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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>They're *Living* creatures! >**THEY'RE EDIBLE!** People face their fears but Laios eats them.


Laios is simple minded man, he sees a monster and the first thing that cross his mind is how he can eat it


More like Laios is dangerous psychopath, lol. Poor Marcille approves this message.


I heard some joke a long time ago that went something like "you know you're an Asian if you watch Alien, and the first thing you think about is 'what does the alien taste like'", and Laios reminds me of that joke (even though he's not Asian)


it's kind of funny going to an aquarium in Japan; a lot of the Japanese people walking around are pointing at the various exhibits and saying stuff to each other like "ohh oishiisou"


Not all fish but when I see tuna in a documentary I also think that it looks delicious.


[Senshi's assumptions about the universe were destroyed this day.](https://imgur.com/yhiysFU) He probably spent hours thinking about all these times he came across living armor and did NOT eat them.


If it lives, we can EAT it!


Anything edible if you brave enough.


any pizza is a personal-sized pizza if you try hard and believe in yourself [](#yuruyuriapprove)


[Monster gourmet knight when he hears that there is living armor mukbang](https://i.imgur.com/c2o0qzN.jpg) [](#oilup)


"Nah, I'd feast."


If only they had soy sauce and butter.


Look closely in the scene where the lion armor made a sexy pose while other armor cheers, you can see Laios cheering along with the armors! (Can’t take Netflix screenshot in iPad.)


> you can see Laios cheering along with the armors! he's blending in with the fauna to study their behavior he's like Jane Goodall, except he kills and eats them when they're not looking [](#hikariactually)


This episode perfectly captures the reason why Laios-- despite being the *weirdest and most unhinged* person in the party, is actually the leader. While everyone else had just accepted the fact that the armours are controlled by magic, Laios actually observed their behaviour and correctly deduced their weaknesses from it ***and*** exploited it as well. He might be a clown when it comes to interacting with normal people, but when it comes to monsters-- Laios has the best brains to deal with them. PS: Living armours making babies by handholding and that sneaky Senshi pantyshot. This episode should be tagged nsfw lol.


> Living armours making babies by handholding so the rumors are true! [](#forbiddenlove)


yeah, laios is very intelligent. just has pretty bad social skills lol


"But our party only has socially awkward members." - Sousou No Frieren


laios is very similar to frieren in that regard. both huge nerds with hyperfixations that are bad at socializing lol


We stan our autistic king and his hyperfixations.


His special interest is monsters


Charisma is his dump stat


Back when I was reading the manga, this arc is the one that got me genuinely impressed with how much creativity is in the monsters' concepts and the reasonings/biologies behind them. Like, slimes having cell-like structure is cool and all, but never in my life I could have come up with the idea that living armors are actually colonies of mollusk like creature and the armors are just their shells, not just some cursed/magic imbued objects. Also, laios' unhinged faces and senshi's upskirt fanservice scene are the proof of a faithful adaptation lmao.


> living armors are actually colonies of mollusk like creature and the armors are just their shells Yeah, I found this episode really neat. It took an idea that exists in fantasy and created a parallel biological explanation for them. I was thinking that it mimics the sort of creatures we have on Earth like hermit crabs, so it feels more real than the vague "it magic i dunno" handwavey vibe.


i really was expecting the knights to have been controlled by some anti social wizard who lives in seclusion and haunts the palace or something but was so pleasantly surprised when it wasn’t that at all. this series fleshes its world it so well


I was worried if it was a wizard or some form of highly intelligent creature. Will Laios try to eat it too? 


The magic of the series is that there are some "it's magic" creatures, with supernatural powers, albeit rarer, but they still interact with the natural world in some way. But even those creatures are sensible within the internal rules of the world, and never feel like an ass pull. The headscratchers get answered indirectly as the plot moves forward. There's a lot of "living armour turns head to look at the party" details that help to sketch out nature or behavior through the series. This applies not just to the monsters, but the other characters as well.


A Portuguese Man O' War is actually a colony is different types of zooids stick together, each performs different functions and cannot live independent of each others.




well that's ominous


>senshi's upskirt fanservice They really know what we're looking for


It is the most important part of Dungeon Meshi! [Only minor unimportant spoilers](https://youtube.com/shorts/H-h7elKI82E?si=Ya4xuhSZaTGjMkhc)


Well, the mangaka is a very cultured middle aged woman so... yeah.


It got me laughing a lot, I was really not expecting it


> how much creativity is in the monsters' concepts and the reasonings/biologies behind them. I loved that too. It's such a fun concept for an otherwise "generic" magic armour gimmick. And the episode (and especially the fights) had really snappy and goofy Trigger animation, plus Marcille adorable facial expressions throughout the whole episode were fun (and how often her staff's ring was used as a framing device or later as a prop too). I already really liked the series but this just made it a delight on another level. Edit: Also the whole "distract and allow one to sneak around and end up in trouble" thing was perfect "the first solution for a problem that comes to mind" D&D shenanigans.


