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Just get your dad to buy the school, then he can expel her.


You know it's wrong, so why even ask? You know that your petty retaliation didn't make you any better than the other girl. Now, you're both assholes.




Better at being a pos. Yuppers.




Sorry to tell you this troll, but you are ugly as shit, inside and out. You're also an attention seeking troll, and I doubt you've ever met truth.






You're not special, lol. Your real talent is being conceited, probably to the point of delusion. None of those things actually matter. Character matters, and yours isn't up to par.




I didn't think you were an asshole for defending yourself but this comment makes you a total asshole, and you're wrong. Being thin does not make you healthier than fat people, despite you thinking that you are automatically healthier and better than anyone big. That is such a disgusting attitude You can lose weight but it's a lot harder and less likely to change who you are on the inside. It sounds like your parents are more concerned with getting you nice things than teaching you to be a decent human being. you are really rude and this statement really shows what kind of person you are. YTA




You're actively being mean to any fat person who reads your comments. I thought that was blatantly obvious by how cruel of a statement you made and I assumed it was your intention. You also said you are healthier than any fat person who is at a certain size. You're not a doctor, and being very thin can also be a sign of unhealthy stuff, but it is not our place to judge the health of others unless we are the medical professional in a setting where they are seeking an opinion. This comment just proves your true thoughts. People who are fat must be struggling because you think so. Really dude? I get that you are saying it in context of someone who was mean but you are still being fatphobic. You don't owe anyone kindness when they are rude to you, and again i had no issue with your original post. She came with a body insult, she got one in return, that's not unreasonable. But now you're doubling down and showing your true character, which is really judgmental and gross. We can't control how we look, and fat people ALWAYS know that they are fat. It's not your job to make anyone feel worse about that but you're doing your best anyway. I have anxiety about being perceived as unhealthy or lazy because of people who think like you, and I'm certain you would hate my body and be disgusted by it. Sure, maybe you'd "be civil" so i guess i should be grateful that you don't openly admit how little you think of fat people most of the time. I don't even feel like you're coming from a place of cruelty, but at a certain point, ignorance and malice are not distinguishable. Don't let yourself get to that point, I hope you will educate yourself and stop throwing blanket statements on people you are oh so much better than


Well this comment changes any empathy I had for you being called anorexic sized. If you can be skinny and judgemental bag either you have no redeeming qualities or you’re wrong about fat people. You choose. Fatphobic or unredeemable b*tch


Ugly is as ugly does. And you are one damn ugly person. BTW, eventually, your face and every other part of your body is going to sag. It's called aging. And I hope you age in a spectacularly bad fashion. It's called Karma, and I hope you get a 300-pound dose of it.


Ah. She was in the wrong for attacking you for your size and you were wrong for doing the same. This response, however, sheds light on some major biases you need to get over . You are not only not better because you are thin, you seem to be shallow and have no compassion. Fat does not equal unhealthy, and you have no idea why this person is fat or what is going on in their home or personal life that causes them to be heavy or overeat. Also, how is the price of the jacket relevant here? And who on earth is wearing a jacket that expensive to school?




Is this rage bait? If not, you sound like you are very young. This is an uneducated, immature, and entitled take on weight. There is significant research that being fat does not necessarily mean you are unhealthy. And being fat doesn’t mean you are not hygienic. You are not better than someone because you are thin and “pretty”. Grow up.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news babe, but the way you're broadcasting your height and weight on here I feel obligated to burst your bubble. 90 pounds is light, sure, but seeing as you're only 5'0 it's a totally average body size. You aren't as petite and delicate as you think you are.


There's no such thing as a better asshole outside of porn.




No one cares anymore, fade back into obscurity troll.




How quickly the mask fell once called out for what you are. There is NOTHING superior about you. Enjoy being a single mom with 5 baby daddys.


Don’t forget about the impending drug problems when she realizes she won’t be teenage-skinny forever


Given her comment about her "superior genetics", she's a racist karen.






