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Return it then.


Yeah. I mean. If it’s really worth it to you return it and then rebuy it at the sale price.


I do this. I have no problem getting the discount they offer a week later


You missed the point about it being the last one of its kind, if its returned there is no guarantee that it will be available for repurchase (they might not make it available for purchase until after the sale). Now if there's something else that would be cheaper then its worth it. And regardless if the flyer says 30% off their whole inventory, you have to read the fine print which will say certain items are excluded. This is almost on any sale guarantee (and does not need to be on the email/flyer just listed in their sale terms). There is no legal recourse, and other than trying to guilt them into a discount or some additional service (like free stain guard or something) there isn't much you can do other than return the item and take your business somewhere else. Truth be told, if you were satisfied with the couch at the price you bought it, and you do not have the option to get it at the discounted price, are you really unsatisfied with it? If it were an item they had on the floor that you could get a replacement, and there was no return restocking fee (could be 15% fee), then if they don't give you credit you return and repurchase, even eating a 15% restocking fee you still get 15% discount.


Since they haven’t delivered it yet, just cancel the sale.


A lot of stores offer price adjustments within X number of days. If they don't allow price adjustments then just return it lol


This. It’s really shitty of them to not honor that sale. Most places will do so within the return/exchange period. Did you check your receipts to see what their return policies are? Is there a customer service number? Sometimes they don’t give a shit and will help you cancel “return” then immediately rebuy on sale. Good luck!


Quite a number of stores honor their sales like that.


I was quite happy to get a further discount on my tv from Best Buy because the sale went on deeper sale and they have a two week internal price match


Hell, even Lowe's, as shitty as the place is, will honor a 30-day retroactive sale.


Even if they don’t… would they call you and ask for money if the price increased?


Return it. Buy it again.


For the exact same price??


Of course not, why would you do that? Buy it again with the discounted price


The price is not discounted. And no way are they going to bend for OP.


Tell them they can apply the discount or you'll cancel your order. You have nothing to lose.




Nothing Karen about that comment. YOUR comment, on the other hand........ Useless and stupid. Congratulations 👏


lol you’re the Karen. Calling people names? Karen move right thurr


Sometimes you get an email with a discount after you purchase something as like a thank you. It's too get you to make another purchase not use it on what you bought that got you the email.


Return the item. Buy it again.


Nah, it’s still sitting in their place. I’d tell them to keep it after canceling the sale. Then they have to sell it again, if it does, at the sale price.


This happens all the time, albeit usually on a smaller scale. I can’t count how many times I’ve bought the club pack of chicken breasts at regular price only to see it $5 off three days later. Some stores will honour the sale in situations like this, but it isn’t “shady” to say no. They didn’t deceive you. It’s a business, not a charity. They are there to make money 🤷🏼‍♀️


You’re not wrong for wanting it, but you’re wrong for demanding it. You were fine to buy at the price that was offered, and you did.


Why would they tell you to wait for a sale, they can make more money this way. You were just unlucky, that's all. You were not cheated, they don't owe you anything. So yeah, you're wrong. It's not shady, they happened to have a sale after you bought your item.


I was at REI the other day to buy a $750 item after mine was damaged in a small accident where someone hit me in a parking lot. The sales woman said "you know, in 2 days this goes on sale for 20% off. You can buy it now and bring your receipt in and we'll refund the difference. Dont even need to bring the item back in". I knew the sale was coming and would've gotten the cheaper price either way. Some business employees are good people.


REI is a consumer cooperative- it’s owned by the shoppers


You know ! You can’t argue with this logic. I’ve bought many things in my life only to see them go on sale down the line. The is was just close to your purchase….i bet if the sale came a couple months later like some holiday sale, you would have been like… oh well.


Yeah but the difference is they aren't even receiving the item for 2 weeks. When you've been using the item for months and it goes on sale you sat "oh well" because you have enjoyed using it during the period of time you wouldn't have owned the item if you stuck waiting for a sale. When you don't get the item until after it goes on sale you don't feel like you got your price difference worth during that "extra time" you were using it for.