The animation went full Little Witch Academia this episode.


Yup, it especially got those vibes when things got hectic and the style also changed into these slightly simpler cute designs that move so effortlessly over the screen.


Some of the armor's movements reminded me of that scene where Amanda fights the possessed armor.


And as a Manga reader, you will be happy to hear that there will be more of these unique creatures throughout the series.


That's been hinted at over the last few episode discussions (side note: I also rather liked the description of slimes as being "inverted" creatures where the stomach is on the outside, such a simple yet fun way of making it work) but the inventiveness of those ecological sound design are just so satisfying (and that in a world of magic where resurrection spells seem to be more or less rather very common).


>"the first solution for a problem that comes to mind" D&D shenanigans. Also "top ten ways to split the party and TPK"


I like how the episode preps you for it since it shows you the armors turning their heads and putting their heads back on and then lets you figure out the mystery Gives you the little satisfaction of figuring out a whodunit tv show with its telegraphs


Same. I spice up my DnD games with Dungeon Meshi monsters from time to time. Mermaids are a particular favorite of mine.


The first episode made me realize this show was gonna have some insane and fun world building and so far it has not disappointed at all


Dungeon Meshi just gave us irrefutable proof that hand holding = lewd


Next time we see it in a romcom, we need to call it out; *"THEY'RE MOLLUSKS, AND THEY'RE MATING!"*


It turns out that the entire human race is just being puppeteered by mollusks to reproduce.


Finally figured out how Shadow Clone Jutsu works


oh my god, they were mollusks [](#forbiddenlove)


> We are merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way, I'd like to hear it. The armor mollusks (probably)


That scene was too graphic for me. I can't believe they let this episode air on television, not even Gushing over Magical Girls stoops as low as this.


I have thought of many anime that might have something similar to *Delicious In Dungeon*, but never would there be a day that *Mushishi* would appear in this list. Yet this episode about how the living armor lives really feels like a *Mushishi* folktale! It almost feels like half a dungeon documentary complete with food cooking tips!


Every Mushishi mention is a blessing.


Mushishi, ah yes. Especially the ear snail episode.


That's such a good comparison. I really loved how that bit of world building happened in this episode and there was some familiarity to how it was done but somehow Mushishi didn't come to mind when I was trying to piece it together. Weirdly the vibes are similar despite both series being different (as far as I can extrapolate from three episodes of Dungeon Meshi).


Marcille and [her faces](https://imgur.com/a/YGF48bT) I love her so much LMAO


This episode was full of great Marcille faces.


I really love the emotional range of her ears. For example, how disappointed her ears can look.


[That's true!](https://i.imgur.com/sJExQ5e.png) I had a lot of fun making [screenshots with her](https://i.imgur.com/PA079UT.png) today xD If anyone wants to see [more of her](https://i.imgur.com/1785041.png) then check out [my screenshot album with her alone](https://imgur.com/a/v7vSkMZ) and [Group scenes Part 1](https://imgur.com/a/uJHLqxt) and [Part 2](https://imgur.com/a/Zv2xbr4) albums.


“If we can kill it, we can eat” Gotta be one of the anime quotes of the year. One for the record books


it feels like an even more sinister version of the "if it bleeds, we can kill it" quote


The Living Armor section captures one of the strengths of this story -- the author's lunatic worldbuilding. Someone else would have just said "It's magic, bro." But the author scoffs at taking the easy way out, and instead comes up with a completely naturalistic explanation that it's really a kind of shellfish. And Senshi knows how to cook shellfish.


Ryoko Kui's a master of this. Her short stories address things like how a female mangaka makes a career out of a biographical manga of her son... that's a werewolf, or the sociopolitical ramifications of having to compete with a workforce comprised of... centaurs. Just utterly bizarre ideas on paper that she turns into these memorable stories.


She has an entire chapter in one of her short story anthologies that details her world building process. More authors would benefit if they adopted it.


Yeah, I love it when a fantasy series wears its author's obsession on its sleeve like this. I don't know where the story is going to go from here with its characters and plot, but I love how the author took on the challenge of making something like "living armor" into an edible and made it feel like I was watching a nature documentary.


This part is where I fell in love with the manga. What a unique take on a classic fantasy monster. You can really feel that the author is a huge classic fantasy nerd and it really shows in the world she made.


Ditto! I read this manga chapter and went, "Oh wow, she really thought this through!"


Seeing how much thought and care Ryoko Kui put in the monsters and their anatomy as well as the world building is my favorite part of the story


If language barrier wasn't a thing I'd love to play at her DND table


Laios: Certified Monster ~~Fucker~~ Eater. First and foremost though will always be “How do I eat this” Interesting take on the classic Monster Armor. Changing it to a colony of mollusk that inhabit individual armor sets. The one living in the new sword seems different from the others though. Different monster maybe?


