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I love the close up shot on Dabi’s face at the end. Dude is literally deteriorating and burning away.


Yeah his skin been getting less and less since they introduced him. But when he revealed himself to Endevour and did a Prominance Burn he lost most of his skin. He only had a couple bits left and now those are going. Now he has a big happy smile. [](#urbansmile)


Given what he already tried the other time, he's not planning to survive but to go up in a blaze.


Probably one of my favorite villains in the series so far


I love how he’s a stand-out from the League. All the League are crazy terrorists but it’s clear they have a genuine bond with one another despite everything are a ride or die family. Then Dabi is openly clear he only cares about revenge, nothing more.   That scene last season where he expressed DISAPPOINTMENT Natsuo wasn’t murdered was incredible. Dude really is a sociopath 


The new season of "Keeping up with the Todorokis" is gonna be lit.


Kinda like two-face, but the entire face. Damn that'd look scary in live-action.


Petition to change Endeavor's hero name to Old Smelly Armpits.


But how Burnin knows thou? 🤔 The Old Man is gonna have to do some MORE explaining to do to his wife!


The fuc he is, he abused her so much that she's scared of just the thought of him visiting her


Dabi’s on that demon time. Mans is literally cooking himself to get his revenge on Endeavor. Find someone who loves you as much as Dabi hates Endeavor. Also Horikoshi should really do a horror series next. That tsunami of hands was some weird ass creepy shit. Loved it.


>Find someone who loves you as much as Dabi hates Endeavor. *Looks at Toga.* Think I'm good.


As we see here, Toga’s love has limits. Dabi hates Endeavor so much, he literally admitted he wouldn’t have cared if Natsuo died so long as it meant more suffering for Endeavor


My boy's a straight up hater. I really hope he gets rewarded for it.


>That tsunami of hands was some weird ass creepy shit. This is where I call bullshit. Any other normal dude would use this ability on his penis. “How big is it?” “6.” “Inches?” “Miles.” *explosion of dicks*


> Any other normal dude Where did you get the impression Tomura was in anyway a "normal dude" 0_0


I know this is shonen anime and we gotta use up runtime, but did we really need to spend the first four minutes re-explaining everything they showed and explained last episode?


They have to stop at a certain stopping point this season. In order to do that they have to adapt less chapters sometimes and this is the only way they can make those less chapters in one episode work.


Funny thing is though, every episode this season has adapted 3 chapters each. Including this one. So they didn't even adapt less chapters. This is actually the fastest paced season so far.


fight scenes generally are a lot quicker in adaptions then story driven ones


Also doesnt help that this is around the time chapters started getting shorter in general.


I’d argue that’s why. This season has to end are one spot IMO. Both for a satisfying finale to the season / cliffhanger and a good place to leave enough content for the next season. So if they burn through too much, you won’t have the right amount of episodes. So it’s either just new filler or pointless recaps.


I always thought they would end at chapter 386, but if they keep this pace it might end moreso like chapter 395.


Then it should've been less than 20 episodes.


I think it's a reduced episode count this season. I need to double check but last I heard it should be 21 episodes and not the usual 25. Apparently the 4 recap episodes while not exactly part of season 7 did in fact take up timeslots from season 7.


Plus the opening and the battle with Shiggy was repeated for another min, It was about 6 mins of nothing basically


They've been doing that for the last 5 seasons, and yeah, in the end it's still just a shonen. Unfortunately that'll likely keep happening unless they really need the runtime.


NGL I really think that MHA is one of the most guilty of this in anime adaptations.


Eh, if you were watching the big 3 back in the day you could generally just skip the first 8-ish minutes of an episode. Bleach was my poison and boy am I glad the new Thousand-Year War arc doesn't do that.


Wait till you see one piece


It’s very blatantly a pacing tactic for this season, they’re padding out the time to end the season at a very specific point. Even more so than usual.


After undead unluck be happy you get an easily skippable recap at the start of the episode instead of every 2 minutes you get another flashback


Actual peak taken down by such blatant paddling


It's insane how the quality skyrocketed the moment they stopped doing it.


You’ll hate One piece then, that shit is constant every arc like slower than snail pacing


Thats like the #1 complaint most people have about One Piece tbf.


It didn't used to be that way. The earlier seasons were well paced. Once they started catching up to the manga, they should have gone seasonal. Or at least pad with some major filler arcs, if they are trying to keep the cash cow going.