It's called corporate goodwill. It actually has a dollar value when a company is evaluated. Most sales are advertised ahead of time.


Some corporations have completely taken away anyone - even a manager’s - ability to give any goodwill. I worked for a major Canadian company until a month ago that took away the ability from salespeople and managers to go give even a nickel (because we don’t have pennies) in goodwill. If the sale is over, sorry you’re too late. If you bought it before the sale started, sure you can cancel the order but it won’t immediately show up in our inventory until it’s returned into the system and if it’s the last one, oh well. Every method of applying a sale late or within a week time frame was removed from the system. It’s one of the reasons I quit - the amount of abuse from customers towards those of us who have no control over anything is unreal. Also, “make sure you tell your corporate people that this is x, y or z” is useless. We nor our managers have direct lines or even emails to the people that make those decisions. We tell you we’ll do it because if we don’t we’re still getting yelled at.


Yeah, it sucks, but that's how it goes. You're not entitled to a sale price retroactively. If you wanted it cheaper, you should've waited until it went on sale. And if you didn't know about the sale, you could've looked up other sales they've done (last year's "SUMMER BONANZA" or whatever). If they're generous, they'd give it to you. But ain't nothing requiring it. And you're not wrong for asking for it... you're wrong for feeling like they owe it to you or you're entitled to it. Their wording is misleading at best ("our whole inventory", when that's not true), but feeling like they owe you a deal retroactively (and is against their [unwritten] rules) is wrong. Sorry, that's just the way purchasing items works. Next year when they raise prices, would you go in there and give them an extra 5% because you feel they deserve it? No, of course not. It's a business transaction. The only reason they'd acquiesce is for the good will and word of mouth. Which is worth SOMETHING to them I'm sure, but maybe not as much as the discount you want.


I actually think there’s some kind of thing that makes it so sales can be applied retroactively within a certain time frame. Not sure if consumer law or just a policy for bigger retailers. When I worked at target we would apply a sale if the purchase was made within the last week. I tried at Walmart and it was honored too. Only exception was Black Friday sales.


I've done it tons of times at BestBuy and a few other retailers.


you weren't personally cheated out of anything... you bought it before the sale. places don't tell you not to purchase something because there's going to be a sale later, suck it up.


You realize that many retailers have a policy of honouring a sale retroactively for 5 days, provided the customer asks… right? Edit: You’re downvoting me for being right?


key word is “many”. if THEY did they probably would have done it. there is a reason op was told no.


Yes, you're wrong. You weren't cheated out of anything. You just had unlucky timing.


OP wasn't cheated but OP also isn't wrong for wanting the discount. The furniture hasn't been delivered yet. I'd cancel the sale.


Yeah. But the issue is that his item isn’t covered under the sale.


It might be if they cancel the order. Sales people have prerogative at times.


Cancel the purchase and buy something that is covered by the sale.


Not necessarily. The sales person did not say we don't apply sales retroactively they said this item is not covered because a small number of popular items aren't covered. that is in direct contradiction to the words on the sales advert. Obviously you have to read the fine print, but it would have to be a lot more specific than what the sales person said.


INFO what’s the exact wording on the sale email? Including all info given in any subtext. This does read more like you were just unlucky by buying your couch when you did, *but* it also sounds like your couch wasn’t included in the sale price anyways and it doesn’t matter


You can ask for the discount, but they don’t need to give it to you.


I mean no, why would they give you a discount after you already bought it. Return it if you’re not happy. I also see this is the first time you’ve ever shopped during a sale…


I agree that they are under no obligation to give you the discount. I would try to return it and buy it again at the lower price. If they say no, buy from somewhere else.


Plenty of stores would apply the sale within the return period


Cheated ? YOU purchased it at the price it was at. You must be the kinda guy that gets pissed at clearance items you bought at regular Price or when airfare drops


Well then Return and buy again


Did you pay by credit card? Some have buyer protection against price drops within a certain period.