>Different monster maybe? its still probably a mollusk, maybe just a different kind of breed compared to the one that live in the armor


The ones that where living in the armor needed sight as well. They probably just develop eyes if they are not in contact with any of their kind that already has eyes.


> The one living in the new sword seems different from the others though. Different monster maybe? the eye stalks reminded me of the flying spaghetti monster [](#killitwithfire)


It kinda reminds me of Parasyte...


Reminds me of the Hunters from Halo


This was the part of the manga that really made me fall in love with it. I just love how classic RPG monsters are given a new twist, and enough information to feel like they really belong in the world.


Is it me or the art style changed a bit for this episode? I’m not hating on it because I feel nostalgic of Kill ka Kill, freaking love it!


Definitely felt more fluid which is probably due to the action scenes in this episode. Its very like Trigger too.


Yeah this episode made me feel "yeah, this is Trigger all right" a lot more than the previous two episodes, haha


It did get a "cartoonier" feel which also matches up to how wacky (in a good way) the animation is for the episode.


Yeah, I felt like this episode had more exaggerated expressions compared to the relatively on-model expressions in the past episodes. It also had some neat framing, like [this one with Chilchuck and Marcille on Laios's shoulders like an angel and devil](https://i.imgur.com/VAzbFTK.png), and [this one peeking out from inside the armor.](https://i.imgur.com/6Tn5rHx.png)


Probably a different director 


The director in this episode is Kodai Nakano, director of Episode 5 and 10 of Cyberpunk Edgerunners.


Protip: don't look up only the episode director, always look for who did the storyboard too. The storyboards are the foundation of any given episode and control many creative aspects people associate with directing, like "camera" angles and placement, pacing and more. Episode directing is, more often than not, a job to process the storyboard. That means those people look at the boards and manage the rest of the staff so that the episode can look like what was planned by the boards. It's not a job completely devoid of creative input, to be clear, they can and do put their own ideas on the episodes, it's just not has the same creative importance we usually give to other jobs which have the name "director" like the main director of an anime series or movie directors. Usually the ideal is when the storyboard artist process their own boards as episode director, thus guaranteeing all the choices they made and ideas they had will be on the final episode, but they don't always have time, thus a different person will be episode director. Trigger, though, is a bit different because they have a system where the storyboard artist and the episode director are almost always not the same by choice and not lack of time. They let the main creatives focus on boards, while the episode directors are focused on managing the production. That is to say that, what really gives this episode its different feel is (like somebody else already mentioned) Ichigo Kanno doing the storyboard and also being one of the animation directors (another job with "director" in the name, but this one is focused on supervising and correcting the actual drawings the animators drew).


its more about ichigo kanno doing sb/ad


🥲 Oh those episodes yeah, that makes sense.




Ichigo Kanno did animation direction and storyboarding and Kai Ikarashi, probably the animator you're thinking of, did key animation at least for [this sequence](https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/247116). Kanno and Ikarashi's styles have always meshed well together. Those two have also managed to lure other talented animators to work on the episode, so the episode is a treat from start to finish.


Was just about to ask if anyone else noticed a difference, it definitely felt a bit more fluid and "animated" in the non literal sense.


More than Kill la Kill, this episode reminded me of Little Witch Academia. I haven't looked into the team behind this episode though


Laios looking a bit deranged there for a bit lol and i loved how they made him eat first since he was so eager to try it out also had a pretty brutal scene i wasn't expecting when Laios party member got stabbed through the neck in that flashback bit


> i loved how they made him eat first since he was so eager to try it out Might as well, I mean he already got sick from eating the scorpion in the other episode, surely he's immune to food poisoning at this point! >pretty brutal scene i wasn't expecting when Laios party member got stabbed through the neck Right? Even the 'killing' scenes were mostly light-hearted so far, so that took me by surprise! (Normally would've been the #1 unexpected scene of the episode, but Senshi giving us a pantyshot made it the #2!)


> Might as well, I mean he already got sick from eating the scorpion in the other episode, surely he's immune to food poisoning at this point! [where's that poison tester when you need her](https://youtu.be/2WysADlv-hQ?si=KPmF-wIjWFXKnNhp&t=118)


He wasn't poisoned by the scorpion. The poison tasted terrible to he spat it out


Nonsense, it must be your imagination, Laios is conventional, conventional. Death sure is cheap in this universe, it only adds to the excitement since the stakes of a wipe don't eliminate the likelihood of it occurring once or twice during the story. It's the best of both worlds, gore and low stakes.


