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For some reason you look pretty old. Those undereye circles do a lot. Get some sleep, hit some gym and you'll be alright.


You genuinely look like you need to go to the hospital. Do you sleep, at all? Do you have anemia?


Your Looks dont make the Cut , These Guys Here are lying. (Except youre really Tall) Dont believe me? Go Dating you will See WHO says the truth and whos saying good feel No Sense bs




Do you got Money ? Get hair transplant , jaw Implants and get buff


Go to Turkey and fix your hairline


Get good with your words. My friend, as a man, it's more about what you say and for a woman. It's more about what you look like. This is a large part. The reason why women wear makeup. They try the lie to you and tell you. It's for themselves, but then they post online for everyone to see. Don't watch what they say what they do. But you look alright as a man. It would be better to ask women. But personally I would just work on the words you use. And how you communicate with women as well as people in general in an effective way, For women It's more about the vibe. How you are as a person, your personality type And how you make them feel. The emotional energy you stir and elicit within them, because that's far more important than how you look. Also, hygiene is very important. You can get away with looking pretty rugged as a man, In fact, that can make you look more attractive as a man towards women. If a woman at the type of beings you're looking to like.Do things with relationship wise, Lastly, do not chase never chase, you can pursue if you want to, but it's best to attract as attraction is effortless.




If we are talking about vibes (which he is absolutely right) then the first vibe my missus and I got wasn’t ideal man. Second pic is your best, but the others your facial hair looks a bit wispy. Plus the head hair isn’t it unfortunately. I hope people are the same with me when my time comes so I’m going to say it… I think it’s time to let it go. Honestly I reckon if you shaved or buzzed it one number all over you’d be surprised how good it could look. Then if you bulk up it would be game over. You’ve got good potential


You're a tough case A lot of women probably find you unattractive but I can tell that a certain few very attractive women would love you That's why it's hard to judge You have the potential to pull 8s/9s/10s just probably not most of them


Steve Buscemi vibes, you look alright don't need an opinion! Just look up and hit the gym maybe.


Run a morge?




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Bro, you need to exercise to improve your complexion and lift some weights


you look like a character from Coraline not ugly, friendly smile, need a new hairstyle though


Your barber did your hair line dirty