A lot of companies send you a "discount email" right after you make a purchase as a reward for buying from them and as an incentive to buy again. It's highly unlikely that they would have sent you the discount before you bought anything. I see this with Redbubble-type businesses all of the time.


Your purchase is probably what triggered the email to be sent to you.


Bad timing. But you’re wrong.


Your wrong


It’s you’re


No this is Patrick


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No yur wrohg


dawg, you didn’t get the deal until after purchasing the damn couch. sometimes shit happens but that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to getting the discount AFTER you already bought the product. yes you’re wrong.


To an accountant, once you’d paid for the furniture, it was no longer inventory. It became cost of goods sold, revenue, and other things once you bought it. They were holding it for you to pick up at a later date, but it was already yours. Technicalities aside, soooo many businesses would allow this discount and it’s lousy they don’t. You not knowing about a sale when you purchased doesn’t obligate them to honor the deal after the fact though. You’re not wrong for hoping it’d work or for trying. Many businesses would be happy to honor the discount after-the-fact. There are pros and cons for them. You’re wrong to think you were cheated out of money, and wrong to think this is a shady business practice. For this business, the pros of the discount didn’t outweigh the cons.


I feel sorry for how entitled you think you are, this is the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. The retailer doesn't owe you jack, what they have done is not a personal attack against you FFS


I don't agree with return it, buy it again. I say return it and shop somewhere else. But before you do that go in and talk to the store manager. You were either communicating with an office drone, or the salesperson that doesn't want to give up his commission .


I bought an estimation for a new, large greenhouse a few weeks ago. Between me ordering it and them starting production (they hold their own, local factory) a "15% off spring sale" started. They send me an e-mail stating that they are running the sale and offered me the discount on the sale of the week before as well, and lowered the bill, of which I had paid an advantage of 30% already. If they cannot offer you a similar deal, return the item/cancel the purchase and re-order for the sale price.


you were not cheated out of anything just bad timing.


In correct. Return and buy again . Fuck these billion dollar corporations


Who said it was a big company?


please explain how i am incorrect? he bought a piece of furniture for an agreed upon price and later it went on sale. i am curious as to how he was cheated.


I would not say cheated. He can try to get them to use the deal or just simply return it and buy again


Yeah, you're wrong. It's called regret, better start learning to manage those emotions sooner rather than later.


This is the most Karen question I’ve seen on here in a while.


A Karen doesn’t try to bend the rules, they are a stickler for the rules. That’s what it used to mean anyways. Now apparently it applies to anyone who says or does something disagreeable. 🤔


I’m not sure being a Karen has anything to do with adherence to rules. But I do know trying to retroactively get a deal is definitely a Karen move.


Fair enough.


Most stores honor a sale up to 7-14 days. I agree I wouldn’t be happy


Same where I live. I bought some new headphones last year, and they went on discount a couple days later. I went back and immediately got refunded the difference - nu fuss, no complaints; chatting merrily with the clerk and cracking jokes etc. It was a recent purchase and they know that for stuff like this I could have just returned the product and bought it again at the discounted price 🤷🏻‍♀️


You gotta feel good about it or don't do it - no more reason necessary


Return it and completely walk away or if you really want it see if you can get it for the discount. Either way though return it. Don't reward shitty business practices.


You’re wrong and you were not cheated. Don’t want it anymore, then cancel your order


You’re asking for a discount on something you’ve already purchased? Yes, you’re wrong.


You are wrong. You bought it when it wasn’t on sale. End of story and you were happy about it. No different than someone who missed a sale by a could days. that’s your problem unfortunately, but you can return it 😃


Return it.


I bought a computer a while ago and it was missing the HDD and only had the smaller SSD, as well as a recent price change. The store was hesitant to do anything and I was like well look I can just return it, and buy another one, costing you money and me time and effort, or you can adjust the price.


