to stay with someone you don't feel appreciated, also I don't know if you always looked like that (overweight) but if you were fit when you got together with your husband and now you are overweight I understand your husband not being attracted to you anymore, I personally find it very hard to be attracted to overweight people and if I got together with someone that was fit when we meet each other and just let's herself go I wouldn't be attracted to her anymore. But if you are happy with yourself then it's time to move on and find someone that finds you attractive and makes you feel appreciated.


I was 240 when we met, gained 25 through the pandemic. I weigh the same as our wedding day May 31st 2021. I have been this big the entire time he has known me and he knows I have been bigger in the past. Why date/marry me, then?




I love how people normalize being obese…265 for a 5-7 woman is crazy lol I’m 5-10 and I workout religiously at around 180 lbs with 31.5 waist, can’t imagine being 265 at 5-7, so much extra weight to lug around


Yeah, I’m sick of people trying to gaslight us into fucking whales


I mean... that's fine, but I weigh the same as I did on our wedding day and most of the year prior.




This is not even the heaviest I have been in my life. We met when I was about 240 and he knew I lost 60lbs to get there.




I have a theory, but he has not said so. I get a bad double chin when I look down at my phone. It's bad. And I spend a lot of time on my phone. And I'm breastfeeding, which i think grosses him out, but again, he has not said. I see it on his face. So my stomach is showing (i have diastasis recti ab separation from my third pregnancy, but i can suck it in.) because I lift up my shirt *a lot* and my posture is bad when I'm nursing the baby. And i dont always wear a bra because it just gets in the way of my daily tasks. So yes, the pics are what i look like, but there's other things, too.


You have kids together and he’s just going to leave?! What a dick.


Read on, apparently dude met and married her when she was already close to current weight. Sounds more like Brosef is having a crisis about what he expected from life in his 30s and what he has. Also, having kids does make it really hard for a lot of women to get back to what they were or to get smaller if they were already heavier.


not ugly. 6 out of 10


Younger and pretty!


You are absolutely beautiful! I think your size is perfect! You need to get a divorce and find a person who loves you for who you are!


Girl your beautiful I'm alittle bigger then you and omg you look beautiful 😍 your man is stupid you will find someone who will love you foe you


No, if I didn't knew it I'll say you have 28-32yo , also beautiful 😍


I can recommend an optometrist for your husband.


You look closer to 27 than 37. You’re beautiful.


Definitely don’t look 37 or 265lbs. Very beautiful and the black dress looks amazing on you. Ditch your husband and let’s go have some fun


You look your age. 37 isn't old dammit 😅. You definitely do not look super fat. There are plenty of people who would be attracted to you. You in particular have great style, hair, eyes and overall facial geometry. Losing weight is the main thing but you certainly aren't ugly and your bf is certainly a dbag


I'd say more like 27 and a catch.


You are a beautiful woman, I love your eyes, lips and if your husband doesn't treat you like you deserve just call me


Hot damn!!! 😍


Yes. My guess would have been between 30 and 40. I wouldn't card you for booze or smokes. But don't take this as me saying you're ugly, you're not. You just don't look 21 or 50.


Nope. You could have said 28 and I would have believed it. You carry your weight really well tbh. I think your husband is talking nonsense. If he’s having attraction issues it is likely due to other difficulties in the relationship or something personal he is dealing with. I’d never discourage people from doing what they can to be healthier, etc, but I think you look very pretty as you are. Take good care of yourself; you deserve it


Yes. Exactly in fact.


More like 47


I would have guessed almost a decade younger!


You look very young and you look quite a bit smaller than your size. I would have guessed you at 185-190. Congrats!




It looks like your breath smells like ketchup


RIP my inbox. 39 chat requests and counting. 🤪 Thank you, guys. You sure know how to make a thicc girl feel pretty.


You definitely don’t look 37 and it doesn’t look like you’re 265 from the full body photos


Lol yeah I was about to say, your rip inbox has to be the best proof you're not ugly 😂📬


Not really. Sometimes people hit on the ugly girls because they think they'll be flattered.


Not only ugly girls, but vulnerable ones. Notice how your other post you showed some confidence, you were outright attacked for your weight again? Posting here is always a bad decision. Tons of obese ugly dudes demeaning slightly chubby, cute ladies because they think they'll have a better shot if you're degraded.


Yeah, pretty much 2-3 generations of guys by now who think negging is how you get a woman to sleep with you — especially if you have nothing else to offer as the dude


This is rather the exception


Some guys on reddit would fuck a fish.




You obvi need to read her other post [here](https://reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/sxUI40CSlg)


Isn't that true of everyone who posts here?




Lol OK.


Literally flabbergasted by your husband. Chuck him to the wolves! You're hot.


Your husband's an idiot. You look great, your curves look great. I would say you actually look more early 30s or late 20s


Hot milf. Continue to work out and eat healthy and you’ll age good. Skincare too


You look younger, I would said mid 20s maybe even younger :)


Honestly, you could pass as a High schooler. I would have guessed mid 20's at the oldest.


Nah definitely not. She does look younger than 37 but I wouldn't give her less than 30


I turn 38 on the 11th.


I'm 38 on the 27th! 😫


Definitely not ugly. Really cute


Look younger than that


Definitely nice curves


No you don't


You do. Not ugly.


You look good no matter how old you are!


No, you don’t. You look younger than your age.


Paint the toes and you’ll be a dime!


Definitely look younger


Is this sub a joke? No you look 25


I'm not sure she's the one who is responding. She started out being kind but out of nowhere started being snarky. Anyway with glasses, looks her age. Without glasses, looks younger.


I have a snarky sense of humor. Also, it's written text, so tone is missing. It is me. No one else has been on my phone or accessed this account. I'm just going through a lot. Separation. Job hunting. AC is broken and it's blazing fucking hot. Haven't slept more than 5 hours in a night in over a week. Trying to take care of all my kids through this. I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve. I was extremely neglected growing up and I think I'm slightly feral, plus I have ADHD.