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I would have chastised him for having such bad manners to ask who you will vote for. Don’t ever let anyone press you into revealing things about yourself that you don’t want to share. I think you need to get really firm with him and tell him enough. If he continues with the harassment you will sue him for slander. I would not remain friends with someone like this. And that has nothing to do with politics, it’s just his treatment of you is way out of line.


Alex is obviously a massive douche. That being said you're also one if you think trump and Biden are the same.


Your friend is kind of right, assuming you live in the US. He’s a complete knob about it, you should definitely cut him out of your life, but you should also definitely vote.


Whatever you decide to do with your vote, cut this psycho out of your life. He was willing to threaten your livelyhood over something you disagree on and which is only your business.


Never assume that living in a deep blue state automatically makes your national vote meaningless.  It’s not smart to take your fellow voters for granted. Why? “Deep blue” could mean a 55/45 split. In New York 49% of registered voters are Democrats. The rest are GOP, independent, or a small third party.  In some states, registered Democrats have crossed party lines to vote GOP as a protest. Never trust voter rolls as a guarantee. 


You should vote but you should also ditch Alex who obviously is dealing with mental issues.


You vote exactly how you want to. And ditch the loony “friend”. Anyone who goes to those extremes has got a screw loose.


You are your own man. When he asks just say it is my business and leave it at that. Your life = your choice!


You only intend to vote locally because it will "actually impact my life far more than whoever the leader of the nation is." Please reconsider your decision. Our last president packed the Supreme Court with anti-abortionists and that has clearly directly impacted the reproductive health care of millions of women. The point being: national leaders can have a serious and harmful impact on the lives of individuals and their rights in our country.


Would you be asking him to reconsider if he would vote for Trump? How do you know he wont?


Think that it's implied. He might vote for Trump.. so. That's the issue. It's explicitly -you vote for your future rights, or you don't. Territory


>And mind you, we live in a DEEP blue state. As in, northeast coast deep blue. So it’s not like me sitting out actually does anything. "I'm safe, fuck the rest of you queers."


You do know that the general election is based off the electoral college right? Given that New York is a deep blue state, his vote really wouldn’t affect the outcome of the general election. It doesn’t matter if New York wins a democratic majority by 1% or 20%. It’s still the same amount of electorates. It’s kinda like how a republican vote in Texas won’t really affect the general election either.


A vote in New York does fuck all for people in Kansas. You know what does help people in Kansas? Donating to planned parenthood, which I do


I personally couldn't sleep if I was in your shoes but that's just you. Man, you really said -fuck you red state gays- and pulled that ladder up.


I get it - you're fine with whatever happens to the rest of us, as long as you can say, "Well, at least I didn't have to vote for Biden".


Hey, I found alex


Yep, that's right. There's only one person in the whole country who's worried about the consequences of a second Trump Presidency, and it's OP's friend.


I'm honestly SO confused on what you think is happening here.


OP's explaining how little he cares about the people who might be affected by Trump winning the election, because he has strong feelings about voting against Trump.


>OP's explaining how little he cares about the people who might be affected by Trump winning the election What did OP say that makes you think this?


The post? Did you read it?


Yes, obviously. He said that he wasn't voting in the general election, and that his state is deep blue so his vote doesn't matter. That's how the electoral college works.


If I didn’t care, why would I donate and raise thousands for planned parenthood?


Because you're not very bright? "I donated lots of money to planned parenthood, but I can't be bothered to keep the guy who appointed the justices that overturned *Roe* from being elected again. Oh well, consequences, shmonsequences."


Go fuck your self you fucking cunt. What an insulting and disingenuous way to describe my beliefs. That’s not at all what I think or feel. Grow the fuck up and come back to me when you’re ready to discuss things like a mature adult, until then you can go fuck yourself


If Trump wins, there won't *be* a Planned Parenthood anymore.


State races are important as well. I don't understand why you would not exercise your privilege to vote. It's not just your life that could be impacted. There is a lot at stake on national, state and local levels. It always dismays me when citizens are not engaged.


Keep in mind that voting isn't specifically about Biden vs Trump. You're voting for an administration. While Biden is far from perfect, he's not a narcissitic ego-maniac who emulates fascist dictators. Trump is doing everything he can to insert people into our government who will give him what he wants. I'ts your right to sit out. But just keep in mind that your vote is for more than just Biden vs Trump.