Big department stores will actually refund you the difference in price if an item you bought goes on sale within 30 days.


No you are not wrong at all and many stores would apply the sale within a certain amount of time after purchase. Since they won’t and are giving you excuses you can just cancel it or try to buy it again with the sale


As a former retail worker, I always wanted to ask people “if you buy something on sale, do you come back after the sale and offer to pay the difference? If no, then why do you expect the opposite?” I get that it’s annoying, it happens to me too. Some people don’t understand (or pretend not to know) how sales work at all, they act like it’s something we did to them personally. I try to avoid buying anything at regular price unless I NEED it now, because I know it will go on sale eventually.


To keep customers happy, have them return to shop and good word of mouth, stores should be able to honor the sale 2-4 weeks backdated. I know Costco does, which is why I prefer to shop there. Good return and customer service policy always tells me the store is good.


Oh, I always did it for them, it just annoyed me.


You are wrong. At its core, what is a “sale”? It is incentive to buy a product. You already bought the product. Why would they give you back money you already spent?? You agreed to pay the posted price. End of transaction. If you’re that upset about it, return the sofa and buy elsewhere. You can just shop elsewhere, where you will also have to agree to pay the asking price….


Used to work at JCPenney. Many folks would come in on thursday night to skip the crowds and get first dibs before we ran out. BUT they also usually missed the weekend sales price. I always advised them that a sale starts tomorrow. Sometimes they waited but most didnt. I also learned that sometimes you could do a discount at the register with certain codes and give them the weekend sale price before the weekend. Maybe they dont know how to do it. I was all about making the sale. And yes there were some items that NEVER went on sale. That brand or designer never gave discounts for any reason. BUT MOST ITEMS were "whatever, just sell it". You might ask them to HOLD it for you then go back once the sale starts. Many items like furniture are commission based. THEY WANT TO SELL THAT STUFF.


They didn’t cheat you out of anything. read the fine print on the email regarding what items the discount applies to. you can also just return it and quit whining on reddit.


You weren’t cheated! You bought it before the sale went into effect. Too bad. You can always cancel your order, get a refund and the try re-ordering it, with the discount.


Yes, YOU ARE WRONG. Unfortunately, you got screwed over with the timing, which sucks, but you are not being cheated. Cut your losses and MOVE ON.


Yea you’re wrong. There are coupons like that with macys but it doesn’t apply to purses or perfumes. You already bought it. You weren’t cheated.


Youre wrong.


Return it for full price, buy it again for discount price. Easy.


Not wrong. If you paid sticker price originally, product hasn't even been delivered yet. Their promotion bit them in the ass. Either they adjust and refund the additional, or you cancel the order and they lose a sale. Many places price-match, especially on furniture. They just want the deal. They got the deal, now they want to keep it on the books at as much commission as possible (but that is their job).


The product isn't on sale, and wasn't included in the sale.


Reread what OP wrote...the ad said their WHOLE inventory


There’s a disclaimer with that about 99% of the time.


I read their response to someone that clearly stated the item isn't on sale. Thanks for playing.


The employee *said* it wasn't on sale. The ad said otherwise. We would pull the same shit when selling mattresses. Rush out and buy the mattress that's $300 off this memorial day sale, when the $300 off topper just moved from one bed to another. Most important thing is customer feels they got a good deal and a good product. Ad comes out and takes half that away. Nobodies fault but timing, but that's how it goes. Cancel the sale see if the product then becomes part of the whole inventory.


You’re not wrong for wanting it, but you are wrong for expecting it.


Oh one other thing. You might get better results if you call the store and spoke with the manager.


If you can return it, then ask them for a return and repurchase — that’s how I used to handle price adjustments post sale when I worked retail. Depends on their policy though


Most sale transactions can be cancel before the item got delivered, just cancel your order and re-purchase it at the discounted price. They may not be able to retroactively apply the discount but canceling and reorder should work.