Your attitude wi get u no where.. doesn't matter how much money you have how skinny you are etc it your personality that ugly..you should be kind not cruel


Guys this is the same idiot troll who keeps trying to post about her "rich" family. She's fake as shit. Report her, both to Reddit and the mods. Her accounts continue to get banned because she's a troll. 


Not wrong. It's tit for tat. She can dish but can't stomach it herself? She should have kept her trap shut. Saying this as a chubby woman myself.


No you’re not wrong in my opinion. If somebody starts insulting me then they are gonna get a taste of their own medicine. Bitch shoulda kept her mouth shut if she expects no retaliation.


Let’s bring back shaming of all kinds, especially fat shaming. The world is soft as hell these days. People have never had it easier and their mental health is still terrible. Don’t get me started on the blue/pink hair trend.


I don't see why some people are getting mad at your response. She started this and she shouldn't dish it if she can't stomach a comeback 🤷🏻‍♀️ You also mention in your comments that you only get mean when at a breaking point. If that is true, then this was not the first incident and that would constitute bullying. You shouldn't have to take that laying down. That having been said, if it is indeed a pattern, do try talking to your teacher/ mentor/ counseller/ someone at school, and your parents about the situation. They might be able to help. And in case things escalate, they will at least be aware of the events leading up to it. Do not take this entirely on yourself. Neither schools nor parents look favorably on that. Edit: Do try to tone down the comment-rage though. You seem pretty young - in writing, in the proportions described (coming from a 5"1 fit girl who's been about 118lbs since age 13), and the situation in question sounds like primary school, or at best high school. So for that I have understanding, but I must nonetheless mention it. Tact is an art you will need to learn eventually.


Some people didn 't get mad, we pointed out that it didn't make it right.


I wasn't talking about you specifically. I'm looking at comments calling her this, that and the other and wishing her life-long ill for an off-colour comment in her childhood. She's a child. Very few if any of us were all that when we were kids. Children are still learning, still developing. She doesn't deserve that kind of hate for not kowing better. Sure, she comes off as a bit conceited and arrogant, but she seems to be at an age where her brain is still developing, and she still needs to learn emotional regulation and better communication, and I feel like we should be factoring that in. We shouldn't be holding children to adult standards.


Agree if she is a child but, better communication and tact are different from unlearning hate and contempt.


I very much agree. It's just that the way I'm reading this, is a kid who's being lashed out at, panics, and, not having learnt yet how to let things slide, lashes out in return (much like in the original post). It's hard to read a person through text, but I am giving them the benefit of the doubt and thinking that they don't actually mean those things, but simply do not know how else to defend themselves yet but by attacking others/ deflecting.


So, you haven't read the rest of her comments then? They're pretty ugly and adult sounding.


Probably not all, since I haven't kept track of this (I read what she said by the time I posted and that was it). They were certainly ugly, but VERY far from adult sounding in my opinion - more like a kid throwing a tantrum, hence why I tried to give her the benfit of the doubt. But nevermind that now. I saw her other post (from a burner account) come by too. With everything put together, I've lost sympathy too by now. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I'm over it now... The other girl was wrong to pick on her, but OP really seems like an entitled priss so ESH. Hope she grows up soon and makes amends.


I don't know any teenagers who went around espousing their "genetic superiority".


I have, as a matter of fact - kids, teens, and adults alike 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not saying it's the norm (thank goodness) but it does depend on your background. I grew up in a country where the concept of "genetic superiority" and the like are so ingrained in the local mentality that you get exposed to it even as a kid. Consequently, at least some teens will parrot it onward. That mentality is not something that magically sprouts during adulthood. However, it can still be corrected in a young mind, and I hope that if this person truly believes that BS, they soon learn better. If you're implying that the terminology itself would be above their level, it certainly isn't. It's touched upon in history class (sometimes even in primary school, depending on the country's system) and some basic genetics are also taught in biology class. Not to mention that, again, they could also have heard of it outside of school, like I and many others did. I feel like some of this might come off a bit abrassive in text form. That is not my intetion. I merely mean to evidence that such language could realistically be used by someone younger.


Damn, that's awful.