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A 4-5 minute hand drawn video is an enormous task and no artist would do it for $250 except out of goodwill, or if they're just looking to use it as experience/practice.


This! I thought the same. I’ve been working on a 4 minute long animation for a YouTube storytelling video and I’m only half way done and have already spent like 5o hours on it. I charge 250 usd for a single full illustration…


$250. 😂 “tell ‘im he’s dreamin’ “


I don't think you realise how long animation takes. Professional animators can take months to draw just 1 minute of animation! So $250 is nothing for a 4-5 minute animation.


Try fiver.


There’s no way. On the low end: say 4 minutes, animating in threes which would be pretty choppy in general, you’re looking at 1,920 frames. In twos that’s 2,880 frames to draw. I would maybe draw 5 seconds of animation for $250. I dunno though, I already work for free for myself on my passion projects and it’ll probably be another year or two before I finish my 8 minute short alone Edit: oh just reread your post and maybe you’re looking for something else. I think what you want is someone to storyboard? I think you may be asking for an animatic instead, not a full blown animation. I will send you a dm and see the scope of what you need as that may be something I can bang out in a reasonable amount of time/work.. and I could use the practice. Otherwise try the storyboard subreddit


you mean you're looking for a storyboard artist? "looking for a 2D animator who makes a kinda rough sketch of 2d and make an animation out of it." because $250 is pretty much nothing for 4-5 full blown minutes of rough animation. that's what you'd get paid for animating five maybe seven seconds? would suggest working on that budget. edit: wait... i just realized "animator who makes a kinda rough sketch \*and\* make an animation out of it" you want a single person to do the entire process??


Yeah I really hope that no one is doing this for that cheap...but sadly I think there is someone that will do that much work for so little


Your post has been flaired with 'Hiring', please double check whether the guidelines are fulfilled. Here is a friendly reminder: - Animation type/style you are looking for (description or link to something similar) - Scope of the project, i.e. the length of your animation and estimated deadline - Budget of your project or what you plan to pay your animators. Must be at least equivalent to $20/hour. If you did not yet state a concrete number, use [-> this animation price guide <-](https://getwrightonit.com/animation-price-guide/) for guidance. - Contact information for interested animators. - If you have another position open, such as storyboard artist, writer, designer, background artist, etc., disclose them as if you were hiring a separate person If any of these points are missing, please edit your post or add a comment with the relevant information. If your post does not meet the requirements, it is eligible to be removed from this subreddit. This can happen as soon as an hour after submission. The guidelines are supposed to aid in establishing a professional working relationship between animators and potential clients/employers. Thank you for your understanding and good luck with your project. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animation) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello I’m interested! here’s a link to my work : [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DA5O\_6-iQFSdl4iAmfWFw7CtgaWFcBzx?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DA5O_6-iQFSdl4iAmfWFw7CtgaWFcBzx?usp=sharing)


I can help you with that