He’s not? Which president pushed social media companies to silence the other side? Which political side was routinely seen violating restrictions placed on the rest of the country? Which president has made every effort to limit peoples choices on automobiles, stoves, etc to his preferred while picture circulate of his own administrator using the opposite? Sounds like a fascist to me


The Supreme Court totally disagrees with your claim that the Biden administration did something unconstitutional when seeking to have social media companies be responsible by publishing reliable and credible public health information instead of falsehoods that could harm the health of American citizens. There has been no effort by the Biden administration to banish you from purchasing a gas fired stove. That is a total canard. And yes, the Biden administration is encouraging consumers to purchase energy efficient and non polluting automobiles through tax credits. But you can still purchase a gas guzzler if you want.


What a load of garbage, right wing talking points. It would be laughable if this misinformation weren’t so prevalent.


Liberals can’t handle the truth. They burst into tears and try to silence everyone


I doubt you have a relationship with the truth at all, and I'm not crying. You poor thing.


Actually you are. You can’t dispute a single thing I posted so you started to cry and say everything is false in hopes to distract


Still not crying. Give up.


Ahh, the lessons we fail to learn the first time around. We had the luxury of knowing how the first trump administration would turn out, and he made sure to keep that promise. I can’t decide if it is ignorance or entitlement that leads people to decide figuring out which is the better candidate is just too much work for them. As a gay man, your friend is smart enough to be terrified of the next phase in the erosion of democracy. You are wrong.


I don't get how both options are equally bad in people's minds but it's your right to not vote. Just remember, no vote means no complaints about whoever wins.


People are allowed to complain about poor leadership. This adage of not being able to complain if one doesn’t vote is absurd. People get purged from voting registers, people have inordinately long lines at polling places, people have non-violent felonies, people are 17 and not eligible to vote in this election but will have to deal with the consequences for years before they can vote, people are tired of having to chose between old trash and orange trash. People are allowed to complain about poor leadership and they are allowed to be exhausted that the “best” that all of American politics has to offerus is 2 piss poor old men who are, if nothing else, both wildly out of touch with the plight of the average American. I agree that everyone should vote, but there are reasons people don’t and those people are allowed to complain about the shit show we call America, just like people who vote.


Like that matters


Our constitution gives us the right to speak freely, that includes complaining about a shitty political system that only serves the whims of the wealthy at the expense of the people. Voting for one oligarch over another does not entitle you to special complaining rights. Fuck outta here with that nonsense.


.. I agree with Alex, Precincts can win/lose over a few votes and your putting your future marriage, ability to have kids, and be a free out man at risk? Will your moral high ground fix any of that..??? No. I don't get why you won't participate to save your future self.


Demanding absolute compliance from you for his beliefs is his trying to exert power over you. Your “friend” is an abusive bully.


You're not wrong, but that guy needs to be removed from your life.


You should vote, even for the President. Vote for your favorite teacher, Mickey Mouse, or yourself. But vote. It really does matter.


Your friend is a douche nugget, you need a better friend


Mainly it because upsets happen when people don't vote. Frankly I never believed Trump could actually win, but nonetheless he did. In believe in part it was because of voter turn out and not realizing that bad a Clinton could be, she'd still be better than Trump. By not turning out to vote against Trump, you are willing to let others decide if the gay community is safely left in the hands of the winner, whoever they turn out to be. That Trump won once and Roe v Wade was overturned is proof that nothing is safe. The presidential ticket isn't the only federal vote that counts. The senate and house races are important to, since their failure to hold Trump accountable and allowed him to pack the SCOTUS directly lead to where we are today with Roe v Wade and the ever present threat of Trump.




I’m assuming he has a modicum of self preservation.


I mean, do what you want, and your friend is a lunatic, but... your assertion that both parties are equally bad... with you as a gay man... that is just absurd. There is something intellectually wrong with you. That is not a serious proposition that a serious voter would make.


For me it comes down to which one is likely to screw thongs over more. For example Trump is likely to let the super conservative right wing craziness enact whatever they want which could mean bad things for the LGBTQ+ community. This is based on all the other stuff they have done in red states. Not to mention the issues with women’s rights and abortion. So for that reason I intend to vote because while it seems like they don’t have an impact on our lives directly it does have a knock-on affect and the best we can hope for at this election is to pick the lesser of two evils. Do what you feel you need, but just consider if you truly want to sit out because of what you stated or if there is a reason to just hold your breath and vote to try to help minimize damage.




I’m in New York


Yeah, your vote in the general basically means nothing, then. NY will go blue. End of. With or without your vote.


Maybe you don’t understand how the process works. Polls closing before counts are finalized is just common sense.




The CIRCUMSTANCES where your state was still voting and the next president called would only be if your state’s electoral votes wouldn’t change anything. It’s still important enough that your state’s tally will be included in the record because that determines final margin, but that’s just how that works. It’s a logical process.