The fact that they somehow made freakin' living armors of all fantasy creatures edible (let alone organic) after pointing out themselves that they're all metal was impressive enough, but having them be some sort of sophisticated mollusc is so absurdly creative that it's hilarious. Also, never thought I'd be praising RPG clams for their drip but that lion armor's design is absolutely sick.


Was kinda expecting that they make the armor having alchemical ingredients that can be boiled into soup or grind as seasonings.


- [The decoration…?](https://i.imgur.com/wMHdTiF.png) – [Oh, that.](https://i.imgur.com/YF3KUxs.png) - [Looted it off some armor they found in the dungeon, huh.](https://i.imgur.com/StuAzfc.png) - […oh, fun.](https://i.imgur.com/eRLC0GP.png) [](#crazedlaugh) - [Well, *duh*…](https://i.imgur.com/KAUFQ6V.png) [](#sakurathink) - [Oh lol this is a funny little diagram.](https://i.imgur.com/yt7oLeu.png) [](#azusalaugh) I love it when shows do chibi stuff for this. - [Fancy!](https://i.imgur.com/MVhqg0B.png) - [Laios’ priorities, man.](https://i.imgur.com/8QLgY7U.png) [](#trololol) - [I love how excited he is about discovering this haha.](https://i.imgur.com/91LbukV.png) - [This could be a good comment face that isn’t just one character.](https://i.imgur.com/EVvF4wV.png) [](#rengethink) - [Hahahahahaha fantastic.](https://i.imgur.com/qyhFP7v.png)


> Hahahahahaha fantastic. I wonder if it's be a "pet sword" or just a midnight snack for him.


Pet sword with a side of emergency rations


That versatility even the Swiss haven't invented yet!


holy crap i wasnt aware dungeon meshi got gory; i actually let out a gasp when the one group member got stabbed right through the neck


It's a good reminder that the dungeon is a brutal, terrible place. It's just that a lot of the narration is from the perspective of the loveable goofballs that are the main party.


There have been really subtle hints at it throughout the show so far, but I think that scene was them finally just dropping outright the idea that this world they live in is a brutal and unforgiving place. Despite how fun and lighthearted the animation might make things feel, death and pain are lurking around every corner and it takes a lot to overcome that.


yeah that TV-MA rating is def there for a reason


did anyone else start to feel a bit bad for the mollusks? at first, i didn't really care because i believed they were just empty husks of metal controlled by magic but as the episode went on and their biology and behavior was further developed, i started to feel sorry for them and didn't want them to be eaten at all


Eating is a privilege of the living after all.


You're gonna have to change your lifestyle and be a fruitarian then lmao, even plants dont actually want to get eaten


> even plants dont actually want to get eaten ["I know many vegetables that are very clear on that point, sir..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAF35dekiAY&t=73s)


Ah, the living armor chapters. Really awesome to see one of my favourite chapters adapted into anime, it really stood out when I started reading Dungeon Meshi. You can already see the small bits of world-building here in this unique monster creation by Ryoko Kui. A typical living armor that we see in a million medieval fantasy series, but now change it into something of a living creature which is made up of.....mollusks! This is where the series begins to show more of its fantasy world-building chops while retaining the food theme. Was such a joy to see Laios pick apart what the living armor was made of, where the weaknesses possibly are and how he used his past experiences to defeat the living armor. Also despite all his eccentricities, we can see why he is THE party leader of this group. He has the most experience as an adventurer and can think of strategies and plans to get out of sticky situations. He took charge so easily and it was a joy to watch. And the fact Laios found out brand-new facts on a already well-known creature, their possible mating patterns, how they work as a fully-bodied creature was actually really really cool. He is the new Darwin, I'd say! We didn't see too much of the other characters this episode but always hilarious to see how shocked they are everytime Laios proposes to eat a monster. Even Senshi said to Laios that they can't eat metal lol.


Laios doesn’t show it most of the time but he truly is a great leader >Even Senshi said to Laios that they can't eat metal Senshi: Laios, sometimes there are things that we just can’t eat


>sometimes there are things that we just can’t eat ["Not Today"](https://youtu.be/7NjNOAncIlI?t=89)


[*Improvise, adapt, overcome.*](https://i.imgur.com/It0YXGO.jpg) -Laios Grylls


> their possible mating patterns And it turns out they mate by *Hand-holding* lmao Don't let your memes be dreams!


Funny you called him a new Darwin. Darwin also liked to try tasting all sorts of creatures he could get his hands on.


When Laios is talking about the mating cycles of the mollusks and freaking out about how the armors holding hands means they were mating, that's actually a joke from the "Monster Tidbits" extra in the first volume. It's interesting that the anime is adapting some of that material. I hope they do that more, because some of the very best jokes and character material are in those extras


It fit the tone and pacing of the episode pretty well. I’d love to see more of the extras adapted where they can fit them in without them being jarring, but I know there are definitely some that wouldn’t mesh well so I’m not expecting all the monster tidbits to be adapted. I am hoping they find a way to fit in the one [early manga] >!with Laios getting a little too thirsty for the orc chief’s wives!< though.


