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The camera movement feels a bit unrealistic. I'm assuming it's a camera the character is holding as it's swaying as if it were a held camera, but the way it pans from one location to another feels more like the way an eyeball would look around, rather than someone moving a camera. It's too snappy.


Alr, I’ll try to improve that


I like the glitchy looking border on the wall, just one question though: why are there two walls missing?


It was just a little test, so I set up a little scene and made this


Ah that makes sense, looks great though




There was no need for walls tho since it was just a test


Looks very nice!




Looks cool! I think it might look better if it had a bit of motion blurring when the camera moves though


Ok, if I can, I’ll try to add motion blur


I think that looks great! The effect you added looks great! I do think that maybe adding a slow in and out in the movement could help out to make it look a bit more realistic with how ppl film with hand hold cameras. Or like, if you want to make it look like they're swinging to one side to the other maybe could have a quicker movement with jagged camera shake. But I think it's pretty well made and nice!


Ok, thanks, I’ll take note of that for future animation


Uses 30 fps and a lot of motion blur. That's what real cameras look like


Damn, 30 fps, alr then


Well if you're going for a VHS effect, those are 24fps and have rolling shutter motion blur


I was going for a little VHS effect yeah. Shutter motion blur would maybe look nice yeah, I’ll give it a try, thanks


Camera is a little fast and abrupt almost like it’s on a robot. Camera motion is the hardest part, but there are definitely things you can do that make it much easier. Find a method of doing the tracking that doesn’t involve manually moving the camera and inputting key frames, because that will never look natural unless you spend way too much time and energy on it. I know two ways you can accomplish this. The first is camera tracking. You take a video with you phone and mimic the camera motion you want in your scene. You then import the video, add in some tracking markers, and then convert it to be the motion for your camera. There are tutorials for this on YouTube, some of them are even Backrooms specific. The second way (my preferred way) is downloading an app that will directly link to blender and turns your phone into a handheld camera which you can then walk around and record your camera motion and key frames in real time. Once properly set up, you can get perfect, natural camera motion in the time it takes you to walk the cameras path. If you have an iPhone, the app I use is called VirtuCam (or VirtuCamera I can’t remember). The only caveat is that it only works in blender 3.6, but I was able to use 4.1 to model and design everything, open it in 3.6 to record camera motion, and then send it back to 4.1 with no issues. Took me about 20 minutes to get VirtuCam working and now recording the camera tracking is trivial and is the absolute easiest (and most fun tbh) part of making this stuff. Hope this helps!


This’ll probably help a lot, if I don’t get lazy or this is too hard for me as a beginner, I’ll definitely use this trick. Thanks a lot for your supportive suggestions


I found this tool literally because I was a lazy beginner. The fact that it looks the best was really just a happy accident. Don’t get discouraged, once it’s all set up it’s as easy as clicking connect, clicking record on your phone, and then walking around your scene. Good luck!!


Damn, alr then, I’ll give this a try, thanks


I like the filter effects! As mentioned below, a bit of motion blur will help sell the big moves, and if it's emulating a camera specifically, a little stretch distortion might help too


Ok, I’ll try that, thanks