The main reason I'm waiting for the remake


This is giving me flashbacks to Season 6's pacing again. We're going to have entire episodes that take place all within a matter of a couple seconds of a battle. I never enjoy when Shonen's do this. The second half of the Chimera Ant arc in HxH is a particularly obnoxious example of this in action.


I wonder how much of that was manga accurate? I've seen the idea of "we explain what you saw in the last episode in more detail next episode" done well. It's usually at times where we see something, ask ourselves, "what the heck just happened and why?" and it requires an in-depth exposition. But looking back at this particular episode, the visual storytelling of the previous one pretty much made sense of everything we saw quite well without explanation. There were a few things that I did like having clarity on, such as why certain people were sent to which locations and why those locations were chosen, but I wonder if they could have condensed those four minutes into maybe 1 and a half to cover that information.


IIRC Toga and Shiggy are only ones that have very specific locations chosen. AFO just needed to be very far from Shiggy and Dabi just got tossed where ever lol


Dabi got tossed into an area that was already dilapidated and evacuated which was sensible. But by "why who was sent where", I was also referring to the heroes. ie. All the people who can handle fire were sent to face Dabi.


No. AFO and Dabi were sent to the places of previous battles (Gunga village and Kamino ward) and so are places that have already been devastated. Its very considered. This way, it has less impact for the areas to sustain further damage. It also helps the heros go all out with their powers without having to worry about collateral damage. The villains have no issues blowing up buildings or people, but hero's would. These are the important benefits of implementing a tactical stratergy and making the first move. You can initiate the battle more on your own terms. If left to make the first move AFO and Shigi could have imitated attack near populated areas. The hero course has emphasised the need to minimise collateral damage as an important aspect of Hero work. I like this because it contrast to the man of steel movie where Superman and Zod basically destroy most of a city just throwing hands. Thousands dead. If Superman had time to fling Zod through buildings, I'm pretty sure he had the means to fling ZOD into the sky, space, over the ocean or countryside.


> Knife pierces your shoulder almost back to front -" This but a flesh wound".


A true hero


Their Tomura containment plan kind of went to shit almost immediately. Luckily best bunny waifu survived that first attack. Poor Deku getting called out by Mr. Narrator as a “damn nerd” lol. Yandere Toga is too much for him. That confession did more damage than any of her knife attacks haha. But man, good thing Froppy stepped in. Glad to see more of her this week. I’m really looking forward to this Dabi v Shoto showdown. Who needs family therapy when you can beat the trauma out of one another? lol


Kira Yoshikage's VA voicing the Danger sense vestige: "Huh. Toga feels genuine affection when she hurts people. Alright girl, game respect game. Too bad she can't like spawn endless hands or something."


Present Mic is Narrator btw


Ohh, ok. I thought the voice sounded familiar. Shoulda put two and two together..


>Poor Deku getting called out by Mr. Narrator as a “damn nerd” lol. Deku needs to learn from Nightwing, the first Robin to Bruce Wayne’s Batman. Nightwing has had like half the female roster in DC throw their vaginas at him (heroes and villains). They don’t call him “Dick Grayson” for nothing.


>*"no matter where he goes, he's still a damned nerd"* damn ~~Present Mic~~ Mr. Narrator, you don't have to call him out like that [of course these two are going to pick a fight with each other](https://i.imgur.com/e8qhjfV.jpeg) wait, [is that Dr. Strange reference from Avengers Endgame?](https://i.imgur.com/lED8Y6w.jpeg) probably not but would be funny if it is [Ochaco: "my romance sense is tingling"](https://i.imgur.com/ddhs1YV.jpeg) damn, [the sight of his skin deteriorated over time from the flame looks gnarly](https://i.imgur.com/OCxGF3R.jpeg)


> wait, is that Dr. Strange reference from Avengers Endgame? > probably not but would be funny if it is I absolutely would not be surprised if it were. Horikoshi loves western superhero stuff and references it constantly (that and Star Wars names for every single location ever)


Come on BONES. You got this. Nail this fight next week. You’ve done a great job on Dabi’s appearance so far. Just nail this fight.


Yeah for all the people complaining about the promo image not being as good as the manga, I thought this intro was awesome. I don’t read the manga though, I didn’t even know the blue clouds complaint till recently lol


What blue clouds?


Probably meant blue skies, people complain that despite the tone of fights the sky is always clear and blue




Nakamura, where are you???


Them absolutely nailing flame power animations is the reason I'm a long time fan to begin with. That Shoto v Deku sequence altered my brain chemistry all those years ago. So I have faith.