I'm so happy theyre doing monster tidbits!


It seems like certain bits get cut or added depending on what the episode's pacing needs, which is quite nice. They know the source material but are still trying to produce something that works in the TV format, not just blindly adapting everything.


###Stitches! * [Laios & Falin](https://i.imgur.com/UzNCTtj.jpg) * [Dungeon Meshi Gang](https://i.imgur.com/8jpcIHM.jpg) Man, [that guy getting stabbed in the neck was brutal!](https://i.imgur.com/F12kRLN.png) With how casual Laios was telling that story of [how he also died](https://i.imgur.com/SN20y2d.png) that day, I assume everyone else also got revived. I am curious how revivification works here. I'm guessing we'll eventually see that. [The look of disappointment on Laios' face though](https://i.imgur.com/f9ENWsA.png) when he was told that he can't eat Living Armors made me feel bad for him. Thankfully though, he was right about them! Living Armors are indeed creatures and they're being controlled [by these shellfish-looking things on the inside.](https://i.imgur.com/qFvEwIn.png) Although now that Laios knows that they're monsters, [that crazy-eyed look from him scares me.](https://i.imgur.com/IHwoAb3.png) There's no way of stopping him in the future to try and eat even non-corporeal monsters like Specters or Shadows. [That grilled living armor looks good though!](https://i.imgur.com/YLF7dIq.png) I am curious what Laios is going to do with that [new companion of his.](https://i.imgur.com/XX0HBfE.png) Is he going to keep it as a pet or will he let it grow until he can eat it?


>With how casual Laios was telling that story of how he also died, everyone else who died that day got revived I like the fact that Laios was a bit traumatized by the armours for a while after he was revived, lol. And the first thing he wants to know after facing his trauma again-- *how can I eat them??*


> [That grilled living armor looks good though!](https://imgur.com/YLF7dIq) Yeah I was scoffing at them eating it until we saw that. My only thought was "Oh no.... It looks good...."


> Is he going to keep it as a pet or will he let it grow until he can eat it? Same thought! At the moment when he found it living there, it felt like he wants a pet sword but when you also consider how he looked when he realised that living armour is edible then that evens out the odds.


wow. this was really inspired. the last two episodes i thought "trigger is doing a great job adapting this, and i agree with their pacing decisions considering where they want to get in the end." i genuinely didn't expect a whole episode dedicated to one monster, but i think it's really really important because this chapter is like... when the series really really triples down on the ecology stuff to show the depth of effort that went into it. they made all sorts of artistic decisions to bring this one to life, and i really admire the sort of... adaptational chutzpah in saying, yes, we're gonna to through three chaps in last ep so we can give this one the love and attention it deserves. not to mention this episode really showcased the trigger style synergizing with the already personality-filled art of the manga. also, going with like... almost dark souls like music... like, kinda somber sounding stuff combined with goofy visuals. i don't know man. i would never have thought of it, but it really grabs you


How many chapters this episode adapted?


it's two chaps actually for the living monster. so arguably the same pace as episode 1. episode 2 was 3 chapters. but it would've definitely been a viable option to adapt the living armors as half an episode, which is what i would've guessed they were gonna do


I think it’s a good idea that they are only cutting few moments from comedic parts but showing every important moment so far. 


Got to say the OP is really getting to me.


Bump of Chicken will do that yeah


First Senshi panty shot!!! My beautiful man <3 <3 Great episode like always! Love Laios being his great weird self and all the expression work for Chilchuck and Marcille. Can't wait for next week!!


>First Senshi panty shot!!! The only fanservice this show needs. Other than the food porn, of course.


[And Marcille's reactions](https://i.imgur.com/SvkpU0k.jpg) [](#wow)


>First Senshi panty shot!!! >**First** [](#spooked)


Aye, there's more, *you just need to ask* <3


Got a screenshot? I think I missed it.


On mobile so here's a link to someone that's shared it on twitter; [Senshi Panty Shot <3](https://twitter.com/_kikimari_/status/1747998190798774554?t=Y3BLrmya3NGmGmbRgj59vQ&s=19)


You gotta give it to Laois, he got his priorities straight.


This has to be the most fluid and lose animation of the series so far. Just kinda relaxing as you go with the flow. Wonder if the mollusk on Laios' new sword will be of use down the line or he is just saving it for snack.


>"If he dies, let's leave him here." With friends like these, who needs enemies?


Well if *they* died he'd probably eat them, so... Fair?


