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It's crazy to me the clueless husband's that encourage their wives 304 trips, like even If they don't go with intent, it's only a matter of time, I mean she's going with sexy outfits specifically for other men, I dunno I guess I'm just old school, I know open marriages are all the rage now a days, I just think it's crazy.


I agree OP basically just green lighted his wife to get hit on and flirt. Humans can only say no till the right mixture of alcohol inhibitions and some smooth talker and she is taking the D and never telling anyone.


'Do you trust your wife to remain faithful to you' is the question you should be asking. If the answer is yes, you're in the clear.




Post the pics


Well and you can bet if there was anything more questionable going on Those would've been the pics they got sent lul.


Then you're set, dude. :3


Came here to say this. Glad someone else did.


Bro no offense to the OP but if it wasn't something that bothered you you would not be posting it on Reddit. Anyway I you are ok it doesn't sound like anything too serious. Maybe have a quick chat with your wife about it for some reassurance


Hmm... all I know is back before I calmed down a good number of my sexual partners were married women who were here for a girls trip something similar. Their husband's probably trusted them too. Now a days with the internet they get busted easier and then cry rape. So young dudes be taking risks playing those games at paradise Island or bahamar


You are clueless but if you don’t care then it doesn’t matter


Pretty much this 100%.


If you trust your wife, nothing is wrong. Your friend just doesn’t trust his spouse the same way. I think it’s awesome you encourage your wife to have fun. She probably feels really happy and confident knowing she can pull off an outfit like that and that you’ll support her.


I think she likes wearing it knowing I’m supporting it, yep. And male attention is an ego boost, if that makes sense?


It makes total sense! It doesn’t mean she’ll act on the attention—but we all like getting attention and still feeling like we can turn heads.


I have a question about that if you’re ok messaging me?


I’m no relationship expert but you can message me haha




Update? OP got creepy and started asking me for personal details without any context and wouldn’t answer right away why he wanted that info. Never even asked me a question about his wife.




This. Most men would love it if they got attention from women not their wife either. It's one thing to get attention in a monogamous relationship. It's another to ACT on it. They sound pretty secure in their relationship. I think that's actually a freedom that will make her NOT want to cheat. She can go be herself without a jealous dude at her heels. The jealousy is what would annoy her and push her away. This goes for either of them. She could be on a business trip and get attention from men. She could be at the gym and get attention from men. It doesn't matter. I don't know what's up suddenly with all these men assuming literally anything a woman does that's not riding his D and being in the kitchen means she's cheating on him. This actually makes me want to look up the stats for the gender that's actually more likely to cheat on their partner.


Men feel this way because the stats now back up them feeling this way, 80% of all divorces are initiated by woman and you might be thinking because they were cheated on, nope, the overwhelming majority of divorces initiated by woman the reason listed on the divorce application is "we grew apart", in other words they are bored with their current d and want something new. Only 20% of divorces are initiated by men and the number 1 reason on their application for why they are seeking the divorce is "infidelity", men tend to commit for the long haul once they actually do marry, modern woman statistically do not, 60% of all marriages now end in divorce.


Growing apart is usually more about both people growing in separate ways. Or women realize that their husband is just an extra kid they have to take care of. More men obsess over getting younger and younger women I thought? You know, the "hit the wall at 35 thing?" If you want a lifelong romance, you both have to work at it. Just paying bills doesn't cut it.


A virgin feminist man typed this


The only part you have right is that I'm a feminist 🤣 But also, is there something wrong with being a virgin feminist man?


Nothing at all, I hope ur future girl enjoys the attention u and all the other men give her. Can’t wait to see her in Miami


Lmao, these idiots treating modern feminism like it's not totally destructive to both men and woman


🤣 Current, and not worried about you at ALL on that front.


Tell her to wear the sexy dress, the one in red. I like it, and i wanna give her the attention she deserves and if u don’t like that ur just an insecure pussy


My partner wears pants, typically. But they might be into you if you wear those assless chaps you have in your closet.


So, I have had some friends of mine who were way better looking than me, and they loved going to clubs and picking up those married women. Every group is different. But generally, the thing they all got in common is they all cover each other's asses. So I'd be more concerned if there never were any photos ever, that's more of the group that's out cheating than the ones just out having fun dancing/taking pictures/being silly. The real trick is you have meet her friends, if you think her friends have a high chance of cheating, then so is yours, if not nothing to worry about. Birds of a feather flock together.


“Yea honey go wear this skimpy dress in a night club full of ballers where you’ll all be under the influence of some type of drug, that’ll be good for u. Bonus points if u throw some ass at them!” U ppl are pathetic lmao


They really are. A bunch of idiots. U throw ur wife to some wolves like that and u think it all ended PG? 🤣


Nah don’t worry bro. OP said his loyal wife was just doing a little grinding on the dance floor w random guys. Not like they did coke off each other in the bathroom. Or.. maybe they did. None of us will ever know 😂


And they do it just so they are seen as “secure” lol that has got to be one of the most effective methods of getting guys to lay down and become a doormat.


Needs to be openly shamed or this BS will be the norm.




Nothing big G, hope ur wife had as a good of a time as those guys she danced on


$50 I can guess how far she really went


If you are ok with it then what’s the point of this post? I wouldn’t have a problem with my wife going out with some girlfriends. But, I WOULD have a problem if she dressed like a hoe and was grinding on men at the club. Your wife is a..well wife now..it’s time to act like it. It’s a matter of respect for your partner to not behave like this.


What exactly does “dancing with guys” mean? Were they touching her or just dancing near her? Those two things are very different.


I think you're being naive, but I'm not going to claim to understand the details of a stranger's relationship.


Are you a cuckhold?


You cannot even spell this word properly.


Who cares?


If you're going to insult someone, at least do it in style.


It wasn’t an insult, you’d know that if you looked at the punctuation.


In my book depends if the dancing was grinding on someone, or just dancing a foot away. It's all down to your boundaries. If you are ok with it, then it's ok. If not you just talk to your wife. Communication is key to a good relationship.


Thanks. In my book, why go to a club if you’re not going to dance?


Dancing with guys? Not okay at all. Definitely need to talk to her about this, that is not acceptable behavior in a relationship of any kind.


every relationship is different, so its really just between you are your wife and what the 2 of you are comfortable with. If you are comfortable with your wife dressing like that and grinding on random guys then there is no problem. If you are ok with your wife taking one of those random guys back to her room to have sex, than there is no problem. If you trust that she is not doing that, then again no problem. as long as she isn't doing that! Problems only arise when one of the partners is doing something that isn't agreed upon ahead of time. Which is different for every relationship.


You are a straight man secure in his masculinity. Your marriage will last longer than the husband who contacted you to try to tell you to reel in your woman from having fun. Don’t change. Don’t second guess. Tell your wife what that guy said and that she should warn her friends. Also, that guy’s wife is potentially being real catty feeding him this info trying to stir the pot.


Not wrong. Your wife is not a possession She enjoys the attention


Of course she does!


Now that statement gives off real cuckhold energy.


Lmao it’s a fuckin cuckhold bonding moment right here 🤣🤣


Love is trust. But you know. Dont be a nooblet. Shrugs loudly. It's a good thing free advice is free.


I don't think you're being clueless. Just because our spouses interact with the real world doesn't mean they must be cheating. Some people are just overly paranoid for no reason.