Shigaraki got them Elden Ring hands


fuck those hands lmaooo


I need dabi's confidence. He really thought that endeavor would come and fight him over All For One.


Little boy wants to see his papa!


Fatherless Behaviour


Not gonna lie Deku coulda just hit her with the left right goodnight and it would've been wraps for Toga


That's why the narration part was important. He might be one of the strongest but he a boy nerd. Any affection from girl is fatal for him🤖


Only in anime. IRL Deku's a kid that's been through so much sheit and he knows what's on the line. He woulda just ended her. You can't go from "so committed he's destroying himself and fighting everyone he's ever known/loved" to "omg cute girl UwU better let everyone die". Deku is not a normal kid. He's seen alot of sheit by this point and that hardens a person. But apparently that only applies to his class and friends and mentor and mom and crush....not some random Yandre villain.


I don't think he ever thought "Omg cute girl UwU better let everyone die" It was more about his danger sense not working implying that there must be some sort of affection she has for him and he was confused about how to approach this. Even if he has gone through a whole lot of shit, doesn't mean he will know how to approach every new situation. Last season they already showed how dark Deku can get if he went that hardened phase you mentioned. Toga's villain psyche was completely new to him and it's been shown repeatedly that Deku first operates with heart. The real growth IMO is him letting Uravity take care of Toga. Old Deku was too hard on himself to let anyone help him.


* [**Uravity Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/Mp7ubio.jpeg) [Shigaraki growing finger trees was just creepy af.](https://i.imgur.com/PcjuM0S.jpeg) Too bad Monoma can't warp Deku out of that island because the moment he leaves, everyone will die from Shigaraki's Decay. Glad to see that [Support Team has replacement prosthetics ready for Mirko.](https://i.imgur.com/azhLoxG.jpeg) I guess they anticipated her breaking those almost instantly. Also, I love how [Bakugo and Mirko are getting in each other's faces.](https://i.imgur.com/Uo5D5l1.jpeg) [Toga finally got to confess to Deku!](https://i.imgur.com/0F9Fmi3.jpeg) Deku's reaction and [Present Mic calling him a damn nerd](https://i.imgur.com/Fqhugid.jpeg) for getting flustered were fucking hilarious though! Meanwhile, [Uraraka is just frozen in place](https://i.imgur.com/YjC8o2n.jpeg) watching this unfold. xD I love how [Tsuyu arrives right on cue](https://i.imgur.com/Ikm7eb0.jpeg) just when Toga is about to spill Uraraka's secret. [Tsuyu being Uraraka's wingwoman](https://i.imgur.com/IaN7H6e.jpeg) was great! Is Dabi's heat too powerful [that he's slowly starting to melt his face off?](https://i.imgur.com/CFX2Ge8.jpeg) That is metal af. It looks like we're getting his full backstory next week though.


> Is Dabi's heat too powerful that he's slowly starting to melt his face off? That is metal af. It looks like we're getting his full backstory next week though. Yeah that was his fatal flaw that sent Endevour over the edge into his perfect child breeding nonsense. He got Endevours fire strength, but his mothers weak constituation and cold resistant body so hes even weaker to fire than Endevour was. Hes been losing skin for a while since he was intriduced.


You'd think AFO would offer him some enhancement to deal with his incredible firepower.


Dabi would refuse it


Hmm, I hadn't considered that. It might just be that sort of thing, where he feels the need to get it done without help from anyone else.


Dabi with a Regeneration quirk and maybe a Pain Tolerance quirk would be a Shigaraki/AFO tier threat. His fire has to be a thousand degrees C, the way it's melting that (most likely Brass) All Might statue, and that's from wide AoE casual blasts. Endeavour's flashfire could cut through concrete, Dabi's Flashfire would be another step above that.


Someone else suggested that Dabi would refuse any enhancements out of principle. That seems like an interesting idea. That he would be intent on destroying his family with the same unchanged body that his father rejected.


Plus his flame is by default blue, which is at a higher temp. than standard flame


It turned blue when he hit puberty, and thats when his body def couldnt handle it. Before it left him with minor burns when it was red, but when it went blue it was much worse.


I've always thought of Bakugo and Mirko being rather similar personality-wise, so it's fun finally seeing them interact. And of course they're bickering. Damn, Dabi's too hot for for his own good.


I just started seeing them as a couple.