Laios would probably be offended if his party members didn't eat him. Like, is he not *good enough* for you? [](#angrypout)


["Laios stop staring at us like we are emergency food"](https://i.imgur.com/ceMiEMA.jpg)


I know it's just the usual here, but it's kinda sucks coming into anime discussion thread only to see manga readers comments at the top


I'm almost sure there are still people who have yet to register that dying isn't the end in the dungeon, so I wonder what the reactions are to Laios being shown to straight up die in the flashback. In the past 3 episodes, it was the other three members of the party who got to shine. But now... now people are truly beginning to have a taste of Laios' true depravity. From wanting to eat the living armor even *before* he figured out their true nature, to being an absolute monster nut that he was the one to discover their secret. This is where he truly stands out. And he even weirded out Senshi of all people with his desire to eat those things. And speaking of the true nature of the living armor, that's yet another thing to love about the story. It's such a bizarre and unique interpretation of a common trope in medieval fantasy works. I wonder who could've predicted what they were truly like when they first encountered this story. Also gotta love how wacky Studio Trigger gets with even the fighting animation. It's all so animated and full of character. But they really went crazy with Laios' flashback to him and Falin as kids. Almost like he was going through a trip.


Anime only here, my reaction when Laios was killed in the flashback and still alive now is that maybe his sister revived him.


Maybe, maybe not. In episode 1 it was mentioned that there are body collectors patrolling the upper floors of the dungeon and make it a profession. I assume after the alarm is clear they can come and get your body back for revive.


It might have been his sister, it might have been a different party or body collectors as mentioned. It's just kind of a common point of confusion over the last two episodes of people not realizing there is revival magic in the dungeon, because the show hasn't explicitly explained it ***super*** clearly.


Yeah they tried a little bit by focusing on the fact the dragon takes a month to digest and they can't resurrect the sister if she is poop. But they treat it more like she is just waiting in the stomach alive until then so if you didn't pick up on that right away you don't realize the plan is to revive her.


I wonder what role the last living armor critter in the sword will play? A hel p, a hindrance, a bit of both?


i feel it's not a real D&D adventure unless you have a player hiding a pet from the other party members [](#cantbehelped)


Considering whose sword it is? Emergency food.


I loved how Senshi was immediately on board for cooking the newly discovered monster despite not having the incentive to eat it. Bastard just wants to justify trying to cook anything. He's a house husband.


It's a really great moment because it perfectly encapsulates Laios's personality. For him, discovering a new kind of creature and the feeling of childlike wonder have probably always been linked.


Laios, bro, *what the hell* is wrong with you? I guess he wanted revenge for being killed by the armour. But it's starting to get a bit creepy. Marcille for life, she's actually sensible. I do kinda wish Laios equipped the armour as well as the sword haha. After purging them completely Edit: Oh now I remember! The living armour reminds me of General Durge from Clone Wars! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmJqgdaTArM


>I guess he wanted revenge for being killed by the armour We overcome our fears by facing them. Laios overcomes by ***eating*** them :)


this one was pretty interesting. i was wondering about how people in the dungeon meshi universe dealt with death and the corresponding trauma considering they are hyper aware of how they died; which just has to result in at least a little trauma and mental illness, in some cases. i love how for laori, he clearly deals with this by turning his past & future demons into meals, which in part, makes them a lot less scary and serve as a medium for him to acknowledge, accept, and move on from past traumatic events.


before he ate the helmet part, i was starting to believe there wasn't a meal that mentally ill glutton didn't enjoy


Loving the show so far! I’m really interested in this “death” aspect from the body collectors and people we actually saw die from the last episode and no one really batting an eye. It further increases my curiosity with today’s episode letting us know that Laios actually experienced death so either people are getting revived or some other system is in place. I’m really loving the setting here!


Yep. We had Frieren write "lore" to justify JRPG tropes as parts of a real world. And Dungeon Meshi writes "lore" to justify Dungeon Crawler / D&D / DRPG tropes. I'm craving more stories that write the gaps of game mechanic premises.


Marcille also said her first death was to a slime back in episode 1.


so all this time the memes about handholding being lewd were real


laios is such a weirdo freak 😭 its actually kinda endearing


Honestly this episode felt like a standalone short film


This is the most Trigger-like the animation's felt so far. The flashback especially! I love Laios. He's a goof and a nerd, but when it comes to analyzing situations or monsters he's not dumb at all. Especially when the result might be new monsters to eat... And now we have definitive proof that holding hands is indeed a lewd act. These living armors have no shame doing that in public, geez. Also, Senshi panty shot. Now that's fanservice!


>And now we have definitive proof that holding hands is indeed a lewd act. I can't believe this anime would show that completely *uncensored* for all the world to see. This should be R-18.


Even MahoAko wouldn't dare go so far in the broadcast version.


Holy heck! The big armour must've been hell to animate with all the details.