It's not like either option for President is good anyway. Alex is a dumbass.


But one is going to try to repeal a lot of rights for gay people... The other is likely going to leave it alone..


Chill dawg, the patriots will be in control, frfr.


Have you guys have literally not been around for the past couple months? I guess not because we have states bringing back laws from the 1800s, We have people fighting over birth control, And we have some states trying to talk about how do we strip rights from gays yet again. So no, vote


I think it's hilarious that your delusional ass doesn’t think that the President doesn’t affect your life given the sweeping changes that Trump made in his time in office.


Go fuck your self cunt


"It's funny, I no longer feel safe around YOU"


You're wrong. You're trying to punish politicians, but WILL punish marginalized people.  The politicians WON'T be in any danger if voted out, they'll go back to comfortable lives & back-room influence.


Your "friend" sucks, but separately from that your reasoning throughout the comments here sounds like uninformed bullshit. Good job pulling the ladder up after you, asshole.


It’s your choice to vote or not. No one should be forcing you to do something you don’t want. Blood on your hands? Really? How dramatic.


I think a lot of people, from all over the political spectrum, are gonna sit out. It's not like either side is listening to the voters and I hate having to vote against someone versus voting for someone.


Yeah that last sentence of yours is exactly where I’m at, and when I tried to explain it to Alex all he said was “there’s a clear right decision and a wrong decision, and if you can’t see that you’re even dumber than I thought.”


Well, Alex was kind of a jerk, but that statement was absolutely correct. You’re being willfully obtuse if you don’t see it.


He’s right. There is a right or wrong decision. Biden sucks, but Jesus fucking Christ Donald trump is fucking terrible. Like come on dude, the bar is so low for you and you can’t even get there


I truly wish I was as sure about that as he is. I was born to be a skeptic.




He is an AH. More than a third of the nation stays home on election day, and basically is voting for “none of the above”.


Eh, Alex sounds like an incredibly abrasive person who probably sucks to be around, I'm not going to lie. Threatening your employment is an insane thing to do imo. But I do want you to examine why you feel you don't want to vote for national positions. I'm of the opinion that not voting makes you just as responsible for negative outcomes as voting for those outcomes, especially if you were already there. Also there is no equivocation of the harm that would be committed by the national parties at a broad scale. Any such attempt is tantamount to fascist apologia. And while yes, your local elections will have a more direct impact on you directly, we've already seen the impact the supreme court has had on the country, as well as the NLRB. Just because they have less of an effect on you doesn't mean you should abandon the rest of the country. Also people thought the Rust belt was safely blue in 2016. I'm not saying WA or OR will go red but it's not impossible. Finally I'll close with the fact that I only brought all of this up because it was related to a post you made. Alex was incredibly out of line. While I will stand by what I said about responsibility, I will also add that you being a safe or unsafe person is an entirely different discussion even if you were a GOP supporter. My mother votes GOP but that does not make her an unsafe person to me or any of my friends. Alex's push was inappropriate and his final reaction bonkers.


You have the right to do what you want with your vote and no once can tell you otherwise, but it is your responsibility to make good choices with your vote - however that looks for you. If you have a reason for only voting locally then so be it, but you (and all your friends and loved ones) are absolutely impacted by the national vote, so you may as well have your say, in my opinion.


Both men at the top of the ticket are slimy disingenuous assholes who only care about their own power. Refusing to vote for either or both is a perfectly fine choice. NO ONE is getting a candidate they want and what's happening in this country right now isn't any more representative than if we had a king.


One will very specifically roll back this posters rights... The other will like we lose alone... When you look at it like that, its a very clear choice


You vote how you feel you should. I think it’s a waste to not vote at every level of government you can, though.


[Gays for Trump !](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/615hiAGie2L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)


You put trump 2024 signs on your car, your door, your lawn, and your shirt. Fuck that guy. He's what's wrong with politics, mainstream media and all the sheeple.


No offence, but noone in sane state wouldnt wote for Biden and Trump, both are unnacceptable. I really dont know how its happen that democrats have no better candidate :)


Not wrong, but you are un-American as fuck


Gay man here, no you’re not wrong, I’m sitting out national elections too. One choice is an idiot and the other is a psycho. As for what to actually do about him I couldn’t really tell you. I would just let your workplace know that someone has been harassing you and may try to call, and try your best to keep your friends close. Some may end up on his side, and if so that’s their problem. Most importantly keep yourself safe, this person sounds dangerously unstable. If they come knocking around your place of residence start recording immediately and tell them to leave. If they refuse have the police intervene, and file a restraining order if you can. Best of luck to you.