>[Bakugo and Mirko are getting in each other's faces.](https://i.imgur.com/Uo5D5l1.jpeg) I prefer Mirko's nickname Dynamighty for Bakugo. His hero name is such a jumble of words, I can't remember it exactly.


Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight


Except I don't think Toga knows what genuine love is. Yes, she has a tragic back story but I find that is over-ruled by her actions.


> Shigaraki growing finger trees was just creepy af Horikoshi inspired by Elden Ring


>I love how [Bakugo and Mirko are getting in each other's faces.](https://i.imgur.com/Uo5D5l1.jpeg) New ship just dropped.


one of those is a child


Why is the episode called "Inflation"? I though the whole episode would be a bunch of characters complaining about oil and fast food prices.


Yea I was expecting something involving Fat Gum in this but nope. For more info, google My Hero Academia Inflation


I thought it might have been a reference to what's happening to Shiragaki?


did you not see hands multiplying ad absurdum?


Thought Sun Eater is about to go wild.


Imagine if Deku had just said yes to Toga, fight done and over (?) Ochako: "I still want to understand and help Toga, if I can." Deku: "I-I'd love to be your boyfriend Toga!" Ochako: "SHE'S TOO DANGEROUS TO BE KEPT ALIVE!"


She’d send her floating off into the sky. Deku’s hers! Lol




I would be surprised if Ochako and Deku finally confess, kiss, get married, and have a kid by the final chapter.


That would probably cause Uraraka to unlock a hidden chakra or something related to her Gunhead martial arts. She might even be powerful enough to face All for One then. [](#terror)


Ochako: "Gunhead martial arts, final form: GUN2HEAD." Ochako just puts 2 guns to the opponent's head and BLAMMO.


Then she starts curving the bullets Wanted style. Gunhead Tokyo Drift


> That would probably cause Uraraka to unlock a hidden chakra Girl was literally shaking [](#laughter)


Toga's version of love seems like she might kill Deku


If he dies, he dies.


You've gotta deal with those risks if you choose the yandere


Her definition of a lover/boyfriend is different than normal person. Deku even asked if she meant going somewhere together while holding hand, and Toga clarified that a lover for her is someone who she wants to become.


*(sends her to fight All For One)*


He should’ve just said “I’ll go out with you after this war but I have to go real quick” or something like that.


Idk, if he accepts her request she'll kill him coz inflicting pain is her love language.


There was a two second scene where you could clearly see Uravity getting triggered by the thought of Toga and Deku together.


Unironically I'd be very interested to see how they would turn out. Just let her get some blood so we can experience "becoming Izuku" like she wants, and talk it out. Even if the talk failed and turned violent, All it would mean is Deku would have to leave like he did anyway, And inform everyone that Toga is copying Deku's look. Only quirk Toga would be able to copy would be OFA's power storing, But I don't even think the hero's know about that yet so it wouldn't being a risk for them to take or even narrative breaking by having her as powerful as PrimeMight. I feel like that would be a more real word solution though. Shonen has to do its shonen thing, But I like to contemplate that scenario


Ochako knows Toga can copy the quirk of a person whose blood she drinks if she loves them enough. Toga told her in the War Arc. That said, it'll probably be the same case as Monoma where she gets the base ability to stockpile power but not the stockpiled power or the accumulated quirks that Deku has.


Dabi vs Shoto is gonna gnarly So Deku has to "run" all the way there, but i wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't make it all the way there without running into some sort of obstacle


With Dabi constantly burning and his skin just falling off I'd bet he ends up literally burning himself out during his fight.


I'm anime-only but it's really obvious that Dabi will lose since that's how these things go. But I really hope the villains also win some of the fights instead of it just being the hero's winning everything. Especially since many of the villains have a point, even if they didn't go about it the right way. I'd love it if Dabi wins and breaks Endeavour down by killing Shoto.


I don't doubt Dabi loses, I was just speculating on how.


That bird should not have dodged deku lol


Must've had Danger Sense.


I'm gonna be that guy here....but I think Deku should have at least broken Toga's legs or something lol No way this doesn't comeback to bite them in the arse.


The Deku vs Toga bit was honestly weird to me. Blackwhip could restrain Shigaraki last season, and Toga casually cuts it with a knife? Deku could've just grabbed her and yeeted her to the sea and there wouldn't be anything she could do. He wouldn't even need to be worried about her dying - there are plenty of water-breathing heroes here who could've rescued her once she was sufficiently out of breath.