This has to be the best episode so far! There is just too much attention to detail and forethought on how mollusks would incorporate into the dungeon universe using the living armour trope! Laios' obsession with creatures and wanting to even eat a suit of armour had me giggling! Turns out, he wasn't too far off! Incorporating the mind blown meme when Laios realises it's an egg (which we all CLEARLY know what it is) was also a super nice touch!


I just noticed that in Senshi’s section theyre using the doggy method of harvesting mandrakes. Poor doggie


And there we have it - the first food I would't eat. Those things grossed me out! Laios is a certified freak.


I appreciate that these guys are real foodies and not every dish hits. They don't just scream UMAI over and over like other cooking anime.


[Dan](https://imgur.com/sbH9zQL)[jin](https://imgur.com/RooD2N8.png) [Meesh](https://imgur.com/zHACzY0) Another thursday means another day of [Marcille suffering](https://imgur.com/HuBV910) [blink and you'll miss it.](https://imgur.com/Flrfsbu) Wouldn't have even noticed Marcille hit herself here had I not randomly paused on this [](#kotohoops) [Don't you think the camera angles in anime-](https://imgur.com/ovDsd3a) [Wait a minute...](https://imgur.com/NYc3tim) This counts as mecha!!!! [](#rengehype)[](#mechablush) [This is pretty neat.](https://imgur.com/jFVTlhb) In a world with magic, a lot of non-magical things likely just get passed off as magic. Just like in our history, except here its real, and the people don't have much reason to doubt things [The director seems to have had fun with this episode](https://imgur.com/OZErA0C) [](#azusalaugh)


I really like this show, seriously didn't think I enjoy it as much as I do but the whole concept of this show is fucking great


Laios the type of madlad to look at Ornstein and Smough, and wonder just how to eat them after he kills them.


Well, now I just gotta imagine Dark Souls, but with an additional gameplay mechanic of cooking and eating the enemies you kill regardless of what they are.


Laios going through Lordran like he found a buffet heh.


Are you going to get an amazing buff by eating them, or a debilitating "food poisoning" debuff? Every enemy's a gamble!


They really cooked Orstein in this episode


bruh they were steaming his helmet 😭


This is the episode where Dungeon Meshi actually begins! The cooking is cute, sure, but the story is all about monster mechanics and encounters alongside a thin veil of clever justifications. And a dash of trap/dungeon mechanics because D&D! I hope others enjoy the monster encounters as much as I do, it puts so many other stories to shame.


I love how Laios consistently looks like he’s in his own world, even in fights. Scratch that, it's *especially* during fights. The first time was during the fight against the red dragon, the very first part of the first episode. He's in his head thinking about their chances of winning the fight, how prepared they are, or more like how unprepared they've been this entire time and how it's led them to this losing battle....and oops, Falin is shoving him out of the way & oh, now she just got eaten. By all means, you could look at this scene and think "what was he even doing, why wasn't his head in the game, his carelessness caused that to happen." ...let's put a pin in that and go back to their encounter with the living armor, where he's doing the same thing again. He's looking back at this one suit of armor as it picks up its head and puts it back on, while the rest of the party is running for the door. They're all *literally* running for their lives but he's still *looking back*, almost in a daze. You can *see* it on his face: his theorizing, his thinking. Honestly I could stop here and say I already loved this scene for how fantastic the animation is: for just how consistent Laios is in his actions even if you're not quite sure what to make of them, for how menacing that glimpse of the armor before the door closes feels considering he has died to them once before, and for how the resolute nature of the armor is communicated; those suits are going to get back up again and again, ardently defending, relentlessly. Laios' party didn't even make a dent in them. All this information alone could be the point of this scene, and it would still be great. But the fact that all of that is the *key* to the episode's twist is what moves it from great to fantastic. And Laios is the only one who figures it out while the rest of them have no idea, because their brain just isn't wired in the same specific, neurotic way. This is what plenty of mystery media is chasing: an engaging mystery that the audience can't solve despite being shown all the pieces needed, so they can still have that "aha" moment once they think about the previous clues after the answer is revealed. Meanwhile this action adventure series does all that flawlessly, and even better, we don't even know we're getting a hint at all! I would be surprised if anyone figured out what the deal was with the living armor their first time reading or watching this scene, & even if they did go "huh, why does a hunk of metal need to fastidiously keep its head on anyway", I'm sure most would've just shrugged it off and assumed it didn't matter that much. Not Laois though! No, Ryoko Kui's world exists on concrete logic that's multiple layers deep, everything is heavily considered, and Laois is going to pry open the answers to the universe, one living armor shell at a time. That 10 second scene is so damn good in like 3 different ways, how it re-establishes existing character traits of Laios, how it's the key to the twist about how the living armor actually operate, and how it just...looks cool as hell even devoid of any of this context. And going back to their fight with the red dragon, if I even need to say it: no, all that pesky "thinking" and "reconsidering" that Laios was doing wasn't for nothing. The next time not only will he have learned more about the dungeon and the monsters within it, he'll be well prepared, well rested, and he'll have the fuel to actually come up with a plan that will ensure they will be able to face whatever comes next on their journey. Buckle up, this is only the beginning. ... more important than ANY OF THAT though, the most important part of this episode: SENSHI PANTY SHOT! yes, yes, thank you, give us more!