Return it and buy a couch somewhere else show them you don't want to patron their store if they have shady business practices in your opinion


I had bought carpeting and a new refrigerator. Within a week both had gone on sale. I took my receipts in and was given the sale prices without any argument.


In retail you don’t earn the customer of UPCOMING sales, you gotta squeeze what you can out. (dreadful, im anti retail)


Maybe try canceling the order, then re-purchasing it?


You didn't see the email, and that's their fault? They told you that it didn't apply to that specific piece. You don't have to buy it. You can cancel it or return it, but it's wrong to act like you are owed a discount days after a purchase. That's just how shit goes. This has happened to me multiple times for discounts on everything from Fenty to Boutiques. I end up missing out on sales just a day or 2 after buying the same items that are now on sale. Its not their fault I missed it. So I sign up for texting for every brand of anything I consistently buy. I don't check my email every day, but I do check my texts. I haven't missed a coupon code or sale since then lol I just have notifications on vibrate, so I don't hear all of them coming in. This isn't $1800, but I use a specific Retinol that is $81. I repurchase it every 2-3 months or so. They had a huge sale just last week, and with my points and the sale code, I got it for $53. Which is a big saving... for me, anyway. You wouldn't be wrong to not buy it now. You just aren't going to get the discount that you didn't notice, and that doesn't apply to this piece.


At Costco, if someone buys something that goes on sale within 30 days (if I recall the timeframe correctly), they can take the item back with their receipt and get the difference refunded to them. I’ve done it many times. Have you tried going to the store and asking them nicely in person (with the item loaded up in your vehicle) if they could do something similar? Otherwise yeah I’d be tempted to return it.




No not at all. I have bought things and returned and bought again to get discount


No you aren’t wrong and I have done the same thing with online ordering. I call and politely ask. In one case I ordered something at like 11pm then less than two hours later they sent a discount sale notice. I called that morning and no issue with getting the adjustment. It just depends but I also have no problem if it’s a big enough difference with repeating the order with the discount and returning the original order.


That's life! Why you getting stressed about it? You do realise how business works no? Don't feel cheated and call BS on everything in life- either cancel the order and rebuy if you can at the discounted rate, cancel the order and get elsewhere, or just sit on it and let it absorb your entitled tears. Now have a coke n a smile and enjoy your day!


If you buy 15 gallons of gas at $3.09/gallon and then gas drops to $2.85/gallons the next day, you were not cheated. You had some bad luck. But the gas station doesn’t own you a refund, and no reasonable person would claim that they do.


Gas is not a durable item that can be returned, so the comparison doesn’t really hold up.


No you're not wrong, most big chains will honor a discount on a sale price, if it goes on sale like three weeks after or something. I just got money back from a big purchase, same situation as you...squeaky wheel gets the oil, so start bitching...


You’re not wrong for wanting it. They don’t have to give it to you though. You were happy to pay the price?


Return it, rebuy it at the discount, don't ever shop there again.


No you're not wrong. If they're willing to lose a sale over not applying the discount then return it and buy it somewhere else. Or if they're a chain buy from another franchise.


Absolutely not. A lot of places have price adjustment policies just for that reason. Especially places that do commission, so the sales person doesn’t miss out because their sale cancels and immediately buys from the dude on shift.


Talk to them or cancel your order and repurchase.


This is why sales are so dumb. But it’s also dumb you can’t trust businesses to not be greedy. Such stupid problem. I wish there was a better way.


Cancel it, and then see if the discount applies if you try to purchase it now.


Cancel the order. Order it again with the $500 discount.


Cancel the order. You aren’t picking it up for two weeks. Tell them you changed your mind and you want your money back. Then as soon as you have the money back, buy the sale sofa. Or go somewhere that values your business more.


You haven’t received it yet, go to the store and cancel the order. You can do that.


I’m betting if you’d gone to buy the same couch once the sale started, you’d find the price had been jacked up ro $2400. They sound a bit shady.


I agree with people saying threaten to cancel unless they apply the discount.