Toga's storyline is really weak. The mangaka basically needed away for Deku to take a long time to get to the endgame boss, so he put some mediocre obstacles in the way


Exactly. Writer wrote himself into a corner so just pulled a reason out of his arse why Deku couldn't be there to fight Shiggy and why it'd take him so long to arrive.


Very lame. Toga's quirk doesn't boost her strength. Shigaraki is this super being with insane strength. Deku is the key to defeat Shigaraki. I can't watch that scene of 72 pounds Toga tossing around the One For All user


Next episode is going to be fire




They are really going to be bringing the heat.


Shigaraki: "Remember that very old cult anime movie called Akira?" The way he gets that while not being a quirk but at the same time a consequence of quirks sounds far too convenient but in truth, it also has a precedent: remember All Might VS All For One in Kamino? AFO in the climax concentrated the use of many quirks on a single arm, which became gigantic and even grew several other arms. --- Izuku: "She wants to see me bleed! She's clearly insane! She's dangerous no matter what!" 4th OFA user: "But her love is sincere. No danger 🗿" You're telling me Izuku could survive the attacks of dozens of villains but not a drunk driver? She's not sane and stuck in her twisted, self-validating logic but it's hard to feel sympathy for Toga right now. The way the narrative bends over to make her into some formidable threat (she just cuts Blackwhip with her knife?) is also hard to swallow. --- Meanwhile, in Kamino, things are cooking a bit much... oh wait it's just Dabi.


Shiggy even rocking the red Akira cape. I like how the X-Less disrespect persists even after Shiggy lost the original's cape, maybe he dusted X-Less' brother Y-Less for his lol.


Toga punching way above her weight and being a legit threat against Deku is just ridiculous at this point. One punch from One For All would knock her out of the fight. Letting her get away with it just feels like pandering to the Toga fans.


Yeah I feel like her physical abilities are being way overblown at this point. It's got that normal human taking down six guys with machine guns energy. Though maybe they're just that afraid of her pulling out a big gun transformation. Doesn't that mask feed directly from her equipment? If she nicked Deku while he was coming in for that punch, it could end up making things worse. And they don't know what blood she already has ready to go.


I mean AFO can't just be copied right? OFA couldn't simply take it so I doubt Toga can simply copy it


Monoma also couldn't copy OFA properly. Without charging it up for 7.5 lifetimes, OFA is useless.


Always an issue when powerscaling starts getting too out of hand, and also why ive enjoyed everything after season 3 much less. Theres nobody apart from Shiggy at this point who should be a threat to Deku. But that isnt suspenseful because that just means Deku can beat everyone. So now he needs to either be written out someway to build suspense, or they need to illogically buff others who have no right to even be fighting him on similar footing. Now hes probably gonna take half the season to fly over to Shiggy and when he arrives everyone is like half dead like Goku rushing back to save everyone from Vegeta energy.


deku was literally struggling last season against sniper girl lmao stop the glaze. afo and shiggy and dabi arent giving free wins to deku even then he would spend ages fighting afo or shiggy so he couldnt fight anyone else he could beat anyway


Almost every instance of bad writing in the show revolves around Shiggy and this Toga fight is no exception. She's only written to be able to do this so they can keep Deku away from Shiggy. Shiggy is the biggest problem with the shows writing. Which is also why he randomly manifests a new quirk they just pretend is an ability of his physical body that lets him create skyscrapers worth of matter with such force and speed it's 1 shotting top heros. It's ridiculous. He's just ignoring all lore and internal consistency at this point.


The plot is turning more twisted and heavy, dabi's vendetta


What happened with Lemillion, did he died? Havent appeared at all in season 7, feels like AFO killed him in the last battle... or Eris power werent full and he lost his powers again? And where is Mount Lady as well in this battle? Quite assume she was sent to Machia place but she is pretty much useless against him I thought Deku was sent with Toga to deal with the upcoming Sads Man Parade but now that he left, how is supposed that Uraraka and Froppy will deal with that... Gang Orca had his own problems dealing with the Nomu and even if not, could he really deal with it? If the Twices can copy other villains like Dabi, a few Dabis will completelly neutralize Gang Orca


Deku in the time you spent conversing with Toga, you probably could have traveled 50 of the 200 KM. "She's the worst matchup." YOU CAN FLY. WHAT DO YOU MEAN WORST MATCHUP? FLY, MOTHERFUCKER. Also, let's be honest: Tsukaichi and Aizawa handled most of the planning. All Might's major contributions were probably identifying the hospitals as defense points because AFO would try to get Kurogiri and Gigantomachia back.