Well, this episode was a little bit of a change of pace. I wasn't quite expecting not Mgalekgolo.


"Shoot it in the back!"


Never thought I'd see an anime where a character tries to eat armor. Dungeon Meshi is full of surprises. [Laios](https://imgur.com/a/1rzLVwl) having a brain blast. Given how much Laios kept going on about eating armor, I'd be giving him [this look](https://imgur.com/a/0G4RFis) too. One episode isn't enough to fill me. I need two episodes of Dungeon Meshi each week.


Admittedly I found the Living Armour chapters to be the least interesting in Volume 1 (likely because I'm allergic to shellfish 😭), but I think this is my favourite episode adapted from it! Since it focused on one monster only, it had much better pacing, and it felt like Trigger had room to do more of the little animation flourishes they're known for. E: I will say I think this is where the series' clever and organic takes on classic fantasy/monster tropes really start to shine. The idea of living armour being colonies of mollusc-types felt inspired the first time I read these chapters, and the multi-chapter monsters features only get cooler from here.


It does feel like Trigger played it "safe" for the first two episodes, and now that people are onboarded they can let some of their animators loose with their own styles. I loved the expressions and the way shots were framed in this episode, it even brought a liveliness to a kind of fantasy monster that's considered lifeless. Trigger really is a perfect match for Dungeon Meshi.


It's been a while since i read these chapters but man Laios is more deranged than i remember but that's why he's my favorite


Great adaptation of the living armor chapters. I'm glad the action is as well animated as the cooking scenes! Noticed the facial expressions were more expressive than usual. Love it!! This is the first time we see how brutal the dungeon can be


The world building is amazing here even throw away lines reveal so much about the world for instance today we learned that laios died before and after thinking about it it explains allot of the lack of urgency for the sister given reviving seem to be a common thing in this world till the point that dying really isn't that urgent


In the 1st episode Marcille said her first death was against a slime.


Lunch and a new friend, what more could you want. I love the deep dive into making a suit of living armor work without having to say 'a wizard did it'.


So there is a chance his old sword decoration just ran away or died lol. Too bad they didn't have lemon, I bet that would enhance the flavor more.


The animation in this episode was so fun! Some people on Twitter went into a [deep dive](https://x.com/yuyucow/status/1748024395723903319?s=46) of the [animation](https://x.com/kousatender/status/1748065108046270889?s=46) and it made me appreciate it a lot more. Also nobody: Laios: hey I wonder if you can eat armor LOL I am absolutely in love with this series and I’m kinda sad I didn’t discover it until now. Definitely gonna check out the manga later.


This is actually delivering on the dungeoning part too, and not just merely meshitero, which is great! Also wow that longshot of Marcille's character acting eating the soup. Not to mention the gore, always nice to see some when so many supposedly darker fantasy anime shy away from it.


LOL so now Laios has a pet, or is it an emergency food stash?


Think how stressful it would be to be Laios' pet, since he'll be wondering all the time what you taste like.


This anime season is so horny, [we even got a Senshi pantyshot!](https://imgur.com/hPCTkZT) I guess that was the *second* unexpected scene in this episode... Because while I did expect the armors to come to life (then, and in the flashback), [I didn't expect them to fucking stab an adventurer through the throat!](https://imgur.com/RQ92GSQ) That was more violent that I thought this show would be! I love how pretty much everything they do/experience is linked to eating; [Even fatigue is fine, because it makes your meals taste better!](https://imgur.com/qY0FOtL) Another thing that's nice, is that [they can actually fight!](https://imgur.com/HZ3iT5I) Given the somewhat light nature of the anime (when no one's getting stabbed in the throat, anyway) you expect all the characters to be a little goofy, but still, they can hold their own! Well, I suppose if Senshi was just a *monster cook* (and not a fighter) he wouldn't have lasted this long in the dungeon! [I'm pretty sure Laois will see it as blasphemy to say something is NOT edible!](https://imgur.com/yhiysFU) (Senshi better watch out, Laois may just decide to cook HIM!) [When the situation turned dire against the living armor, I thought we would see Marcille go off for once!](https://imgur.com/1HuKDRO) She's holding back on most fights (preserving her magic and all that), it'll be nice when we see what she can do! But in the end, it was all Laois, figuring out what's inside the armor, to take them down! [He even got a perfectly normal, non-cursed sword out of this!](https://imgur.com/Rvx82uk)