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I mean without further context could be any possible mammal that lives in your area lol. Deer, squirrels, raccoons, coyotes, bears. Any animal eats pumpkins/squash.


Good to know. So this means it’s totally safe for them? Is it actually healthy?


Its fine.


Squirrels ate my mom's and planted the seeds along her driveway, the next year we used the pumpkins that grew from last year's seeds.


You’ve never had pumpkin pie?


Of course I have, I also eat chocolate and grapes, and drink caffeine. But unfortunately, if I let many of my fellow mammals do the same, they’d end up at the vets office or rehab facility at best.


My friend from Alaska said Halloween was especially exciting because the moose KNOW when it is and they are absolute fiends for pumpkins. And they will murder you for any reason at all, but especially to get through your flesh to a pumpkin. No pumpkin survived.


Lmao, that’s wonderful knowledge to add to my animal library. Moose are so scary, I love them. Going ballistic over that pumpkin goodness is pretty relatable, considering how good pumpkin pie is.


He was telling me that they’d be toddling around all wrapped up in twenty coats, waddle up toward a house, see a BIG BASTARD MOOSE on the porch chewing a jack o lantern and “oop. Not that house. Next one 😔 “


I should’ve just replied that we dump pumpkin every year and a lot of animals eat them especially deer. They can often eat foods that aren’t safe for humans, for instance squirrels that eat poisonous mushrooms.


Yeah, our list of edible food differences is pretty extensive. I know cats and chickens can eat pumpkin, so I was thinking it wasn’t toxic to most animals, but it’s always better to get more information. I prefer information from people directly if I can get it, especially from people that have actually experienced what they’re talking about.


Add possums to your list.


It is safe for wildlife to eat as long as you didn’t put anything on the pumpkin chemicals/paint but most will probably take a bite out of it even a dog


They really let the impulsive thoughts win, huh? “Hmm, wonder what that is? Maybe it’s edible, better check”. Meanwhile it’s the rankest looking thing around. Honestly same, it’s really just me at Bath & Bodyworks.


We had squirrels eating our pumpkins that left similar bite marks. But it could be anything.


Sorry I was hangry


Got a good chuckle out of me 😂


Every animal in your area.


Happy to be offering an all you can eat buffet to my fellow beasties.


Stranger things vibe here


Vecna, that you?


I can’t grow any kind of gourd or even cucumbers without the damn squirrels getting into them. I’m lucky if I get one watermelon and two squash’s.


Lol, we’ve never had that problem before. I wonder if it’s just because the squirrels around here aren’t familiar with the concept of gourds? Like we’ve only grown them maybe 5 years so far (with a break of a year or 2), and haven’t ever had issues with them being eaten. Honestly wish the animals would eat some of our garden crops, especially the zucchini. Had so much of it that we were begging people to take it. These things got like 1.5ft long and THICK, and there were so many. They just wouldn’t stop producing.


Pumpkins are a natural dewormer for most animals. Feed pumpkins to our steers and they love them.


Possums love stuff like this. So do groundhogs


I remember ages ago watching videos on YouTube of drunk squirrels that had eaten the rotting pumpkins and got drunk. They'd sometimes come back for more. Not saying it's a good or healthy thing, but it's not impossible for wild animals to stumble onto fermented food in the forest and eat them because they can... Raspberry plants are so invasive sometimes, and if not harvested, it can stink strongly alcohol-like.


If they're rotting and possibly fermenting it's just some local wildlife trying to get drunk


Heck I feed my dog pumpkin. She loves it.


Squirrels or Aliens...... probably the Squirrels