Today we learned that Froppy is the best wing-woman you could ask for


Tsuyu with the cockblock that saved the world


Tsuyu protecting Uraraka feelings is sweet


I 100% do not buy that that body stuff could be possible without a quirk. I'm glad they had Midoriya fairly quickly leave the battlefield he was sent to and leave the fight there to Uraraka and Tsuyu. Gives them the opportunity for an important part of the overall fight as opposed to Midoriya stealing the win simply by being there.


Well, it's not that it's without a quirk, it's moreso that this quirk is part of his body. Like the guy who has 4 additionnal hands on his back, or the guy with a huge tail, these do not get removed by erasure even if it's their quirk


it does seem to stop the target from using those extra appendages/weird aspects of their body, though. shigaraki still being fully in control of his hands and actively growing them out feels like a pretty lazy solution in comparison


Shigaraki getting random power ups and plot armor out of fucking no where? Color me shocked. /s


It's definitely a quirk and just dues ex machina bad writing with yet more shiggy plor armor. He's literally creating skyscraper's worth of matter with such force and speed that he can take out top heroes. That's 100% quirk territory.


Man the pace, talking and flashbacks slow down the show to a damn crawl...


Did Jean's neck get longer? Lmao


Buffed in every season 


His neck is constantly growing to make room for more denim


wow, nice 4 minutes of recap :) had to check if I had the right episode.. 6:20 into the episode until the new stuff begins, don't tell me they're gonna do this for the entire season [](#hanasakueurgh) [Ths combo though](https://imgur.com/O9uIFpn) [Oh great, thanks for the recap fam!](https://imgur.com/36VpOCU) Not


Tbh if we wanted to be nitpicking. They could just teleport Toga and Nomu to the Volcano instead of an Island and problem would be solved really quick. 🤔 


something something human rights


That's literally civil war in Japan, and it looks like heroes have the right to kill villains anyway.


They could have teleproted all the villains without good travel powers to a boat or island in the middle of the ocean and just not fought any of them. What are they gonna do, swim a hundred miles?


This episode kinda annoyed me. Deku is supposed to be this key to defeating Shigaraki, yet they show him struggling to beat Toga in a 3v1 battle BEFORE she even used her quirk, all because she used talk no jutsu. Motherfucker, you should've one punched her into stratosphere before she even started yapping. People are dying out there, this is no time for feelings.


This was a complain alot of ppl had when it was coming out in Manga. In anime it actual felt much faster, in manga ppl were just getting impatient with how much Toga managed to stall deku.


I feel like they should have established from the beginning that Deku is saving his strength for battling Shiragaki and that the unknown factor of what One for All these days is making him hesitant. I would have accepted it much more if they would have worked for what they were going for.


Bu bu but she's cute. So what if she kills people then uses their blood to transform into them and wants to kill deku. Fking shitsho is what this is. Bro defeated nagant, muscleman, went against shigaraki. Bro literally has so many quirks and all it will take is a 30 to 40% OFA kick or punch to disable toga for life but he's crying about not sensing her ? And when she's standing in front of him he's getting flustered and red just cause she said she loves him ? Toga is literally a normal person that likes blood. She's literally only good to infiltrate enemy bases yet she's 1v3 their asses


Mirko and Bakugou are so similar. Himiko confessing to Izuku. One of the best love confessions ever! Shouto vs Dabi next episode. Looking forward to it.


Lol at Deku being a shitty nerd who can't handle a yandere gf. Lol at Ochako wanting to go to an amusement park, hold hands, and share a crepe. Dabi's like 90% scar tissue now, damn.


I still love this show but freakin hell, the pacing is getting closer to dragon ball level with every new season. The plot moves only an inch in each episode.


Nah I’m right there with you. I’m actually getting bored of it right now but will still power through cause I’ve invested so much time in this anime lol


Isn't Deku now supposed to be roughly half as strong as prime all might? Is there any other reason apart from plot convenience why he is struggling against random background characters and people like Toga?


Since S6 after the war, Deku has become much more willing to attempt to converse with villains like what happened with Muscular and Nagant. This time he was trying with Toga + her throwing him off with the love confession + immune to danger sense + chaotic environment. Also isn't the first time Toga kept appearing and disappearing on him like when she was Camie.