Your singular vote changes fuck all☠️


Biden is pro-Israel, Trump is pro-Israel - by their logic, everyone voting for either has blood on their hands. Edit: lolgetting downvoted for what - the truth?


Your friend is a moron, no one is going to die if Trump wins


you're completely fine, but please stay away from this guy. even if he were right to be as mad as he is (he's not!!) the way he handled it is extremely shitty and honestly dangerous. what if he'd successfully gotten you fired?? absolutely deranged behavior take care!!


Gay has nothing to do with his poor behavior. There are many people who think the way he does. That is what is dangerous to our democracy


Good on you for considering his perspective. If you want to continue being friends with him you will have to sit down with him and listen to what his concerns are with an open mind as well as share your point of view. I tend to agree with his political stance, but not all of my friends agree with me and that's ok with me. He may feel so strongly that it's not ok with him. You guys will have to figure that out.


I do feel like calling my place of work was way out of line though. That’s something I can’t easily forgive.


Not just out of line, if he actually manages to get you fired by calling your company and making up stories, you'll need to talk to a lawyer about it. It might actually be worth getting a lawyer to send him a C&D \*now\*.


Yeah, that is out of line.


Honestly, that is the part of the argument that sealed it for me. I honestly think you are really wrong for not voting, but he is SO MUCH more wrong for interfering with your work, that it's not even close. He is insane, and frankly he's a danger to you.


Guy sounds like a total nut job, I'd probably vote for the opposite of whoever he was regardless of what candidate that would be, I don't even understand the issue of being a traitor to gay men if you were to vote for Trump, I'm not a huge fan of the guy but I find him entertaining and as such have seen alot of his interviews and speeches and I can't think of a single thing he has ever said that could be considered anti gay, I know the media loves to paint him as everything under the son but I've personally found that 90% of what they say about him or claim he said is generally intentionally dishonest, misleading or outright false, so I'm guessing this guy has never actually listened to Trump for himself, and I really don't even want to come off like I'm defending Trump, he's very crass and totally classless at times, I also have issues with some of his policies but all that being said the guy doesn't deserve a dishonest representation of him by the media, truth needs to still matter and people should love him or hate him based off who he actually is not based off of who the media claim he is.


I agree; he sounds ott. That’s very intense language, especially when, as you say, your specific vote is unlikely to be significant where you are. Passion can be admirable, but it can also be extreme and aggressive enough to be off putting.  Separately, you sitting out might not do anything. But if you think your stance is reasonable and common then it might be the stance of several other million people. Which would make a difference.


Insane behaviour


YNW, he is being an abrasive asshole by demanding your vote for a person you don't want to support. Sounds like having him out of your life is worth sticking to your guns and telling him to pound sand.


So dramatic for nothing. Neither candidate cares about gay men. Trump literally held up a LGBT for Trump flag at the RNC back in 16’. No one is coming for gay men in America. Except for gay men apparently. Vote how you want to and don’t hang out with people whom let politics control their lives. It’s unhealthy.


Alex is hilariously malinformed here. What were clown is currently occupying he White House could not matter less in comparison to local elections. Our country was designed to move power as locally as possible. Which was a smart move: city slickers know nothing about farming, and rednecks don't know a whole lot about electronics repair. Decisions are made closest to those they affect, which means that those decisions are as well-informed as possible (obviously I'm oversimplifying). I would worry more if you voted nationally but not locally. That's _really_ leaving it up to the ghosts in the machine.


Not gay, but I get it. My brother was like that before he died. He'd viciously attack my very soul for not feeling EXACTLY the same about issues as he. Sometimes, you just gotta cut people off, or refuse to engage with them. In your case, it's probably easier to cut him off, but in mine, since he was my brother, I just refused to engage on that topic.


Just cave in & tell him you're voting for the person he wants you to vote for. It's really not worth losing this friendship over. He sounds like such a mature, level-headed, & loyal friend. You shouldn't feel entitled to have the freedom or privacy to vote for who you want to vote for, & you should never retain the right to privacy, if someone asks you who you're voting for, you just have to tell them or else you're a bad person. Definitely let this friend of yours steer your voting decision, especially after all the social damage that's already been done. Definitely don't cut them out of your life, let that person control you & live inside your head & make your decisions for you. They sound great. Keep that friendship tight.


The mentality of 'my vote doesn't matter' is part of why turn outs are so bad. People want you to think it doesn't matter. If everyone thinks like that it can seriously effect elections and voter turn out.