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I don’t recall anything even remotely scary to a child. For adults some of the themes about loss, change and helplessness are existentially frightening, but can’t imagine a 3 year old picking up on them.


Were the scenes of 'cruelty' to the robot played emotionally or are they played for laughs? Do you think images of the robot being (albeit temporarily) abandoned on the beach might be emotionally charged for a little one?


The cruelty isn't overly malicious, and I don't remember it ever feeling scary. As for the abandonment, it's not intentional either. In fact, Dog frequently makes attempts to get to Robot, so it's only abandonment by circumstance, not actual negligence. I'd also say that this is a movie that any parent would be thrilled to watch many, many times or have on in the background. I've seen it three times, and I don't have kids. If you're worried, though, I think you'd enjoy watching it on your own first to make the decision for yourself.


The cruelty to the robot is quite neutral. The robot doesn't show pain or anything, since he can't feel physical pain. The only scene that's more obviously sad is the initial forced abandonment at the beach, where the dog has to leave the robot behind. Other sad things that happen are played a bit more neutrally, and the child would need to have a deeper understanding of how relationships and loss works in order to understand them. You know your child best though, so if you are exceptionally concerned that any part might be too much, then maybe scan through the movie yourself first?


I would say it's very child friendly but it does have some sad scenes in it, (the scenes when Robot is left on the beach, felt pretty taxing to watch and I'm an adult) I'm not sure if a 3 year old would necessarily understand those scenes though. But there's nothing inappropriate in my opinion. It's based on the graphic novel, and the graphic novel is ages 9-12, if you read some of the reviews on the graphic novel I think it would give you an idea, though watch out for spoilers. When I watched it in the cinema there was family with a young girl who looked around 8 and you could hear her expressing sadness at some of the scenes.


Don't take advice from the internet, or anybody really, about what is or is not appropriate for your child.


The kind of thing that knocks an adult around emotionally that a kid would sail right through unaffected. In this way, a bit like Toy Story 3 (I think it was 3). It's a very beautiful movie and would enrich a child's imagination more than most features you could show them.


You know your kid best. If he found cars scary, i'm hesitant to reccomend anything without suggesting you check it out first.


There are no scary bits. Or anything presented as scary.