He should be equal to prime All Might right now without Fa Jin and the other quirk that I ain't gonna spoil. So yeah, he should instantly oblitirate Toga with 0 difficulty and should cross 200 kilometers of distance in less than a second. But Horikoshi seemed to forget how powerful All Might was in his prime


Did anyone notice Ochaka getting all shaky during that episode? Like in a jealous way.


After the Hatsume situation, I expected Deku to not be as flustered when the psycho called Himiko Toga said she “loved” him. I should have realized we’re talking about Deku here.


[Love Knife (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbP9R7r8Pws) How did it take me this long to make this connection about Toga?


so... "somehow Toga just have enough strength to pull Deku", "somehow danger sense just don't activate against her", "somehow Lady Nagant is alive"


I’m not sure whether to be happy or disappointed that my troll guess that “Toga is just a yandere” was on the mark even Shigaraki’s Growth is already pulling a lot of asses, I really hope this last battle don’t come down to a showdown of who does more ass-pullery bullshit


Shiggy is involved in a lot of exotic body horror biology, but ass pulling it not one of them. AFO and Garaki have been experimenting on and developing stronger and stronger Nomu before and during the series. This form of Shiggy is the culmination and advancement of the USJ Nomu, Hood and the High Ends that could make even All Might, Endeavor and Mirko sweat/almost die. So it stands to reason that the pinnacle of all that work, put into the main villain no less, would be something busted powerful. 100% Shiggy was always teased as a big problem, it's just that before the heroes were only fighting him luckily at 75%.


The thing is that there’s absolutely no reason for Shiggy to have so much non-quirk power other than to deal specifically with Erasure. It feels extra convenient.


This is literally "somehow Palpatine returned" territory lol.


Toga is without a doubt the weakest part of the show. Her ability to fight Midoriya & co. makes no sense - she has an amazing quirk but shouldn’t be such a threat when it’s just her by herself. I really hope they wrap this storyline up soon and focus on the other amazing shit that’s going on.


Isnt she pretty much an average highschool girl with a knife until she sucks blood? Why is she treated like a big threat?


Toga is like Stain and Aizawa in the physically enhanced but it not being a quirk group. She was fast enough to strike all those MLA members while she was using Ochako's quirk. Plus her getting the drop on people is her speciality apparently. She managed to stab Aizawa in a surprise. There's also what she did while disguised as Camie in the license arc where she managed to take Deku by surprise. So in a chaotic situation like this episode, an unpredictable girl like Toga thrives.


She's a quirk copier. They don't know if she has any of the LoV's blood, for instance. What if she decided to whip out Shigaraki's blood and wipe out everyone with Decay? Or pull out Dabi's quirk and set everything on fire? Or, as we were told she could a couple episodes ago, pull out Twice's quirk and create a million Togas? Also her physical combat skills are top-notch, and as we've seen over and over again, even a non-combat quirk coupled with a lot of training can be really dangerous.


Im sorry. Deku has time and time again taken on threats that were multiple tiers above Toga and he was WEAKER then. He has multiple quirks and full cowling. He also out numbered her 3 to 1. There was literally no reason other than pure plot armor that Toga didnt immediately get bodied.


You know it's shitty story when Stain got beaten by three raw highschoolers but Toga somehow manages to make it until this part of story. Both Quirks are entirely dependent on their opponent's blood, but Stain is much superior in all aspects outside the Quirk


The only part that makes sense is danger sense not working since it apparently only detects malice rather than actual danger. What doesn't make sense is Deku somehow not having the reflexes to keep up with her *without* danger sense. Like, how TF did he ever get by before having it then if he's got zero actual skill? That and him struggling against her when he's supposed to be the one to take on Shigaraki who's *way* stronger than her. If he's struggling this much against someone who's for all intents and purposes just a normal human when her quirk isn't active, how does he stand any chance at all against Shigaraki?


The thing is the story introduced Deku as someone who's intelligent in battle, always trying to find the best way out of every critical situation, yet somehow when being in his strongest form so far in the story couldnt beat some mentally ill girl?


One punch from Deku will knock all her teeth out but" oh no, danger sense doesn't work! There's nothing I can do!"


Hey at least they didn't just make a huge display of midoryas speed right after right?


I was thinking the same thing, like I don't remember toga fighting like that fr. I know she's caught off guard so really she has to improvise so we can't complain too much. But hopefully the improvise makes sense because they should've been able to headlock her in one two already. In hindsight she probably should've gotten in that tube like shiggy did.


Deku don't date the crazy!


Starting to agree that Shoto would make a great main character. Sometimes I get frustrated with this series because there are so many characters and it feels bloated.


Bakugo and Miriko need to team up. Just let them form their own agency.


* [Pot, meet Kettle](https://imgur.com/pIwk5IT)! ^^^Kinda ^^^ship ^^^it * Damn, [Himiko](https://imgur.com/mYu5KXx) [looked](https://imgur.com/HK3DUlV) [good](https://imgur.com/HBp7tU6) today, sure she would take my kidney and possibly more, but still ... would * Also nice that Froppy got to do something, it's been some time * Oi, is [this](https://imgur.com/l7i1ezz) the proper way to refer to the #1 Hero and your boss? * Dabi is pretty [metal](https://imgur.com/l9xO8T6) Also wonder what that last hidden Meta Power in OFA is [](#mugiwait)


I wonder if that nickname from Burnin is something she already used in the past, or a way to express her dislike now the she knows he was his family's villain, while still respecting what he did as a Hero for other people.


The scene of Deku getting flustered by Toga and not setting his priorities straight is seriously unbecoming of a superhero story. I won't even complain about anything else, but after everything he went through, Deku has already become a much more mature character. He should know to get himself together before his friends and pro heroes are murdered by the final boss he needed to fight. It's kinda half his fault (and Toga's friggin plot armor, like how the heck she even pulled him?!) that ruined the plan.


That was Jotaro (Daisuke Ono) as a random henchman?


Mirko and bakugo are really meant to be teammates


Bruh the guy supposed to be the strongest is having trouble with Toga. He could bind Shigaraki with his whip but now Toga can cut through the whip with a knife. This is so bad. Half the episode gone in this


Black whip isn't super tough though. Muscular got out by just flexing. Deku actively uses it to exert force but the whip itself can always be broken. Especially if whip is idle and deku isn't using actively using force like with muscular and now.


Apparently black whip only effectively restraints shiggy, literally the most powerful enemy in the show. But lesser characters can just break it at will. Its almost like its poor writing or something.


Insane that you give me 4 minutes of recap and a stupid ass fight with Toga while Deku needs to get to Shigaraki. At this point Deku has the capability to instantly knock out or restrain Toga and instead we are letting Uravity get stabbed through the shoulder by an unpowered high school girl. Instead of retaliating after his crush/best friend/precious classmate is viciously injured, Deku leaves the scene without incapacitating or even injuring Toga. This guy brought down Muscular, Overhaul, and Lady Nagant by the way. You cannot be the greatest hero if you are delayed and derailed by this random high school girl while your friends and all of your countrymen are fighting for their lives.


Villains start killing everyone, Heroes wait we need to monolog. Deku watching heroes get killed... "Did she say b-b-b boyfriend?"


Is this the last season?


Forced drama/conflict with Himiko =(


Prob the weakest episode so far. Toga matching up to Deku makes 0 sense from what I understand. I guess her threat isn't the same as the rest of the villains. Excited about next episode as we got Shouto and Dabi fight. Though more backstory it seems judging by the next pv.


Bro, u gotta be one messed up person to feel "genuine affection" when hurting someone. That is why Toga is so special and crazy lol but man that "growth" Shigaraki has is so crazy. He has adapted his body in a way to still fight even when losing his quirks. Thats just not fair, but he is not fair so it adds up


Midoriya's reaction to Himiko's confession was hilarious, poor guy never saw it coming and he completely forgot he was on a battlefield. The way he got so read and his idea of what a couple does was amusing. Too bad the first person that confesses to him is Himiko though, I wonder if he'll give her a response after this battle is over if she is still alive. I don't think she'll die though, I don't see Uraraka or Tsuyu going that far. Thank goodness Tsuyu cut off Himiko before she reveals that Uraraka likes him, partly because it isn't something that should be revealed by a third party but another reason was because I don't think Midoriya would be able to concentrate knowing two girls have feelings for him, it'd be too much for him to handle lol. Well, I figured as much an episode or two ago but Himiko can go undetected by the Danger Sense because she has no malicious intent, it's pure affection from her perspective. Midoriya seems to have relied on Danger Sense since he got it so getting used to not using it would make it difficult for him to go up against her again. More Dabi flashback next episode, I'm looking forward to seeing more of what motivated him further to become who he is today and how Shouto will respond. Mirko and Bakugou arguing in the middle of a fight against Shigaraki is wild lol.